It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 475 Betting on the future! Betting on the road to stardom! "Magic will eventually preva

Chapter 475 Betting on the future! Betting on the road to stardom! "Magic will eventually prevail over science fiction, and mythology will easily overwhelm machinery..."


The scene of the finalization press conference of "Four Famous Catchers".

Perhaps it was because the reporter’s questions were so pointed that the atmosphere was a little awkward.

The investment amount of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" is as high as 2 million, while the investment amount of "The Four Famous Catchers" is only 9000 million. This is an indisputable fact.

Li Rengang's answer was quite polite. After all, the investment shares of the two parties are indeed different, and the gap in the cast is not small. There is no comparison at all.

But the key is that Huang Qiusheng's words are too alienating.

Didn't it just start shooting on the same day and finish filming on the same day, so why did "Four Famous Catchers" catch on to the popularity of "Legend of Hongmen Banquet"?

Although Chen Jiashang felt unhappy, he still tried his best to guide the topic.

It's a pity that even though he announced that "The Big Four 2" will be filmed next, the reporters were not very interested.

What the media wants is a response, a tit-for-tat response. Who has the spare time to help you promote your new movie?

Seeing the director talking about him, the reporters targeted the starring actor again.

"Deng Chao, as the male protagonist, do you think what Huang Qiusheng said this morning is true? Is "Four Famous Catchers" suspected of riding on the popularity of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet"?"

At the front of the crowd, Deng Chao's thoughts changed rapidly.

He is currently establishing his character as a husband and dad, and does not want to get involved in this whirlpool of public opinion.

"I think both movies are excellent, and I hope they can get a good box office and inject fresh vitality into the theater market..."

This answer obviously did not satisfy the reporters.

Turning their eyes, everyone's eyes fell on Yang Mi.

"Yang Mi, after the great success of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", you and Feng Shaofeng have also reached a new height in their acting careers. Now you have starred in the male and female leads in two movies respectively. Which of these two movies do you think will have a higher score?”

Behind the crowd, Jiang Yiyan's mouth curved slightly.

"Very well, you have to ask this. As long as she makes a mistake, I will have a chance..."

Yang Mi is so smart, how could she make such an obvious mistake?

Neither the director nor the male protagonist dared to respond directly. How could she, a well-connected person who had been thrust in halfway, dare to respond directly to such a dug hole?
She was ready to learn from Deng Chao's response.

However, the next second, just as she was about to respond, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in her sight.

Wang Changtian!
Seeing the investor's father walking quickly with a gloomy face, her thoughts changed quickly. She gritted her teeth and said bluntly: "Actually, I think there is really no comparison between these two movies."

The reporters' eyes lit up and they quickly moved the microphone closer.

Yang Mi paused for a moment, and then continued to add after Wang Changtian came closer: "Although our investment in this movie is not high, from what I have learned during this period, the crew spent every penny. The place to spend.

And there will be many special effects in our films, striving to achieve "innovation" and give movie fans a different and novel experience.

But how the 6000 million over there is spent, I don’t know, but recently I heard that a straw hat seems to cost US dollars?

And if I remember correctly, there seems to be a costume historical movie there? I don’t know if the box office can recover the cost..."

These words spoke to the reporters’ hearts!

It not only satirizes the previous "Straw Hat Incident", but also expresses the inability of Hong Kong directors to make "historical" movies.

This is what the media wants to hear!

For a moment, the scene flashed together.

The surrounding actors all widened their eyes and looked at Yang Mi in disbelief.

Even Zeng Jia below was confused. She thought Yang Mi was crazy. How dare she say such a thing?
Without even thinking about it, once these words are exposed by the media, they will inevitably trigger a new wave of heated discussions, and Yang Mi will also be pushed to the forefront.

It is very likely that she will be banned jointly by the Xiangjiang Film Market and the Xiangjiang director and actor groups!

However, at this time, Yang Mi's attention had always been on Wang Changtian.

When she saw that the other party's gloomy face softened a lot, and even showed a faint smile, she suddenly felt confident in her heart.

Although taking sides would cause her to lose most of the market in Xiangjiang, it would also gain the light's closeness.

In addition, she is still a contracted artist of Feiyinghuang Agency, so the company will definitely not sit idly by.

If you want to climb up quickly, you have to pay something.

And Yang Mi was betting on her own future!


The incident escalated very quickly.

That night, the media reported what Yang Mi said at the final press conference for "Four Famous Catchers".

It can be said that one stone stirs up a thousand waves!

A heated discussion and scolding war instantly broke out on the Internet.

Netizens on both sides of the mainland and Hong Kong began to criticize each other, and the crew of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" also refused to be outdone and began to engage in various public relations, smear and other scandalous operations.

As a key figure in this incident, although Yang Mi was notified by the Hong Kong media that she would be completely banned, she was supported by countless netizens in the mainland!
The number of followers on Weibo soared to one million overnight, and the hot search instantly topped the list. The popularity even overtook the Zhang and Xie divorce incident.

At certain times, "black fire" is actually a kind of fire, not to mention that Yang Mi cannot be counted as a "black fire".

She just became the leader, or one of the representatives, among those groups who were dissatisfied with Hong Kong entertainment.

"Mimi, what should we do now?"

Zeng Jia no longer knows how to deal with it. The matter has become too big and has completely escaped the control of her agent.

"Ignore it, you do your job and I'll film my scenes, it's that simple."

Yang Mi was confident and didn't care about the hustle and bustle on the Internet at all.

Wang Changtian has made it clear to her that he is very satisfied with her speech at the press conference, and said that the follow-up of this incident will be handled by the lighting, allowing her to film "Famous 2" with peace of mind.

"The Hong Kong film industry is over. You don't have to worry. The light will save you, just like it saved Liu Yan from Brother Chen Kai."

This is the original words from Wang Changtian.


August is not a high-quality schedule. Except for a few Hollywood movies, there is only one Chinese-language movie "Anti-Corruption Storm" worthy of attention.

As a result, the promotion of the movie that will be released in September started in advance.

The most eye-catching among them is "Gravity", followed closely by "The Legend of White Snake" and "Revolution of 1911".

As a newly established company, Juli Pictures has been shining brightly during this period.

The mythical and magical movie "The Legend of White Snake", which cost 2 million to create, has frequently appeared online recently.

Li Lianjie, Huang Shengyi, Lin Feng, Cai Zhuoyan, Hua Zhao, Yang Qianhuan and other stars from time to time come out to promote the product, directly increasing the publicity.

Under Yang Zai's instruction, the crew's promotional slogan was quite lofty.

"Magic will eventually prevail over science fiction, and mythology will easily overwhelm machinery..."

When it comes to gaining popularity, they are professionals, and now they are just short of shouting the slogan "Down with "Gravity"".

Although many people were ridiculing on the Internet, Yang Zai didn't mind.

He is a businessman, and his characteristic is shamelessness. As long as he can make the movie sell well, he can use any dirty tricks.

Several investors asked Chen Fei if he wanted to respond to this, but he refused.

Come if you want.

The higher you fly, the better the scenery is.

There is also a high possibility that he will be killed by the debris after the satellite explodes!

Chen Fei received the post-production staff of "The Four Famous Catchers" at the Dot Eyes Digital Department, accompanied by Wang Changtian, the boss of Guangwang.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, Lao Wang, I'm here to join you again."

Wang Changtian is a pretty good person. Although he can no longer keep up with Chen Fei's investment pace, he often helps with movie promotions and other matters.

"Mr. Wang, you're too polite. There's no such thing as defecting. Let's help each other and make money together."

Chen Fei shook hands with him and let him deal with it later, and the two of them went to the reception room together.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changtian found an excuse and directed the topic to Yang Mi.

"I really envy Mr. Chen. All of his subordinates are capable soldiers. Yang Mi is really a good person. She is really willing to do anything when something happens. She is willing to support the crew even if her reputation is on the line..."

This compliment is a bit abrupt.

Chen Fei quickly understood the profound meaning contained in Wang Changtian's words.

After thinking about it, he tentatively said: "I am also concerned about this matter. Although what she said was a bit disrespectful of the overall situation, I think it is quite right.

Those actors in Xiangjiang, relying on their former glory to be arrogant, came to the mainland to beg for food, but they still maintained a high profile, which was really annoying. ""right! exactly! "

Wang Changtian slammed the sofa and said angrily: "Anyway, I can't stand it anymore. I definitely can't bear it. I must stand by Yang Mi on this matter."

Chen Fei smiled knowingly: "I will say hello to Director Han. Yang Mi is still an artist under my agency, and I will definitely not let her suffer."

The goal was achieved, and Wang Changtian breathed a sigh of relief.

The two chatted for a while, and then they decided on the charter and came to him to sign it.

"Swish, swish, swish" signed his name, Wang Changtian laughed and said: "I won't ask Mr. Chen for credit this time. We will pay in full, and the same will be true for the second part."

"Then I wish "Four Famous Catchers" a great box office success." Chen Fei stood up to see him off.

As Wang Changtian walked out, he said nonchalantly: "The schedule of "Painting on the Wall" has been moved to November 11st. We really don't have the confidence to do it together with "Gravity". We can't beat it...

But I heard that "Cold War 2" produced by Feiyue Pictures and Golden Harvest is scheduled to be released on November 11th? When the time comes, I have to ask Mr. Chen to show mercy. "

"Haha, maybe I have to ask Mr. Wang to show mercy."

The two flattered each other and finally separated at the door of the company.

When walking back, Chen Fei called Huo Wenxi and asked about how many years of the contract Yang Mi had signed with the company.

"She signed a contract for 3 years, but her partner Zeng Jia signed several small artists to the company. There was a freshman named Dilireba who signed a contract for 8 years, and the company found her a new actor. A TV drama resource, let her go and exercise first..."

Feiyue Film and Television has four levels of signing time limits for its artists, namely 3 years, 5 years, 8 years, and 10 years.

At present, most of the company's newcomers have signed contracts for five years, while Yang Mi, Chen Hao, Wang Luojue, Jiao Enjun, etc. have signed contracts for three years. As for those who have signed for 5 years, currently only Liu Yifei, Wang Baoqiang and Zhang Yi have signed contracts.

"Okay, I see."

Chen Fei nodded and smiled after hanging up the phone.

Sure enough, some people can't settle down no matter where they go.

In comparison, Liu Yifei, the most popular, has the most stable mentality.

In addition to her ten-year agency contract in the Mainland, she also signed a ten-year agency contract abroad with Waltons Pictures.

Although she occupies a great deal of autonomy and has the right to decide whether to play roles arranged internally by the company, she is not allowed to take roles from external companies.

Once she breaches the contract, the compensation can make her go bankrupt!

Chen Fei likes to deal with people like this.

She has a stable mentality and emotional stability, doesn't have so many concerns, and is focused on the role...

In his opinion, only such actors are truly suitable to invest energy and resources in cultivating.


On the 11th, the Venice International Film Festival came to an end.

This year, a total of 4 Chinese-language films were shortlisted for the main competition, including one from the Mainland, two from Hong Kong, and one from the Bay Area.

With many people's expectations, Mainland director Cai Zhaojun won the Silver Lion Award for Best Director for "The Big Crowd", and Hong Kong actor Yip Dexian won the Best Actress Award for "Sister Peach".

Chinese-language films were declared the winner with an absolute advantage of four shortlisted films and two winning films!

At the same time, Chen Fei also received a cross-country call from Natasha.

"The screening of "Gravity" at the Venice Film Festival was a great success. European and American audiences loved the film very much. I believe that the subsequent release will go smoothly."

"Okay, I will go to Los Angeles in person to promote it later."

Chen Fei hung up the phone quite satisfied.

The Venice Film Festival wanted to invite him to be a judge, but because he was too busy with work, he had to refuse the invitation.

But considering that he was awarded the Golden Lion Award last year, it would seem a bit impolite if he didn't express it at all.

So, he simply asked Natasha to take "Gravity" to Venice and held a screening event, which was regarded as advertising for the movie in advance.

Fortunately, the response was very good!
Chen Fei even saw many articles published by European and American film critics on the Internet.

"Like the previous "Inception," Fei once again created a thrilling sci-fi thriller feast, and it is also a work of extremely high level of difficulty."

“If you want a great show in its most authentic way, Gravity may be the most theatrical experience of the decade.”

"Rather than immersing you in its cinematic experience, the film simply takes you there, among the stars, and experiences the wonders of space."

For a time, not only the mainland, but also Hollywood began to look forward to this "space movie" that was praised by many film critics and industry insiders.

Huang Shengyi saw the news on the Internet and was inexplicably nervous.

She found Yang Zai, who was studying Dzi beads in the office, and told him the news about the success of "Gravity" at the Venice Film Festival.

"Our movie is also going to be released in North American theaters, right? With so much investment, are you confident?"

"Of course."

Yang Zai carefully selected a string of twelve-eyed dzi beads, beckoned Huang Shengyi to come over, and then put it on her neck solemnly.

"Don't worry, I have contacted Harvey Weinstein. He is the most professional in the distribution of Chinese-language films. Our "The Legend of White Snake" will definitely be a great success!

You should know better than me how popular Li Lian Lien is at the box office abroad. With him here, he can make back his money just by selling the copyright..."

After some explanation, Huang Shengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

After she came to her senses, she lowered her head and glanced at the twelve dzi beads on her neck, feeling a little panicked for no reason.

"what is this?"

Yang Zai smiled slightly: "A treasure that can keep you and me lucky. Remember, you must keep it safe."


Huang Shengyi didn't think much, stuffed it into his collar and wore it directly next to his body.

She likes the word lucky, just like how she was chosen by Stephen Chow to play the "mute girl" in the movie "Kung Fu".


On August 8, "Anti-Corruption Storm" held a grand premiere in the capital.

Yang Mi was arranged to walk on the red carpet together with Shi Nansheng, vice chairman of Xiangjiang Media Asia Film and Television Co., Ltd. and managing director of "Allure Films".

Many Hong Kong media came to the scene, including the crew of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet".

Looking at Yang Mi supporting Shi Nansheng on the red carpet, Li Rengang was slightly startled, while Huang Qiusheng standing behind him turned pale, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

The next day, the online talk about the rivalry between "The Four Famous Catchers" and "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" disappeared without a trace.

Two days later, after Meiya Entertainment, Enlight also became one of the publishers of "Legend of Hongmen Banquet".

At the same time, "Anti-Corruption Storm" broke the box office records of many movies such as "The Wonderful Heroes", "I Know Women's Hearts", "Guan Yunchang", "Martial Arts" and other movies with a first-day box office of 2724 million!
"The products produced by Chen Fei must be high-quality products" have been verified again.

The film industry in Hong Kong has always been rich in crime-themed films, but this film did not choose gang crimes as the subject, but focused on the "anti-corruption" theme that has not been touched upon in Hong Kong films for a long time.

In the past, many Hong Kong media had badmouthed it, saying that it was impossible for this kind of subject matter to succeed.

But with the box office sales on the first day and the explosion of positive reviews online, those negative voices suddenly disappeared without a trace.

""Anti-Corruption" will tell you that it only takes eight seconds for money to travel around the earth." This slogan aroused the curiosity of many movie fans, so that more and more people entered the theater.

But at the same time, "anti-corruption-themed" movies that follow the trend are popping up in the Hong Kong market like mushrooms after a rain.

If you see a popular subject, you will pounce on it and copy it. This may be one of the reasons why Hong Kong Film came to an end.


"Mimi, the voices against you on the Internet are gone. Many production crews have sent audition invitations, and many brands have even offered high prices, wanting us to endorse their products."

Taking advantage of the crew's break, Zeng Jia kept talking to Yang Mi about the follow-up matters.

"Look, I got it right again."

Yang Mi smiled confidently, and even fell in love with this "gamble" behavior.

As she said that, she suddenly asked curiously: "Who are the crews? Are there any scripts and roles suitable for me?"

"The feature film "Search" directed by Chen Kaige..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you the female lead? I can go to the audition!"

For a director's work in Cannes, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Even if the films directed by Chen Kaige failed repeatedly at the box office, they could not conceal his brilliant record of Cannes Palme d'Or!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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