It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 491: The biological father comes to visit? Asking for 500 million? 4 famous actresses are in

Chapter 491: The biological father comes to visit? Asking for 500 million? Four major beauties are fighting again, congratulations on "Gravity"!

In recent years, the battle for position and popularity among mainland male stars has been fierce!
Liu Ye has previously relied on "masterpieces" such as "Lan Yu", "The Promise", and "The City of Golden Armor", coupled with the protection of the two movie kings Golden Horse and Golden Rooster, there is an endless supply of resources.

But now, with "Tough Guys", "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "" and other films suffered heavy losses one after another, and he was inevitably affected.

Although "The King's Feast", which is currently being filmed, is also a rare masterpiece, Lu Chuan's series of sexy moves made him a little worried.

If this continues, this movie is likely to be a repeat of "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "The scene when it was released was ridiculed by the entire Internet!

And as the male protagonist, he will inevitably be implicated.

On the other hand, the other three of the four major students, Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming, and Deng Chao, have maintained a prosperous career at this time.

This made him very envious.

Therefore, although he is filming "The King's Feast", his team is already working hard to win the role of "Hu Bayi" for him.

The resources in the film industry are already very scarce, and this "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is undoubtedly the top masterpiece and the most suitable opportunity for male actors in the industry to rise in rank and increase their pay.

When he received the audition invitation from the production team of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", he was extremely excited!
Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, he had to give it a try.

If he can get the role of "Hu Bayi", he won't have to worry about not having any film appointments in the next ten years.

What's more, compared to others, his advantages are very obvious!

He had gone to find out before that the original author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" liked him very much. When he originally created the character of "Hu Bayi", he used Zhong Yuemin in "Blood Romance" as a template.

As long as he can show the same level as when he played 'Zhong Yuemin', he will definitely have a great chance of getting this role.

The only thing that gives him a headache now is that the audition time coincides with the filming time of "The King's Feast".

If he wanted to go to the capital to audition, he would have to take at least three days off.

But Lu Chuan is currently making progress, and when several actors came to him to approve their leave, he verbally rejected them.

"No matter what, Gui Chuu Deng's role is more important. The worst case scenario is that we ask him to postpone the filming for a few days. We have been filming for several months. This is the first time he has asked for leave. He can't refuse, right?"

Liu Ye secretly made up his mind. After replying to the email, he stood up and went straight to the room where Lu Chuan was.

On the other side, Chen Kun, who was promoting the movie "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", also asked for leave from the crew as soon as he received the audition invitation.

If he misses this opportunity to audition for the leading male role, he won't be able to forgive himself!
To be on the safe side, he even called Zhou Xun, hoping that the other party could put in some good words for him.

"Don't worry, it's just to say hello. I'll tell Director Ning and Director Chen later." Zhou Xun agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you, I'll be your host when you come back." Chen Kun thanked him and asked out of curiosity: "Aren't you going to compete for 'Shirley Yang'?"

"I have no hope." Zhou Xun suddenly snorted: "Those two are too mean. I have inquired about them before, and they actually said that I am too old to play a little girl."


Chen Kun couldn't help laughing, but his heart was full of envy.

Zhou Xun is unique in being able to joke unscrupulously with great directors like Chen Fei and Ning Hao.

Although she opened her own studio and faced a lot of pressure, she never stopped filming.

Especially for works produced by Feiyue Film and Television, as long as there is a role suitable for her, she will always be contacted as soon as possible.

And what about yourself?

Although he is Rong Xinda's "first brother", he has not had any particularly good resources in the past two years. He has not appeared in the film industry as a male lead for a long time.

On the other hand, Yang Mi, who was worse than him at the beginning, not only acted in a popular TV series, but also got the leading female role in three movies.

Even though he offended a great director like Chen Kaige, he was still fine in the end!

For a time, many thoughts occurred in his mind.

On the other side, Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming, who also received invitations to audition, also began to prepare.

Deng Chao directly found Ning Hao and started to get close to him based on his past relationship.

However, Huang Xiaoming chose to do the opposite and turned around to find Liu Yifei and asked her to put in a good word for him.


Hengdian, inside the crew of "Xiu Chun Knife 2".

After putting down the phone, Liu Yifei subconsciously raised her hand and scratched her head, still a little confused.

She never expected that Huang Xiaoming would go after her for the role of "Hu Bayi"?
The two had a good relationship because they had co-produced "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The other party took great care of her on the set and left a lot of good impressions on her.

Therefore, faced with Huang Xiaoming's plea, Liu Yifei did not refuse.

It's just to help and say a nice word in the middle, it doesn't mean anything.

Adhering to the mentality of "reciprocating love", she also revealed some information she learned to Huang Xiaoming, such as "character setting" and "character image" must be consistent with the original work.

Although it was just a simple task, Huang Xiaoming said enthusiastically that he would definitely treat him if he had the opportunity.

When it comes to being a person and doing things, the leader has never been ambiguous.

Looking around, except for the few male actors who compete with him, everyone else in the industry is full of praise for him, saying that his emotional intelligence and IQ are outstanding!
The only frustrating thing is that his acting skills are always up and down, which is really hard to figure out.

"Sissi, do you think if I audition for the role of 'Shirley Young', is it possible for me to succeed?"

Liu Yifei was slightly startled by the sudden voice.

She subconsciously turned her head, glanced at Shu Chang, and nodded slowly: "I think there's a lot of hope. Since you can fight and your acting skills are not bad, there should be no problem."

Shu Chang chuckled: "Then when the audition notice is sent out, I will try it too."

Liu Yifei seemed to have thought of something, glanced left and right, and asked in a low voice: "You...your dad is still asking you for money?"

The smile on Shu Chang's face froze, and after a moment of silence, he nodded lightly: "Well, the amount requested has been getting bigger and bigger during this period, and I have rejected it many times.

But he threatened me, saying that he would sue me in court and make me bear the reputation of being 'unfilial' until my reputation was ruined! "

"How could he do this?"

Liu Yifei suddenly felt angry, stood up suddenly, put her hands on her hips and shouted in a low voice: "If you have the ability, let him sue. We will find the best team of lawyers. I don't believe he can win against us!"

Compared with Liu Yifei's life experience, Shu Chang is obviously more pitiful.

Her parents divorced when she was one year old, and she lived with her mother and lived an extremely difficult life in the capital.

Because her mother had to go to work during the day and could not take her with her, she had to lock her in the rented basement.

At that time, 5-year-old Shu Chang could only face the wall and talk to dolls every day. His greatest pleasure was watching children's programs on the old TV.

Other people's children may be afraid of the dark, but the thing she looks forward to most every day is dark, because her mother will come back after dark.

When she was a child, she didn't know that she was different. It wasn't until she entered elementary school that she realized that her family was very special. She had never even met her father, and she had never received support from him.

This kind of life trajectory seems to have nothing to do with child stars.

But one time, after her mother took her to a photo studio to take a group of photos, she was accidentally discovered by an assistant director, who then contacted her to film her first TV series, "My Story."

Since then, Shu Chang has officially entered the entertainment industry.

However, seeing that life was getting better day by day, I didn't expect greater misfortune to come.

When Shu was ten years old, her mother died of illness, and she began to live with her aunt.

After her aunt's family went abroad, she moved to live with her uncle's house.

Although family misfortune has been with her throughout her life, she has shined brightly in the acting industry!

"The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", "The Jinfen Family", "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", "Baolian Lantern", "Liancheng Jue", "Jingwei Reclamation", "Magic Cell Phone"...

Over the years, she has become more and more popular.

Especially after the release of "Xiu Chun Knife 1", she was successfully promoted to the top second tier!
However, at this moment, her biological father came to recognize her.

The other party directly played the emotional card, expressing all kinds of regrets in his words, and even promised to make up for his guilt towards Shu Chang in the rest of his life. But just after the relationship between the two parties eased slightly, the other party's true face was suddenly exposed!

After asking for money several times in succession, the other party's appetite became bigger and bigger each time. Recently, he even asked for 5 million to buy a house in the capital!
No matter how much Shu Chang cherished this belated father-daughter relationship, he realized something was wrong at this time.

However, after she sternly refused, the other party didn't hide it at all and threatened to ruin her reputation if she didn't pay her!
After discussion, the two parties agreed that this would be the last time Shu Chang gave him money, and from then on, the father and daughter completely severed their relationship.

However, five million is not a small amount.

Even though Shu Chang has been filming for so many years, he still doesn't have that much cash in his hands.

A celebrity's personal expenses are not small. In order to maintain a top-notch role and personality, her life must be different from that of ordinary people.

Therefore, these 500 million can only be obtained through filming.

That's why Shu Chang set his sights on the role of 'Shirley Yang'.

"Changchang, I don't think I can give him the 500 million. If he threatens you by threatening to ruin your reputation next time, what will you do then?"

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Shu Chang remained silent.

She didn't know what to do. All she could think of now was to give 500 million to that man and then stay away from him forever!
Seeing the appearance of her best friend, Liu Yifei was also anxious for a while.

After thinking for a moment, she suggested: "Let's finish filming this movie first, and then go to Chen Fei when we return to the capital and ask him to help come up with an idea. How about that?"

"Ah!" Shu Chang was slightly startled: "Is this appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate?" Liu Yifei waved her hand in a free and easy manner: "Don't worry, if you're embarrassed, I'll tell him. It's okay for me to speak in front of him."


Shu Chang's eyes suddenly changed at this time, and he asked in a scrutinizing tone: "By the way, are you two really talking?"

"Oh, what are you talking about? Isn't it good to have nothing to do!"

Liu Yifei's face instantly turned red, she stood up and walked aside: "Ignore you, I'm helping you come up with ideas, but you're actually making fun of me."

"Oh, don't be angry, I was wrong, Sissi, just wait for me!"

After a while, the two girls' laughter sounded like silver bells in the RV.


The media responded very quickly. Not long after the audition invitation from Feiyue Film and Television was sent out, the news had already spread on the Internet.

Everyone is guessing based on the audition invitation list, who will win the role of "Hu Bayi"?
At the same time, the crew of "Tongque Terrace" also issued an official announcement on the same day:

"We are very pleased to welcome Ms. Fan Bingbing to join "Tongque Terrace" and play the role of 'Ling Ju'."

For a time, under the hype of the media, there was another wave of heated discussions on the Internet.

"The entertainment industry is really lively during this time, and Sidan Shuangbing has started to stir up troubles again."

"Indeed, Li Bingbin has joined "Resident Evil 5", Zhang Ziyi has joined "Dangerous Liaisons", Zhou Xun has joined "Cloud Atlas", Fan Bingbing has joined "Tongque Terrace", Zhao Yanzi is preparing for the graduation drama, and the movie "Close Enemies" directed by Xu Jinglei "It's going to be released soon, it's so exciting!"

“I don’t know which of these movies will have a higher box office?”

"As expected of a top-notch actress in the industry, no one can stop her."

"Go and watch! Li Bingbin personally came out to reveal some shocking news again. These female stars are so fierce!"

The heat here has not subsided, but on the other side, the crew of "Tianji: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" jumped out and announced that the movie has officially started filming.

For a moment, the media's attention was directly attracted over there.

Investment of 2.2 million, 3D action treasure-hunting blockbuster, starring Andy Lau...

These three gimmicks alone are enough to attract a lot of people's attention!
Because of his participation in "Gravity", Andy Lau has become very popular recently, and the Hong Kong media are praising his excellent vision in selecting scripts.

Because of this, at the launch conference, the media in Hong Kong even asked him to compare "Gravity" with "Tianji: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".

Adhering to the idea of ​​not offending both parties, Liu Tianwang laughed and replied: "The themes and styles of the two movies are completely different. There is nothing to compare. I am just an actor. I only hope that the role I play can satisfy the fans." That’s it.”

However, Han Sanping got a lot of limelight.

When being interviewed by reporters, he said quite confidently: "I have already read the script of "Tianji: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", and it is a rare high-quality script in the industry.

It may be a little difficult to catch up with "Gravity", but it shouldn't be a problem to crush "Earthquake", surpass "Painted Skin 2", and catch up with "The Road to Love". "

These remarks were reproduced intact by the media on the Internet.

After Chen Fei saw it, he burst out laughing on the spot!

The third master boasted loudly about his awesomeness. Looking back at the time when "Red Cliff" was launched, he also boasted like this.

“Hopefully he’ll still be able to laugh after the movie comes out.”

However, just as he was joking happily, Liu Dehua suddenly called.

"Hello? Brother Hua? What's the matter?"

"It's like this. I'm about to start filming here, and I may not be able to keep up with the subsequent movie promotion activities. Call him and tell him."

"Haha, it's okay." Chen Fei smiled nonchalantly: "The movie will be released in two days. There are no activities at Xuanfa, so just rest assured and shoot your movie."

"And one more thing."


"Regarding the script of "Tianji: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", I just got the complete copy today. Alas, if I had known that the story would be like this, I would not have accepted it..."

While sighing, Liu Dehua gave a summary of the content of the script.

As Chen Fei expected, it was still the original recipe, still the familiar taste, and still so vulgar!

"I wish you... good luck."

The contract has been signed, it's too late to say anything now.

With such a high remuneration, if there is a breach of contract, the compensation will be astronomical!
After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei felt inexplicably emotional: "It seems like another company similar to Juli Pictures."

Without any experience in making big-budget movies, he invested more than 200 million in the first shot, and he directed and starred in it!

Mud, if you don’t know better, you might think that he is also a member of the Rebirth Party, and he also has something to do with it!

After the twists and turns in October are completely over, time has smoothly advanced to November.

On the 1st, "Painting on the Wall" produced by Enlight was officially launched in major theaters.

At the same time, "Gravity", which invested as much as 6.6 million yuan, has officially withdrawn from mainland theaters.

Everyone is waiting for the total box office results of this movie!
Starting from October 10, China Film will no longer disclose box office data.

So everyone is very curious, what will the total box office of this movie be?

It is inevitable to surpass "Butterfly Love", but whether it can surpass the domestic box office results of "Avatar" and "Inception" is still unknown.

Time slowly came to nine o'clock. After many statistics, China Film Group announced the total box office results of "Gravity".

Total box office in mainland China: 16.57 billion yuan!

North American box office total: $3.34 million!
Global box office total: $7.86 million!
Along with the release of the three data, there is also an announcement from China Film.

“‘Gravity’ has successfully surpassed ‘Inception’ at the domestic box office and officially topped the mainland box office rankings No. 1;

At the same time, the North American box office successfully surpassed "Zodiac" and officially topped the North American box office rankings of Chinese-language films at No. 1!

Let’s say hello to Gravity! Congratulations on the rise of domestic science fiction films! Congratulations on the new record of Chinese-language films!

At the same time, congratulations on the successful launch of Tiangong-1 Space Laboratory! Congratulations on the new journey of China’s aerospace industry! Congratulations for the future prosperity of our motherland! "


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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