It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 483: The premiere of "Gravity", what the fuck? Who does such propaganda? ?

Chapter 483: The premiere of "Gravity", what the fuck? Who does such propaganda? ?
On the 28th, the movie "The Legend of White Snake" independently produced by Juli Pictures was officially released.

Chen Fei did not pay attention to this movie, because on the same day, "Gravity" held a grand world premiere ceremony in the capital.

Both sides of the red carpet outside the General Assembly Hall were already crowded with media from all walks of life, and the flashlights flashed crazily and continuously.

Celebrities and stars from the film and television industry from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places attended the event in their best attire, walked on the red carpet, and accepted cheers from fans and interviews from the media.

As this year's only $600 million blockbuster, "Gravity" has received great attention.

Chen Fei wrote and acted in his own film. The subject matter is a domestic science fiction film that has not yet had any success in the country, and it is once again on the National Day schedule...

With the blessing of various buffs, the attention of this movie can be said to be overwhelming!

A few days ago, Chen Fei also challenged himself with a "Swallow Cave BASE Jump", which caused a huge craze around the world!

According to data released by the official website of "Maoyan", the pre-sale box office of "Gravity" has reached 1.55 million yuan.

And this also means that the box office on the first day after its official release on the 30th will only be higher than this number!

Everyone inside and outside the circle is very curious, what kind of results will this movie finally achieve?
And today's premiere may be able to give a rough answer.

On both sides of the red carpet, reporters would change camera batteries and memory cards from time to time.

There was no way, there were so many people coming that I couldn’t take a photo.

Looking around, as long as there are actors who can be named, there are almost no absences!

Chen Long, Li Lianjie, Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Liang Jiahui, Zhang Jiahui, Chow Yun-fat... Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, Lu Yi, Nie Yuan, Tong Dawei...

Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, Ye Ning, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, Huo Qigang, Wang Zhonglei, Wang Zhongjun, Zhang Weiping, Boss Jia, Yang Zai...

Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbin, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Jinglei, Tang Wei, Shu Qi, Zhou Xun, Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Shu Chang, Yang Mi, Zhao Liying...

Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige, Wang Quanan, Section Chief Jia...

"Hiss! How many people are here today?"

As the director of "Gravity", Guo Fan arrived at the scene early and received the guests along with Su Guohai and Ning Hao.

Chen Fei will appear later, and they must wait until all the guests arrive before they can go on the red carpet.

Ning Hao recalled the list and replied: "Including some guests from abroad, there are about five hundred people, which can just fill up all the seats on the rostrum."


Guo Fan immediately fell silent.

Five hundred people?
Doesn't this mean that all the mainstream people in the entertainment industry have been invited?

He was inexplicably nervous. Even though the outside world knew that "Gravity" was a work by Chen Fei, his name was listed in the director's column!

It's not a co-director, it's just his name!
When he thought about having to speak in front of more than 500 people later, he instantly became nervous and his calves were trembling.

Fortunately, Li Yang and Yang Yu came over at this time.

After the three chatted for a while, Guo Fan gradually relaxed a lot.

"With Director Chen here, the media's attention should be all on him. I am just a transparent person in name only..."

He comforted himself silently in his heart, and quickly reacted.

This is a rare opportunity to show his face. After today's premiere, his name will definitely be heard throughout the entertainment industry.

Chen Fei is training him!

"I will never embarrass Director Chen!" He vowed secretly.

It was approaching noon, and after all the guests had finished entering, Chen Fei called out Guo Fan and walked onto the red carpet together.

The flashlights at the scene were so blinding that people could hardly keep their eyes open. The fans of Chen Fei and Liu Dehua held up movie posters and banners and screamed crazily at the red carpet.

The two of them were quite calm and waved to the left and right.

Vaguely, Guo Fan even heard someone calling his name!

Because he had laughed too much in the morning, his expression was slightly stiff, and his nervousness began to spread again.

"Don't be nervous, just move forward naturally. You are a director, so you don't need to pay too much attention to your appearance like a star."

Chen Fei's voice suddenly came from his ears.

For no reason, Guo Fan actually relaxed a lot, and the people standing next to him seemed to give him great confidence!

The 100-meter-long red carpet soon ended.

After entering the venue, more people came up to say hello.

"Director Chen, I wish you a great box office success, haha!"

"The first domestic science fiction movie, I'm really looking forward to it."

"The pre-sale box office is 1.55 million. If this number can be maintained, it will definitely break the record..."

Chen Fei smiled and greeted everyone.

Soon, the premiere officially begins!
The seating arrangement today is very strict.

The first and second rows are the bosses of the space agency, the film bureau, several major film groups, a number of film and television companies, and big directors in the industry.

The third and fourth rows are for A-list and above celebrity entertainers.

Basic mistakes will definitely not be made. Stars who have conflicts are kept far apart, and those who are related sit very close to each other.

For example, Li Bingbin and Deng Wendi sit far away from Zhang Ziyi.

Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying sat together, with Zhou Xun next to them.

Fan Bingbing was separated to the other side, feeling lonely and arrogant. Next to him were several actors and producers who he often collaborated with.

Every top female star and male star is like a mountain, with no contact with each other.

In front of the public, we are all good sisters and good brothers, but behind the scenes we are all competitors.

After all, there are only so many top resources, who wouldn’t want them?

Zhao Yanzi didn't come today. It wasn't that she didn't want to come. The key was that she didn't receive the invitation at all!

Judging from the current situation, among the four major beauties, she is the one who has fallen the fastest.

Everyone in the circle knew what was going on, and everyone had a tacit understanding. No one would mention that person in front of Chen Fei.

Again, there is no good person that Grandma Rong has stabbed!
The host was Guangguang's Xie Nan. After a concise opening remarks, the main creators were invited to the stage.

"The filming of "Gravity" is the most unique shooting method I have experienced in all my years as an actor. Space suits, anti-gravity, simulated space stations, everything is amazing..."

Liu Dehua took the microphone and talked endlessly about the shooting scene.

When the microphone was handed to Guo Fan, he said slightly nervously: "I learned a lot from the filming of this movie. Director Chen gave me a lot of guidance and benefited me a lot. I will never let him down." My expectations..."

Many directors below showed envious expressions.

Not only are you given step-by-step instruction, but you also have the experience of shooting a science fiction blockbuster right after you get started. Apart from Feiyue Film and Television, which other company has such resources?

The microphone finally returned to Chen Fei's hand.

He didn't say much, but simply thanked several investors for their support, and then announced that the film would officially start screening.

Everyone in the audience skillfully picked up the 3D glasses on the side.

Han Sanping even reminded a leader of the film bureau next to her: "Hold on to your seat and don't fall off."

This sound was heard by many people, and it immediately aroused curiosity.

As the credits appear, the movie officially begins.

Everyone at the scene fell silent and stared at the big screen.

The plot unfolds. International Space Station astronaut Liu Dehua and Dr. Chen Fei board the space shuttle to perform a mission, preparing to repair the Hubble Sky Telescope.

During the repair work out of the warehouse, debris from a satellite explosion destroyed a large number of spacecraft and rushed towards the two people, simultaneously destroying the Hubble Telescope and the space shuttle.

The plane was crashed, and the two had no choice but to head to the International Space Station, preparing to evacuate with the help of the Soyuz spacecraft there.

A thrilling self-rescue operation has officially begun!
"Wow! This special effect? ​​It's absolutely amazing!"

"What the hell? This visual effect is not inferior to those Hollywood blockbusters at all!"

"Hey? How come the International Space Station was also destroyed? How can we go back?"

There were constant discussions below, and while people from both the Space Agency and the Film Bureau were watching, they were still communicating in low voices from time to time.

Until the "Tiangong Space Station" appeared behind, bursts of cheers suddenly erupted from the scene!

A certain leader of the film bureau was very satisfied and nodded repeatedly: "Our actors can also save the world. Such good movies are worthy of promotion."

The expressions of many people around him changed slightly.

Wang Zhonglei even cursed secretly in his heart: "Why do you let this kid take advantage of all the good things?"

The bureau's words "worthy of promotion" can at least save tens of millions of publicity expenses for "Gravity". After all, those are official promotion resources.

When the nearly two-hour movie ended, the front row was the first to burst into applause. A leader of the bureau stood up first and said: "Everyone here is a professional in the film and television industry, and we highly encourage you to make this type of science fiction movie.

Big-budget movies are very beneficial to the film and television industry. At the same time, they can also highlight the style of our country and spread Chinese culture.

If any company is willing to continue to explore the field of science fiction, we will definitely support it..."

There were many people listening below. Although they nodded repeatedly, they didn't even think about it in their hearts.

This kind of project cannot be started at will just by the leader saying he supports it. No one would dare to rashly invest hundreds of millions in it when it is not certain that it will be profitable?
If you are not careful, you will lose your pants!

Soon, the creative team took the stage again.

Xie Nan asked a question that many people were very curious about.

"Director Chen, what are your expectations for the box office of this movie?"

Chen Fei smiled slightly: "Although I have shot a lot of Hollywood science fiction blockbusters, I have not touched much in the field of domestic science fiction, so I don't have much confidence.

But now that it has been filmed, I must want it to sell more box office, so... it will start at 6 million. "

6 million?

Everyone at the scene was a little confused. The investment was 6 million, and the box office started at only million. Isn't this just losing money and making a fuss?
As a professional host, Xie Nan responded quickly.

"The 6 million that Director Chen mentioned, the following units are..."

"U.S. dollars!" Chen Fei said in a matter-of-fact tone: ""Gravity" will be launched in theaters around the world on September 9. The number of theaters in North America is about 30, and it is expected to have 4200 million viewers. dollar first-day box office results.”

As soon as these words came out, there was silence for a while, and then there was warm applause.

6 billion dollars!
The number of theaters open in North America is 4200!
Look, this is the style of an international boss!

Yang Zai was sitting under the stage, looking at Chen Fei's high spirits on the stage, and suddenly felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"What kind of domestic science fiction blockbuster is there? Isn't it just adding special effects? Who doesn't know how to spend money? I can make it if you give me 600 million, what's the big deal?"

With a gloomy expression on his face, he glanced at the scrolling subtitles on the big screen, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.


After the premiere, the banquet officially began.

Many people came over with wine glasses to toast Chen Fei and congratulate him on his box office success.

Liu Yifei and Shu Chang, who were wearing formal dresses, also came over.

The two girls held red wine glasses and touched Fade Chen lightly, which was a bit novel.

The two women said in unison: "I wish you a great success at the box office."

"Thank you." Chen Fei smiled slightly, then looked at Liu Yifei: "When will your role in "Xiu Chun Dao 2" be completed? Have you read all the scripts I gave you?"

"I've finished reading." Liu Yifei nodded slightly and added: "Come on, it will be over in mid-October."

"Okay, remember to do physical training. Filming there will probably start in December. Please pay attention to coordinate the schedule."

After saying that, he looked at Shu Chang again, lowered his voice and asked, "How did you handle that matter?"

Shu Chang shook his head dejectedly: "The whirlpool of public opinion is huge, and we may not be able to escape in a short time."

Chen Fei shook his head helplessly: "Don't interact with Zhang Dabeard in the future. That guy smells too bad and you can't wash it off if you get it."

After Zhang Jizhong returned from the Czech Republic, he devoted himself to the production of "Journey to the West".

Originally, the public thought that he might be quiet for a while, but unexpectedly, new rumors suddenly popped up recently!

There was an actress on the set of "Journey to the West" who took the initiative to reveal that there was an unspoken rule, and even the text messages from which the assistant director was involved were exposed.

As soon as the incident came out, there was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet!
A netizen who claimed to be a crew member even came out and broke the news: "Six of the seven spider spirits were trapped!"

A person who claimed to be a stage manager on the set broke the news to the media that he had seen the producer several times coming out of the room of several actresses who played spider spirits at four or five in the morning.

Perhaps because he stumbled upon the producer's secret, he was fired for no reason!

As the incident became more influential, various rumors emerged, and the person who broke the news even had photos in his hands...

The reason why Shu Chang was implicated was because she helped play the role of "King of the Daughter Kingdom".

Fortunately now, the media has even set their sights on her, secretly trying to dig something out of her.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter. I'll let someone handle it. You finish filming "Xiu Chun Dao 2" as soon as possible. There is another role waiting for you."

Shu Chang was stunned for a moment and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Zhongjun who came over.

"Director Chen, I happened to meet you today. Please keep this document."


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and took it easily.

Notice to shareholders...

"What is this?" He looked at Wang Zhongjun with some confusion.

Wang Zhongjun smiled mysteriously: "You will know when you go back and take a look."

"it is good."

Chen Fei handed the document to his assistant, then went to chat with Chen Long for a few words and agreed on a shooting time.

Immediately after the banquet ended, news about the premiere of "Gravity" appeared on major film and television information websites.

In particular, Chen Fei's statement that "the box office is expected to be 6 million US dollars" has become a hot topic of discussion for countless people!

Many people are discussing whether this "Gravity" can really live up to expectations?

The morning of the 29nd.

After getting up, Chen Fei immediately prepared to check out the first-day box office results of "The Legend of White Snake".

But before he could turn on his computer, he suddenly received a call from Guo Fan.

"Director Chen, there are many articles slandering our movie online..."

"Oh?" Chen Fei raised his eyebrows curiously, "You forward it to me and I can see what those articles say?"

"it is good."

Guo Fan responded and quickly hung up the phone.

After a while, he forwarded the article to Chen Fei's account.

Most of the articles criticized "domestic science fiction" and even cited bad movies like "Robot" as examples, arguing that "Gravity" was not much better.

According to the author of the article, this kind of science fiction blockbuster should be filmed in Hollywood, with an American background and portray Americans as saviors.

The development of China's science and technology has not reached the level that it should be in the film. No matter how it is filmed, it is just sensationalism.

The article finally concluded that as long as a Chinese plays the leading role in a science fiction film, it will definitely be a bad film!

Even if the starring role is Chen Fei!
This statement was supported by many "Mi Chui", and some people even called for a boycott of "Gravity" to prevent it from being released in theaters.

Seeing this, Chen Fei suddenly smiled.

There are idiots every year, but this year there are especially many!

He called the space agency directly.

That afternoon, both parties jointly issued a statement online:
"Just like our first artificial satellite, first rocket, and first manned space flight, everyone thought we could not succeed, and the outside world continued to laugh at us, but we still succeeded!

Huaxia Technology has indeed not yet reached the level shown in the film, but who can guarantee that we will not be able to reach it in the future?

Everyone, please wait and see, we will realize all these in the film one by one! "

As soon as the statement was released, it immediately received praise from netizens.

Those "Mi Chui" and "traitors" were so reviled that they could hardly hold their heads up.

And five hours later, countless praises suddenly burst out on the Internet!

The space agency immediately issued a statement:


Inside Juli Pictures.

Looking at the buzzing news reports on the Internet, as well as the statement about the "Gravity" crew, as well as the praise from netizens, Yang Zai fell silent again.


The Dzi Bead in his hand was directly knocked to the ground by him.

He just couldn't figure it out. Is it necessary for the space agency to do this?
Isn't it just a science fiction movie?
For the sake of publicity, a Tiangong-1 space laboratory was even launched?

Isn't this level of support too exaggerated?

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
 I recommended a new Xianxia book to a friend, and the results are particularly impressive!

(End of this chapter)

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