It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 492 Make a big one? "Legend of White Snake" apologizes for losing money, 'lit

Chapter 492 Make a big one? "Legend of White Snake" apologizes for losing money, 'little H-text' exposed, unlimited publicity

A Chinese-language film actually achieved US$3.34 million in North America and US$7.86 million at the global box office...

If I put this in the past, I would have never dared to even think about it!
The investment of up to 6.6 million yuan is already terrifying, but the total global box office result is as high as 47 billion yuan, which makes people look at it without saying a word.

Wang Zhonglei, who was inspecting the construction progress of Huayi's Ten Billion Cultural City, was filled with hatred after learning the overall box office results of "Gravity".

"You're really stepping on the horse, this guy has made a lot of money again!"

Wang Zhongjun, who was standing aside, was no longer calm no matter how calm he was.

With this movie alone, Feiyue Pictures' total revenue this year has exceeded Huayi's total annual revenue.

More importantly, this movie was directly eaten by both parties!

Not only can Chen Fei enjoy a gluttonous feast as a 'producer', but he can also make a lot of money as a 'theater'.

He took almost all the benefits!

And this time, with the trump card of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", maybe he can still succeed!
"Go and tell him, let him feel at ease and do it boldly. Huayi will stand firmly behind him and fully support him."

The next day, the box office results of "Painting on the Wall" were released.

Although Zhang Weiping is quite mean and often criticizes his colleagues in the industry, he has also made a lot of contributions.

And after experiencing the "Huang Shengyi Heaven and Earth Incident" and "Li Lianlian's Cameo Incident", it is still unknown whether there are any actors in the industry who are willing to cooperate with him.

Time has entered November, which means that the competition for the "Lunar New Year stalls" has begun.


"Congratulations, Mr. Wang, the movie is a hit."


Just as Chen Fei thought, most people on the Internet commented that the story of this movie is not full, so it is worth watching in terms of special effects.

There is not much time left for light.

2 million is not a small amount.

Chen Fei couldn't help but be happy.

Wang Zhonglei nodded: "Well, he has indeed never been ambiguous when it comes to fighting against theaters."

At the same time, several domestic movies that will be released in December have also kicked off their pre-release prelude.

Along with the total box office of "Gravity", there is also the total box office performance of Juli Pictures' "The Legend of White Snake".

"Okay, I'll call him right now."

But even so, the box office still saw a surge the next day, reaching 1800 million.

The director is Cheng Xiaodong, and the starring team includes Li Lianlian, Huang Shengyi, Hua Zhao, Jiang Wu, Cai Zhuoyan, plus a dozen Hong Kong stars from Hong Kong as supporting roles, plus post-production special effects production, it should be pretty much the same.

"It's coming soon. On the 15th of this month, he is going to hold a movie viewing party for the media and theaters, and he will propose it on this day."

Considering that Yang Tsai likes to brag, he must have blown out the investment of up to 2.4 million for this movie.

As for Yang Zai’s statement that he will spend one billion to make ten movies next time, that is completely bullshit!
Being able to stay out of bankruptcy and continue to survive is already considered very good, but why invest one billion? Does he really think he is the CEO of Juli Rigging?

"Hey, he still knows how to play." Wang Zhongjun murmured softly, with some emotion: "It seems like this guy is going to make a big deal?"

1565 million.

"Didn't Zhang Weiping say that he would use "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" to force theaters to increase their revenue sharing ratio? When is he going to take action?"

It must achieve good box office results in the first ten days, otherwise other movies will follow and the pressure to repay the money will inevitably increase infinitely.

"Hey? This Lao Wang is quite interesting."

The producer's account sharing ratio has been able to increase from 35% nine years ago to 43% today, almost due to his single-handed promotion.

Media reporter?
Theater representative?

"Painting on the Wall" was released first, followed by many movies such as "Love Is Not Blind", "Cold War 2", and "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet".

After a while, news came from Doanjing Digital that all the final payment for the special effects production of "Painting Wall" had been received.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhongjun couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Comparing the box office and production costs, it is obvious that this can no longer be described as "a complete mess".

"Hahaha, I would also like to thank Mr. Chen and Dot Eye Digital for their strong support, otherwise it would not be possible to achieve such results."

It’s totally going to go bankrupt!

Although the topic and discussion online have remained high, there has been little movement at the box office in the later period.

Judging from this trend, even if the box office will fall back in the future, it will never be a mess like "The Legend of White Snake".

At the end of the one-month release period, the total box office reached 1.7 million, and then it was completely withdrawn by the theaters.

After a few words of greeting, Wang Changtian hung up the phone.

On the third day, the box office even exceeded 2065 million!
In the three days of the first weekend, the total box office revenue was 5430 million.

According to Chen Fei's estimate, the actual investment amount for "The Legend of White Snake" should be in the range of 1.5 million to 2 million.

After this huge loss, this company that has just opened will definitely go out of business.

After keeping "The Thirteen Hairpins" secret for several months, a two-minute and forty-second edited trailer was released.

The entire dialogue is in English and Japanese, which is really impressive.

Chen Fei paid special attention to it. It is indeed a movie made by Zhang Yimou. At a glance, the majestic atmosphere and momentum are quite amazing!

But what is very 'weird' is that along with the promotional video, there is an extremely 'lewd' still photo!

In the photo, Ni Na is wearing a cheongsam, with her body half squatting, and a perfect torso arc forming between her waist and hips, which looks very tempting.

Opposite her, Bell was lying on the ground, with his upper body slightly propped up and his head tilted upward, as if he was waiting for something.

The expressions of the two of them were relaxed and natural, and there seemed to be a touch of tenderness between lovers when their eyes met...

The scenes created in the stills are quite ambiguous, making people a little bit fanciful.

If it were just a still, there would be nothing surprising about it. After all, the character "Yu Mo" in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" itself is the image of a "prostitute".

In a movie, the heroine seduces the hero. This plot is extremely common.

However, along with the stills, there was an article!
Putting aside the content, the title alone is amazing enough.

"Bell and I perform sex scenes"

The content of the entire article directly adopts the first person self-narration of 'I', recording in the form of a diary all the experiences, experiences, psychological descriptions of the character 'Yu Mo' when he and Bell performed the sex scene, and even the physiological reaction of riding a horse. Detailed description on!

["I am not a professional actor, and I have never taken off my clothes in front of strangers, and it is also a passionate scene, which makes it difficult for me to accept." But under the guidance of the assistant director, 'I' gradually let go: "After knowing all my secrets, he can still love me deeply regardless of past grudges, so I will dedicate myself to this man. That night, we..."]

When this article appeared, in a short period of time, it directly attracted the attention of the entire film and television circle, media circle, including netizens who eat melons.

In just half an hour, the article was directly pushed to the front page of Weibo, completely dominating the hot search list.

The number of retweets and comments exceeded 100,000 in a very short period of time!
"What the hell? Is it necessary to work so hard? Are you already writing little H-articles?"

After reading the entire article, Chen Fei's first reaction was that the official Weibo account of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was stolen, right?
This method of publicity and hype is quite common in the industry. The most typical examples are Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Ziyi.

The former is very good at writing all kinds of dirty jokes, while the latter is good at putting on bikinis and running to the beach with Hollywood stars or producers in his arms.

But even so, it doesn't have the vulgarity and excitement of writing a short H-story from the heroine's first-person perspective!
Chen Fei glanced at the comments at the bottom of the article, and as expected, words of ridicule and contempt poured out continuously.

"Good guy, I thought Huang Shengyi was already slutty enough, but I didn't expect there is even more slutty here!"

"What's the name of this heroine? Ni, right? I see that her information shows that she graduated from the School of Communication? Isn't she also trained in 'Heaven and Earth' like Huang Shengyi?"

"Holy shit, I read it carefully for a while, and this article was actually posted from the official Weibo of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling". So, is this also a way of publicity?"

"What is Zhang Yimou doing? How could he, a great director with an international reputation, use such a despicable method of publicity?"

"Do you still want to show off your face? If you like a gringo so much, then go back to Hollywood with him! Why are you making such a fuss on the Internet? It's so embarrassing!"

This article shocked many people in the industry. Even Jiang Wen, who was preparing a new script, was exposed!
"What the hell? I thought my movie lines were 'elegant' enough, but I didn't expect that Lao Mouzi's acting was even more 'elegant' than mine!"

Listening to the shameless words on the phone, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel happy: "You are so proud of yourself and are so 'elegant'? Can you use this word well?"


Jiang Wen suddenly burst out laughing.

After teasing each other for a few words, the two returned to the topic.

"I have collaborated with Zhang Yimou many times. He is definitely not the kind of person who plays bad tricks. This way of promoting is too shameful. Even if the movie is a complete hit, he will definitely not use this method to promote it!"

Jiang Wen was very sure. After decades of relationship, he knew Lao Mouzi too well.

Chen Fei echoed the analysis and said: "Yes, I don't think it's him. This kind of thing is not something that someone with his personality can do. If my guess is correct, it is definitely Zhang Weiping, an old bastard, who is causing trouble. "

"Indeed, other than him, no one else can do it. That's the official Weibo account. How can a girl post such vulgar things on it at will?"

The opportunity to gossip with a Hollywood star is quite rare. Once you are involved, it will definitely attract huge attention!

But this method of operation must be authorized by the producer. A new actor who has just debuted, even if he is a "girl hunter", will never dare to engage in such vulgar operations privately.

And more importantly, although because of the article, "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" has surged in popularity on the Internet.

But correspondingly, Lao Mouzi's face was completely humiliated!

A great director who is famous both at home and abroad actually uses such a vulgar way to promote, it is like a slap in the face!

After fermenting for most of the day, the popularity of this article has increased.

The number of retweets and comments has exceeded 30, and is still rising rapidly.

And that trailer has received millions of views in a short period of time, and it seems to be a big hit on the entire Internet!
Mixed in with this chaotic news are several latest reports:
""Xiu Chun Dao 2" directed by Lu Yang and starring Zhang Zhen, Shu Chang, Liu Yifei and others officially wrapped up today in Hengdian."

"According to insiders, the crew of "The King's Feast" encountered twists and turns. Director Lu Chuan and male lead Liu Ye had a fierce argument in the hotel."

"The crew of 'Flying Swords of Dragon Gate' has officially announced that it will hold a forum at Beijing Film Academy on November 11th, inviting many directors, actors, martial arts movie fans and major media to participate."

"The movie "Qian Xuesen" produced by Xiying Investment has once again been stuck before the review threshold. According to insiders, the plot is suspected of leaking state secrets."

"Emergency Notice: Jointly produced by Dongyang Mengjiangwei Film and Television Culture, Enlight Media, Magic City Huada Pictures, Galloping Pony Culture Media, Happy Blue Ocean Film and Television Culture, Dongchuan International Culture, Taiyao Culture Studio and other companies The long-running historical drama "Jing Zhong Yue Fei" has been canceled twice for reasons that are still unknown..."

Chen Fei waited at the company for Lu Yang, who had rushed back from Hengdian.

The two reviewed the negative materials of "Xiu Chun Dao 2" together, and after confirming that there were no problems, the long-awaited post-production team went directly to the scene and began editing vigorously.

After handing over the work in hand, Lu Yang found Chen Fei again.

"Director Chen, have you received the invitation letter to the "Dragon Flying Swords" forum?"

"Yes, I received it." Chen Fei nodded in response, and then said: "You also received it, right? You can go for a run then, and I won't join in the fun."

The topic of this forum was so stupid that he had no interest in getting involved.

The two companies, Bona and Huayi, don't know what they think. They just want to make traditional martial arts.

The "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" directed by the former is about to be released, and the "Detective Dee" series directed by the latter is about to be continued. Xu Ke is still in charge of directing.

They seem to be locked in a fight with "martial arts"!
Moreover, the discussion topic of this forum is: [How can traditional martial arts movies regain lost ground in the current film market? 】

To be honest, this topic just gets stupider the more I look at it!

Nowadays, the development of special effects technology has been very mature. You can just pose, make a concave shape, glare like a fish, and shout the dialogue and it's done.

In the later stage, everything can be left to special effects, so who would bother practicing real kung fu?

Moreover, Chen Fei vaguely remembered that a certain female star in later generations seemed to be particularly fond of various face-changing technologies.

After receiving the role, I would not appear at all. I would directly authorize my face to the crew and let the post-production staff do special effects to change the face.

In the face of this kind of operation, the words "traditional martial arts" are completely like a joke.

Still regaining lost ground? What to use to recover? Is it possible to withdraw it just by touching it with your upper and lower lips?

Chen Fei was afraid that he would laugh out loud on the spot, so he simply found an excuse not to go.

In his opinion, there is no need for Lu Yang to go, because "Xiu Chun Dao" can no longer be regarded as a pure martial arts movie. If it had to be classified into a category, it should be placed under the category of "new martial arts".

The ceiling of traditional martial arts is too low. How can it compare to well-produced special effects blockbusters such as fairy tales, fantasy, magic, and science fiction?
More importantly, although some people clamor to make a high-quality "martial arts" movie every day, they simply do not have the level and ability to do so.

Movies such as "Sword Rain" and "Martial Arts" have been made, and the fighting scenes are more cool and cool than the last ones.

But what about Xia?
Righteousness and grudges, youthful spirit, sacrificing one's life for the country, leaving one's liver and gallbladder behind, repaying tooth for tooth, repaying one's revenge every day...

These "heroes" can be mentioned casually. Let me ask you, which director can film them?
It is true that the "martial arts dream" is indeed a favorite of men, but they can't bear those who make martial arts movies messing around again and again.

In the end, they themselves actually harmed the "martial arts".

If the market is full of movies like "The Blade" and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", then "martial arts movies" can barely survive.

But if everything that appears in the future is "Sword Rain" and "Martial Arts" that sell dog meat in sheep's clothing, "martial arts movies" will only die faster!

At the end of the week, Guangguang reported the box office results of "Painting on the Wall".

1.05 million.

Wang Changtian has made a lot of money this time!

A movie with an investment of 3000 million actually achieved a weekly box office of over million. Who dares to say that it is not successful?

Because of this, he was very confident in the two subsequent "Famous Catchers". When faced with Chen Jia Shang's request for additional investment, he agreed without thinking.

At the same time, "33 Days of Love" held its premiere event in the capital.

Since China Film was responsible for the investment and promotion of this film, at the premiere, Han Sanping personally led the creative team on stage.

Zhu Yawen, Wang Luojue, Guo Jinfei, Zhang Zixuan, translated by Zhang Jia, Wang Yaoqing, Jiao Junyan, Hai Qing...

Looking around, artists from Feiyinghuang Agency account for more than half!

According to Teng Huatao's original plan, he was actually going to invite Hua Zhao and Bai Baihe to be the male and female protagonists, but they were strongly rejected by Chen Fei and Han Sanping.

Even the artists under your own company haven't had a chance to appear on camera, so how can it be the turn of artists from other companies to get involved in roles?
Perhaps because of the success of "Gravity", Han Sanping is quite confident.

Facing the reporter's interview, he directly shouted the slogan "The box office is targeting 5 million", which made the whole audience excited!
"Is the blue ocean coming to the Chinese film market?"

"How dare you brag! It's just a love movie. I think it's not bad if it has 100 million."

"Not necessarily. After all, the movie is adapted from a popular online novel. Maybe there will be many fans of the original novel to support it."

Along with the discussion, the main film comes on stage.

The character "Wang Xiaojian" played by Zhu Yawen is as the name suggests, full of meanness, causing frequent bursts of laughter at the scene.

At the subsequent cocktail party, Chen Fei specially found Zhu Yawen and joked: "This character is well portrayed. As expected, the actor still has to act in his true colors."


Zhu Yawen was speechless for a while, and after she realized what she was doing, she immediately climbed up the pole: "I think the role of 'Hu Bayi' is quite suitable for me, and it can be regarded as a real role. How about I go to your company to try out tomorrow?" A mirror?”

"Hurry up!"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes speechlessly, "'Hu Bayi' is a tough guy, but you are a softie, so what a bad fit? Just forget about the audition. When I find a suitable role later, I will contact you as soon as possible."

"Hey! Okay! Thank you Brother Fei! Among all the friends I have made, you are still the best to my brother and me. I only hate that I am not a woman, otherwise I would have to commit myself to you..."

"roll roll roll!"

Chen Fei pushed him away with a look of disgust and strode out into the distance.

Zhu Yawen quickly chased after him like a follower.

Guo Jinfei was standing not far away from the two of them, listening to their conversation, and he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of envy in his heart: "It's great to have a great director as a friend..."

At the same time, when the crew of "Thirty-day Love" was holding the premiere, in the New Picture Company, as the "little H-text incident" intensified, the two "lions" named Zhang finally met. !

(End of this chapter)

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