It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 490 You all call me Big Brother from today on! Disagreement arises, Hallyu is coming!

Chapter 490 You all call me Big Brother from today on! Disagreement arises, Hallyu is coming!

"Zhang Weiping sent invitation letters to many production companies in the industry, but he didn't send them to us. He doesn't know what he is up to."

Facing the news that Su Guohai suddenly got, Chen Fei couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Zhang Weiping sent invitation letters to many production companies in the industry?

This remark is full of the smell of "conspiracy".

"What kind of tricks is this guy going to do again?"

"I don't know!" Su Guohai was also confused: "I couldn't find out any information at all. I only know that he invited many production companies including Huayi, Chengtian, Guangguang, Xingmei, etc."

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei couldn't think of a reason, so he simply waved his hand and said: "Forget it, ignore him, let him mess with it."

Zhang Weiping is famous for being a troublemaker. Now that "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is about to be released, he probably wants to make some big news again.

After all, he made harsh remarks in the industry at the beginning, saying that this year's movie box office record would definitely belong to New Picture and "The Thirteen Beauties".

At the same time, the "producers" discussion meeting led by Zhang Weiping also officially began.

"Yes, that's what I think too." Su Guohai responded, and added: "The resources in the mainland are very limited. If too many South Korean idol stars flood in, there will probably be another wave of disputes.

Zhang Weiping said 45%!

Chen Fei was slightly startled. I haven't heard that the school is holding any activities recently?

When everyone below heard this number, they glanced at each other subconsciously, feeling a little excited for no reason.

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei shook his head: "Ignore it for now. We are not involved in the business of idol stars anyway. If we can achieve the result of good money driving out bad money, it can be considered a good thing."

But then again, according to the current situation of the domestic film market, it seems that it has not developed to the point where producers are crushing theaters, right?
Everyone had different thoughts. They just listened to Zhang Weiping's rambling statement of interests, but said nothing.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but chuckle.

"A few days ago, Huayi signed a strategic cooperation agreement with UAM, an alliance of South Korea's six major agencies, at the Busan Film Festival. Next, it will attract many South Korean artists and idol stars to develop in the mainland. We need to respond here. ?"

After receiving Chen Fei's instructions, Su Guohai nodded, but he did not leave in a hurry, but talked about another thing.


As for those well-known girl groups and boy groups, when it comes to professional capabilities, they completely dwarf these idols from the mainland!

Su Guohai left quickly, but returned after a while.

Perhaps because he doesn't have much confidence, this time he is not going to fight alone, but is planning to rope in production companies such as Huayi, Orange Sky, Enlight, and Star America to put pressure on the theaters together!
45%? ? ?

The first time was "Hero". Through a series of operations, the account sharing ratio was directly increased from the original 35% to 40%.

However, after he took the invitation and opened it, he discovered that Nortel was planning to hold a media meeting for Zhao Yanzi's graduation!

Wang Zhonglei was holding his bad thoughts in his heart, and took the opportunity to answer: "Why don't you call the person in charge of Feiyue Film and Television? If you use "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" as a condition for negotiation, there may be hope for success."

"What the hell? Are you so shameless?"

No need to think about it, this is definitely a cunning operation done by Zhao Yanzi and his mentor.

"it is good."

If the box office is too low, he will be slapped in the face by the media and netizens again.

This time, with "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" about to be released, he once again focused on the 'account sharing ratio'.

Comparatively speaking, the girl groups in South Korea went through a "hell mode", just like raising worms. In the end, no one who was able to debut as a group was a rookie.

As expected, it’s definitely for the graduation drama!

The second time was "House of Flying Daggers", which increased again to 41%.

And now, the mainland box office of "Gravity" has gone straight to 16 billion, and Zhang Weiping is definitely panicking now!
According to the disclosed information, the investment in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is no less than that in "Gravity".

Su Guohai nodded in agreement without hesitation.

It wasn't until he said he was tired and stopped to drink water that Wu Kebo asked back: "It seems that the professional theater companies still have the initiative now, right? Is it useful to just rely on the coercion of a few of us producers? Or the portion big enough?"

Because he has collaborated with CJ and Show Box several times, Su Guohai has also been to South Korea several times, so he has a certain familiarity with it.

The higher the account sharing ratio, the more money the producers will make. It is related to their interests, so everyone is naturally very tempted.


"It seems that the 'honeymoon period' in the Chinese and Korean film and television cultural circles is coming."

"I almost forgot. Nortel sent me an invitation letter and asked me to pass it on to you."

When it comes to appetite, none of the producers in the industry has a bigger appetite than him.

And when the third "Golden Man" was released, the account sharing ratio increased to 43%.

In front of the conference table, staring at the speakers from Huayi, Chengtian, Guangguang, Xingmei and other first-line film and television production companies in the industry, Zhang Wei commented solemnly:

In fact, he also received an invitation letter, but judging from Chen Fei's attitude, there was no need to go to this media meeting.

Chen Fei curled his lips and threw the invitation directly into the trash can next to him: "Please convey it to me. I'm too busy recently and don't have time to go."

For Zhang Weiping, putting pressure on theaters has become normal.

"You all came here despite your busy schedule, so I won't make any detours. The reason why I invite you here today is actually because I hope that everyone can unite again to put pressure on the theaters and improve the current film production. Account sharing ratio..."

You know, those who have signed contracts with Huayi are all well-known female and male groups from South Korea. I feel that our side may not be able to stop them. "

"Do you think I don't want to?"

Zhang Weiping cursed an idiot in his heart, and explained patiently: "The tens of billions IP plan of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is indeed stronger than "The Thirteen Hairpins", "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet", and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate".

But in addition to being a producer, Chen Fei is also a theater owner!
You may not have specifically learned that Pan-Asia Cinemas, controlled by Golden Harvest, is currently the largest cinema chain company in Asia.

Second only to it is Wanda, while China Film, China Film and Television, and Bona are all further behind. "

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized!

Indeed, Chen Fei must not be called over for today's seminar. After all, they are plotting against the theaters.

And because Pan-Asia Cinemas is one of Chen Fei's businesses, it means they are conspiring against Chen Fei!

For a time, many people suddenly thought of quitting.

If they only offend a certain theater chain, they can barely withstand it, but if they offend a Pan-Asian theater chain, they will definitely have to break their muscles if they only make a slight move in the amount of films arranged!
And more importantly, New Picture has the support of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", which can be used to blackmail the theaters and directly engage in a head-on confrontation!

But what about everyone else?
Huayi can barely keep up with "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", and Xingmei's "Hongmen Banquet" can also be counted as one of the conditions.

However, apart from these three movies, other producers simply couldn't make the effort.

Guangguang does have big projects such as "Painting on the Wall", "Four Famous Catchers", and "Tongque Terrace", but it is too dangerous to offend the theaters.

If you are not careful, it may bring disaster to the company's film investment business!
Therefore, despite Zhang Weiping's eloquent words, no one answered the question, and the reasons given were surprisingly consistent. They all said they would go back to discuss it before making a reply...

No one is stupid, this thankless task is too difficult, and they don't want to stand out.

It's okay to follow behind and wave the flag and shout, but if they are running in front and charging into battle, they will never do such a thing!

The risk of being the big brother who takes the lead is too great!

The seminar ended quickly.

Zhang Weiping personally sent many producers' bosses out of the company. As he watched the vehicles move away one by one, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"These old dogs are just trying to pick up what's ready to eat!"

There is still more than a month until "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is released, and Zhang Weiping is indeed a little impatient.

But the others were able to keep their composure, and they were all scheming and determined not to be the first to make the first move!

Returning to the conference room and taking a look at Zhang Yimou who was writing something in his notebook, Zhang Weiping couldn't help but feel angry again.

He was talking non-stop just now, but Zhang Yimou didn't even open his mouth, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Although he does not have the right to share the box office revenue, and the director's fee is the lowest in the industry, he is still an employee of New Picture!
How can it make sense that the boss charges forward while the employees hide behind and pretend to be dead?
"When necessary, you have to use some strength. After all, you are one of the top directors in the industry, and what you say has credibility."

"But it's different now than it was nine years ago. The theater chain doesn't just rely on me..."

Zhang Weiping didn't want to hear such words, so he interrupted very forcefully: "You have to know that our investment is as high as 6 million, and there is a lot of pressure to return the capital. If you want to get the director's fee, you must facilitate this. Box office split Every time the ratio increases, our income can increase by at least tens of millions!”

Looking at the impatient expression of his former friend across from him, Zhang Yimou opened his mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

To be honest, it was very uncomfortable for him to film "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling"!

He compromised so much that the work diverged from his original vision.

He no longer wants to compromise anymore!
He cooperates with New Picture as a personal studio and is not an employee or servant of the other party. He has the right to refuse unreasonable requests.

After the failure of "The Golden Armor" last time, Chen Fei gave him a lot of inspiration and gradually strengthened his heart.

"Maybe it's time to leave."

Zhang Yimou murmured softly in his heart, but when he said it he said something else: "I can try my best, but I hope to transfer Ni Ni's contract to my studio. I personally selected her, so she should be …”


Zhang Weiping obviously didn't expect that Zhang Yimou would put forward conditions, so he immediately exploded: "She is the person of "The Thirteen Hairpins", the film copyright belongs to New Picture, everything should belong to me!"

As he spoke, he even went a step further and said: "You can transfer Zhou Dongyu's contract to me as soon as possible. "Hawthorn Tree Love" is also a new picture."

"You've gone too far!"

Zhang Yimou slapped the table directly!

Mad, you really think he is a permanent employee!
Seeing Lao Mouzi, an honest man, suddenly acting violently, Zhang Weiping frowned, but suppressed his unhappiness.

The situation can't be too tense now, he needs Zhang Yimou's support behind him.

"It's just a joke. Look at you, is this necessary? We are both on the same side..."

After some deception, the atmosphere finally relaxed a lot.

After personally sending Zhang Yimou outside the conference room, Zhang Weiping returned to his office, his face darkening again.

He knew very well that today's seminar could only be regarded as a mobilization before the battle began.

If he wanted to get that group of people to follow him to the battlefield, he had to show something first.

"Haha, a bunch of cowards! Isn't it just to take the lead? I've already done it three times, so why not do it again? Just wait and see, I will definitely succeed this time!"

Zhang Weiping was full of confidence, as if he had seen the scene when several theater bosses including Chen Fei, Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, and Yu Dong surrendered in front of him.


"Pacific Rim" still has a month to complete, but Guo Fan returned to the capital early.

After landing at the airport, he didn't even return home and went straight to the company.

The first time he saw Chen Fei, he took out a stack of documents: "Director Chen, you need your help to sign these."


Looking at the thick stack of documents, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh: "Is it so troublesome for you to graduate from the School of Management? Do you have to sign so many documents?"

"Alas, there is no way." Guo Fan sighed helplessly: "If it were a directing department, with the box office results of "Gravity", I would have successfully obtained my diploma long ago.

But it is different at the School of Management. Every graduate needs to complete a film from the perspective of a producer or coordinator before they can graduate successfully. "

"It sounds troublesome, but the performance department is the easiest. Just hand in a paper..."

Chen Fei curled his lips, picked up the pen and began to sign.

It was not until an hour later that Guo Fan went straight to Nortel with a pile of documents in his arms.

He plans to complete all the procedures within these two days, and just ask the school to mail the diploma directly to him when the time comes.

The filming of "Pacific Rim" is coming to an end, and this is the most important period. Once the opportunity to learn is missed, it will be too difficult to find a suitable crew.

There are many media paying attention to Guo Fan's movements.

When he walked into the Nortel campus with a stack of documents in his arms, relevant press releases appeared online within a short time.

"Nortel's emerging director Guo Fan has returned to China and officially started the graduation process."

"It is reported that Director Guo Fan has served as executive deputy director on the crew of "Pacific Rim" and has a bright future."

"It can be seen that most of the good directors are not from the directing department, such as Chen Fei, Zhang Yimou, James Cameron..."

At the same time, just as Guo Fan completed the graduation process and hurried to Los Angeles, the graduation media meeting led by Zhao Yanzi was officially launched in the Nortel Auditorium.

The media has paid a lot of attention to this master's degree student in directing who has been delayed for three years.

Not only were there many celebrities who returned to school to support the event, but even many old professors from Nortel rushed to the scene to support him.

After Zhao Yanzi went to Hong Kong Island, she fell silent for several years. After getting married and having children, she seemed to have the idea of ​​​​returning to the mainland recently. Many forces are running around for her.

Media interviews came as scheduled, and most of them focused on her graduation drama.

The results created by Guo Fan, who graduated in the same year as her, were so impressive that everyone subconsciously wanted to compare the two.

"As for the graduation drama, I won't reveal too much for the time being because it needs to be kept secret, but I am very confident about the movie and I believe it will achieve amazing results!"

A reporter immediately took the opportunity to ask: "Can it surpass "Gravity" directed by Guo Fan?"


Zhao Yanzi was stunned on the spot.

This question is really fucking stupid!

It was a hard science fiction film with an investment of more than 6 million yuan. It was co-operated with the space agency and starred Chen Fei and Liu Dehua.

But what about the movie she prepared?

The theme of youth campus is at the bottom of the contempt chain in the film industry...

Although she is quite confident about the box office of the graduation drama she prepared, if she compares it with "Gravity", it is just looking for abuse!

"Haha, this friend from the media is really good at joking. "Gravity" is the trump card among domestic science fiction films. Director Chen personally serves as the producer, writes and stars, how dare I compare..."

It was rare for Zhao Yanzi to come out with complimentary words, which made the media present quite surprised.

After all, this person was very stubborn at the time, and he once faced off against Chen Fei's "Mulan" and refused to give in.

There were many reporters whispering below.

"It's really boring. Why did you suddenly become intimidated?"

"I heard that Zhao Yanzi seems to be competing for the role of 'Shirley Yang'. If she doesn't give up, Feiyue Film and Television may not even give her a chance to audition, right?"

"So that's it!"


Press releases about Zhao Yanzi's media meeting began to spread online, which further verified the fact that she had moved her 'base' to the mainland.

Many people specifically called Chen Fei, hoping that he would show his respect and not target him deliberately.

After all, China is a human society, and he has to give face to some people.

However, he set a bottom line: "Don't mess with me, don't continue to mess with me. Regarding the popularity of any of Feiyue Film and Television's works, if I can do it, I will ignore whatever she does, but if I can't do it, then I will do it for the rest of my life." Stay in Hong Kong Island and don’t come back!”

Word came back quickly, saying it could definitely be done.

After ignoring Zhao Yanzi who came back to film the graduation drama, Chen Fei once again turned his attention to "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

After careful selection by him and Ning Hao during this period, the audition list has been initially determined.

"First send out the audition list for 'Hu Bayi' and invite these people to come to the company to audition."

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

After receiving the information delivered by Chen Fei, the assistant quickly ran to send the email.

After returning to her workstation, she glanced down and saw that the person at the top of the list was Liu Ye. Looking further back, there were even Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, Chen Kun, Ruan Jingtian, and Zhang Hanyu. There are many first-line male stars in the industry!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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