It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 477: Popular young students from Mainland are fighting! Boss Jia is the "king bomb&quot

Chapter 477: Popular young students from Mainland are fighting! Boss Jia is the "king bomb" when he takes action!
After the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series script was reviewed, almost within a short period of time, everyone in the entertainment industry, including first- and second-tier actors, including those who were not yet famous but had financial backers, read the original novel.

Everyone wants to see if there are any roles suitable for them in these three scripts.

Soon, characters such as "Hu Bayi", "Shirley Yang", "Fat Wang", and "Big Golden Tooth" spread in the circle.

After discussing with Chen Fei, Ning Hao did not rush to start casting, but started to communicate with the special effects department first.

Preparation also takes time. The selection of actors is important, but it can be done slowly.

So, when Feiyue Film and Television announced the list of producers and cast members, it once again caused a sensation in the industry!
"The Ghost Blows Out the Lantern in the Ancient City"

Director: Ning Hao, Han Jianu.

Screenwriter: Ni Xuelin (Feiyue Film and Television Team).

Hu Bayi (actor): To be determined.

Shirley Young (heroine): TBD.

With an investment share of 6 million, this is a well-established super blockbuster!

At the same time, Yang Mi on the other side couldn't sit still.

When receiving the call from Huang Xiaoming, Chen Fei's eyes were a little complicated.

And this also means that as long as you can get the main role, you don't have to worry about running out of movies to film for at least ten years.

Producer: Chen Fei.

Yang Ying grinned and kissed her passionately.

Because he just hung up the call from Nie Yuan.

The media is like a hyena chasing its prey, gaining popularity one after another.

These two have been having a heated argument recently over the audition for "Yang Guo".

"Sister Jia, have you gone to the company to inquire? Has the role of Shirley Yang been assigned by Liu Yifei?"

"It's not time to choose the cast yet. I will inform you when the plan is made..."

On the other end of the phone, Yang Ying was staring at Huang Xiaoming eagerly.

Production company: Feiyue Film and Television

Chen Fei responded vaguely, without making any promises.

And according to the disclosed information, "Ghost Blowing Lamp" will be made into a whole series.

If the male actors are chasing "Hu Bayi", then the target of the female stars in the industry is clearly "Shirley Yang".

When talking about this incident, he expressed great regret.

Naturally, Huang Xiaoming would not admit it, and his fans spontaneously conducted arguments online and produced a lot of so-called evidence.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Yang Ying's face: "Then remember to recommend me!"

"Yeah, I think so too."

The most representative one is Robert Downey Jr., whose two consecutive "Iron Man" movies were hugely successful. He has become a hot actor in Hollywood, and his net worth has skyrocketed!
Let me ask, which actor doesn't want to be such a top star?
"Director Chen, haha, your phone has been busy. It took a lot of effort for me to call you."

If he had known this would be the case, he should have paid a high price instead of stupidly preparing for the audition.

As soon as the news was revealed, Chen Fei's phone was flooded with calls.

When she saw him hang up the phone, she quickly came over and asked, "How is it?"

Fatty Wang (male number two): To be determined.

She is very lucky to be able to hook up with a diamond king like Huang Xiaoming and get a lot of roles through this.

Nie Yuan said in an interview that he actually did not lose to "that person" during the audition. It was purely because the other party used a dirty trick and bought the role at a high price outside the venue.

In particular, the film "The Founding of the Party" opposite Andy Lau has now exceeded 6 million at the box office and is heading towards 7 million.

Producers: Chen Fei, Han Sanping.

"Don't worry." Huang Xiaoming smiled: "If I can succeed in the audition, I will play Hu Bayi and you will play Shirley Yang, which is just right."

Production companies: Feiyue Film and Television, China Film and Television, Wanda Pictures, Shanghai Film and Television.

No one expected that the original "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" would actually hide such a deep inside story.

As soon as the interview was announced, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet!

However, judging from the original novel, this female lead seems to be tailor-made for Liu Yifei!
Chinese-American background, and action scenes...

Two popular young men from Mainland China are fighting each other, which is quite a hot topic.

If conditions permit, he will try to choose actors within the company rather than outsiders.

Good actors and good movies make each other successful.

Proposed investment amount: RMB 6 million.

"There are no casting requirements yet, but Director Chen has promised me that he will send me an invitation letter when the time comes."

That is to say, the recent news that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has passed the review has caused a wave of enthusiasm, otherwise the media's cameras would still be chasing these two people.

If she can break the record, she will be considered a heroine with a box office of 7 million!
When it comes to marketing, she is also a professional.

If the role has already been decided, then there is no need to think about it.

However, Zeng Jia's answer was: "At present, all the roles have not been decided, and I heard from the people on the "Xiu Chun Knife" crew that Liu Yifei probably won't play the role."

"Why?" Yang Mi was quite puzzled.

"The image doesn't match..."

Liu Yifei's face is so pretty, and her face shape is too weak, which obviously doesn't match the resolute and mature character and image of "Shirley Yang" in the original novel.

"Then do we have a chance?" Yang Mi asked with a look of surprise.

Zeng Jia was silent for a moment, a little confused: "Mimi, "Famous 2" has not been finished filming, and you have taken "Search" again. If you continue to audition, you will really be unable to get through."

"But such a good opportunity will be gone if you miss it!"

Yang Mi's tone was irritable, she gritted her teeth, her heart pounded, and she actually came up with a crooked idea: "Go and find out for me first to see when the audition will start. We have to fight for it.

At worst, the contract with "Search" will be terminated when the time comes. The number one female lead is much more important than the second female lead, especially for a project like this with an investment of 600 million! "


Zeng Jia couldn't resist her, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement.


There are a lot of people asking about the role, and there are also a lot of people who want to get involved in the movie.

If Juli Pictures is the most frequent among the newly established film companies this year, then LeTV Pictures, which was just established by Boss Jia, is the "king bomb" as soon as it appears!
After LeTV Films was successfully listed, Boss Jia's voice became much louder in the industry.

Now that LeTV Pictures has made its debut, it directly covers many businesses such as production, management, promotion and distribution, and it clearly has the intention of becoming another leading company in the industry.

"LeTV Film Festival?"

Looking at the invitation letter in his hand, and then glancing at the flattery and support from various directors, celebrities, and celebrities in the news reports, Chen Fei sneered.

“On the outside there is gold and jade, but inside there is nothing but ruin.”

He tossed the invitation directly into the trash can.

When the time comes, he can just ask Su Guohai to make a trip for him. He is not interested in meeting this person, and he may be led into the gutter by the other party.

Recalling the previous call from that person, Chen Fei couldn't help but sneer.

I don’t know where he got the confidence to invest in the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" project as soon as he opened his mouth. He kept saying that LeTV has more than 10 billion in liquidity.

Others may have been fooled by his "rich and wealthy" appearance, but Chen Fei was different.

Boss Jia's Faraday is really famous. Before Chen Fei was reborn, this guy hadn't returned to China yet!
Unfortunately, Boss Lei has no idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry yet. Xiaomi was only founded in April last year, and it was still long before Leibus became famous.

However, if Boss Lei wants to get involved in the entertainment industry, Chen Fei will definitely take him there.


At the end of August, Chen Fei contacted Florian Gallenberger and once again confirmed with him the preparations for the "Swallow Cave BASE Jump".

"Everything is ready, just waiting for you to come over."

"Okay, on September 9, arrange for someone to pick me up at the Mexico airport."

After a brief conversation, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

"Gravity" will launch a global roadshow in September, and as the leading actor, he will definitely have to travel to various countries.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he planned to take a look at the business progress of several branches of Walton Pictures and various national distribution companies.

For movie fans, this is an idol coming to promote a movie in his own country.

But for the subsidiaries and overseas distribution companies of Volton Pictures, this is clearly the boss coming to inspect their work.

For a time, distribution companies all over the country were in a state of "readiness" for fear of making any mistakes.

Perhaps because they are very confident in "Gravity", or perhaps because they are not very optimistic about the film market in September, China Film Group has temporarily produced several Hollywood movies, and they have all been scheduled for September. "Rush", "Arthur's Kingdom 9"...

Chen Fei himself didn't care much, but several other small-budget film production companies were as if they were facing a formidable enemy, for fear of being crushed.

In this regard, Chen Fei could only wish them luck.

On August 8, the 28th China Film Huabiao Awards Ceremony was held at the Capital Exhibition Hall.

Chen Fei refused the organizer's "kind" invitation on the pretext of attending a very important transnational conference.

As he expected, the traditional double-yolked egg winning method once again invaded most awards.

The 10 winners of the Outstanding Feature Film Award, coupled with a large number of double-yolked eggs, directly led to the fact that almost everyone in attendance at the Huabiao Awards came away with the award, and there was no surprise in the award presentation.

It is normal for Li Xuejian, Ge You and others to win awards.

But who is Sandra Ng, and why can she win the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Actress Award?

"You're so smart, you even support the traitors?"

Chen Fei curled his lips and became more determined in his decision not to participate in domestic film festivals.

And as tough as him is Feng Xiaogang.

The "1942" script, which had been prepared for several months, was actually rejected by the film bureau, and the reason given was that "the content is too dark."

After seeing this reason, Feng Dapao immediately became angry and fired directly in front of the media.

There were only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

Feng Dapao is really terrifying!
If his remarks were posted on Weibo, Chen Fei would have to give him a big thumbs up regardless of anything he said.

The only regret is that Feng Xiaogang's shells seemed to be insufficient, and there was no sound after only two days.

Online media reports have gradually disappeared. As expected, the two parties should have reached some kind of reconciliation in private.

Games at the capital level are usually silent.

Feng Xiaogang's status in the industry is not bad, and the script "1942" will definitely not be reduced to the point where it cannot be filmed.

In comparison, the feud between female celebrities lasted long enough.

At the Huabiao Awards a few days ago, Yuan Li walked onto the red carpet wearing a hollow see-through outfit, suppressing Li Bingbin's limelight.

After the award ceremony that day, employees from Li Bingbin's studio used their personal account to post various sarcastic remarks on Weibo, bluntly saying that he did not have any film works, but a TV star came to take advantage of the popularity of the film industry, and wore such bold and revealing clothes. , it can be said that 'Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone on the road'.

Netizens were eager to learn more, and they followed the clues and read up, and soon found out the news.

This private account actually belongs to Li Bingbin’s studio!

All of a sudden, the spectators lined up and stood in line, and melon seeds, benches, and mineral water were prepared early.

As expected, Yuan Li couldn't bear it, and directly went to the stage to blast her with a trumpet: "Who is Ms. Li? How dare you talk to me? When it comes to hype, I'm afraid you are the scumbag, filthiest, and dirtiest person in the industry. Shameless, right? Think about it for a certain role..."

Neither of them is a fuel-efficient person, so they started to fight without saying a word!
Li called Yuan a "bitch" and Yuan called Li a "whore". It was so hilarious!
"These big flowers are really more ruthless than the others!"

Ning Hao's face was full of emotion. Some of the things exposed by the two people made even him, a man in the Chinese film industry, stunned.

For example, Yuan Li sent text messages to provoke Yu Dong's original wife, knowing the truth and leading to the breakdown of other people's marriages...

Li Bingbin did not hesitate to drink for several days for the role. The men and women in the box...

Although both of them strongly deny the other's claims, as people in the circle, they can probably guess that these are actually true.

Not to mention these two people, Ning Hao alone has received many explicit hints in the past two days.

For the sake of the role, what does sleeping with you mean?
It’s simply a succubus dance!
Seeing that the Internet was getting more and more lively, Chen Fei crossed his legs, eating melon seeds, and said cheerfully: "Huayi and Bona are also here."

Ning Hao nodded knowingly: "It depends on how the two families negotiate. If these two people continue to quarrel, I am afraid that other people will be involved."

If a woman is completely crazy, she will really dare to say anything!

"By the way, why are you here all of a sudden?"

Chen Fei suddenly realized that the two of them had been eating melon seeds for more than half an hour, but they hadn't talked about anything serious yet.

"Hey, it's just for the character."

Ning Hao also reacted belatedly, and immediately took out a photo from his pocket, "I searched in the database of the agency for a long time, and finally found such a person. I think she is very suitable for the role." Queen Jingjue, can you help me?"

'Queen Jingjue' is a very important villain in the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" trilogy, but because she is dead, she doesn't have many roles, which also means that the acting requirements for the actors are not high.

However, because she was the most beautiful woman in the Western Region during her lifetime, the requirements for the actor's appearance will be higher, and it is best to have some exotic style.


Looking at the girl in the photo, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, that's her. I think she's quite suitable. What do you think?"

In fact, there is a girl named Dilireba in the actor database, but Ning Hao feels that in terms of "appearance", Dilireba seems to be weaker than Gulinaza, who is more suitable for the 'Queen of Excellence' this image.

"Okay, just her, whatever you think is appropriate. Anyway, she's just a supporting character with few lines." Chen Fei waved his hand and handed the photo back to Ning Hao.

Except for the three protagonists who must be chosen carefully, the other characters are actually not that important.

"I actually want to cast Liu Yifei to play Shirley Yang..."

Ning Hao was interrupted by Chen Fei when he was halfway through his words: "The image is not suitable, her face is too tender, let's change her.

And I have other plans for her next trip. There is a script being prepared in Hollywood, and I am going to let her star in it..."

"Oh fine."

Ning Hao nodded slightly, and another figure flashed in his mind.

She has pretty good looks, is good at action scenes, is hard-working, and doesn't complain. She doesn't cause any trouble in the crew. The most important thing is that she has a good relationship with Chen Fei and Liu Yifei...

Ning Hao was thinking about it when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Chen Fei: "What about the two male characters? Who are you going to choose?"

He shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Take your time, don't rush."

After checking the time, Chen Fei stood up and stretched, "The old man at home asked me to go back for dinner. I will withdraw first. You can study slowly..."

"it is good."

Ning Hao nodded, stuffed the photos into the folder, and called the agency while walking out.

Now that it's confirmed, let's say hello in advance to prevent other things from happening later.


When she received the call from Huo Wenxi, Gulinazha was still a little worried.

She thought she had made some mistake on the crew of "Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky" and was sued by the producer.

"Hello? Hello, Director Huo? What's the matter?"

A soft and waxy voice came from the phone, which brought a smile to Huo Wenxi's face for no reason.

"You're lucky."


Gulinaza breathed a sigh of relief at first, but then she became more and more confused. Why did she say she was lucky in the first place? Didn't you find any money yourself?

Huo Wenxi adjusted her tone and said seriously: "The cast of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp: Jingjue Ancient City" has gradually begun to be selected. Director Ning Hao and Producer Chen both think that your image is very suitable to play the role of "Queen Jingjue" ’, although I don’t have a few lines, it’s still a good opportunity to show my face. How about it? Are you interested?”

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Gulinazha's eyes suddenly widened with surprise: "Yes! Yes! Yes! There must be!"

"Well, come back to the company as soon as you finish the contract. The contract is ready."

"Okay, thank you Director Huo. Please help me thank Director Ning Hao and Producer Chen. Thank you for their recognition and affirmation..."

After thanking her, Gulinazha carefully waited for Huo Wenxi to hang up the phone, and then she cheered with excitement.

However, when she turned her head, she saw the entire crew staring at her.

Tang Yan asked casually: "Nazha, what good happened? Are you so happy?"

She was so excited that she didn't think much and said directly: "It was a call from Director Huo. She said that Director Ning Hao and Producer Chen thought I was quite suitable for a role in the new movie and asked me to star. "

Upon hearing this, everyone reacted instantly.

It must be "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"!
For a time, several actresses including Liu Shishi and Ye Tong showed envious expressions, and their thoughts became increasingly complicated.

It is definitely impossible to be a female protagonist, but even if it is a female supporting role, this is a rare opportunity!

On the other side, Cai Yinong, who was talking to Li Guoli, had an even more complicated expression.

She had already inquired about it before and wanted to get roles for Hu Ge and Liu Shishi.

But unfortunately, she was told directly that there were no roles suitable for Tang Dynasty actors in this movie.

Even large brokerage companies in the industry such as Huayi and Chengtian are queuing up, and there are countless first- and second-tier actors waiting for auditions. How can it be possible for Tang Ren to get his turn?

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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