It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 485: With the support of Hollywood directors, Little 3 takes over? The mountain eagle is ang

Chapter 485: With the support of Hollywood directors, the mistress takes over? The mountain eagle is angry, and everything is alive!
Due to the time difference, the first day of North American box office for "Gravity" did not appear until October 10nd.

The result did not exceed Chen Fei's expectations, with the box office reaching US$3459 million on the first day!
Even though the news of the "successful launch of Tiangong-1 Space Laboratory" did not spread in the United States, Red Bull's "Swallow Cave Base Jump" was extremely popular!

Just relying on this promotion strategy, the box office performance in North America will not be low.

Domestic entertainment and American entertainment are actually similar.

The more popular a movie is, the higher its box office performance will be.

Although "Gravity" is a Chinese-language movie, in order to cater to North American audiences, Chen Fei dubbed it in English.

There are not many actors appearing in the movie, and the main visual focus is on the male protagonist.

Relying on Chen Fei's current influence and popularity in Hollywood, coupled with the help of the big-name actors and directors who have worked with him to promote it, the North American box office performance of this film will definitely not be bad.

Along with the North American box office results, comments from famous Hollywood film critics and top directors appeared on Weibo.

Among them, James Cameron, the director of "Avatar", made the most eye-catching comments.

He gave the film high praise on a film review website, calling "Gravity" "the best space movie in history" without reservation.

He first affirmed the artistic achievements of the film, saying that the human perspective in the film is very interesting, and believed that Chen Fei created an excellent portrayal of an ordinary person fighting for his life in a weightless space!
When talking about special effects and shooting technology, Cameron even said: "It is a huge challenge to make zero-gravity space shots show a high degree of authenticity.

At this point, I admire Fei's way of expression very much, and I very much hope to have the opportunity to communicate and discuss this aspect with him. "

Spielberg accepted an interview with the media despite his busy schedule and said: "If you want to show a wonderful show in the most authentic way, then Fei Chen's "Gravity" may be the most dramatic experience in this decade. s work."

Roland Emmerich, the famous thriller and disaster film director, believes: "Rather than immersing you in the movie experience, the film just takes you there and puts you in the starry sky."

The "palanquin" carried by Hollywood was really good, which directly raised the popularity of "Gravity" to another level in China!
On October 10nd, at nine o'clock in the morning, the box office results for the next day were released.

2.68 million.

As soon as the data was exposed, there was a burst of gasps in the circle.

In just two days, the total box office has reached 5.13 million!
This riding horse cannot be described as "taking off". It is completely like satellite fragments, flying rapidly in space!

"It's normal. The heat is still building on the 30th, and everyone will officially start their holiday on the 1st. There will definitely be a surge, but it will probably be slightly weaker in the later period."

In the conference room, in front of several investors, Chen Fei gave his predictions and judgments about the box office.


Han Sanping asked eagerly. He was also planning to challenge the seven-day record.

"Because of market capacity."

Chen Fei's words directly woke everyone present from their dreams.

The market is just that big. Compared to the population, the number of people who can go to theaters to watch movies is actually not that many.

In just the first three days, it is estimated that one-third of the people have completed the movie-watching experience, and the number will definitely decline in the future.

Chen Fei smiled: "Actually, I think it's pretty good. It broke 500 million in two days. Who would have dared to think about this in the past?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room laughed.

"Let's prepare for the celebration banquet. Should we go to the Great Hall? Or go directly to the Bird's Nest?"

Han Sanping is a person who likes to create big scenes. She opens her mouth to places that small film companies would not even dare to think of.

"Bird's Nest." Ren Zhonglun agreed.

Chen Fei shook his head slightly, looking helpless.

He doesn't care about these people. He doesn't need to prepare for the celebration banquet anyway. He can just have a meal on an empty stomach when the time comes.

By October 10rd, just as Chen Fei expected, the box office did experience a plummet.

1.9 million.

Adding up the three days of the first weekend, the total was 7.03 million.

The painful scene for Feng Xiaogang appeared again, and "The Great Earthquake" was once again pulled out by the media and whipped.

""Gravity" is a smash hit at the box office! The three-day opening weekend total was 7.03 million, surpassing "Earthquake" by 1300 million!"

"A number of box office records were broken, and Chen Fei once again proved his box office appeal."

"New director Guo Fan, ride on the wind and rise!"


Zhang Weiping jumped out again and spoke nonsense in front of the media.

""The Thirteen Beauties" will not be worse than "Gravity", it will only be better than it. The box office record of Chinese-language movies will be controlled by Zhang Yimou..."

Naturally, this obviously frivolous statement was not supported by netizens. For a while, ridicule was all over the official Weibo of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

Chen Fei said hello to the public relations department: "No need to respond. He is obviously trying to gain popularity. He likes to jump so much, so just let him jump. Just don't break his leg by then."

Unlike "Gravity" which exploded at the box office, "The Legend of White Snake" has now fallen into a vortex of negative reviews.

After the daily box office dropped to 2000 million, it shrank again by 600 million to 1400 million.

Another day later, the data dropped again, directly falling below 1000 million!
In just 5 days, the daily new box office dropped from 3200 million to more than 900 million. This is the first time in the domestic film market!

You know, this is the National Day show!
The various negative reviews on the Internet are even more shocking, especially the countless posts saying that Huang Shengyi's performance is too coquettish and coquettish.

Looking around, any post about "The Legend of White Snake" is always inseparable from the four words "Heaven and Earth".

And what the unknown netizen said, "Zhao Yazhi's white snake comes from heaven, and Huang Shengyi's white snake is more like it comes from 'heaven and earth'" has received hundreds of thousands of likes!
Chen Fei even went to the bottom of this post to take a look.

The replies below are extremely explicit!

"As we all know, Huang Shengyi is not an actor. She herself said in interviews that she is good at experiencing roles. The 'mute girl' in "Kung Fu" was performed by her after going to a school for the deaf and mute. It was so good. Where did you experience this dissolute energy now?”

"I have a friend who is on the set and said that Huang Shengyi and Cai Zhuoyan were completely naked and cast into 'snake skin'. That's really a big scale!"

"Everyone has succeeded in becoming a mistress. Isn't it easy to play such a role?"

There were a lot of people watching the joke, and there were also a lot of people joining in the fun.

Gao Dagen probably also drank a lot of realgar wine. On the day of the celebration banquet for "The Founding of the Party", he suddenly claimed in front of the media that the former stole the box office of "Da Wu Sheng" during its release.

"Han Geng and Wu Zunke are both representatives of the new generation of actors, with strong appeal. How could the box office of "Da Wu Sheng" be so low..."

As soon as these remarks came out, they immediately caused a sensation in the circle!
Is "The Great Cause of Party Building" stealing the box office? This is no small thing!
If the situation is indeed verified to be true, Han Sanping will definitely "eat the melon".

As countless media turned their attention to Ao Dagen and "Da Wu Sheng", Yang Zai and Huang Shengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

But it's just a sigh of relief, because the movie's box office decline can no longer be stopped.

Just like the previous public opinion offensive that "The Legend of White Snake" suffered, "The Great Cause of Party Founding" also suffered harassment from fans of Han Geng and Wu Zun.

"Idiot fans" don't care about right or wrong.

They only knew that their idol was being bullied, and then they all rushed forward.


Who is the third master?

Is the nickname "Mountain Eagle" called "Mountain Eagle" for nothing?
Being slandered out of nowhere, Han Sanping waved the butcher knife without hesitation.

Originally, there was still almost a week before "Da Wu Sheng" was released, so Gao Dajin did such a trick just to counter the box office surge.

Who would have thought that in just one day, the theaters would compress the film schedule of "The Great Takeru" to the extreme.

If you want to watch this movie, you have to wait until three in the morning for the screening.

This is a good thing. Originally, the daily new box office was one to two million, but now it has dropped to less than 5.

The reason given by the theater chain is very clear: "Because the box office performance of "The Great Warrior" is so poor, it is also required to adjust the schedule. After all, it is impossible to give a prime time slot to a film with extremely poor box office feedback, right?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Xiao Dajin quickly posted an explanation on Weibo, saying in a panic that he had made a mistake.

However, it's too late to say anything now, the only ending left for him is to draw!

You know, the current total box office of this movie is less than 4000 million. Compared with the 7000 million investment, it is simply a mess.

Moreover, after offending the 'mountain eagle', it will not be easy for him to continue to attract investment in this circle in the future.

When it comes to attracting investment, I have to mention Lu Chuan here.

"The King's Feast" was launched more than two months earlier than "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet", but the latter is about to be released, but there has been no news about the completion of the former.

Even if the shooting time was extended, Riku Taro actually asked investors for money again and again.

It was as if Xingmei and Emperor were his money printing machines, spitting out money for him continuously!
Finally, Xingmei’s boss Jia Hong couldn’t bear it anymore and directly posted on Weibo:
"Don't take my politeness and tolerance as something you can deceive. Since you don't have the ability, you shouldn't have come to me for investment in the first place. I'm already considering withdrawing from "The King's Feast"..."

Jia Hong couldn't bear it anymore.

Even if Qin Lan knocked on his door many times at night, this was not a reason to ask for money!

One night's sleep is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. No matter how powerful Xingmei is, it can't resist sucking like this!

Although Yang Shoucheng was not so irritable, he couldn't help it and kept calling the crew to push forward the progress.

The money he invested in "The King's Feast" was enough to make two Ip Man films. The most important thing is that he still doesn't know when he will get his money back. No matter how rich the Emperor is, how can he sustain Lu Chuan's behavior? There are many people in the industry watching the excitement.

Jiang Wen even ran to Chen Fei's side, his words full of ridicule.

"This guy has never made any blockbusters at all. I doubt that he personally shot "Nanjing! Nanjing!" at the beginning. Now he is carrying the banner by himself, and he will definitely not be able to hold on..."

Shooting commercial blockbusters is a great test of the director's ability to coordinate the crew. Someone who can only sit there and watch on a small screen cannot be called a director at all.

Jiang Wenke knew Lu Tailang very well. When he was filming "Looking for a Gun", this kid could only watch the small screen, and he would probably be the same now.

No director likes to offend investors, and Lu Chuan naturally does the same.

Seeing that something was not right, he immediately sent Qin Lan back to stabilize the management, and then started looking for connections.

At the same time, he even posted a Weibo response:
"Dr. Jia, there's no need to be angry. It's just a movie. It's easy to talk about..."

After all, my father is also a well-known person in the metropolitan area, and the relationship was quickly established.

Lu Chuan returned to the capital in person and went to meet with the two employers together with his toolman Qin Lan.

After some promises, plus the peace and guarantee from the middleman, he really got it done!

The next day, Jia Hong deleted the resentful Weibo post and issued a new announcement:

"The investment in "The King's Feast" will be increased to 1.4 million, and all filming is expected to be completed by the end of this month. Please wait and see."

The Emperor also issued a similar announcement.

From 6000 million to 1 million, and then to 1.4 million, the sunk costs are simply terrifying!
Yang Shoucheng even called Chen Fei, his words full of regret and worry.

"Wish Mr. Yang good luck."

What can Chen Fei say? Lu Chuan, this bitch, has a criminal record for riding a horse!

After returning to the crew, Lu Chuan was still unhappy even though he had secured another 4000 million in funding.

The reason is simple, because the money is not enough!

It is definitely impossible for him to post money by himself. He is just a brave man who only gets in and can't get out.

Fortunately, there is a "love brain" like Qin Lan beside me.

After learning about her boyfriend's plight, she took the initiative to take out another 600 million to cover the filming funds.

For a moment, Lu Chuan was full of confidence!
4600 million, enough for him to burn.

"Lanlan, thanks to you, I will never forget your help to me..."

After some confusion, Lu Chuan directly deleted the previous Weibo post with a flattering meaning and posted a new Weibo post:

"I am very grateful to Director Jia, Director Yang, and the most important woman in my life for their support. Don't worry, I will never disappoint your expectations. If this movie does not have a box office of more than 3 million, I will quit directing... "

As soon as this Weibo post was posted, it immediately attracted many netizens to watch.

The comments below are amazing!
"Warm congratulations to Lu Chuan for quitting the director circle. We should raise a toast and let the firecrackers go off."

"Standing on a horse to make 3 million? I think you look like 3 million. If your movie can make 3 million, I can make a movie even if I'm riding a horse."

"After investing more and more, this guy obviously didn't do a good job in planning. I think Xingmei and Emperor are definitely going to lose money."

"Haha, apart from "Looking for a Gun", which of his movies has ever made money?"

"Ah? Brother upstairs, what are you talking about? Isn't "Looking for a Gun" a work directed by Jiang Wen?"

"Hahahahaha, murder is heartbreaking!"

Within an hour, Lu Chuan took the initiative to delete this Weibo post because he could not bear the ridicule from the outside world.

For a time, the ridicule and sarcasm from netizens became more intense.

Jia Hong and Yang Shoucheng were inexplicably panicked...


The National Day holiday has passed by in a flash, and when the time comes to October 10, the latest box office data of "Gravity" has been released.

10.72 billion!
All of a sudden, all the major media were praising him again.

After 8 days of release, the box office successfully exceeded 10 billion.

If this achievement is not really in front of my eyes, I would not even dare to daydream about riding a horse!
As for North America, according to the latest news, the box office is close to US$2 million. It is easy to break the box office records of "Mulan" and "Zodiac".

On the other hand, looking at several Chinese-language films of the same period, they were miserable.

Huayi's "Global Love" invested 2000 million, and the total box office revenue was more than 5000 million. It can only be said that it barely broke even and made a lot of money.

As for the short, tight-fitting "Da Takesheng", it was even worse. The film schedule was suppressed, publicity was restricted, and there were a lot of bad reviews online...

With an investment of 7000 million, the final box office barely reached 4000 million, and then it was directly canceled by the theaters.

Several investors have suffered miserably, and some people in the industry are even calling for him to be banned and kicked out of the film and television production industry.

However, the real worst thing is the movie "Revolution of 1911" invested by Changying Film.

Even though Chen Long and Fan Bingbing claimed to have drunk a lot and filmed a very intense passionate scene in an unconventional way, they still could not restore the box office decline.

The blockbuster, with an investment of up to 1.5 million, has been released for nearly 20 days, and the box office has just exceeded 4000 million, and the daily new box office has dropped to 300 million!
At this moment, people in the industry suddenly realized the fact that without the support of "unit bookings", it would be extremely difficult to make money with this kind of "gift film"!

As the heroine, Fan Bingbing was in an extremely bad mood.

Previously, Liu Yifei joined Chen Fei's US$1.6 million Hollywood blockbuster "Interstellar", then Li Bingbin participated in "Resident Evil 5", and then Zhang Ziyi participated in "Dangerous Liaisons". Recently, Zhou Xun participated in Hollywood The movie "Cloud Atlas" is being filmed...

After a lot of twists and turns, she actually fell behind! How could she endure this?
Looking left and right, she finally set her sights on the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series.

If she can play the role of "Shirley Young", she will definitely be able to reverse her recent decline.

However, getting this role is not that easy!
Fan Bingbing thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, found the familiar phone number, and sent a text message.

No matter whether it can be done or not, let’s fight for it first!
If Fan Bingbing has fallen into a trough, then Huang Shengyi has completely hit the bottom!
Even if other hot events distract the firepower, hot searches for "The Legend of White Snake" are still on Weibo.

Yang Zai was stunned. He had been trying so hard to make the movie a hot search, but he had been unable to succeed.

But now, the movie is released, and the hot searches are coming.

However, what depressed him was that this kind of hot search was not what he wanted to see.

Click to go in, it is full of ridicule and sarcasm, as well as all kinds of vile remarks.

Ten days after its release, the box office of "The Legend of White Snake" seemed to have hit the pause button after exceeding 500 million, with only less than million new daily box office left!
In order to save the film's reputation, Yang Zai had to convene the media and hold a meeting.

However, except for a few mainland actors, the group from Xiangjiang did not attend the meeting at all.

Yang Zai threatened sternly, asking those people on the Internet to stop making all kinds of vile comments and apologize to Huang Shengyi, otherwise he would not rule out using legal means to protect his rights...

A scene of "hero saving beauty" appears.

In the media footage, Huang Shengyi did not respond to the comments on the Internet, but burst into tears, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Some savvy netizens found a video of the time when Huang Shengyi and Zhou Xingchi terminated their contract.

After comparison, everyone was shocked to find that Huang Shengyi's crying movements and expressions were exactly the same as before!
For a time, the sarcastic voices not only did not stop, but became even more enthusiastic!
"Tsk tsk, the 'Four Little Flowers' will soon become the 'Three Little Flowers'."

Yang Mi has seen quite clearly that such large-scale pornographic remarks and "mistress superiority" remarks are extremely bad and fatal blows to female stars!
After this incident, Huang Shengyi will not be able to raise his head in a short time even if he has the support of his father, the sponsor.

"Sister Jia, if you have time, go and find out if Huang Shengyi has any endorsements that would be more suitable for me? Let's think of a way to see if we can snatch them up?"

"it is good."

Zeng Jia nodded without hesitation.

The fall of a well-known actress means that a lot of film and television resources and advertising endorsements can be freed up. This is great news for competitors!
When a whale falls, all things are born.

"By the way, Mimi, are you ready to say hello? "Search" directed by Brother Chen Kai starts shooting tomorrow, and we have to prepare to join the cast."

"Yeah, I've already said hello."

Yang Mi nodded slightly.

In order to film "Search", she even went to talk to Wang Changtian.

Guangguang doesn't mind this kind of teasing behavior, as long as it doesn't delay the filming progress of "Famous 2".

Moreover, Yang Mi starred in a movie directed by Chen Kaige, which was considered a kind of publicity blessing for the crew of "Four Famous Catchers", so he naturally had no reason to refuse.

"That's good."

Zeng Jia breathed a sigh of relief and was already thinking about how to promote it.

With the heroine of "Four Famous Catchers" in hand, and the second female role in "Search" directed by Chen Kaige, let me ask, how can she pursue Liu Shishi?

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
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