It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 489: No more pretending, I’m showing off my obvious skin-flesh deal? It's an insult to

Chapter 489: No more pretense, I’m showing off my cards...a blatant skin-flesh deal? It's an insult to politeness!
With the release of Feng Xiaogang's long essay, the circle was suddenly plunged into crazy discussions.

The media went crazy, and the article was reprinted everywhere.

At this time, the Internet is full of voices supporting Feng Dapao!
"What the hell? Does Golden Rooster really have no face at all? Feng Xiaogang is so embarrassed, why do you want to get rid of him just for getting two bad prizes?"

"Not to mention, I have never seen or heard of any of these award-winning films."

"The cake is not divided evenly? I think the Golden Rooster Awards will be disbanded sooner or later."

"I really can't stand it anymore. It's such a trick. The organizers are so shrewd that they only prepared five temporary toilets. The labor force almost wet its pants!"

"Do you dare to imagine? The backstage only provides mineral water and melon seeds, and you have to pay 5200 yuan to walk on the red carpet. Otherwise, you are not even qualified to walk on the red carpet. I am really eye-opening!"

It seemed that they did not expect that Feng Xiaogang's attack would be so fast and fierce. The organizers of the Golden Rooster Awards were silent for a while, as if they were planning how to respond.

"No more pretending, let's show our cards, and we will divide the cake." Naturally, it is impossible to say this openly.

Old men cherish their wings very much and have given so many gift films and awards. Isn’t it just to earn some face and some pension for themselves?

Feng Xiaogang had torn off the disguise abruptly, so naturally they wouldn't just stare at him like this.

If you can't resolve the controversy online, then resolve the person who started the controversy in the first place.

They are the best at this kind of thing!

Chen Fei never thought that he would be involved in such a thing.

Feng Xiaogang's article specifically mentioned that among so many directors and actors in China, Chen Fei is the only one who has never attended the Golden Rooster Awards.

This Feng Dabaozui is also clueless, and he even said that he gave the judges of the Golden Rooster Awards as if they were farts.

Although this is indeed the case, to say it so bluntly is simply insulting to politeness!

Chen Fei thought for a moment, and then without hesitation used his personal Weibo account to silently like Feng Xiaogang's long essay.

In the blink of an eye, a small prompt appeared under "Long Composition".

[Chen Fei has liked it! 】

In an instant, the eyes of the media and netizens who were paying attention to this composition all lit up.

An idea popped into everyone's mind almost at the same time.

"Director Chen must think this essay is very well written!"

The next day, Chen Fei opened Weibo again and saw many comments under his account.

"Like +1!"

"Hahaha, Director Chen, your hand is slipping, right?"

"Oh shit, Director Chen is so awesome. Other directors are quiet, but he is the only one who has given likes and support. He is so open-minded!"

"Obviously, Director Chen also very much agrees with Director Feng's words. The two have reached a high degree of consensus on the content of this essay."

There are still heated discussions in the circle, and the "long composition" incident is becoming more and more intense.

Near noon, the Golden Rooster Awards finally spoke up, but the reply announcement still revealed a arrogant attitude:

"The judges of the Golden Rooster Awards are all experts in the industry, and there will be no errors in award judging. I hope that Director Feng Xiaogang will continue his efforts and strive to win the next trophy..."

After Chen Fei glanced at this reply, he immediately felt happy.

"Are you still an expert? From my perspective, they are just a bunch of brave people."

Ning Hao, who was sitting opposite him, was flipping through the actors' resumes and echoed: "I went to check out the list of Golden Rooster judges last night. At least 2/3 of them are people who have never worked in film and television in their lives."

Throwing a resume from Zhao Yanzi into the trash can, Chen Fei asked again: "What do you think this matter will turn into in the end?"

"Delete the post, isn't that what you did before?"

Ning Hao shrugged and stuffed Lin Xinru's resume into the shredder nearby.

I don’t want any that Grandma Rong has pierced.


As expected, that afternoon, the long composition published by Feng Xiaogang disappeared from his Weibo account.

Just when everyone thought he was about to suffer a loss, in the evening, the film bureau suddenly issued an announcement.

"Director Feng Xiaogang's new script "1942" has passed the review."

The moment they saw the announcement, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out a "deal" has been struck.

When the script was rejected, Feng Xiaogang went online to criticize the review department of the film bureau.

At the beginning, almost everyone thought that it would be impossible to review this script in the future.

But looking at it now, Feng Dapao actually used a trick to "save the country through curves" and successfully got the chance to pass the trial!

"Hey? This guy is so smart!"

Chen Fei was quite impressed, Feng Xiaogang was really good at this trick.

The long composition has been sent out and has been reprinted and spread everywhere by the media. It doesn't matter whether they delete it or not.

But using the excuse of deleting Weibo in exchange for "6" to pass the review, this trick is quite successful.

After the film bureau issued the announcement, Feng Xiaogang also responded immediately and announced the list of actors prepared in advance.

"This may be the most serious time I have taken on a film in all these years. I want to make it, even if there is no box office success or awards, I just want it to be presented truthfully..."

Naturally, everyone knows very well about the history of 1942.

But as a purely commercial film director, it is very doubtful whether Feng Xiaogang can make this film well.

However, looking at the dense list of actors at the bottom of the article, netizens have a little more confidence in him for no reason.

Zhang Guoli, Chen Daoming, Li Xuejian, Feng Yuanzheng, Fan Wei...

Looking around, these are all famous actors in the industry.

Without even thinking about it, if it was a particularly bad book, how could it be possible to bring these people together?
For a time, many people regarded Feng Xiaogang as a newcomer.

In the following time, Feng Xiaogang did not continue to respond online. He went directly to prepare a new movie.

"Hopefully he'll be successful."

Chen Fei gave his blessings in his heart quite seriously, and clicked a like on his article without any thoughts.

At the same time, the "melon" about the international chapter and Zhang Baizhi finally came to fruition.

According to reports from Hong Kong media, the director of "Dangerous Liaisons" personally apologized and promised to give Zhang Ziyi additional roles.

In other words, the international chapter's role has officially changed from 'female number two' to 'female number one'.

Correspondingly, Zhang Baizhi's role and salary dropped to the position of "second female lead".

No one in Hong Kong came out to support Zhang Baizhi, and they even seemed to be watching the excitement behind the scenes.

"Sure enough, after leaving the prince, the princess will most likely be unlucky."

Chen Fei chuckled, not surprised by these things.

Compared to the bad things done by those in Hollywood, this place is completely childish, more like a child playing house.

In Hollywood, for the sake of roles and scenes, it is common to use knives, guns, frame-ups, and slander.

That is to say, because Chen Fei is also the director, screenwriter, and producer, the bad things among the actors behind him cannot reach him.

Otherwise, he might get stuck in the quagmire!
Suddenly, a figure popped into his mind.

Harvey Weinstein!

Since the end of the Oscars, this guy has been quiet, and he doesn't know what evil intentions he is harboring.

"The Hunt" crushed "The King's Speech" at awards shows, so much so that the Weinstein Pictures were wiped out.

That guy Harvey will never give up. Maybe he is holding back something bad recently.

After thinking about it, Fade Chen called Natasha and gave her some instructions.

The next filming of "Interstellar" is crucial for Waltons Pictures, and there must be no mistakes.



November is getting closer and closer, and the mainland box office performance of "Gravity" is infinitely close to that of "Inception".

If nothing else, the day the movie is released will be the moment when the record is officially broken!
And "The Legend of White Snake", which was released at the same time as "Gravity", was a bit miserable. The investment was as high as 1.6 million, but when it was about to be released, the box office only reached million.

Yang Zai is like a mad dog. The most common thing he does every day is to drag Huang Shengyi to cry and complain in front of the media. From time to time, he even sends a 'reward for dirty information' and a 'lawyer's letter warning'.

But even so, the daily new box office is still falling.

Seeing that the movie was about to run out, he suddenly had an idea and came up with a new trick.

This morning, Juli Pictures officially announced on Weibo that the sequel to "The Legend of White Snake" has been approved and will start filming from the end of this year to the beginning of next year.

Not only that, they also announced that they have invited Li Lianjie to continue to star in "Fahai", and the new sequel will also be shot in a 3D iMax version similar to "Gravity".

Once the news was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of many media and netizens.

Discussions started immediately on Weibo.

"Hey? Is it true?"

"Damn it, Juli Pictures is a bit awesome. Can they invite Li Lianlian to support such a bad movie many times?"

"Can we continue to let Huang Shengyi play the role of White Snake? I like this feeling and rely on her every night."

"Brother upstairs, something is wrong with you!"

"I heard from the Hong Kong media that the guy named Hui Xiang in the movie is Li Lianlian's godson? Is that true?"


As the popularity of movies has ushered in a new round of improvement, the box office has also shown a rebound trend, with daily new sales approaching 500 million!
Yang Zai immediately became happy and immediately summoned the media to start a new round of press conferences.

He is going to reveal more explosive news at the press conference, no matter whether it is true or false, he will first stir up the heat.

But what he never expected was that while he was holding a press conference, Li Lianlian's agency immediately clarified:

"We need to explain that we have not received any film invitations from Juli Pictures, and we will not continue to participate in the sequel of "The Legend of White Snake".

And when filming the movie before, Mr. Li Lianjie only agreed to make a cameo appearance!

But I never expected that after joining the cast, the producer Juli Pictures continued to modify the script and add scenes, turning the original two days of filming into 25 days of filming!

For the sake of producer Cui Baozhu, Mr. Li Lianjie did not refuse strictly, but he was extremely dissatisfied!

Now, we have unilaterally announced that we will refuse any form of cooperation with Juli Pictures from now on! "

As soon as this reply came out, the announcement issued by Juli Pictures turned into a piece of smelly shit.

Even what Yang Tsai said at the press conference has become nothing more than bragging and farts.

But what I never expected was that this person’s brain circuitry was unexpectedly surprising!

Adhering to the idea that 'black and red' are also 'red', Juli Pictures began to frantically compete with Li Lianlian, and even fans of Li Lianlian started to complain about it online, which once made the movie extremely popular!

In the end, Huang Shengyi even came forward to say that she and Li Lianlian were taken advantage of while filming.

As soon as these words came out, both sides were completely at odds.

Li Lianjie publicly stated in front of the media that Juli Pictures has no lower limit. He will persuade his friends around him to refuse to cooperate with the other party...

Chen Fei looked at the melons on the Internet and felt quite eye-opening.

He was very curious, what did Yang Zai think?

After doing this, who in the industry would dare to cooperate with Juli Pictures? Who is not afraid of becoming the next Li Lianjie?

Ning Hao even guessed and said, "Is there something wrong with this guy's mind? What on earth is he thinking?"

"who knows?"

Chen Fei shrugged, not quite understanding what Yang Zai was thinking.

And if he remembers it correctly, the later famous 'Knife Sword Cult' seems to be one of his masterpieces?


There are idiots every year, but this month there are so many!

Yang Zai here is still doing all kinds of stupid things online, and Cai Yinong on the other side has also started to do things.

Since the success of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", people in the Tang Dynasty began to strongly promote Liu Shishi.

Not only did they label her as the "Tang Dynasty's first sister" with the same status as Hu Ge, they even awarded her the "Most Favorite Actress Award among College Students".

For actors, winning awards is indeed a good thing. After all, it is also a recognition of personal acting skills and nationality.

But after winning the award, it is promoted everywhere, and the award is also used for all kinds of hype and marketing. This is a bit too disgusting!
Zhou Xun has won all the Best Actress Awards in all film categories in the Mainland, and she didn't go out of her way to promote anything.

But you, Liu Shishi, just got the "Most Favorite Actress Award among College Students" and you want to tell the whole world. Is that necessary?

Normally, if a second-tier actress wants to be successfully promoted to the first-tier, she needs to sacrifice a lot of resources.

The same is true for Liu Shishi.

Although "Bu Bu Jing Xin" made her popular, the surrounding series, advertising endorsements, film and television resources, etc. have not yet caught up.

Apart from marketing, Tangren couldn't give her much help.

Therefore, she had no choice but to grab it!

Yang Mi, Jing Tian, ​​Shu Chang, Huang Shengyi, Wang Luojue, Han Hu, Sun Li...the resources in the hands of these people are her goals, and they are also the goals that Cai Yinong wants to attack.

However, how can it be so easy to grab resources?
She had just begun to implement the specific operational details, and all kinds of 'suppression' came as promised!

A large wave of negative information and cynicism against her on the Internet came like a violent storm!

Chen Fei opened any film and television information website and could see the various ridicules made by netizens towards Liu Shishi.

"Apart from staring, what else can you do? Are you still marketing Liu Yifei? You're not ashamed of it?"

"Good guy, didn't you just play the heroine in a TV series? Do you think you are Liu Yifei? The publicity is so crazy?"

"Pfft hahaha! It's just an award for the most popular actress among college students, and it's not a best actress award. Is this worthy of being praised all day long?"

"The people of the Tang Dynasty are really becoming more and more backward..."

"I don't even have a heroine in the movie, so I have the nerve to brag about it here, haha."

For Liu Shishi and the Tang people, this was a huge hurdle.

If you can successfully cross over, you can naturally be promoted to the front line and gain both fame and fortune. But if you can't cross over, then just give up.

Jiang Xuerou had a very thorough understanding of this aspect and murmured softly: "The next step will depend on the Tang people's methods and background."

Chen Fei glanced sideways at her and said nothing.

Zhou Yi failed to resist, and the company went bankrupt.

The Tang people were not so exaggerated, but if they didn't rush over this time, they would definitely be injured, and they wouldn't be able to recover in a short time.


Zhao Yanzi danced very happily in the mainland during this period.

Chen Fei was quite puzzled before, didn't this woman go to Hong Kong Island? Why did you come back to the mainland all of a sudden?
It wasn't until the media news came out that he finally realized it!

"Nortel's official website announced that Zhao Yanzi, a 06-level Master of Arts in Directing, has officially entered the graduation application process."

"Zhao Yanzi has applied for deferment of graduation for three consecutive years, and now she finally no longer defers her graduation."

"It is reported that director Guo Fan from Nortel School of Management also graduated at the same time as Zhao Yanzi. Although the latter was not involved in the filming of the graduation drama, he delivered an extremely eye-catching answer."


Nortel graduates many students every year, but very few receive media attention.

But this year is different. One Zhao Yanzi and one Guo Fan are enough to make a huge wave!
The former has appeared in many popular dramas, while the latter has now skyrocketed and become a "member of the 15 billion box office club."

In fact, everyone inside and outside the industry knows that "Gravity" should be written, directed and starred by Chen Fei.

But in terms of procedures and materials, Guo Fan is the only director of this movie, and the 15 billion box office belongs to him!

And because he and Zhao Yanzi graduated at the same time, they were inevitably drawn out for comparison.

But soon netizens and the media discovered that there was no need to compare the two.

Guo Fan only needs to use the "15 billion box office" attack to directly abuse Zhao Yanzi!
Many people are also curious, what is Zhao Yanzi planning to film for her graduation drama?
After studying for a master's degree for so long and delaying graduation for three whole years, is she also preparing to make a blockbuster success?
Perhaps because she saw how popular she was on the Internet, Zhao Yanzi recalled the script she had worked so hard to get, and suddenly had an idea.

"How about holding a media conference in advance? Let's promote it first?"

The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was feasible!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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