Chapter 479 Mother Liu calls, heroine?

I have to say that when it comes to "playing", there are more showy operations here in Xiaoli.

In the restaurant, looking at the sushi and sashimi placed on the girl's body in front of him, Chen Fei's eyes showed a little surprise.

As he learned, except for the most critical parts, all other parts of the girl were exposed, and all kinds of ingredients were placed on them.

The girl's appearance looks a little childish, and she must not be very old.

Chen Fei took away the piece of sashimi from her lips and asked curiously: "Are you working part-time?"

The girl's eyes moved slightly, but she didn't dare to speak.

To work in their industry, one has to remain motionless for at least 2 to 3 hours. If a mistake is made, tonight's reward will be lost.

Even if they encounter some unruly customers, they can only endure it.

Chatting with customers is naturally not allowed.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Fei hung up the phone, threw it to the bed and went straight to bed.

A B-category movie with an investment of only 6500 million US dollars, and it was a second female role, so there was no need to take it.

Why did Liu Yifei's mother call suddenly? And you're calling me late at night?

Compared with the former, the latter is undoubtedly a more popular choice for actresses.

"Hello? Aunt Liu?"

For example, the recent "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City" and the Hollywood movie "Resident Evil 5" which officially announced that they will come to China to choose the second female lead.

Kazuhiro Haraguchi knew the rules here and said from the side: "You can speak and I will greet your boss. Don't be afraid of being complained."

Inside the hotel room.

He has already made other arrangements for Liu Yifei's next filming plan.


Chinese-language films and Hollywood films with huge investments have always been the targets pursued by actors in the industry.

Hearing this, the girl relaxed a little.

Sashimi and ice cubes are placed close to the body. For women, there will be a huge physical burden at the end of the night, and it is impossible to work continuously.

He picked up the phone with a slight curiosity and took a look, only to see the name "Aunt Liu" clearly marked on the caller ID.

Chen Fei shook his head slightly, he was not very interested in this kind of thing.

After returning to the hotel and settling in, Chen Fei contacted Tsuchiya Kushi and Kumakubo Nobushige.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling slightly surprised.

These two movies have been the focus of recent attention in the industry.

The audience of Hollywood movies is not comparable to that of Chinese-language movies. The latter directly targets the world, while the former may not even be able to get out of the Asian region if it does not go as expected.

During this period, Chen Fei tasted the wine here, and then shook his head with some regret.


The taste is far worse than Moutai.

"Director Chen, there is a situation I want to tell you..."

Regarding his idea of ​​racing on the track, the two readily agreed and said they would help him prepare everything.

Liu Xiaoli put her phone on the table, turned to look at her daughter who was drinking AD calcium milk carelessly, and couldn't help but feel a headache.



And just behind these big flowers, Jing Tian, ​​Huang Shengyi, Gao Yuanyuan... and even Yang Mi are also working hard to win.

Therefore, there are countless actresses who have set their sights on the role of "Ada King"!
According to the information obtained by Liu Xiaoli, front-line celebrities headed by Zhang Ziyi, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbin, Zhao Yanzi, and Tang Wei have already begun to use their personal connections.

Chen Fei asked again: "How much does it cost per time?"

Liu Dehua shook his head repeatedly. He was already married and was quite resistant to this.

But in the end it was rejected by Chen Fei.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei pressed the connect button.

However, what Chen Fei didn't expect was that just after he ended the call with Nobushige Kumakubo, the ringtone of his cell phone suddenly rang again.

The meal took almost two hours.

As long as the image of the character is not too bad, even if it is only the second female lead, there are still many people working hard for it.

She opened her red lips slightly and responded softly: "Yes, my profession is a model, this is just a part-time job."

Mother Liu's call just now was actually about an invitation to a Hollywood movie. She wanted to seek Chen Fei's opinion on whether he should take on this movie?

The girl answered: "75 yen."

Before leaving, Bruce pointed to the girl on the table, "Do you need her to accompany you?"

Bruce picked up a piece of sushi with a smile and added: "It's about equivalent to 5000 US dollars, which is already equivalent to a high-paying job here in Neon."

But Liu Yifei was the only one who didn't make any move, and even made a guest appearance in a low-budget martial arts movie in Hengdian.

Liu Xiaoli didn’t even know what to say. If she didn’t fight for such a good opportunity, why would she make a martial arts film?

But my silly daughter never acted and showed no interest in this role.

Until Paul Anderson, the producer of Constantine Pictures, called and said that if Liu Yifei agreed, they could directly set the role, Liu Xiaoli couldn't sit still.

She wanted to persuade her daughter to take the role, but Liu Yifei asked her to call and consult Chen Fei first.

The final outcome is self-evident. Chen Fei directly stated that with Liu Yifei's current popularity, taking this kind of role is purely a downgraded behavior.

If it's a female lead, it's barely okay, but if it's to be a supporting role for Milla Jovovich, this is obviously inappropriate.

After reacting, Liu Xiaoli finally gave up the idea.

However, since "Resident Evil 5" can't be picked up, then "Ghost Blowing the Lamp: The Ancient City" should be okay, right?
Take a look at the role of "Shirley Yang". Isn't it tailor-made for Liu Yifei?

However, when she asked Liu Yifei what she thought, her stupid daughter said: "There is no need to compete. If the crew thinks I am suitable, I will go. If not, then I will not go."

"How do you know if it's a good fit if you don't go for it?"

"What are you fighting for?" Liu Yifei blinked her confused eyes and looked over with confusion.

Liu Xiaoli was suddenly speechless.

It's also because she protects her daughter so well. From her debut to now, this girl has never even had the experience of socializing with the producers.

While other actresses were trying their best to climb up, she just drank AD calcium milk, and then got the role stupidly.

Especially after starting to cooperate with Chen Fei!

"Source Code", "Mulan", "Super Body"...

This series of resources simply makes the actresses outside drool with envy.

But what everyone doesn't know is that Chen Fei threw all this to Liu Yifei casually, and never even thought of getting anything from her.

He just thought it was appropriate and gave it to him.

And she just drank AD calcium milk stupidly, and followed him all the way to the top actress in the mainland!

Strictly speaking, Liu Yifei's popularity is higher than that of all mainland actresses. After all, the movie "Super Body" in which she was the heroine became a hit all over the world and sold nearly 600 million US dollars at the box office.

Therefore, as long as high-quality scripts appear in the Mainland, they all have to go through her hands.

And when scripts come in from Hollywood, she will receive the news immediately.

While other female stars were trying their best to get a chance to audition, she had already read the script and declined the role.

But precisely because of this, Liu Xiaoli became increasingly worried.

After all, sometimes the free ones are the most expensive!


After two days of promotional activities, Chen Fei came to the racing track and personally raced for a lap with Tsuchiya Kushi and Kumakubo Nobushige.

Not surprisingly, he was still the one who won.

After the leisurely racing trip, Chen Fei said goodbye to the two of them, and then went to the set of "My Accidental Dad" with Bruce.

This is the first Japanese-language film released by Volton Pictures after acquiring Maroko Co., Ltd. The director in charge is Hirokazu Kore-eda, and the actors are Masaharu Fukuyama, Satomi Ishihara, Yoko Maki, Masaya Nakagawa, etc.

The first time Chen Fei came to the crew, he received a warm welcome from the entire crew.

The director with three European gold medals and Oscars is the only one in the entire Asia region, and there are only four in the world!
It is no exaggeration to say that in a place like Xiaoli, where superiority and inferiority are extremely clear, Chen Fei is the father of the entire entertainment industry.

"Director Chen, hello..."

When shaking hands with Satomi Ishihara, looking at her face, it was really difficult for Chen Fei to connect her with a mother.

But soon, when the crew put makeup on her and put her into suitable clothes, the image of a "fresh young woman" came into view!
At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly realized.

No wonder there are so many series of movies like "Madam You Don't Want...", "The Widow", "The Landlady", "The Housewife", "The Housekeeper", "Sister-in-law", "Little Mom" ​​and so on.

With this look and temperament, it’s strange that there aren’t many!

At this time, Bruce suddenly came up and bumped his arm: "How is it? Do you have the urge to make a love action movie right away?"

Chen Fei did not answer his words, but asked instead: "Is this why you like to stay in Neon?"

"Yes, they are very good at taking care of people, and they don't mind my short time, and they encourage me to stand up..."

"Okay, stop talking."

Chen Fei stopped him from wanting to continue talking and said directly: "I would like to inform you that I will treat you to a dinner party tonight."

Bruce nodded knowingly, with a smirk on his face.

This was his "meeting gift" to Chen Fei, an excellent heroine in a love action film that conforms to Chinese aesthetics.


On the morning of the 19th, the filming of "My Accidental Dad", which had been suspended for a whole day, started again.

Because of some physical discomfort, Satomi Ishihara had to go NG more often than usual, but the director Hirokazu Kore-eda smiled and said it was okay. At most it's just a waste of film, it's not a big deal.


Bruce, who came to see Chen Fei board the plane, looked at him eagerly, with an expectant expression on his face.

"Fei? Didn't you take a video? How about it? Is the heroine I chose for you good?"

"A video of your fart?"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes and wanted to take off the wings and stuff them into his mouth.

Although he is a director, he is not Mr. Edison Chen and has no interest in making this kind of special video.

After all, if it spread accidentally, it would be a big trouble for him.

"Oh, that's such a pity." Bruce sighed, and his cheerful expression fell instantly.

It’s such a pity that I came to Neon and didn’t leave any works behind.

"Fei, how about I give you a copy? I have played the leading role several times and recorded many videos. You can watch it in your spare time."

Chen Fei said nothing and silently took off his leather shoes.

Bruce was so frightened that he ran away, never daring to mention the matter again.

He didn't want that leather shoe to appear in his butt.


After landing in the capital, Chen Fei first sent a message to Chen Long, telling him that he was back.

The premiere of "Revolution of 1911" will be held, and celebrities in the industry will be invited.

This movie is directed by Chen Long, written by Wang Xingdong and Chen Baoguang, and co-starred by actors such as Zhao Wenxuan, Chen Long, Li Bingbin, and Hu Ge.

As a tribute film, popularity is naturally the most important thing.

In order to increase the popularity of the movie, Chen Long had greeted Chen Fei a long time ago and asked him to come to the premiere and help promote it.

Naturally, Chen Fei would not refuse. After all, the two had previously collaborated on "Twelve Zodiac Signs" which was a huge success.

And human relationships are sometimes essential. Chen Fei will help promote "Revolution of 1911", and Chen Long will naturally attend the premiere of "Gravity".

However, what he didn't expect was that there wasn't much news about the "Revolution of 1911" on the Internet. Instead, there were all kinds of black materials and gossip.

Apart from occasionally arguing with Li Bingbin and Yuan Li, all the negative news about other first-line actresses such as Zhang Jingchu, Fan Bingbing, and Zhang Ziyi were dug up.

Chen Fei even saw some dirty information about Liu Yifei!

Although they are almost all fabricated out of thin air, they appear so frequently, which inevitably affects the actor's personal image.

He almost thought it was Song Zude who showed up again.

After thinking about it, he called Ning Hao: "Why is the Internet so busy recently? What is this?"

"We are not fighting for the second female lead in "Resident Evil 5", these female stars are almost losing their minds."

Chen Fei quickly reacted, eliminating dissidents, suppressing opponents, and highlighting himself...

"It's just a bunch of elm heads."

He was a little speechless. This kind of role is almost always successful through internal appointments, that is, private deals.

So much effort is wasted and it has no effect at all.

Hollywood is a much more realistic place than the Mainland. Since casting is coming to the Mainland, it must be so that the movie can earn high box office in China.

Popularity, connections, resources, and even the actors themselves...these are the keys to a successful audition!

Exposing a large amount of black material online not only has no effect, but will also cause backlash and waste public relations resources for no reason.

Especially those who criticize Liu Yifei are simply mentally ill!

They also don’t think about it, how could this second female lead role with an investment of US$6500 million be worthy of a female lead with a box office of US$5 million?
After pondering for a moment, Chen Fei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He picked up the phone and dialed Liu Yifei: "You will come to the premiere of "Revolution of 1911," right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, we will walk on the red carpet together then..." When he finally hung up the phone, Chen Fei did not forget to tell her: "Remember to let the brand match your dress, don't make the decision yourself."

Liu Yifei: "..."


On the 21st, the premiere of "Revolution of " was held.

As a member of the creative team, Li Bingbin arrived at the premiere venue very early and received the guests with Chen Long and others.

When she saw Deng Wendi walking from the starting point of the red carpet, her eyes suddenly lit up.

After the other party finished signing, she hurriedly greeted him: "Sister Wen Di, how are you? Is there any progress in that matter?"

Seeing the eager look on her face, a trace of sarcasm appeared deep in Deng Wendi's eyes.

She used to think that Zhang Ziyi was stupid enough, but she never thought that there was someone even stupider than her.

After getting in touch with Li Bingbin these days, she discovered that not only did this woman have small breasts, she also didn't have a very good brain.

Fortunately she has a good sister, otherwise she would have been eaten up and wiped clean by others.

"It should be almost done."

Deng Wendi turned slightly to block the media cameras and reminded in a low voice: "Liu Yifei has determined that she will not fight for this role."

" there hope for me?"

Li Bingbin's eyes revealed a look of hope.

As long as Liu Yifei gives up competing for this role, the female stars in the industry will have hope, but if she goes for it, others won't even have to think about it.

"Yes." Wendy Deng nodded, her voice lowered, "Didn't you already meet Director Paul when he was promoting "The Snowflake and the Secret Fan" in North America?

I called him the day before yesterday and talked about your audition for the role of "Ada King". He felt that you were very suitable for this role, and he hoped that you could dress up sexy and go to his mansion to audition. "

Hearing this, Li Bingbin couldn't hide her excitement.

"I do! Sister Wen Di, please convey it to me and say that I am very willing..."

Deng Wendi smiled, quite satisfied with Li Bingbin's choice.

Now that you have entered this circle and want to climb higher, you must use all your strength!

It's so easy to get a chance to star in a Hollywood movie just by "trying out".

You know, there are still many people who don’t even have the chance to audition!

The two were chatting when suddenly, there was a burst of excitement from the other side of the red carpet.

Deng Wendi and Li Bingbin turned their heads subconsciously, and then saw Chen Fei and Liu Yifei getting out of a Mercedes-Benz and stepping onto the red carpet.

In an instant, flash lights illuminated the entire red carpet.

Seeing Liu Yifei wearing a colorful dress, her fair skin seemed to be glowing, Li Bingbin couldn't hide the envy in her eyes.

But she soon realized that she didn't need to be envious at all, because it wouldn't be long before she could shine in Hollywood!

The golden boy and the beautiful girl stepped onto the red carpet. In addition, the two of them are well-known in the industry, so it is inevitable to be interviewed by the media.

As soon as we arrived in front of the signature wall, a bunch of reporters rushed up and asked questions one after another.

"Liu Yifei, I heard that you are currently competing for the role of "Ada King" in "Resident Evil 5". Is it true?"

"Fake." The girl shook her head slightly and responded with a smile: "Although the producer of Constantine Films has actively invited me, I will not act."

After hearing these words, the scene became slightly quiet.

You won't even go if the producer personally invites you?

This shelf is really high!
Li Bingbin's mouth twitched slightly, feeling a little unhappy for no reason.

Liu Yifei's words hurt her self-esteem a bit.

The role that I worked hard for was rejected without even thinking about it. This gap is really big.

The reporter quickly asked: "Why? The role is not suitable? Or is it?"

At this time, Chen Fei suddenly took over the topic: "Because I am planning to invite her to be the heroine in my new movie, and the schedule cannot be missed."

new movie?
Everyone was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously thought of a name.

"Is it "The Ghost Blowing the Lamp: The Ancient City"?"

Chen Fei smiled slightly: "That's a movie directed by Ning Hao."

In an instant, the scene exploded!

Since it's not "Ghost Blowing Out the Lamp", it's a new movie!
For a while, the voices of various questions lingered in front of the signature wall, and microphones were inserted one after another.

Chen Fei glanced outside the red carpet and saw that Chen Long and the others were already preparing to appear.

This kind of behavior is not good.

He thought for a while and revealed a little bit of news: "It is a Hollywood science fiction movie with an investment of about 1.6 million US dollars. Liu Yifei will be the heroine. As for other news, I will hold a press conference to officially announce it later."

After saying that, he pulled Liu Yifei and turned around and entered directly.

The reporters still wanted to chase in, but were stopped by the security guards. They could only look at the backs of the two people in awe.

At the edge of the red carpet, Deng Wendi and Li Bingbin had very complicated expressions.

The former is thinking about whether Warner Pictures has any new movie arrangements in the future, so as not to collide with Chen Fei's new movie again.

The latter is full of resentment.

No wonder Liu Yifei doesn't like "Resident Evil 5". It turns out that she has a better character!

A huge investment of 1.6 million US dollars, and she is definitely the number one female...

Given such an opportunity, who would play a female supporting role when riding a horse?

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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