It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 476: The pattern opens, the attributes of an upstart? It’s good to be young, resist making!

Chapter 476: The pattern opens, the attributes of an upstart? It’s good to be young, resist making! Big IP project officially launched!

Perhaps because there were no high-quality movies in August, the box office growth trend of "Anti-Corruption Storm" was unexpectedly good.

It exceeded 6000 million in three days, and successfully exceeded million in seven days...

Compared with the investment share of less than 3000 million Hong Kong dollars, this income can be said to be beyond many people's expectations.

As one of the co-producers, Shi Nansheng was quite surprised by the result, and there was a hint of disbelief in his tone when he spoke to Chen Fei on the phone.

"Mr. Chen, according to the current trend, the box office is likely to reach 3 million!"

Chen Fei smiled and said: "Haha, doesn't this just fit what you and I want?"

The two chatted about various subsequent publicity and celebration banquet topics, and finally returned to the movie itself.

"Does Mr. Chen have any thoughts on the subsequent launch of the sequel?"

There is a hook at the end of the script of the first part, which is just enough to lead to the second part.

Chen Fei muttered in a low voice, took it and took a look, only to see that the date marked on it was September 9th, and the names of Yang Zai and Cui Baozhu were also written at the signature.

Although Media Asia has only received the script for the first part, a little analysis can tell that the script for the second part has definitely been written by Chen Fei.

"Legend of the White Snake?"

As for imported films, there are currently only two, namely "Norwegian Wood" and "The Smurfs."

As for why Jiahe and Huo Qigang are not used...

Chen Fei used "Heart Blossoms" to prove that high investment does not necessarily lead to high box office results.

This is also the confusion in many people's minds.

Shi Nansheng's heart moved slightly, and he asked tentatively: "Should we follow the rules of the first part?"

But what I didn’t expect was that this movie was an unexpected success!

Catherine and her team started filming "Now You See Me" again.

"Of course, I am very happy to cooperate with Chairman Shi. I believe that all our subsequent cooperation will be as smooth as the beginning."

Just thinking about it makes me laugh out loud.

Just as Chen Fei was checking the news on the Internet, his secretary came in: "Mr. Chen, this is the invitation letter from Juli Pictures."

Now that Chen Fei has promised to cooperate with Media Asia to launch the second part, it means that they can add a bright luster to their work report next year.

Can't compare!
There's no way to compare!
"I have prepared the script." Chen Fei said bluntly.

Hong Kong films have been learning from Hollywood films and are very good at launching sequels.

As Shi Nansheng said that, she got up and walked out. What was thinking in her mind was the incident where Chen Fei asked her to walk on the red carpet with Yang Mi.

Human relationships are like this, only by using each other can we become more closely involved.

After chatting with Chen Fei about the filming plan for the second part, Shi Nansheng hung up the phone.

The moment she raised her head, she saw all the board members looking expectantly in front of her.

"Haha, that's natural."

On August 8, "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" exited domestic theaters with a box office of 15 million yuan.

Several movies released today in Hong Kong have failed one after another, so that Media Asia has become nervous, and is very afraid that "Anti-Corruption Storm" will also fail.

She had vaguely heard recently that the eldest son of the Huo family seemed to be preparing to walk on the road full of red stars?

On August 8, "Transformers 20" withdrew from mainland theaters with a revenue of 3 billion yuan, leaving behind a box office legend belonging to mecha!
Several Hollywood blockbusters have exceeded 10 billion in box office, which has caused many mainland film producers to remain silent for a long time.

Among countless screenwriters around the world, who doesn’t know that Chen Fei is the most prolific one?
Not only is the output high, but the quality is also good. This is very depressing.

As soon as these words came out, many people below fell into deep thought.

At the same time, the film's total global box office also exceeded 6.5 million.

A smile appeared on her face: "It went very well."


At this time, someone suddenly expressed confusion: "I remember that Chen Fei and Huo Qigang are both executive directors of Jiahe, right? So why wasn't this movie produced there?"

According to gossip, Li Lianlian owed the latter a favor, so he starred in this movie.

Media Asia needs scripts, and Chen Fei needs their help to solve some bad things. This is mutual use.

The first part was so successful that if they didn't continue to release a second part, the outside world would definitely laugh at them as fools.

The former is a movie about Little Days, and the latter is an animated movie launched by Sony Columbia, starring a group of little guys covered in blue.

Seeing everyone looking over, Shi Nansheng smiled slightly: "The situation is about to open up."

I have a company, but I have to cooperate with other companies. No matter how I look at it, it feels a bit unreasonable.

Everyone at the scene let out a sigh of relief, feeling as if a huge stone in their hearts had fallen to the ground.

This is very difficult to do!
September is getting closer and closer, and the promotion frequency of movies such as "Global Love" and "Da Takeo" that started at the beginning of the month has become much higher.

"Screenwriting department, come to my office later to pick up the script."

But Hollywood blockbusters have used their "strength" to prove that only high investment can achieve high box office.

"Give the invitation letter to Mr. Su and ask him to go there for me when the time comes."

On the 25th, Chen Fei is going to Mexico to complete the systematic selection task.

I definitely won't be able to go to the premiere. Let Su Guohai show up.

He really didn't like Yang Zai and Huang Shengyi.

These two people always put on airs, and they are so arrogant that they are like a pair of nouveau riche.


The time soon came to late August.

Chen Fei took the time to make a rough cut version of "Your Name" and then handed it over to the special effects department for post-rendering and special effects.

This process takes about a month and a half.

At the same time, Woody Allen, who was far away in Los Angeles, also sent an email, informing him that "Silver Linings Playbook" was officially finished.

Because I have to compete for next year's Oscar, I will jump in the queue for production later.

After a few days of rest, the "eldest cousin" officially joined the filming of "The Hunger Games 2".

It’s good to be young, resist making!
The preparation work on Natasha's side is also going very smoothly.

Planting 30000 acres of cornfield was a big challenge. Los Angeles certainly didn’t have such a big area. After many rounds of negotiations, she finally signed a planting agreement with the Spruce Ranch in Alberta, Canada.

Although this required a huge amount of money, recalling Chen Fei's past success, she still chose to support it without hesitation.

What's more, an investment of US$1.65 million is nothing to Chen Fei now.

One "Avengers" movie cost more than 1.65 million U.S. dollars. In comparison, million U.S. dollars is nothing more than drizzle.

After finishing all the tedious work at hand, Chen Fei found Ning Hao and took a car with him to the film bureau.

"Ghost Blowing the Lamp" was submitted for review a week ago, but unfortunately, this movie seems to have many problems.

However, in view of Chen Fei's excellent record in the past, the bureau is still planning to invite him over for a chat.

Regulations are dead, but people are alive, and everything is negotiable.

Yu Feihong's "Love Is Afterlife" was able to pass the review and be released in theaters. There is no reason why the script Chen Fei sent could not pass the review, it just needs a few changes.

The key is that the leaders of the bureau are very curious about the scripts he sent and want to meet him and have a chat.

And this happened to be what Chen Fei meant.


In the RV, Yang Mi received a call from Zeng Jia.

After auditioning on the set of "Search", she fell into a long waiting period.

Today happened to be the time to confirm the actors over there. Even though Yang Mi was somewhat confident, she still couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Mimi, you are amazing!"

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Yang Mi was slightly startled for a moment, then a smile appeared on her face.

Sure enough, just as she thought, she passed successfully.

There were a lot of people going to the audition that day, and there were many people with better acting skills than her, but when it came to popularity and connections, those people were much worse than her.

Just walking on the red carpet with Shi Nansheng once, she found that her stardom seemed to have broadened a lot.

Even during the filming of "The Big Four 2", Chen Jiashang and the production team of Xiangjiang were friendly and kind to her, showing that everyone was on the same journey.

This is the benefit of connections and capital.

"Now that it's confirmed, let's sign the contract."

Yang Mi wanted to confirm it as soon as possible to prevent other problems from arising.

However, Zeng Jia added: "There is still a small problem. Producer Chen hopes that you can devote yourself to the filming of the movie after the filming starts... Brother Chen Kai's movies have always been like this..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi frowned slightly.

fully get involved?
She is currently working as the heroine in "Four Famous Catchers 2", how can she devote herself to it?
"Isn't it just a second female role? Does it still need to be like this?"

"That's what they asked for."

"Let's sign it first and then talk about it. At the worst, we can say hello when the time comes and we can just stagger the schedules. There won't be many scenes."

Yang Mi made the decision with an indifferent tone. She felt that she was already half a resource person and should have some face. "good."

Zeng Jia didn't mean to persuade her too much. The more Yang Mi earned, the more she would get.

There was no reason for her to let the duck fly again.



As soon as he walked in from the main entrance of the Film Office, Chen Fei saw Han Sanping sitting in the rest area.

He raised his hand and said hello: "Director Han, are you here very early?"

This person was called over by him to help out. After all, Han Sanping was quite talkative in the film bureau.

"Not long after we sat down, Ning Hao came too..."

After Han Sanping greeted the two of them, she led the way, and the three of them went straight to the conference room.

"I heard that what you submitted this time was a series of movie scripts?"

"Yes." Chen Fei said bluntly: "It can be expanded into a script similar to the Marvel Universe. I want to try to see if it can be done in the mainland."

Han Sanping immediately became interested: "3D?"

"Of course."

Ning Hao added in a low voice beside him: "I think it's better than the "Painted Skin" series."

Hearing this, Han Sanping's eyes lit up even brighter.

"Painted Skin 2" has almost reached 8 million. If it is better than it, wouldn't it be a proper billion-dollar box office movie?

Originally, he thought the word "ghost" was quite difficult, but looking at it now, everything is a trivial matter in front of a billion box office.

After entering the conference room, Han Sanping arranged to sit down first, and then went out to find the leaders of the bureau.

Chen Fei was well aware of the grinding pace of work in China. He originally thought that he would be left out for a while, but unexpectedly, within a minute, a group of leaders filed in.

Han Sanping held a stack of scripts in her hands and followed Tong Ju. The two appeared quite close.

Seeing Chen Fei and Ning Hao stand up, Tong Ju quickly smiled and told them not to be restrained and sit down to chat.

Han Sanping placed the script on the table in the conference room. Looking at the words "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" and 3D on the cover, he couldn't hide his curiosity and simply started reading it.

If this was Brother Chen Kai or Zhang Yimou, what he sent over might be a summary of the script.

But "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is different. In addition to the complete script content, it even contains the storyboards, shooting formats, promotion plans, and even subsequent development ideas...

The further she looked back, the bigger Han Sanping's eyes widened.

This size...if it were completed completely, the investment would almost exceed tens of billions, right?

At this time, Tong Ju said straight to the point: "Xiao Chen, this is your company's script. Can you explain it in detail?"


Chen Fei responded and said bluntly: "There are three scripts sent this time, namely "Jingjue Ancient City", "Longling Mystery Cave", "Kunlun Temple"..."

First, he talked about the outlines of the three scripts, and then Chen Fei extended the topic to sequels such as "Return to the Ruins of the South China Sea" and "Wuxia Coffin Mountain".

After the concept of the four major groups of tomb robbers was introduced, he proposed the prospect of inviting Hollywood actors to join in and promote the film to the world.

As for the two sequences "Angry Eyes in Western Hunan" and "Huangpizi Tomb" that are outside the main plot, Chen Fei has higher expectations for them.

The former can be expanded into a tomb robbing style, and the latter can build a ghost blowing lantern universe...

Most of the content is explained in detail in the script, and what Chen Fei is talking about now is actually about the entire concept of the "Ghost Blowing Lantern Universe".

"We can learn from the experience of the Big Six in Hollywood, continue to launch sequels, and even develop theme parks and surrounding areas..."

In fact, the Ghost Blowing Deng Universe is just one of Chen Fei's plans, and will be followed by the "Chinese Science Fiction Universe" and the "Chinese Mythology Universe".

But, you have to eat one bite after another and walk one step after another.

He will have plenty of time to promote these things in the future, so let’s start with Gui Blowing the Lantern.

"Our goal is to invest tens of billions to develop the entire IP, including peripherals, and promote Chinese elements..."

Listening to Chen Fei's talk, a group of people in the conference room widened their eyes unconsciously.

Tong Ju subconsciously interrupted: "Where does the number tens of billions come from?"

"It's clearly marked in the plan." Chen Fei reminded, and then added: "Copyright development, film shooting, publicity and distribution, global book publishing, theme park construction... this is a huge investment!"

If we only rely on the domestic market, this IP will definitely not be successful.

Chen Fei's goal is to promote the movie globally, attract foreign fans, and make the word "tomb robbing" popular around the world.

To do this requires huge investments!

However, although the number of tens of billions sounds exaggerated, when converted, it is actually only 17 billion US dollars, which is not even as high as the box office of the movie "Inception".

This shows how big the gap is between China and Hollywood!

The conference room gradually became silent, and Chen Fei looked at Tong Bureau, waiting for him to make a decision.

There should be no problem with the script passing review. What he needs now is the strong support of the bureau.

It is not easy to make such a big "cake". If the bureau is willing to provide some policy support, it will be much easier for him.

After Tong Ju thought for a while, he raised his eyes and looked over: "You are directing it yourself?"

"No." Chen Fei shook his head: "I will participate in the filming as a producer and supervisor, and Ning Hao will be the director."

Berlin Golden Bear Director + No. 2 Chinese Film Box Office + One of the few directors in China who can shoot 3D movies, Ning Hao is naturally qualified to direct.


After pondering for a moment, Tong Bureau finally nodded, "The Bureau will fully support this project. Once it is done, everyone's faces will be happy."

After a final word, the script was officially reviewed.

Although the word "ghost" is a bit harsh, it is undoubtedly a way of propaganda.

Moreover, there are actually no ghosts in "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", but more of the "ghosts" in people's hearts.

Or drugs, perhaps hallucinations, or optical phenomena, or even scientific experiments, Nazi products, man-made mutations, etc...

Chen Fei has no interest in learning from Yu Feihong. He does not have such a hard background, and even if he does, there is no need to touch such red lines.

For such a big project, it would be a bit silly if everything was lost because of something that didn't exist.

When leaving the bureau, Han Sanping insisted on inviting the two of them to dinner and took them to a nearby high-end restaurant.

Chen Fei was speechless: "Director Han, there is no need for us to engage in this kind of thing, right? I will definitely let you keep what should be kept. If you have not done your best in it, there will definitely be a share of China Film. "

The budget was prepared a long time ago. The investment for the first "Jingjue Ancient City" was about 6 million yuan.

Feiyue Film and Television will retain 70%, and the remaining 30% will be distributed to China Film, Shanghai Film and Wanda.

We are all old partners. We will contribute money when it is time to contribute, and we will contribute efforts when it is time to change. This is how cooperation has always been carried out.

"I'm not here for this..." Han Sanping hesitated a little, and then she said directly: "My daughter, hey, I originally wanted her to study management, but when I found out, she had already transferred It’s over to the directing department.”

Hearing this, Chen Fei understood instantly.

"She wants to be a director?"

"Yes." Han Sanping nodded, "She is interested in developing into a screenwriter, director, and producer."

Hearing this, Chen Fei and Ning Hao looked at each other and made a decision.

"Then when "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is approved, let her join the team directly and start as an assistant director. How about that?"

Han Sanping waved her hands repeatedly: "No, no, just let her be a handyman on the set."

Chen Fei smiled and did not answer the question.

The daughter of the leader of the China Film Group works as a part-time job in the group?
What kind of international joke are you kidding?
Ning Hao poured water for the two of them and said, "Don't worry, Director Han, I will teach her well and will definitely train you to be a qualified director..."

Han Sanping smiled knowingly: "Hey, okay, then I'll trouble you."


The next day, the Film Bureau announced the recently approved scripts.

The three scripts of the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series, "Jingjue Ancient City", "Longling Labyrinth", and "Kunlun Temple" are among them!
The media got into action, and the press release appeared online not long after.

"Feiyue Film and Television's new script has passed review, three scripts, three 3D movies, a huge effort!"

"It is reported that Feiyue Film and Television will replicate the brilliant achievements of the Big Six in Hollywood and launch the 'Ghost Blowing Lantern Big IP Project' with a total investment of over 10 billion!"

"The film bureau's key support project, Feiyue Film and Television's follow-up strategic plan has gradually become clear, so stay tuned..."

Suddenly, the circle was once again in shock!

Three scripts?

3D movie?

Big IP project?

The total investment exceeds 10 billion?

If you can participate in this horse riding, it will soar into the sky!

In an instant, first- and second-tier celebrities, talent agencies, film and television production companies, etc. all started to take notice, like wild cats that smelled the fishy smell!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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