It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 480: Feng Dapao is disgusted with the dog, and the Yanzi Cave challenge is officially launch

Chapter 480: Feng Dapao is disgusted with the dog, and the Yanzi Cave challenge is officially launched!
It's somewhat impolite to promote your new movie at someone else's premiere.

After Chen Long came in, Chen Fei gave him a special message.

"What's this?" The eldest brother waved his hand very boldly, and then suddenly changed the subject: "Is there a suitable role for me in the new movie? A guest appearance is also acceptable."

Chen Fei smiled slightly: "If you ask, then it must be there. I will contact you as soon as it is confirmed. How about it?"


Having achieved his goal, Chen Long left happily.

After the popularity of "Zodiac", he returned to Hollywood's horizons, but because there were no high-quality sequels, his popularity dropped again and again.

He didn't expect to get any major role from Chen Fei, even if it was only a few scenes, at least to maintain the popularity first.

When he reaches his status and status, he doesn't really care about his position. He can just make a "special appearance" when the time comes.

The premiere has not officially started yet, but Chen Fei’s speech on the red carpet has already spread.

Although Liu Yifei has been confirmed to play the first female role, there are also second and third female roles, so she might have a chance.

Feng Dapao was very happy, thinking that the Golden Rooster Award was behind him, so he simply praised the Golden Rooster judges on Weibo.

And now, the investment in Chen Fei's new film is as high as 1.6 million US dollars!
What is the concept of riding a horse?
Combined with his previous excellent achievements, more and more people looked at him like a big bad wolf seeing a little sheep, wanting to rush forward and bite him without letting go.

After Feng Dapao criticized the film bureau before, he secretly went in the opposite direction and signed up to participate in the Golden Rooster Awards.

After hearing that there was nothing going on in the country, Han Sanping didn't ask too many questions.

Fan Bingbing blinked with a pair of fox-like eyes, constantly sending seductive signals to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei even saw Li Bingbin and Yuan Li hugging each other, as if they were 'good sisters' in front of others and 'life-or-death enemies' behind others.

"The premiere of "Revolution of 1911" was full of stars. Chen Long directed a tribute film for the first time and was full of confidence."

Let me ask, who can not be moved?
There are also a lot of male celebrities joining in. After all, "Hu Bayi" is also the target of many people's desire.

After all, both families showed that they had strong financial resources, which naturally attracted a lot of bees, butterflies and so on.

Therefore, many people in the industry, including Feng Xiaogang himself, are very sure that this Golden Rooster Award will definitely be the moment when "Earthquake" wins a big victory!

"Yeah." Chen Fei nodded: "Hollywood's plan is that this movie is not going to be a co-production. I want to try to sublimate the space series of movies and accumulate more experience in science fiction movies."

Being able to be shameless to this extent is probably only Feng Xiaogang who can do it.

It's a good thing that he's not an actor, otherwise he would probably be banned by the director group!

Chen Fei nodded slightly, turned around and went to Han Sanping's side.

Everyone looked at him very unhappy.

The two of them were surrounded by many celebrities and directors, and they all had a great time chatting with each other.

Han Sanping looked at Chen Fei who was walking over, her eyes full of anticipation.

Therefore, at today's premiere of "Revolution of 1911", no director came up to say hello to Feng Xiaogang.

"Those directors who went to the Golden Horse, it's hard for me to understand what you think. Isn't our mainland's Golden Rooster bad? Fair, just and open. This is the award ceremony that our mainland filmmakers should participate in..."

"You're starting a new movie?"

When no other directors came to participate, his "Earthquake" received nine nominations in a row!
Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Supporting Actress...

Nowadays, many actresses in the Mainland are eyeing the role of "Shirley Yang". After all, according to the leaked news, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will be made into a series.

As soon as these words were spoken, netizens couldn't help but rejoice, and those directors who went to participate in the Golden Horse were even more disgusted as if they had eaten shit.


"Well, if there is a suitable role, I will let you know."

As long as it's a Hollywood movie, even if it's just the second male lead, the second female lead, or even the villain, these people in China will flock to it.

There were signs of fun everywhere.

Seeing that they couldn't get over, the female stars simply turned around and went to Ning Hao's side.

New work, investment of US$1.6 million, Liu Yifei as the heroine...

It is very rare in the entire history of the Golden Rooster Awards to be nominated for so many awards!
The other nominated films are all much worse than "Earthquake" in terms of influence and box office.

For the second female role "Ada Wang" with an investment of 6500 million US dollars, the first-line actresses in the industry started to fight.

She doesn't mind co-starring Liu Yifei. At least Chen Fei's investment in this new movie is much higher than that of "Resident Evil 5"!

After the premiere ended successfully, as expected, the press release immediately appeared on the page of the Film and Television Information Network.

"Director Chen, if you find a suitable role, be sure to remember me. We are in an 'Avatar' partnership..."

If you can be selected, you will have the opportunity to star in three blockbusters in a row.

For a time, there was an endless stream of people coming to say hello.

Even those female celebrities who fought so fiercely for roles in the past and were almost out of their wits are now acting like hello, me, and everyone.

Only Feng Xiaogang behaved a bit like a dog and a person tonight.

A lot of people came to attend the premiere today, and Chen Fei also saw Boss Jia and Yang Zai from Juli Pictures.

There is no doubt that this will be another Hollywood blockbuster!

"According to director Chen Fei, a Hollywood blockbuster with an investment of US$1.6 million is in preparation, and Liu Yifei has been confirmed to play the female lead."

"Director Ning Hao said that the auditions for "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City" have not yet started, and he does not rule out the possibility of using an actor invitation system."

"Li Bingbin and Yuan Li embraced each other passionately and seemed to be reconciled..."

Celebrity gossip, movie information, box office information... all kinds of news are all over the Internet, which is eye-catching.

Chen Fei took a closer look at the release status of several movies in September.

Hollywood blockbusters are still unmatched, and several movies, including "The Abyss" and "Ride," have daily box office sales of almost 10 million or more.

On the other hand, domestic films are in mourning. "Global Love" and "Da Takeo" have only been released for more than a week, and their daily box office has fallen below 300 million.

There is no doubt that domestic films have failed in the first and middle months.

Next, we have to look at the achievements of the three blockbusters "Revolution of 1911", "The Legend of White Snake" and "Gravity".

The industry is the most confident about "Gravity". After all, it is a movie starring and written by Chen Fei, and the investment is as high as 6 million!

Only the subject matter makes people a little unsure. After all, the words "domestic science fiction" have been synonymous with "bad movies" in the past.

Everyone is looking forward to whether Chen Fei can break the curse of 'domestic science fiction' = 'bad movies'?
Among these three movies, the one that is currently the most hyped is "The Legend of White Snake"!
As the first exclusive production of Juli Pictures, and also shortlisted for commercial blockbusters in the non-competition section of the Cannes Film Festival, Yang Zai is very proud.

As an investor, he even participated in the later promotion of the film.

When he was on the variety show, this guy was so crazy that he even promised to dominate the entire National Day show!

Even "Gravity" has become the target of Yang Zai's blackmail. Although he didn't say it explicitly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

This wave of "The Legend of White Snake" is dedicated to "Gravity"!
"If a man is mad, he will be met with disaster."

Chen Fei sneered.

He really wanted to see if the young master of the giant rigging family could still laugh after the movie was officially released.

On the 23rd, "Revolution of " was officially released.

On the 24th, the first day’s box office was announced.

463.91 million.

The circle was shocked!
With such a big pomp, such a big lineup, and under the banner of a gift film, how come it only has a box office of just over 4 million?
Off the street?
Chen Fei saw it very clearly. This should be because of "The Great Cause of Party Building".

The former sucked up the traffic of the entire "gift film" market, and even had a wave of "bookings". Although the box office performance improved, it also caused a lot of criticism.

Fortunately now, the "Revolution of 1911" has directly become a "victim".

Thanks to Chen Long's appeal, otherwise the box office would probably be even lower!

The next step is to see whether the film bureau will provide "booking" support.

If we don't help, based on this first-day box office performance, it is estimated that it will not be much different from "Dai Wu Sheng" in the end.

Taking his eyes off the box office performance of several movies, Chen Fei packed his luggage and prepared to go to Mexico.

The staff of Red Bull have been waiting there for nearly half a month, and all preparations have been arranged, just waiting for him, the challenger, to pass.

Before leaving, he picked out the latest entertainment newspaper from the newspapers in the airport lobby to pass the time on the plane.

After the plane took off, he opened the newspaper.

The headline page clearly stated the news that auditions for "Resident Evil 5" had started.

Since the premiere of "Revolution of 1911", many actresses in the industry have known that Liu Yifei has no intention of pursuing the role of "Ada King".

Most of the negative information about her on the Internet disappeared instantly! At the same time, knowing that they could not catch up with Liu Yifei's popularity, the crew of "Resident Evil 5" stopped wasting time and directly announced the casting rules.

No public auditions, only actors invited by the film studio and recommended actors...

As soon as the news came out, more than half of the "cow ghosts and snake gods" who were enjoying the popularity were reduced.

Many on-site photos were posted in newspapers, and without exception, they were photos of the actresses who participated in the audition.

Fan and Li Bingbing were the first to bear the brunt, followed by Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Yanzi, Tang Wei, Shu Qi and others. There were also many actresses from Xiangjiang.

In addition, the second generation of little flowers also followed.

Yang Mi got a recommendation opportunity from within the Feiyinghuang Agency. Jing Tian even flew back from Los Angeles. Jiang Yiyan probably went through Chengtian's channel...

The most exaggerated one was Huang Shengyi, who wore a red dress and exquisite makeup. She even went to the audition hotel with her makeup!
Chen Fei did not expect Liu Shishi's appearance, but looking at Cai Yinong who also appeared in the photo, he had some guesses in his mind.

Tang Ren probably secured a recommendation opportunity from Xiangjiang.

Cai Yinong has always been very close to the capital of Xiangjiang and Wanwan in the past, but now that she lost the opportunity to cooperate with Feiyue Film and Television, she is close to them again.

The media reports were very interesting and even used the phrase "carp leaping over the dragon's gate".

I wonder which fish will be lucky enough to jump over the dragon gate and successfully make it into Hollywood?



Central Mexico.

Near Swallow Cave.

Chen Fei, Florian Gallenberger and a group of Red Bull staff stood on a high place, overlooking the Swallow Cave area.

This mysterious cave is cone-shaped and surrounded by dense virgin forest. It looks very mysterious and was even named one of the top ten fascinating caves on earth by National Geographic magazine!

Because the area it is located in is too secretive, it was only discovered by outsiders in the early 60s.

The reason why it is called "Swallow Cave" is not because it looks like a swallow, but because it is home to a large number of swallows and bats.

Flory recounted the information he found: "The cave is 1400 feet deep, which is about 426 meters using your Chinese measurement unit.

The environment inside is complex, and you need to avoid various obstacles such as stone pillars on the way down. The landing location is a platform 27 meters long and 10 meters wide..."

After telling the basic information, he said with a solemn expression: "Swallow Cave is very dangerous. According to Red Bull's information report, at least thousands of disappearances occur here every year, and the bottom of the cave is densely covered with bones..."

As he spoke, Flory suddenly stopped.

Because he found that following his warning, Chen Fei's face gradually showed a look of interest, and his eyes even began to glow!

"Oh! shit! Fei! You're just a lunatic!"

He couldn't understand why Chen Fei loved challenging danger so much.

A billionaire who doesn't think about happiness and enjoyment all day long is actually challenging various life and death crises.

It’s simply incomprehensible!
"Are the equipment and helicopters ready?" Chen Fei asked.

"Well, the best custom parachute, automatic opener, backup parachute..."

Flory has many treasures, and equipment production is his forte.

"Then inform the Red Bull Publicity Department. Tomorrow afternoon, we will officially start the challenge!"


Flory nodded slightly and looked at a Red Bull staff member behind him.

Their eyes met, and the other party was instantly understood.

In the afternoon, as usual, Chen Fei turned off his cell phone and began to prepare for the challenge.

Check equipment, familiarize yourself with the terrain, review skills...

Red Bull's publicity team acted quickly and immediately spread the news of Chen Fei's challenge to the "Swallow Cave" to the world.

This is actually a kind of promotion for "Gravity".

Chen Fei has already said hello to Red Bull. While announcing the extreme challenge, he will also bring "Gravity" with him.

This is equivalent to a joint publicity campaign.

Promotional content immediately appeared on Weibo, Twitter, Facebook, Google and other platforms.

The title is concise and clear.

[Red Bull Extreme Athlete Chen Fei will launch his latest challenge tomorrow afternoon: "Skydiving from Swallow Cave at an altitude of 10,000 meters"! Please look forward to this crazy fall from "Gravity"! 】

The effect of the joint promotion was great, and netizens and fans from all over the world immediately turned their attention to Chen Fei.

The specific content of Yanzidong BASE Jumping was immediately announced by Red Bull.

For a time, there was a heated discussion on the Internet!
"Based skydiving from Swallow Cave in Mexico? Damn it! Director Chen is going to commit suicide again?"

"Be good and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, ding, dong, this kind of publicity method is simply unheard of!"

"Ten years... no! It's a once-in-a-hundred-year chance. Which actor would seek death like this?"

"It's hard work to ride a horse. In order to promote the movie, the leading actor went to the Swallow Cave to skydive!"

"I won't say anything. With Director Chen's courage, I will definitely go and support the movie after it is released. I chose the imax-3D giant screen theater without any thought!"

"Huh? I just found out that the pre-sale of movie tickets for "Gravity" has started. I'll go grab one first."

"Go together! Go together!"

The topic of "Swallow Cave BASE Jumping in Mexico" shot to the top of the trending searches on Weibo, and it is even more hotly debated online!
Looking at the news, Yangzi was very annoyed.

In order to promote "The Legend of White Snake", he invested a lot of publicity resources and used a lot of personal connections.

He managed to get popular, but he never expected to be defeated by "Gravity" with one move.

This is very embarrassing.

People have never regarded him as a competitor!

"If you go skydiving on a horse, you'd better fall to your death."

He cursed and looked at the news on the Internet, his face full of hatred.


26th, afternoon.

When the plane took off, Red Bull officials immediately connected the broadcast signal.

For a time, countless viewers poured in through various channels.

Many people are looking forward to this broadcast. After all, it is rare to live broadcast skydiving, not to mention that the challenger is a big director and star who enjoys a high reputation in the world!


The helicopter's propeller was spinning rapidly, making a harsh roar.
The huge noise stimulated the audience in front of the screen, so that many people seemed to be on the scene, and their adrenaline began to surge as the height of the plane increased unconsciously!
The Red Bull reporter carried a camera and pointed the lens at Chen Fei.

He adjusted the soundproof earmuffs and then waved to the camera: "Hi, viewers and fans in front of the screen, good afternoon.

We will now set off to the sky above Yanzi Cave, where I will show you a thrilling skydiving challenge, please wait and see.

In addition, if you are interested, please also support the new movie "Gravity" starring me.

The box office pre-sale activity has begun. Friends who want to watch the movie can log on to the "Maoyan" website to select seats and purchase tickets in advance..."

Maoyan has been in operation for more than a year and currently has 200 million registered users!

Many young netizens have begun to purchase tickets in advance on it, so that they don’t have to queue up at the cinema.

For people who often watch movies, the appearance of this app is simply too convenient.

For theaters and producers, this can effectively prevent box office theft, and can also intuitively see changes in box office data every moment, which is really easy to use!
Han Sanping is also paying attention to Chen Fei's skydiving challenge.

When he heard that Chen Fei was not forgetting to promote the new movie while being interviewed by reporters, he turned to look at the assistant beside him and asked: "What is the current pre-sale box office of "Gravity"?"

The assistant replied: "It has reached 8000 million."

No matter how calm Han Sanping was, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

The premiere has not yet been held, and there are still 4 days until the release, but the pre-sale box office on Maoyan has already reached 8000 million. If the movie is officially released, wouldn't it easily exceed million?
"Is it possible that another Chinese-language movie with a box office of over 10 billion is about to be born?"

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This year’s KPI assessment issued by the Film Bureau has been stable again!
The next step is to wait for Chen Fei to complete the challenge and then officially announce the start of the box office battle for "Gravity"!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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