It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 474: Zhang Xie’s divorce incident exposed? Please forgive me! The unspoken rules in the circ

Chapter 474: Zhang Xie’s divorce incident exposed? Please forgive me! The unspoken rules in the circle, fight! Hit him hard!

Late May.

The opening ceremony of "The Blade of the Assassin 2: Shura Battlefield".

Because the film's opening ceremony was held in the capital, as a screenwriter and producer, Chen Fei naturally chose to be there to support it.

What he never expected was that he actually saw Liu Yifei on the set!

Looking at the girl in ancient costume, Chen Fei was surprised: "Why are you here? Are you in "Blade Master 2"? "

"Hehe, that's right." Liu Yifei held Shu Chang's arm and smiled brightly: "Chang Chang read the script to me, and I really liked the character 'Ding Baiying' in it, so I came."

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at Lu Yang, only to see that the boy's gums were sticking out when he smiled.

Being able to have Liu Yifei as a guest star was sheer luck for the entire crew!
For the movie "Xiu Chun Dao 2", Lu Yang's original box office expectations were only the same as the first film.

But looking at it now, it should be no problem to exceed 2 million or 3 million.

"Guest appearances are so popular?"

"After being the producer, Liu Tianxian likes to be promoted to the role of 'executive producer' and has a guest role."

"Okay, I'll talk to Xuanfa later, and you can take the position of producer by the way."

Looking at the news about Liu Yifei on the Internet, Yang Mi was quite jealous.

Many people even fell into brief memories, as if dreaming back to 06.

Even if she only plays a supporting female character with few lines, the media's attention will still be focused on him!

There is no way, the status difference is too big, they can't even think of resisting at all!
The opening ceremony ended and the shooting of "Xiu Chun Dao 2" officially started.

Although she is the second female lead, she is more popular than anyone else in the cast, which is a very special way of publicity.

Of course, this idea only flashed in Lu Yang's mind for a second. He didn't think that such a low-cost martial arts movie could attract a big shot like Chen Fei to star.

Liu Yifei nodded and didn't care much.

Although it is a guest appearance, the role of "Ding Baiying" still has quite a lot of scenes.


When they saw Liu Yifei wearing a white dress and holding a Qijia knife, the reporters at the scene were stunned.

Reporters rushed over one after another, and the flashlights lit up "click-click-click" for a long time!

"The "Xiu Chun Dao 2: Shura Battlefield", which has been in preparation for a month, was officially launched today. Liu Yifei made a stunning appearance in white clothes and holding a knife!"

At that time, 'Little Dragon Girl' was also wearing white clothes, her delicate face seemed to be carved by nature, and her bright and moving smile amazed countless people!
A reporter curiously asked: "Liu Yifei? Did you also star in this movie?"

At her current stage, she actually doesn't care much about ranking or anything else. Her identity and status in the industry can no longer be judged by simple "ranking".

Other female stars may attach great importance to the status of the first and second female stars, but she is different.

"Liu Yifei plays 'Ding Baiying', the descendant of the Qi family sword, fighting martial arts again!"

She confirmed that the popularity was not so high when she appeared as the heroine of "Four Famous Catchers", so she took the initiative to spend money to find the media to help promote it.

Almost all the words described by the media are about Liu Yifei, and other actors occupy very little space.

That's Liu Yifei!
Her box office appeal is simply terrifying!
Especially in the Chinese film market, if she has a few seconds of scenes in a certain movie, she can at least bring in a box office of 100 million.

Zhang Yi, Lei Jiayin, and Zhang Zhen stood aside, looking at the scene in front of them, with expressions of envy on their faces unconsciously.

Even though all the media's attention was attracted by Liu Yifei, the rest of the people didn't have any dissatisfaction in their hearts.

If Chen Fei could also be brought in as a guest star, it would be worth at least 3 million!

Maybe it's a little unfair to other actors, but it's definitely a huge bonus to the popularity of the entire movie!


The interview session after the opening ceremony confirmed this.

Zeng Jia shrugged aside, no longer surprised.

A simple guest appearance may seem a bit downscale. After all, the cost of this movie is too low. It would be more reasonable to add a "producer" status.

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and a recent hot news on the Internet suddenly popped into her mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of noise on the scene.

[Nortel suddenly drops the college entrance examination admission score! 】

"This is the way this industry is. The more popular you are, the more people will chase you. You can even break all the rules that have been established. But if you are unknown, even if you spend money on publicity, others may not pay attention to you. ”

The press release from the media was spread to all major film and television information websites that afternoon.

If in another crew, a second female lead steals the limelight from the protagonist, she will definitely be targeted.

But it was different on the crew of "Xiu Chun Dao 2".


It is no exaggeration to say that if the box office of this movie does not exceed 2 million after its release, Lu Yang will have to perform a drama of "asking for forgiveness".

The girl nodded slightly: "Yes, the character I play is called 'Ding Baiying'. There are a lot of fighting scenes in it. I hope everyone can support me."

Nortel has experienced another sharp drop in the number of freshmen admitted this year.

Logically speaking, if the admissions process is based on merit, then the admission score should be raised upwards.

But the strange thing is that this year’s admission score has dropped sharply!

At first, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it is normal for schools to adjust their scores.

But when the art test results of Zhou Dongyu, He Xinyi and others were exposed, netizens immediately reacted.

The score line is lowered just for them!
The few art candidates who had been "focused on" almost all passed the test by stepping on the line.

If they continue to follow the original admission score, they won't even be able to get into Nortel, let alone successfully enroll.

"First shoot, then draw the target..."

Yang Mi murmured to herself, and then thought of Liu Yifei's status as the producer of "Your Name" and the supervisor of "Xiu Chun Dao 2".

"It turns out these are the real rules in the circle!"

She had an inexplicable feeling of enlightenment.

She thought she had a thorough understanding before, but looking at it now, it turns out that there are still many unspoken rules hidden deeper.

"It's difficult to get ahead simply as an actor. It seems you have to become a member of the capital."

Yang Mi secretly made up her mind.


Time entered August, and the crew of "Anti-Corruption Storm" set off north to launch a formal publicity campaign.

Because of movies such as "Flower Field" and "Wonderful Heroes", Principal Gu has actually become one of the bywords for "bad movies". Many movie fans do not have high confidence in the quality of the movies he stars in.

But Media Asia is a smart group.

When they launched the mainland promotion campaign, their slogans were "Scripted by Chen Fei", "Produced by Feiyue Films and Media Asia", and "The first anti-corruption film supervised by Director Chen".

Three axes came out at once, which really aroused the curiosity of movie fans.

There is no way, the phrase "Produced by Chen Fei must be a high-quality product" has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Of course, people are obviously more interested in eating melon than watching movies.

After the photo of Zhang Baizhi and Edison Chen on the plane was exposed, many people on the Internet predicted that the young couple Zhang and Xie were probably doomed.

Sure enough, just after August, the two parties issued a joint statement stating that they had reached a divorce agreement a year ago and were currently separated...

Once the news was exposed, it directly dominated the front pages of domestic entertainment and Hong Kong entertainment!
What bullshit "straw hat incident"? In comparison, the "divorce incident" between Zhang and Xie is more interesting!
The two were quite cool and went into hiding after releasing a joint statement.

But the Emperor's side is suffering. In order to deal with the disturbances from the outside world, they hold a press conference almost every day, striving to minimize the impact!
As a witness to the two's "love", Brother Chen Kai was suddenly dragged out by netizens.

"No wonder Director Chen said that this movie can only be understood ten years later. It turns out to be a prophetic film!" "I have to say that "The Promise" is really forward-looking if viewed as a prophetic story. "

"I am looking forward to Director Chen's new movie more and more. I feel that there are actually many metaphors in "Mei Lanfang" and "The Orphan of Zhao"..."


There are constant hot news on the Internet, but Chen Fei doesn't pay much attention to it.

Because the later stages of "Gravity" are all over!
Leap Film and Television.

Inside the imax-3D screening room.

After the 1 hour and 31 minutes of screening time ended, Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, Ye Ning and others were all stunned on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

The vast sky, the lonely and desperate environment, the terror of falling into darkness, the earth that seems so close but cannot be touched...

At this moment, several people's faces were full of shock!

In the early stages of the film, they completely assumed the perspective of the male protagonist, like a fish stranded on the shore and about to die of thirst, trying hard to swim into the water, but unable to reach it.

The appearance of "Tiangong-1" was like a sudden rainstorm from the sky!
At this moment when a long drought gave way to good rain, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and truly realized what it means to survive after a disaster.

"No wonder you have always emphasized that this is a science fiction thriller and disaster movie."

Han Sanping took off her 3D glasses and her face turned slightly pale, as if she had not recovered from the shock just now.

He once thought that the hero was doomed. In that vast and boundless space, there was no oxygen, no food, no help, and he had to always be on guard against exploding satellite fragments. This was simply a disaster!
"How's the picture effect?" Chen Fei asked with a smile.

"It's great!" Ye Ning said three words first, and then added: "Comparable to "Avatar"!"

Ren Zhonglun's face was full of emotion and shock: "This movie will definitely be a big success. I bet that it will have a box office of at least 10 billion just based on the shocking pictures."

Han Sanping raised her eyebrows slightly. He liked the number '10 billion' so much.

"Hurry up and submit it for review. I will follow up personally and try to get it passed in the shortest possible time. I will leave it to China Film for distribution."

Ren Zhonglun was unhappy for a moment: "Hey! You can't eat alone! Shanghai Film Academy is also very good at this..."

Seeing that the two people were about to start arguing again, Chen Fei shook his head helplessly and quickly advised: "All the publicity and distribution work in Asia will be handed over to China Film and Shanghai Film and Television. You contribute half and half. become.

Promotional conferences in other regions will be represented by Volton Pictures. The box office in North America and Europe is crucial, as it determines whether the film can recover its costs..."

Hearing this, Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun looked at each other and said in unison: "Okay!"

Ye Ning stood aside like a good baby without saying a word. It was already great to be able to play this kind of project with Wanda, and he was not qualified to expect too much.

With the joint efforts of several producers and the space agency, within a few days, news that "Gravity" had passed the review appeared on the official website of the film bureau.

For a moment, the media caught up with the news and came together one after another.

"The science fiction masterpiece "Gravity" with an investment of 6 million yuan has passed the review. See you on September 9th!"

"Director Chen Fei's new self-written and starring film is coming. Can he continue to control the National Day schedule?"

"It is reported that the director of "Gravity" Guo Fan has confirmed that he will also serve as the deputy director of "Pacific Rim". The future of Chinese science fiction movies is bright!"



The time has come to September 8th.

This morning, Zhou Xun suddenly called and without saying a word, he started to complain about the Golden Rooster Award!
"These bastards should just go and have fun on their own. If I participate in the Golden Rooster again in the future, I will be a son of a bitch..."

On the other side of the phone, Chen Fei, who was about to check the box office performance of "Transformers 3" and "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame," was immediately stunned by her.

"Hey? What's wrong with you? Did the Golden Rooster Award offend you again?"

"Have you not read the latest registration criteria for the Golden Rooster Awards?"

"No, I have never paid attention to these domestic awards, and I will not participate."

"I'm really convinced when I step on the horse. An award-winning organization actually behaves like it hates the poor and loves the rich. It's all about money..."

After Zhou Xun's explanation, Chen Fei finally understood why she was scolding.

It turns out that a new rule was added to the Golden Rooster Award registration standards today. Any film with an investment of less than 800 million is not eligible to compete for individual awards.

To be more specific, if the film cost is less than 800 million, it cannot participate in the competition for individual awards such as Best Picture, Best Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Screenplay, etc.

If you want to participate, you can only compete for the "Best Film Award in the Small-Cost Film Unit".

And what’s even more disgusting is that there is only one award for this!
The reason Zhou Xun was so angry was because after her studio was established, it invested in a lot of low-budget art films.

Originally, I was thinking of winning awards or something with these movies, so as to recoup some costs.

But I never expected that Golden Rooster would suddenly make such a showy move!

"What's so strange about this?" Chen Fei crossed his legs and said bluntly: "The producers of small-budget art films don't have much money, so giving them awards will not do any good to some people.

But it's different for movies with an investment of more than 800 million. Most of these crews have money and are willing to spend money, even if they are asked to spend money to buy awards.

Transactions of favors and exchanges of interests are the reasons why these gentlemen hold on to their positions and are unwilling to step down. "

"Fuck! A bunch of old immortal things!"

Zhou Xun cursed and hung up the phone, he could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

Jin Ji is not even afraid of pressure from outside public opinion, so how could she change the rules at will just because of her dissatisfaction?

Chen Fei thought about it and sent a message to several directors signed by the company: "In the future, all films produced by Feiyue Film and Television will not need to participate in the selection of the Golden Rooster Awards."

After sending the message, he turned his attention to the information sheet in front of him.

"God of Wealth Inn" completed its one-month release period, and the box office was fixed at 9650 million, but it still failed to break million.

"Far Cry" grossed 1.15 million at the box office. Yang Mi's transformation was successful, and many LSPs became her die-hard fans!
"War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" was released for 3 days, and the box office revenue was 25 million yuan, which is very close to 7.8 million yuan.

In North America, the box office has reached US$2.5 million, and it is also very close to US$3 million.

At this point, the "War for the Planet of the Apes" series can officially declare its perfect conclusion.

The box office growth momentum of "Transformers 3" is also extremely fierce. After only 20 days of domestic release, the box office has exceeded 9 million yuan, and it is currently charging towards 10 billion yuan!

As for North America, the box office has exceeded US$3 million and is heading towards US$4 million.

According to predictions from professional organizations, the film's global box office is likely to exceed US$10 billion, becoming the first Hollywood blockbuster to achieve a global box office of US$10 billion this year!
Turning his attention back to "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" and taking a look at the daily new box office number of nearly 300 million, Chen Fei suddenly smiled bitterly.

"In-unit viewing" is too powerful, and "postponed screening" is too overbearing...

This movie was obviously made for "Earthquake". Many people in the industry were very angry, but there was nothing they could do about it.

The document issued personally by the General Administration has been extended for 2 months...

The referee personally leaves the game.

Who agrees? Who objects?
The industry was completely silent. No matter who it was, they always looked like "I agree" when being interviewed by the media. At least on the surface, they didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction.


It's a coincidence that "Legend of Hongmen Banquet" and "The Four Famous Catchers" were launched at the same time on June 6st, and even the shutdown time was chosen on the same day!
The former held a final press conference in the capital in the morning, while the latter held a final press conference in Hengdian in the afternoon.

When asked by reporters, Li Renggang said with a smile: "Although director Chen Jiashan and I were born in the same year, and have a very good relationship, and both are directors from Hong Kong, there is actually no comparison between our two films. .

The investment in "Legend of Hongmen Banquet" was as high as 2 million, while "The Four Famous Catchers" seemed to have only 9000 million, right?
Whether it is the cast or investment share, we are actually much higher than them, which means that there will definitely be a big gap in the final box office results. "

The reporter interviewed other people separately.

Perhaps because of their natural "arrogance", except for Li Ming, Zhang Hanyu, and Feng Shaofeng, whose tone was more tactful, everyone else's words revealed a bit of contempt for the latter.

Huang Qiusheng even expressed the hope that the "Four Famous Catchers" would not get involved and not take advantage of the popularity. The atmosphere at the scene was very tense for a time.

Of course, the media won't care so much, because this is the effect they want.

After the final press conference of "Legend of Hongmen Banquet" ended in the morning, various media outlets posted the interviews online and contacted their counterparts in Hengdian.

Their wish is very simple, that is, it is best for the two crews to fight each other online, or even fight directly after meeting!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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