It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 494: After hanging out with Taro, I starved for 3 meals in 9 days, and the conflict between

Chapter 494: After hanging out with Taro, he starved for nine meals in three days, and the conflict between the two sides completely intensified! The butt determines the head
After filming "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "After that, Lu Chuan received the nickname "Lu Tailang", and many people on the Internet called him a traitor.

As the filming time of "The King's Feast" was extended repeatedly, the circle gave him the nickname "Lu Manman".

This nickname does not mean "slow work leads to careful work". After all, compared to the King of Sunglasses in Hong Kong, he is completely incomparable. There is no basis for comparison between the two.

Therefore, this title is full of mockery.

But what everyone didn't expect was that at the final press conference, Lu Chuan would attack Liu Ye, who played the leading actor "Liu Bang", and said that the filming time was extended because of him.

At this time, Feiyue Film and Television just announced that the role of "Hu Bayi" has been confirmed to be Liu Ye.

In an instant, all kinds of news about Liu Ye spread all over the Internet!

"According to Lu Chuan, the director of "The King's Feast", the first-line actor Liu Ye acted like a big star on the set and refused to cooperate with the filming, which resulted in the filming time being extended indefinitely."

"Feiyue Film and Television officially announced that the male lead of the Ghost Blowing Lamp series 'Hu Bayi' will be played by Liu Ye."

"Lu Chuan called on all colleagues in the industry to boycott Liu Ye's appearance in any film and television works, saying that he does not have the basic qualities of an actor at all..."

Within five minutes, the call was hung up.

"Hmph, you still want to escape from the new scene? Just dream! I will settle the score with you after the movie is released!"

But why should he do this?

Compared to Zhang Weiping, Lu Chuan's methods were so low-level that Chen Fei couldn't help but want to laugh at him.

Chen Fei said in a matter-of-fact tone: "The movie has been completed, and he has already grabbed every penny of the director's fee. How could he care about other things? The real unlucky ones are Xingmei and Emperor."

He just wrote an article, and other bloggers were still uploading h-pictures. Isn't it just hanging there safe and sound?
"Mr. Zhang, do you think it's director Yimou..."

Zhang Weiping was completely stunned!
Previously, the top spot on Weibo's hot search list had been dominated by the article "Bell and I had a sex scene." But after Liu Ye passed the audition for "Hu Bayi", the top spot on the hot search list was immediately taken away.

"Already contacted." The secretary reminded in a low voice: "Weibo official said that the content of the article is suspected of spreading obscene thoughts..."

Chen Fei also saw the news, but after recalling Liu Ye's reputation in the circle, he immediately sensed a hint of conspiracy.

Ning Hao was immediately laughed out of anger.

The movie took 13 months to shoot, and they actually said it was because the male protagonist didn't cooperate. Do you really think everyone is blind?
Just find a few crew members to testify, and these negative news will be self-defeating, and you can also defeat him!

However, what he never expected was that the new article could not be posted!

"I know him as a person, and his mind is smaller than the eye of a needle. It is probably because Liu Ye came to audition for 'Hu Bayi' that made him unhappy, so he wanted to make Liu Ye look bad.

Zhang Yimou?
Recalling Lao Mouzi's tough attitude before, Zhang Weiping was momentarily speechless.

At the same time, inside New Picture Company.

Zhang Weiping was angry for a while.

Zhang Weiping's face was gloomy, and after snorting coldly, he began to think hard about new publicity methods.

Ning Hao asked again: "Then what should we do?"

A high investment of 1.4 million would have to earn at least 3 million in box office to recover the money. A conflict broke out between the director and the leading actor...

"Ah?" Ning Hao was stunned: "Is Lu Chuan a bad guy? Is he really stupid?"

Ning Hao frowned as he saw all kinds of negative news about Liu Ye pouring out on the Internet.

He took out his cell phone, found a phone number, and dialed it.

And even the old article was banned.

"What? That new article can't be posted? "Bell and I made a sex scene" was also deleted by the Weibo official?"

Isn’t it just an article? Is it necessary to outline it and go online like this?

"Let the public relations department contact Liu Ye's team, hold a press conference to clarify, and then find someone to support it. These negative news will naturally be self-defeating."

If it were Zhang Yimou, with his energy, it would still be possible to find someone to contact the official to delete Weibo.

"Why? You didn't contact Weibo?"

Jia Hong and Yang Shoucheng were probably confused by Lu Chuan's tricks!

As soon as the male lead was chosen, shady material came out, which was not a good thing for subsequent filming and publicity.

"That's a fart!"

In order to maintain the popularity, Zhang Weiping ordered the public relations department to immediately send out the long article "The Director Personally Instructed Me and Bell to Make a Sex Scene".

"Pretending to be a big name? Refusing to cooperate with the filming? Banning..."

The call was quickly answered.

"After all, Liu Ye is also the leading actor in "The King's Feast". If he does this, doesn't he worry that the movie will be affected?"

Chen Fei turned to look at Ning Hao, shrugged and said, "I'm sure, it's that guy Lu Tailang who is causing trouble again. Liu Ye was very dedicated during the filming of the crew. He even only asked for leave once after 13 months of filming. "

He's just an employee, but he dares to go against the boss's decision. Does he really regard himself as a piece of cake?
After leaving the new scene, where could Zhang Yimou find such a suitable partner?

"Hello? Senior Brother Sha Yi, are you busy now? I want to ask you something..."

Wasn't there a news report some time ago that a fierce quarrel broke out between the two? I guess that's where it starts. "

In fact, it is very simple to determine whether these negative news are true or false.

The news intensified and soon reached the ears of Chen Fei and Ning Hao, who were preparing audition materials for 'Shirley Yang'.

Since the article cannot be posted on Weibo, we have to find another way.



"33 Days Out of Love" has created a very unexpected result.

After the box office on the first day was 1764 million, the box office on the next day reached 1960 million, and the following two days of Friday and Saturday hit a record of 9063 million!

In four days of release, the box office reached 1.27 million. This result simply blinded a lot of people's eyes!
Even "Painting on the Wall", which was released a few days earlier than it, has only just exceeded 1.2 million at the box office.

In comparison, the box office growth trend of the latter far exceeds that of the former!
Han Sanping was so excited that she happily boasted in front of the media: "The box office of this movie will definitely reach 5 million..."

There was a chorus of agreement in the circle.

At the same time, as the middle of the month approaches, the post-production work for "Your Name" is finally complete.

At this time, Liu Yifei, who had finished filming "Xiu Chun Knife 2", returned to the capital.

Chen Fei simply called her over and watched the finished film together.

After watching the nearly two-hour movie, Liu Yifei took out a tissue from the table nearby and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "The story is really good, the filming is also good, it's so touching..."

Chen Fei looked at her with a smile: "How about Producer Liu? Is the effect of the film in line with your wishes?"

"Yeah! Very satisfied! Excellent!"

"Then I will arrange for someone to submit it for review, get the dragon mark first, and then choose a suitable schedule."

After hearing this, Liu Yifei suddenly became excited: "I'll choose! I'll choose!"

"Okay." Chen Fei responded casually: "It will be after April next year at the earliest. By December, you have to go to Hollywood with me to shoot "Interstellar"."

"Ok, no problem."

Miss Liu nodded hurriedly, her cute little head swaying, not knowing what she was thinking, and a smile soon appeared on her lips.

She is the producer of this movie and has a strong say~
It wasn't until Chen Fei arranged for someone to take the film to the film bureau for review that Liu Yifei, who had been following him silently, finally got together again.

"There's one more thing I need to ask you for help with."

"Huh?" Chen Fei turned to look at her curiously: "What do you mean?"

"It's about Changchang and her father..."

After spending more than twenty minutes, Chen Fei finally figured out Shu Chang's life experience.

In fact, he had learned something about Shu Chang's family background before, especially her cousin Song Zuer, who was very scheming at a young age!

Even her uncle's second wife, her step-aunt, was also not a fuel-efficient person.

But he never expected that this girl actually had a biological father who was still alive.

"What you mean is that if the 500 million is not given, Shu Chang's father will sue her? I will sue my daughter?"

"Yes, I'm just wondering, who are these people? They are so shameless..."

Liu Yifei nodded heavily, her little face was bulging with anger, and her words were full of indignation.

Although her parents were divorced and she grew up with her mother, her father's love was not absent.

Even though she has grown up now, she still often receives calls or videos from her father, whose words are full of care and concern.

In comparison, Shu Chang is really pitiful, his life experience is so miserable!

"Hey? This horse riding is really outrageous. Is this kind of person worthy of being a father?"

Chen Fei complained angrily, and then said: "Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will arrange it. You just tell Shu Chang to come over on time to audition for 'Shirley Yang' on the 17th."

Miss Liu smiled at him: "Then I'll trouble you!" "No trouble, it's just a matter of a finger."

"To thank you, I'm treating you to lunch today. What would you like to eat?"

"Hey? Are you getting rich?" Chen Fei joked: "The guests are welcome, I will eat whatever you ask for, it depends on your sincerity."


"Okay, it's up to you."

The two left the company directly and found a high-end seafood restaurant nearby.

The media move very quickly. If there is any movement at Feiyue Film and Television, they will catch it immediately.

"Director Chen Fei and domestic first-line actress Liu Yifei met at a high-end restaurant. The two were talking and laughing, and they were suspected of dating."

"It is reported that the love movie "Your Name" starring Chen Fei and Liu Yifei has been submitted for review."

""Your Name" is suspected to be released soon, and the two leading actors are discussing promotion strategies..."

Everything was said on the Internet, but Chen Fei and Liu Yifei did not respond.

The media is like that, as long as you ignore them, their attention will soon be elsewhere.

This is the reality.

The next morning, the online report was replaced by the news that "The Thirteen Hairpins" will hold a viewing party for media and theaters on the 15th of this month.

As the second largest domestic film released this year with the largest investment, everyone from the film bureau to the general audience has great expectations for this film.

Although the previous small H article was deleted by Weibo, its popularity was successfully increased.

However, what confuses many people is that the new picture did not immediately launch a publicity plan or box office pre-sale activity.

On the other hand, several other movies that will be released in the Lunar New Year period have already begun promotion at this time, and various promotional posters are scattered all over major theaters.

But only "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" had no movement at all.

Huo Qigang called suddenly, his words full of confusion: "New Picture has invited many media and the heads of more than 40 theaters across the country to attend some movie viewing party. What kind of trouble is this?"

Hearing this, Chen Fei's expression was slightly startled, and a piece of news from his previous life suddenly popped into his mind.

The next second, he asked directly: "Go and find out how many copies of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" have been made?"

The call was immediately hung up.

In less than half an hour, Huo Qigang's phone call came back: "Damn it, the copy plate and film schedule of this movie have not been made at all!"

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly realized!

Recalling Zhang Weiping's various previous tricks, he made a very firm judgment: "If my guess is correct, this old boy may be planning to increase the producer's share of the account."

Since "Hero", Zhang Weiping has never given up this strategy.

Whenever Zhang Yimou makes a blockbuster movie, he will always ask the theaters in advance to increase the revenue sharing ratio, otherwise the movie will not be released.

Domestic commercial blockbusters are scarce, and theaters rely on these movies to make money every year, so they have been successfully blackmailed by him many times.

“Increase the producer’s bill-sharing ratio?”

At this moment, no matter how good-tempered Huo Qigang was, he still couldn't help but curse: "Fuck! He's thinking shit..."

The butt determines the head.

Where a person sits often determines the angle and scope of his thinking.

As a theater chain, Huo Qigang would definitely not agree to increase the producer's share of the accounts.

But from the perspective of the producer, after Chen Fei thought of Zhang Weiping's plan, he couldn't help but give him a thumbs up in his heart.

It's not like this guy has no contribution at all in the circle.

But after thinking about it, Chen Fei discovered that he seemed to have two identities: "producer" and "theater" at the same time.

"Fuck, no wonder this old boy deliberately left Feiyue Film and Television behind when he called the producers for a meeting."

Huo Qigang's voice suddenly came from the receiver: "What are you mumbling over there?"

"It's nothing." Chen Fei thought for a while and then instructed: "Don't make any noise for the time being. Don't go there in person on the 15th. Arrange for the vice president to go over and see what he wants to do."

"Okay, let's communicate as soon as there is news."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei fell into deep thought.

If it really comes down to taking sides, which side should you be on?

A few minutes later, he suddenly slammed the table: "Hey, I can sit back and watch the tiger fight! No matter which side wins, it will not harm my personal interests anyway."

After thinking about this, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​packing melon seeds to watch the excitement.

The producers and theaters are going to war again.

After the release of "The Thirteen Hairpins", New Picture and Zhang Yimou Studio will definitely part ways.

Both of these incidents are directly related to Zhang Weiping.

According to that guy's urine, there will definitely be another huge commotion on the Internet!

In just three days, "Your Name" successfully obtained a screening permit.

Han Sanping made a special call to ask when the movie was going to be released.
Chen Fei responded while eating melon seeds: "It's very early, don't be in a hurry, just throw it away for now, and we'll talk about it next year."

After hanging up the phone, he turned his attention to Weibo again and ate the melon with interest.

Lu Chuan's grandson probably didn't expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly!

A few days ago, he accused Liu Ye of various "shameless" behaviors online, and even called on colleagues in the industry to block him.

It's a pity that no matter how much he dances happily on the Internet, no one comes out to support him.

We are not fools. Who doesn’t know that Liu Ye Studio and Feiyue Film and Television have launched an in-depth cooperation?

If I offend Liu Ye now, wouldn't it be equivalent to offending the entire Ghost Blowing Lantern crew and Feiyue Film and Television behind it?
Not to mention Lu Chuan alone, even if the two major investors of "The King's Feast" are included, Emperor and Xingmei, it is not enough to compete with Feiyue Film and Television.

And what is ridiculous is that even though Lu Chuan madly accused Liu Ye of various "big name" behaviors, Emperor and Xingmei did not make any move.

It's not like Yang Shoucheng and Jia Hong were shady. They, the two investors, knew the specific situation best.

Hang out with Lu Chuan?
At least nine meals in three days!
But they couldn't control Lu Chuan and could only let him do crazy things online.

However, this kind of "making trouble" is completely untenable.

When the media went to interview Wu Yanzu, Zhang Zhen, and Sha Yi who were also on the crew of "The King's Feast", the answers they got were completely inconsistent with what Lu Chuan said!
"Playing like a big star? No, we get along very happily. Liu Ye is very dedicated. When it comes to hard work, he is probably the best one in the entire crew!"

"I'm embarrassed to say it. I accidentally failed many times when I was filming with Liu Ye, but he didn't get angry and kept patiently guiding me during the filming."

"I admire you very much! He plays Liu Bang very well..."

Whether it was the actors in front of the stage or the staff behind the scenes, Liu Ye was praised in various ways when interviewed by reporters.

As for the behaviors Lu Chuan said of acting like a big star, frequently asking for leave, and striking out in anger, they are simply untrue.

When these reports appeared online, Lu Chuan was immediately confused.

He never expected that he would be backstabbed by everyone in the crew except Qin Lan!
However, he can't question these people yet, because everyone else is telling the truth, and he is the only one who is messing around.

Netizens did not expect that this "big name battle" between Lu Chuan and Liu Ye would end so quickly!

No matter how fast Lu Chuan deleted his Weibo, he still couldn't resist the ridicule of netizens and the anger from Liu Ye's fans.

"How can people be so shameless? I really didn't expect that being black just for the sake of being black? Isn't it sick to just ride on a horse?"

"Good guy, your movie is slow in filming. You don't find the reason from yourself, but you blame someone else's starring role?"

"Sure enough, he only called me by the wrong name, but not by the wrong nickname. This traitor, there is no one else who can be as bad as a traitor."

"I thought it was embarrassing enough to promote "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" with small H-texts, but I didn't expect there would be something better than it!"

"Everyone, how about we make some more plans? Find an opportunity to beat Rikutaro again?"

"Take me one!"

"Is there such a good thing? Hey, count me in!"


There was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet, but Lu Chuan immediately stopped making any noise, and he didn't know where he went to draw circles and curse people.

Yinghuang and Xingmei remained silent from beginning to end, but the hearts of Yang Shoucheng and Jia Hong had almost sunk to the bottom.

If they had known that this would be the case, they would never invest in this idiot Lu Chuan!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!)
(End of this chapter)

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