It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 473 Stealing the box office? If you offend the 'mountain eagle', you've hit a

Chapter 473 Stealing the box office? If you offend the 'mountain eagle', you've hit a brick wall!
News about the premiere of "War for the Planet of the Apes" has spread overwhelmingly on major websites, and movie ticket pre-sales have also begun.

The box office of several outside movies has inevitably fluctuated.

"Snowflake and the Secret Fan" was released ahead of schedule with a box office of 4500 million, and the daily box office of "God of Wealth Inn" dropped to 200 million, and the number of films in the lineup ushered in a sharp drop.

The downward trend in the box office of "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" is not obvious, and it "easily" exceeded 4 million.

Although "Far Cry", which was released on July 7, was not very popular, because of the heroine Yang Mi, the box office in the first week still reached 8 million.

Judging from the box office growth trend, it should be no problem to exceed 100 million.

Chen Fei noticed that someone on the Internet was already shouting "Da Mi Mi".

This time, Yang Mi boldly appeared in a swimsuit, attracting a lot of LSP attention.

She almost single-handedly managed the high box office. After all, the main box office revenue of this movie was contributed by male viewers.

Chen Xiaochun's performance in the movie was not outstanding, and his "Young and Dangerous" era has passed.

Because she has to promote a new movie, Yang Mi inevitably starts acting again.

But this time, even if she left the crew, no matter how hard Jiang Yiyan tried, she could not seize her highlight role.

Although the director has the final say on how to arrange the scenes, he also has to listen to the investors.

Wang Changtian has reached an agreement with Yang Mi, so naturally he will not allow a supporting actor to casually steal the heroine's scene.

Although Chen Jiashang received a lot of benefits from Jiang Yiyan, he did not dare to disobey the investor's father's wishes at will.

The Hong Kong film industry has become increasingly difficult to get involved in. Many people are looking for opportunities in the north, and he is one of them.

It took a lot of effort to establish a relationship with Wang Changtian. If there are problems in the cooperation between the two parties due to the change of the play, then not a single star will be lost!
What is unexpected is that the box office of "Martial Arts", which had a poor reputation, actually experienced a reverse decline!

On the 14th, the day "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" was released in mainland theaters, the total box office of "Martial Arts" officially exceeded the 3 million mark.

Reputation plummeted! Box office boom?
Many people in the industry have already guessed the inside story.

It seems to be exactly the same as the previously released "The Orphan of Zhao"?
When Chen Fei was browsing film and television information websites, he often saw people asking, why did this crude martial arts movie cost so much money to produce?
If someone is curious, then someone will definitely look for the answer.


On the 15th, the first-day box office of "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" was released.

9700 million!
In an instant, the circle was boiling!
Yang Mi was sitting in the nanny's car, looking at the online reports, and sighed repeatedly: "As expected of a Hollywood blockbuster, it's so powerful, it almost broke 100 million."

Zeng Jia sat on the other side, but his attention was focused on the box office data of "Far Cry".

"Mi Mi, our movie's box office has been cut in half..."

Yang Mi was already used to it. She shrugged and responded with an indifferent expression: "It's normal. There are science fiction blockbusters to watch. Who would watch such a horror thriller?"

"Then what do we do now?"

"After today's event, we will continue to shoot "Famous Four". There is no point in continuing to promote it. There is also "Transformers 3" behind it, which we can't compete with."

While talking, Yang Mi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly added: "By the way, after the filming of "Four Famous 1" is completed, Guangguang will immediately announce the start of the filming plan for the second part. You can find several media to help me promote it. For a moment, I’m still the female lead.”

Zeng Jia's eyes lit up: "Have the talks been concluded?"

"Yes, it's all settled."

Yang Mi responded softly, thoughts racing in her heart.

Feiyinghuang Agency is indeed very good, but the competition is too great!
The water flows to the lower places, and the people go to the higher places.

She wanted to go faster now.

Liu Shishi is no longer worthy of being her opponent, and she is now even bold enough to set her sights on Liu Yifei.

That is her competition!

1.36 million, 1.23 million...

On the 17th, "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" hit the box office in the first three days of its first weekend!

3.56 billion RMB!

Han Sanping looked at this data and her lips twitched.

"The Founding of the Party" barely reached 4.5 million after being released for more than half a month. Looking back at other Hollywood blockbusters, it only took three days to achieve the result that the former took a week!

There will be a more popular "Transformers 3" later...

"Thanks to the extension policy, otherwise I might not even be able to break through 5 million. If it's too bad, I won't be able to explain it to my superiors!"

Han Sanping murmured softly, relatively calm.

There are still more than 70 days of release period, so it should be about the same.

But soon he couldn't sit still anymore!
In the afternoon of that day, a lot of news suddenly appeared on the Internet that "The Founding of the Party" and "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" stole the box office, pointing directly at China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, and Pan Asia Cinemas.

Many netizens posted a bunch of photos of movie ticket stubs.

Without exception, these are movie tickets for "The Founding of the Party" and "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame," but the names have been crossed out and changed to "Martial Arts"!
Coincidentally, Xingmei and the cast of "Martial Arts" started to speak out online almost immediately.

"As a theater chain, it is your duty to abide by your responsibilities. The fact of 'stealing box office' is really disgraceful!"

"No wonder the box office of "Martial Arts" has been difficult to increase. If this is the case, how can Hong Kong movies survive in the mainland?"

""Martial Arts" did not lose to the villain, but lost to the theater. It is really regrettable..."

Chen Kexin has such a vicious mouth, and what she means in her words is that companies led by China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, and Pan Asia are bullying Xiangjiang Film and "Martial Arts"...

Judging from the trend of public opinion fermentation, it seems that he wants to unite with the Hong Kong film industry to force the mainland and give "Martial Arts" "justice"!
As for where this "justice" comes from, only he knows best.

Many Hong Kong directors have chosen to support Chen Kexin.

Especially Wu Yu, this old guy has the highest jump!
The media in Xiangjiang did not take it too seriously and rushed to report on it.

"There are frequent incidents of 'box office theft' in mainland theaters, which is shameful!"

"The means are despicable and have no lower limit..."

"You shout welcome, but secretly you wave a stick. Why is this?"

Interestingly, the media that were still calling for "independence" before suddenly changed their attitude and said that the mainland was forcing them to be "independent"...

For a time, the Internet became increasingly chaotic. The box office of the movie "Martial Arts" actually experienced a surge!
Taking advantage of the premiere of "Transformers 3" in the capital, Chen Fei called Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, and Ye Ning into a small conference room.

"First of all, I have to make it clear that Pan-Asia Cinemas will not steal any box office, and we don't need to steal."

Chen Fei's expression remained as usual, and he actually already had the answer in his heart.

In his opinion, this is nothing more than a kind of hype and marketing for "Martial Arts" by Xing Mei and Chen Kexin.

But, they went too far!
As film producers, they never thought about the consequences of offending the theaters.

"Wanda will not be in this situation. We want to develop outward. Filming and screening in accordance with regulations are the most basic operations."

Ye Ning's expression was gloomy. The public opinion on the Internet had even affected Wanda's stock. The superiors had given him an order to deal with it as soon as possible.

Ren Zhonglun crossed his legs and sneered: "There is no need to analyze this. I know best what is going on in Hong Kong."

The three of them looked at each other and looked at Han Sanping in unison.

With Big Brother here, there is no need for them to go out and explain this matter, and it is not necessary.

It would be fine if this was a slap in the face to a certain company alone, but they were stupid enough to bring China Film and "The Founding of the Party" together. This is just a slap in the face of "a mountain eagle"!

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it, I will handle this matter."

Han Sanping turned around and walked out, not even attending the "Transformers 3" premiere reception.

The next day, China Film directly held a press conference. Also present at the meeting were representatives from several other theaters and regulators from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

"Regarding the recent online box office theft incident, the General Administration attaches great importance to it and specially dispatched supervisory personnel to investigate. If a certain theater chain really steals the box office, then we will definitely crack down severely..."

Things got big in an instant!

Even though Mr. San is smiling all day long, how can he be a soft persimmon if he can sit in this position?

While the regulatory authorities were launching an investigation, a post suddenly appeared on the Internet, completely exposing Chen Kexin's ugly face!
"What the hell? A straw hat and riding a horse need to be customized? And it costs 6000 US dollars? Is it made of gold thread?"

Ning Hao walked into Chen Fei's office holding a laptop, his face full of surprise!
He originally thought that buying a gold chain was enough to show off, but he didn't expect that a straw hat used as a prop during filming was actually worth 6000 US dollars!

Chen Fei took the computer and looked at it with a slight curiosity. It turns out that this straw hat not only costs up to 6000 US dollars to customize, but is even equipped with a special safe and security personnel to guard it 24 hours a day.

And each wash and maintenance costs hundreds of dollars!

Looking at the comments below, netizens are already in a quarrel.

"Damn it, what kind of money is it? Is it so difficult to wash it?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, as expected of Mr. Jia, what a wonderful move!"

"Hey, I have an identical hat at home. I bought it from a street stall for almost eight yuan. Did I find a treasure?"

"I have one too. My grandpa is the best at knitting straw hats. Who wants to use them? No $6000 is required. You can take the 300 yuan."

"It is recommended that a strict investigation be carried out! This is too much!"

Chen Fei raised his lips slightly, as expected of the third master, this counterattack came really fast.

You said we "steal box office"? Well, let's call the supervisor directly to investigate.

Now that we suspect you of making false accounts, do you have the guts to cooperate with the regulatory authorities in their investigation?
The incident began to spread, and the Internet became more and more lively.

On the day "Transformers 3" was released, Chen Fei poured a bucket of gasoline directly on the flame that was already burning.

"Director Michael Bay is also here today. You might as well ask him how much the total cost of making props for this movie was?"

Seeing the media below focusing their cameras and microphones on him, Michael Bay subconsciously replied: "The production of mechas costs less than 3000 million US dollars..."

This sentence is enough.

The props cost of a Hollywood blockbuster is no more than 3000 million US dollars, but you spent 6000 US dollars on this straw hat. It would be strange if there was no ghost in it!

Others may not dare to speak out because of face.

But Michael Bay is from Hollywood. He doesn't care about Chen Kexin and Xing Mei. He only recognizes Chen Fei.

The General Administration took this matter very seriously and issued an announcement the next day.

"According to the investigation, the 'box office stealing' incident did occur, but it was not "The Founding of the Party" and "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame," but "Martial Arts"!
Here, penalty notices will be issued to several theater chains that violate regulations and huge fines will be imposed..."

Chen Fei took a special look at the theaters that had been notified. Without exception, they were all closely related to Xingmei.

"It's not good to offend anyone. I'm going to offend that 'mountain eagle'. Do you really think Zhang Wei's nickname is a joke?"

"Martial Arts" was released early, and after subtracting stolen data, the box office of more than 7500 million was reduced to million.

It is worth mentioning that it was "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" that had its box office stolen!
When the box office on the first day was replenished, it was exactly 1.22 million yuan.

Another Hollywood blockbuster with a box office of over 100 million on its first day has made a stunning debut!
At the same time, the first-day box office results of "Transformers 3" were also released.

4994 million at the midnight screening and 8471 million on the first day of release.

Add the total to 1.34 million!
The record set by "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" was broken within a week.

Looking back at those Chinese-language movies, they seem even more miserable.

The single-day new box office of "God of Wealth Inn" was only 115 million, "Far Cry" was 257 million, and "The Founding of the Party" was 550 million.

It was only after the three-day climax of the first weekend that several Chinese-language films had a chance to breathe.

"Fortunately, "Painted Skin 2" was not released in July, otherwise it would have been very miserable!"

Although Ning Hao is quite confident in his movie, if compared with these Hollywood blockbusters, it would be like lighting a lamp in the toilet - courting death!
Chen Fei smiled and glanced at the invitation letter in his hand: "What? Someone is getting married?"

"No, it's an invitation to the cocktail party, given to you."

With that said, Ning Hao put the invitation letter on the table.

Chen Fei picked it up and took a look, only to see his name clearly written in the invited column, and in the inviter column... Xing Mei.


He threw the invitation into the trash can nearby and pretended he didn't see it.

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?
My own movie is not good, so I still put up the hype.

It's good now, you've hit the iron wall!
Want to sue for peace?
Hehe, I don’t have time to play this kind of house game with you.

"Aren't you going?" Ning Hao glanced at the invitation that was thrown into the trash can, and his eyelids trembled slightly.

"I don't have time." Fade Chen shook his head and looked up at him: "You also received it, right? Why don't you go for a run and help me see if you can have any fun?"

"I won't go. Their methods are too sinister, and I'm afraid of getting hurt."

Ning Hao shook his head quickly and quickly changed the topic: "By the way, I have finished reading the original work of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". What next? Submit the script for review first?"

"Wait a minute, I have to say hello to Director Han. The theme of this script is a bit special. It will be troublesome if those gentlemen get stuck."

The national conditions in China are different from those in Europe and the United States. Ghosts are a taboo topic for many people.


Time came to July 7th in a blink of an eye.

China Film announced the three-day box office results of "Transformers 3" during its first weekend.

4.12 billion!
For a time, many mainland film and television production companies fell silent.

They couldn't even shout out slogans to fight back!
On the other hand, Han Sanping showed a very expectant look.

These two imported films are so powerful, so wouldn't the co-production "Pacific Rim" be even more powerful?

The only thing he regrets is that the movie won't be released until 2012. There is obviously no hope this year.

Several theater chains that violated the rules by 'stealing box office' paid their fines and resumed operations.

Xingmei has also kept a low profile. All the comments previously posted online have been taken down. It is obvious that they are preparing to return after the popularity subsides.

After all, the Internet has no memory...

On the other hand, the popularity of "Martial Arts" and "Straw Hat" has not diminished. Even though Chen Kexin has fled back to Hong Kong, she still cannot escape the whirlpool of public opinion.

Not only the mainland media, but also the media in Hong Kong are looking for him everywhere, trying to dig something out of him.

It's a pity that Chen Kexin is like a turtle with its head shrunk, hiding in the turtle shell and refusing any media interviews.

But his wife Wu Junru is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When she participated in a program, she directly criticized the media interviewing the scene:
"Isn't this a normal thing? Is there anything to pursue?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a sensation inside and outside the circle!
The meaning of this statement is simply too obvious, and it clearly means that Chen Kexin does this kind of thing all the time.

And the pride in her tone was even more outrageous!

In particular, insiders broke the news that after filming "Martial Arts", Chen Kexin secretly bought two villas in the mainland.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Sarcastic, mocking, and contemptuous voices were all over the Internet. Even Donnie Yen and Jin Chengwu were affected and hurriedly returned to Xiangjiang.

"Do you have any other work plans next?"

Donnie Yen's face was gloomy.

He originally wanted to rely on "Martial Arts" to make a comeback, but he never expected that this movie would become the straw that broke the camel's back.


The agent shook his head, but also wanted to cry without tears.

As soon as the incident of "Martial Arts" stealing the box office and causing the movie to be canceled came out, even several previously negotiated endorsement activities were withdrawn by the brand.

"Only "Ip Man 3" is left."

Donnie Yen wiped his face, and now he can only hope that this movie will be released as soon as possible.

He has been preparing to keep a low profile for a while. At least he has to get rid of the bad effects on him first.

Just like Chen Kexin.

The Internet has no memory. When the limelight is over, he will still be the Kung Fu superstar "Donnie Yen"!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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