It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 472: With the truth in hand, all living beings are equal, the second phase of Marvel’s plan

Chapter 472: With the truth in hand, all living beings are equal, the second phase of Marvel’s plan is about to start! The referee also left the game?
As the box office of "Transformers 3" and "The Founding of the Party" continued to rise, Chen Fei temporarily withdrew his attention and focused his attention on other projects.

It has been two months since the "Pacific Rim" project was launched.

The preparation team of hundreds of people has already done all the preparations before the start of filming, and the actors, directors, cameramen, etc. are all in place.

A grand opening ceremony was successfully held in Los Angeles.

Several domestic employers sent representatives.

Unlike China Film and Shanghai Film, Wanda attached great importance to this project, and Ye Ning once again chose to follow up personally.

Also accompanying him was Lu Zheng, who appeared as Jing Tian’s agent.

He will even accompany you throughout the rest of the shoot!
Wu Jing, Jing Tian, ​​and Guo Fan are the representatives of the Chinese main creatives, and they stood at the forefront at the opening ceremony.

Many actors came from Feiyinghuang Agency and Beijing Film Studio, but most of them would only appear as backdrops.

However, even though it was a backdrop, everyone still had bright smiles on their faces.

Not just anyone can be the backdrop for a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster.

Artists from Huayi, Chengtian, and Xingmei, they don't even have the opportunity to be on the background!

Chen Fei delivered a speech as a producer and screenwriter: "I hope you can get along happily in the future cooperation.

Since we are gathered here, I think everyone is here for fame and fortune, not to cause conflicts.

Make this movie and you can get everything you want, but if anyone dares to screw it up, I guarantee it will not survive in Hollywood!

If you don’t want to go to the Sacred Valley to film late-night movies, then work hard, I believe your potential is endless..."

Carrots and sticks flew together, quickly suppressing the little thoughts of some people.

This is Lucas and Walt's project. Facing this company that is likely to become the seventh largest film and television production company in Hollywood, no one dares to act recklessly on the set.

As Chen Fei stepped down, George Lucas took the microphone and briefly stated the shooting plan.

Everyone in the audience listened very seriously, after all, this was related to their schedule for the next four months.

Only Jing Tian's eyes drifted towards Chen Fei unconsciously.

The speech just now made her admire her very much. This is the attitude of a top international director!
She actually enjoys Chen Fei's training because it will rapidly improve her acting skills.

However, Chen Fei will only appear as a producer and may not even appear again in the subsequent filming, which makes Jing Tian feel a little regretful for no reason.

"Take care of this silly girl. Don't conflict with those foreigners. If you have any questions, go directly to the producer. He is mine..."

Before leaving the crew, Chen Fei specially said hello to Wu Jing and asked him to help look after Dian Jingtian.

After all, this is a foreign country, and the public security is completely different from that at home!

Actresses are the most vulnerable group to be targeted.

"it is good."

Wu Jing responded, deeply convinced.

There are too many people here who hold the "truth" in their hands. If there is a conflict, they are likely to take out the "equalizer of all living beings".

Although the probability of this happening is extremely low, it is not impossible.

"Excuse me, Teacher Wu."

Jing Tian smiled sweetly at the side. Although he was thanking Wu Jing, he never took his eyes away from Chen Fei.

The domestic media has paid a lot of attention to this co-production project. Not long after the opening ceremony in North America ended, major portals, news websites, and film and television information networks in the mainland released the latest reports.

"It is reported that "Pacific Rim" has officially launched in North America on July 7."

"The filming will include domestic and foreign filming, and Chinese actors will occupy a lot of scenes."

"Director Chen Fei attended the opening ceremony in person and spoke domineeringly, setting the tone for the filming as a producer."


After leaving the crew of "Pacific Rim", Chen Fei once again began to work "around."

He first went to visit the crew of "Silver Linings Playbook" and learned about the filming progress.

Woody Allen gave him an accurate time: "The movie will be completed in August."

"Ok." Chen Fei nodded and looked at his eldest cousin: "Jennifer, after this is over, you need to take over the filming of "The Hunger Games 2", is that okay?"

"No problem!"

The eldest cousin made an "OK" gesture, looking confident.

The release cycle of "Fast and Furious 5" is almost over, with a box office of US$2.09 million in North America and a total global box office of US$6.61 million.

Universal Pictures has confirmed that the sixth film will be released, but the time will be postponed to 2013 because the script has not yet been written.

James Wan is already following up on the preparations for "The Hunger Games 2" at the moment, and it won't be long before it's over, just waiting for the starring roles to be in place.

After leaving the crew, Chen Fei went to Industrial Light and Magic to follow up on the post-production progress of "Avengers".

"At present, only the rendering work of the last decisive battle is left. It is expected to take 2 months. This will be the most difficult period of all work..."

The person in charge talked freely and introduced to him the next work plan and the results of the past few months in detail.

Chen Fei specially selected a few clips and looked at them. The results were very good and he was very satisfied.

The post-production of "Gravity" has ended, and DotKey Digital is conducting final rendering and inspection of the finished film, which is expected to be completed by the end of July.

At that time, after the submission is approved, large batches of imprinted negatives can be prepared.

After leaving Industrial Light and Magic, he went to visit the crews of "Game of Thrones" and "Spartacus" to learn about their work progress.

With the success of the first season of "Shameless", they are not to be outdone, shouting that they will take down the former!

After going around in circles, Chen Fei finally returned to Marvel.

With the release of "Iron Man 1", "The Incredible Hulk", "Iron Man 2", "Thor", "Captain America: The First Avenger", and "Avengers 1" is about to hit theaters at the end of the year line, Marvel's first phase plan also officially announced that it is coming to an end.

And then, it was suddenly time to start the second phase of the plan.

"Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man."

Chen Fei placed six scripts on the table in the conference room, causing many people in the conference room to exclaim.

Facts have proven that the first phase of Marvel’s plan has been a huge success!
The total box office revenue was 35 billion US dollars, which was an achievement that no one could have imagined in the past.

Although it is not yet possible to predict the results of "Avengers 1", with so many superheroes assembled, the box office should not be less than 10 billion US dollars.

That’s already $45 billion!

And now, the second phase of the plan is about to start, which is obviously aimed at tens of billions of box office.

Kevin Feige stood up and took the six scripts in front of him. While flipping through them, he asked, "Which one should I start first?"

Chen Fei said concisely: "Iron Man 3."

Among all superheroes, Iron Man is the most popular.

In order to get the second phase of the plan off to a good start, and also to fit in with the timeline, Iron Man must be the first to appear.

Kevin Feige sorted out the script and put it all away: "I will make a schedule and send it to your email when the time comes."

"it is good."

Chen Fei nodded, feeling quite pleased.

Having a qualified CEO is very beneficial to the company's future development.

Just like Kevin Feige.

As long as he is given enough permissions, he will be able to unleash endless potential and bring Chen Fei many unexpected surprises!

After leaving Marvel, Chen Fei found Catherine again.

"Fei, do you want to help us promote the movie?"

Chen Fei shrugged and said, "I'm also a screenwriter after all. Although I can't help you much, I can still help a little with the publicity here in Los Angeles."

Catherine was amazed: "Oh! You are really a responsible screenwriter and producer!"

"Ha ha!"

Andy Serkis, who was standing nearby, couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter.

Chen Fei turned around, hammered his chest, and joked: "Andy, I heard that you are now known as the 'No. 1 motion capture person in Hollywood'? This is really good news."

"Fei, I owe all of this to you. I want to be grateful to you as I am to God."

Andy Serkis thanked him seriously. If it weren't for the "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" series, he might have to return to stage plays.

Chen Fei was of great help to him, not only letting him serve as the well-deserved male protagonist in the entire "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" series, but also helping him introduce many jobs.

For example, "The Adventures of Tintin" will be released in November this year.

In this 1.3D animated film with an investment cost of US$3 million, Andy Serkis not only plays the role of "Captain", but also serves as the "performance capture director".

What amazed him was that even the famous director Steven Spielberg had to listen to his advice humbly during filming.

This huge sense of accomplishment made him feel very satisfied!

And to his surprise, because he won consecutive Saturn Awards, he was hired by MGM Pictures at a high price to participate in the filming of "The Hobbit" as an assistant director, responsible for directing the motion capture aspects. Performance.

The career is booming and everything is moving towards a better future.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Fei is the most important guide on his road to success!

Chen Fei smiled at him and suddenly invited him: "By the way, my new movie is about to start preparations. How about you come and help play a role then?"

Andy Serkis nodded without hesitation: "Ok, I'm very happy to oblige."

At this time, Woody Harrelson, who had been standing nearby for a long time without being able to say anything, suddenly asked cautiously: "Fei? Do you have any plans for a new film?"

He played a "villain human colonel" in "War for the Planet of the Apes" and also had wonderful roles in movies such as "The Hunger Games" and "Now Now".

This middle-aged man who has been nominated for two Oscars for Best Supporting Actor has suddenly become an actor who specializes in playing villains.

"That's right." Chen Fei nodded and responded.

Woody Harrelson quickly asked: "What is the subject matter? Is there a role suitable for me?"

"It's still the science fiction genre that I'm good at."

Chen Fei did not reveal too much. He has just prepared to start the movie recently and does not want too many people to know about it yet.

The most important thing is that this film requires a huge amount of money and time to prepare.

In order to make the film present a better visual effect, he needed at least 30000 acres of corn fields, and also had to create movable spaceships and robots, as well as various sandstorms and space scenes...

The time spent on preparation alone will take at least half a year!
In other words, when the movie officially starts shooting, it will not be until after the Spring Festival next year at the earliest.

In comparison, the selection of actors is only the most ordinary part of it.

During such a long preparation period, he had plenty of time to slowly select suitable actors, and there was no need to rush to start auditions in advance.

Chen Fei looked at Woody Harrelson, thought for a while and then made a promise: "I will send you an audition invitation letter after the role list is finalized, but I need you to keep this plan secret for me first."

He doesn't want to be disturbed by too many people, so hiding the message is undoubtedly the best choice.

Woody Harrelson nodded quickly, then raised his hand to pull the zipper around his mouth: "Fei, don't worry, my mouth will be tighter than the zipper!"

Andy Serkis and Catherine on the side also said they would not leak the news.

Chen Fei nodded slightly towards a few people: "Let's go, the event has begun."


At the same time, while Chen Fei was helping to promote "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame," domestically, "Martial Arts" directed by Chen Kexin and starring Donnie Yen, Jin Chengwu, and Tang Wei was also officially launched in the mainland Cinema.

There is a lot of news on the Internet about the premiere of "Martial Arts".

An investment of 1.4 million means that it will take at least 3 million at the box office to recover the cost.

When interviewed by reporters, Chen Kexin looked confident: "Even if we can't catch up with "Painted Skin 2", we are still confident to compete with "Earthquake" released last year!
The minimum is 6 million, and the rush is 7 million. This is our goal..."

Feng Xiaogang and "The Great Earthquake" were pulled out again, and it seemed that everyone wanted to stand on his head and urinate.

That 6.9 million box office has become a hurdle that many people want to try to overcome!
Donnie Yen kept a much lower profile this time. When participating in promotional activities, he only answered questions about "Martial Arts" and never mentioned "Guan Yunchang".

At this time, when "The Founding of the Party" is in theaters, the latter's film schedule is inevitably affected.

After the promotional activities in Los Angeles ended, Chen Fei saw the first-day box office of "Martial Arts" online.

1500 million!
Let alone chasing "Painted Skin 2", it is still a long way from "Earthquake".

What Chen Kexin said at the premiere was obviously a joke.

To achieve a guaranteed minimum of 6 million, the first-day box office must not be less than 4000 million, and this result of "Martial Arts" is obviously unqualified.

At the same time, along with the first-day box office of "Martial Arts", there was also the fourth-day box office of "The Founding of the Party".

2760 million!
Obviously, more and more "unit personnel" are beginning to enter the market forcefully.

"Martial Arts" is simply incomparable!

Chen Fei specially logged into Douban and looked through netizens' comments on Chen Kexin's new movie.

"It's still the same old routine, it's still the same vulgar recipe, nothing new at all."

"We have 'Wu', but what about 'Xia'? Wang Yu's character is too cliche, and the plot is a mess. The existence of the villain seems to be born for the villain, without any foreshadowing. At the end Appeared unexpectedly, I was really drunk..."

"It's half commercial and half literary. We don't know what it's about, but it makes me dizzy."

"I swear! I will never watch a movie directed by Xiang Jiang in the future. It's really a trick!"

"What kind of ingenious work are you talking about when promoting it? I think it's just a big pot of paste, martial arts, chivalry, detective... I don't know what exactly you want to express?"

You don't even have to guess, you know that this movie with an investment of 1.4 million will definitely not be able to make back its money.

The box office on the first day was only 1500 million, and there were a lot of bad reviews online. The box office on the second day was definitely cut in half!

Just as Chen Fei expected, by the second day, the box office of "Martial Arts" was only 1100 million, and on the third day it dropped directly to less than million!
Ning Hao called, with some emotion in his tone: "Xiangjiang Film is completely ruined."

Chen Fei commented unceremoniously: "He, Chen Kexin, is not made for commercial films. If my guess is correct, this film is for him to make money."

"Huh? What you said makes sense." Ning Hao suddenly seemed to think of something, with a hint of doubt in his tone: "There are no special effects in this movie, how did the cost of 1.4 million be spent? "

He also attended the premiere day, and it was obvious that the film's "conformity" was very crude, and there was nothing fancy about the location.

So good...where did all the money go?


On July 7, "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" held a grand premiere in North America.

As the final film in the War for the Planet of the Apes series, fans have high expectations.

The premiere was a great success, with almost unanimous praise from all media and film critics!

On the 12th, Chen Fei led Catherine and other creative members of "War for the Planet of the Apes" back to China, and a premiere event was also held in the capital.

The movie will be released simultaneously around the world, and Europe, America and Asia are undoubtedly its largest ticket markets.

At the event, almost all the domestic first-line celebrities, artists, producers, film and television company executives, etc. were present.

After entering the venue, Chen Fei immediately approached Han Sanping.

"In a few days, "Transformers 3" will also have its premiere here in the mainland. The release of two Hollywood blockbusters in succession will definitely have a great impact on the movies in the mainland. "The Founding of the Party" will probably bear the brunt..."

The reason why Chen Fei mentioned this matter to him was because he wanted China Film to stop bragging.

We shout slogans every day that we want to surpass "Earthquake", but now it has been released for almost half a month and only has a box office of 3.7 million.

There are only 20 days left for the follow-up release period, and there are Hollywood blockbusters suppressing it. How easy is it to make up 3.3 million?
However, what Chen Fei didn't expect was that Han Sanping behaved calmly and calmly in the face of his advice.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the box office of "The Founding of the Party".

Let me break the news to you first. Early next month, the Film Bureau will issue a document announcing that the screening time of "The Founding of the Party" will be extended to 3 months, and the key period application has also been approved. "

"What? Extend it to 3 months? Damn it? Does it mean it will be screened for a full 90 days?"

Chen Fei was shocked. Ordinary movies only have a one-month screening period, but your movie suddenly has a three-month response period. Isn't this cheating?
Han Sanping nodded and added: "Don't worry, it won't affect "Gravity." Your movie is the top priority this year. The reason for the postponement is actually for those who are busy with work. unit……"

Although Han Sanping's words were just pointed, Chen Fei understood them instantly.

Since we are celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, why don’t we let all the units below go and observe it?

If it is not postponed, how can those in busy units participate?

It will definitely be scolded again for occupying the 90-day release period!
"The Great Earthquake" was postponed for 10 days and was criticized by netizens and colleagues in the industry for a long time, and "The Great Cause of Party Building" was postponed for 60 days!
"You are so cruel!"

Chen Fei silently gave Han Sanping a thumbs up.

The "referee" personally came down to participate in the competition. It would be strange that this horse can't win!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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