It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 484 "Gravity" had a big box office explosion on the first day! Is the white snake

Chapter 484 "Gravity" had a big box office explosion on the first day! Is the white snake in yellow holy clothes from 'heaven and earth'?
News about the successful launch of the "Tiangong-1 Space Laboratory" began to spread crazily, and the whole people almost fell into a carnival feast!
Now, with the successful launch of the Tiangong-1 Space Laboratory, this also means that the day when our country has a space station is not far away!
Looking around, the Internet is already full of praise:

"Lao Mi doesn't want us to enter the International Space Station? Okay, then we'll build our own space station!"

"The labor and management are all excited and crying. Tiangong-1 was successfully launched. Hahaha, China also has its own space laboratory!"

"Strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! Work hard for the rise of the Chinese nation!"


"I'll tell you good news. The box office pre-sales of "Gravity" have exceeded 2 million, and the attendance rate at zero-point screenings is as high as 98%..."

Late at night, Han Sanping called Chen Fei excitedly.

"Is it because of the influence of Tiangong-1?"

"Yes, the moment the news of the successful launch of the space laboratory was exposed, the box office pre-sales data of "Gravity" immediately ushered in a surge. If the release date is set on October 10st, I am confident that it can be released Pre-sale box office pushed to 1 million!”

This wave of bonuses is really terrifying!

"You said you are sick? You just accepted the interview with me. What did you have to argue with him? It's better now. The stock price could have reached several daily limits, but the upward trend was directly ruined."

According to the description in the shareholder letter, in addition to the initial investment of 70 billion, there will be a basic investment plan of 30 billion in the later period, and the total investment is expected to reach billion!

This scale of funding has far exceeded Huayi’s investment in the film and television industry.

When it comes to the number of fans, how could Wang Zhonglei be Chen Fei's opponent?
For a time, a large number of netizens went to his Weibo and questioned him.

After recalling the current domestic box office ranking record, Chen Fei replied: "It will definitely be no problem to surpass "Butterfly Lovers", but if you want to catch up with "Inception", it will probably be a bit difficult."

"Haha, where there is a will, there is a way. Next, I will focus all my attention on this movie. Don't worry about the promotion in Asia! We will strive to make its domestic box office exceed 15 billion!"

In Wang Zhongjun’s office.

It is still a picture, but it contains "Jingjue Ancient City", "Longling Mysterious Cave", "Kunlun Temple", "Return to the Ruins of the South China Sea", "Wuxia Coffin Mountain", "Angry Eyes in Western Hunan", " A lot of scripts including "Huangpizi Tomb".

He really didn't expect that Chen Fei's counterattack would come so quickly and so fiercely!
"That kid is also one of the company's shareholders after all, and the rising stock price is also good for him. Why can't he just endure it..."

Chen Fei's net worth has risen rapidly, and he seems to be the richest man born in the 80s!

As soon as the reply came out, it attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

Especially the statement jointly issued by Chen Fei and the space agency has now become the best promotional slogan for the movie!

"Our 'Ghost Blowing Lantern IP Ten Billion Plan' has also appeared. The crew is in preparation. The first movie will be able to meet the fans during the Lunar New Year next year at the latest. So when will your cultural city be completed?"

"Transformers 3" has a domestic box office of 10.5 billion yuan, a North American box office of 3.52 million US dollars, and a global total of 11.8 billion US dollars.

"After de-simplification of movies, where will you make money? Is it from selling stocks?"

The 0 o'clock screening has already begun. He is not going to sleep tonight. He must see the positive feedback as soon as possible!
Chen Fei didn't imitate him. He ate, drank, and slept when he should, and he didn't look nervous at all.

Many reporters turned around and commented on Chen Fei's Weibo, hoping that he would respond to this matter.

He slept until half past nine, ate breakfast leisurely, and took a look at the shareholder letter Wang Zhongjun gave him.

"War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" had a domestic box office of 3 million yuan, a North American box office of US$8.3 million, and a global total of US$3.15 million.


"At least the construction of our cultural city has begun, and we have a complete plan. However, the other party seems to have only appointed a small supporting role, and the film's start date is far away..."

It is no exaggeration to say that "Gravity" is equivalent to the "gift film" category at this time, and it will definitely receive strong official support in the future.

Obviously, the reform of "de-simplification of movies" has officially sounded the clarion call!

"Mr. Wang? What is the follow-up plan for the development of the Cultural City? Is a thousand acres of land sufficient? Do you need any donations?"

Chen Fei took a look online, and as expected, Huayi's stock price hit the limit.

And of course he won’t be timid!
After a while, the media discovered that Chen Fei had posted a new Weibo post.

Wang Zhonglei, who was standing opposite, had a red face.

How big is Hua Yicai?

Wang Zhonglei even came forward to accept interviews with the media, talking about Huayi's "big ambitions" for the future, and even suppressed film and television companies of the same type, in order to establish Huayi's "leading" position in the industry.

Just a few hours after the announcement was released, the Tiangong-1 space laboratory happened to be successfully launched, which was almost as if it had been agreed upon.

All kinds of flattering voices are mixed in the news reports, just like a flattering attitude.

Invest 70 billion to build two "cultural cities" to benchmark Hengdian Film and Television City...

The remarks were full of doubts and disdain, as if the "Ghost Blowing Deng IP Ten Billion Plan" was not worthy of being compared with the "Cultural City Ten Billion Plan".

At this time, Han Sanping suddenly asked with great anticipation: "How big do you think the mainland box office of this movie will be in the end?"


Wang Zhongjun stood up from his seat and spat mercilessly: "How much are Huayi's shares worth? Can they be compared with a giant like Walt Disney Pictures? His net worth is close to a hundred Billions of dollars, would you care about such a small amount of money?”

The accompanying text is six words:
"There's still a long way to go, we'll see."

The appetites of the two Wang brothers are not ordinary!
Huayi had previously acquired one thousand acres of land in both Shanghai and Suzhou, and now it has finally made a detailed investment plan.

The success of the two films directly led to a surge in the stock price of Volton Pictures.

When a reporter asked him which of the "Cultural City Ten Billion Plan" and the "Ghost Blowing Deng IP Ten Billion Plan" would be realized first, he raised his hand to adjust his sunglasses and curled his lips slightly.

After chatting for a while, Han Sanping took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Among his many investments, Huayi is at the bottom of the list and not worth mentioning at all.

He didn't need to save any face for Wang Zhonglei at all.

How will it affect Huayi’s share price? It's just a few hundred million yuan, it's worth it to make my friends happy.

Longxiang Capital is now so "rich" that it has multiple domestic and foreign layouts, covering countless industries, and its total assets have exceeded US$3000 billion...

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Fei can now point at "Rebus" and start criticizing like crazy. Who makes him one of Xiaomi's major shareholders?

Of course, he was just thinking about it. After all, the price of '1' for Xiaomi Mi 1999, which was just released this year, was so outrageous that it made several friends rush to buy it. Just thinking about it made them happy!
"I have to make an appointment with Jun'er for dinner when I have time..."

Chen Fei muttered softly.

After taking his eyes away from Huayi, he finally had time to take a look at the "Legend of White Snake" exclusively produced by Juli Pictures.

At the previous premiere, Yang Zai boasted so loudly in front of all the big guys that he was awesome!

“The initial investment budget for our movie was actually 1.8 million, and after two additional increases, it was directly raised to 2.4 million!
As for the special effects, we directly invited foreign professional special effects companies to do it, spending a full 100 million, and the production cycle lasted for half a year, in order to create a rare large-scale magical romance film in China..."

The investment is as high as 2.4 million, which also means that if you want to make back the money, the box office must start at least 5 million!
This is under the premise that the copyright fee is sold at a high price, otherwise it will be a loser.

In addition to bragging at the premiere, Yang Zai also shouted very loud slogans during publicity, which made him feel like he had drunk too much realgar wine.

"I bet that after The Legend of White Snake, there won't be any White Snake in the industry!"

"The king of the National Day box office, "The Legend of White Snake" is at your fingertips!"

"The box office of "The Legend of White Snake" is expected to be at least 6 million. After it is released, Juli Pictures will once again invest heavily in production. It is expected that there will be no less than ten movies, and the investment will be no less than billion!"

I don’t know if it cost a lot of money, but there are many filmmakers, producers, film and television stars on the Internet, helping Yang Zai to promote it on Weibo.

But if you look around, almost all of them are directors and stars from Hong Kong Island.

In fact, this movie can be regarded as a Hong Kong movie. After all, most of the directors, producers and shooting teams in the whole movie are from Hong Kong Island. More than 80% of the main actors are from Hong Kong Island. On the other hand, the celebrities in the mainland were silent.

Even if they were helping to promote the movie, most people would just forward some promotional news about "Gravity" and not mention "The Legend of White Snake" at all.

As long as you are not blind, you can almost tell that these two movies are obviously going to compete on the National Day schedule.

If you support "The Legend of White Snake", it means siding with Yang Zai and Hong Kong Island.

However, as long as one is involved in the mainland film industry, who would dare to do this?
Offending Chen Fei and Feiyue Films obviously means offending a bunch of giants including China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, and Enlight!

Just look at Zhao Yanzi's fate. She is the most typical representative.

I just came up to touch porcelain for a while, and was kicked directly to Xiangjiang. I couldn't come back for several years.

That was several years ago. Nowadays, Chen Fei has become the top player in the industry. It is easy to ban an actor!
Who dares to come forward now?
There’s no need to be so anxious to seek death, right?

Judging from online reports, on the day "The Legend of White Snake" was released, the theater was completely packed with people!

The box office on the first day was 2480 million. This result has already surpassed previous movies such as "Love in the City", "Da Wu Sheng", and "Revolution of ".

On the second day of its release, the 29th, the single-day box office of "The Legend of White Snake" was as high as 3200 million!
The Internet is now full of Yang Zai's arrogant words: "This National Day movie will definitely belong to "The Legend of White Snake". Our movie box office will continue to rise. It will be easy to break through 6 million or 7 million, or even break through 10 billion, creating a new The box office record is not impossible..."

"Huh? So arrogant?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and began to look for movie reviews about "The Legend of White Snake" on Weibo, Douban, Tieba and other platforms.

But what surprised him was that when he looked around, there were all positive reviews online!
Even those "venomous" film critics who always like to find faults and find trouble have surprisingly good reviews of this movie, with not a single negative comment.

"Hey? Are you trying to brush up your reviews?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and became interested immediately.

However, just when he was about to call someone, a new idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Forget it, wait a moment, let the bullets fly for a while and then talk."


The time came on October 10 as promised, and after three months of release, "The Founding of the Party" was finally officially announced for release.

For a moment, many producers in the industry breathed a sigh of relief, and the feeling of being disgusted suddenly subsided a lot.

China Film announced its box office results immediately.

7.1 billion!
Barely surpassing "Earthquake" by 2000 million.

Although there was a burst of congratulations in the circle, everyone was already cursing in their hearts.

Especially Feng Xiaogang, his "Big Earthquake" has become the target of many movies, and has been successfully surpassed many times. This feeling is not to mention how depressing it is.

In fact, according to the normal release period, the box office of "The Founding of the Party" would have been only 5 million at most, but the two-month postponement directly earned it another 2 million box office!

This operation is really cheating, but it makes people helpless.

The film bureau personally issued a notice, and its major units provided "strong support". Who dares to have objections?
Han Sanping was so happy that she immediately called her secretary: "Go down and prepare a plan for the celebration banquet and send me all the invitations you made in advance."

The movie was released on July 7st, which happened to be the Party’s Founding Day.

And after two months of postponement, the box office revenue reported another 7.1 million. What a coincidence!

But it was precisely because of this coincidence that he received praise from his superiors, and the position under his butt became more and more stable.

In addition to the box office results of "The Founding of the Party", many people in the industry are also paying attention to the first-day box office performance of "Gravity".

The latter has too many buffs!

Investment of 6 million + Chen Fei's own writing and acting + Yanzi Cave BASE jumping promotion + Tiangong- space laboratory successfully launched...

It can be said that this movie has reached the level of "national attention"!

At nine o'clock in the morning, after statistics from all parties, the first-day box office results of "Gravity" were finally released.

2.45 billion!
When this number was announced on China Film's official website, the entire film industry was completely confused.

Who dares to imagine that this is what a Chinese-language film can achieve?
Looking around, there are even more positive reviews online:

"3 points for the 10D special effects, 10 points for the plot, and 10 points for the performance, Marde. The final scene where Chen Fei enters the Tiangong- and returns to Earth on the Shenzhou is so cool! This film was really awesome!"

“The filming technique is very realistic and touching, the scene special effects are very good, and the psychological characteristics of the characters are portrayed vividly. Although there are not many characters in the whole movie, the wonderful performance of the protagonist has made the plot very full. I highly recommend it!”

"I personally tested the IMAX show. The visual impact and sound trembling that hit my face were very shocking. The picture of the sunrise above was almost the same as what was captured by the camera on the launch vehicle when Tiangong-1 took off a few days ago! I even suspected that the film crew was Not really a trip to space!”

"It's a very real feeling of space. What makes me most gratified is that the "Tiangong" was used to return to the earth in the end. Listening to the word "Tiangong" uttered in the mouth of the actor, as a Chinese, I really feel an unparalleled sense of pride. , everyone must support it!”


Looking at the endless rave reviews online, more and more people choose to go to the cinema, which begins to contribute to the box office performance of "Gravity".

Looking back at the entire year of 2011, there are no fewer than 60 Chinese-language films released so far, but only a few have exceeded 5000 million at the box office. Most of them were simply lost in the dust.

The 2.45 million of "Gravity" is even higher than the total box office of "Warring States" + "Guan Yunchang". It can be described as ruthless crushing.

As for "Love in the City", "Da Wu Sheng", "Revolution of 1911", etc., they have even formed a situation of dimensionality reduction attack!
At this moment, Yang Zai, who was still thinking about bragging more, immediately fell silent.

With the release of "Gravity", the box office of "The Legend of White Snake" dropped directly from 3200 million to 2000 million on the third day.

What made him even more depressed was that people suddenly started to break the news on the Internet, saying that a large number of film critics had received his "hush money" and "retouching money" and deliberately praised "The Legend of White Snake".

Even the "Legend of White Snake" official Weibo's behavior of 'deleting posts' and 'flushing posts' was exposed.

Even though he immediately denied these actions and responded and warned with 'slander' and 'call the police', he still failed to stop those moviegoers who were coaxed into entering the cinema.

Led by unknown people, a large number of fans posted intuitive comments about "The Legend of White Snake" on various platforms.

"What the hell? What the hell is this film about? It's also like "The Legend of White Snake". I only saw Fahai and Bai Suzhen from the beginning to the end. Xu Xian has no sense of existence at all. Even Fahai's apprentice played by Huaizhai is better than Xu Xian The titular male protagonist needs more scenes!”

"Good guy, is it so straightforward for a woman to pursue a man? Not even a hint of foreshadowing? Just hit him hard?"

"Sure enough, after "Guan Yunchang" evolved into "The Legend of Cao Cao", "The Legend of White Snake" also became "The Legend of Fahai", still in the familiar Xiangjiang movie style."

"The story Fahai and Bai Suzhen have to tell?"

"Um, I would like to ask, who is Xu Xian? Why didn't I feel that he existed after watching the movie?"

"To be honest, I am actually a fan of the character 'Bai Suzhen' and have watched the two versions of Zhao Yazhi and Wang Zuxian respectively.

The former is dignified and virtuous, and looks like Guanyin, which makes people forget the vulgarity.

The latter is more charming, with a hint of animality in his human nature, passionate but dedicated, not romantic.

Only the White Snake in Huang Shengyi has a poor personality, acts selfishly, and is also frivolous and annoying.

To me, Zhao Yazhi's white snake is from heaven, while Huang Shengyi's white snake is more like it is from 'heaven and earth'! "

The harder you suppress it in the early stage, the harder it will rebound in the later stage!

The moment countless bad reviews and bad reviews poured out, they directly flooded "The Legend of White Snake". Juli Pictures and Yang Zai had no experience, so they were immediately confused by netizens and fans!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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