It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 495 The great director’s tea talk, the melon seeds are ready, the drama between the producer

Chapter 495 The great director’s tea talk, the melon seeds are ready, the drama between the producer and the theater is officially released!

"Mr. Chen, this is an invitation to the premiere from the producers of the next dozen or so movies that will be released soon. Do you want to take a look?"

Looking at the box held in the secretary's hand, Chen Fei shook his head helplessly.

From the moment he received his first Golden Bear trophy, film studios, whether familiar or unfamiliar, would send an invitation letter whenever there was an event such as a movie premiere.

Since November 11st, he has received no less than 1 premiere invitations.

If nothing else, this situation may continue until the end of the Lunar New Year period.

Even if most production companies know that he will not go, they will still send invitations because it represents respect for the "leading company" in the industry.

"Let me see what movies are there?"

Chen Fei waved to his secretary to put the box down.

He briefly looked through it and found that most of the contents were invitations to premieres from some small and medium-cost Hong Kong film producers.

After the secretary left, Chen Fei picked up the landline on the table and dialed the assistant's phone: "Is my car ready?"

He still has some impressions of this movie.

"Arrangements have been made for you."

When Chen Fei arrived at the event, he saw a scene full of people.

As soon as he got off the car, Chen Fei saw Huo Qigang standing not far from the red carpet.

Because of this, the creative team worked very hard in promotion, and no one was absent from today's premiere event.

"No way." Chen Fei shrugged: "Who told you to be photographed by the paparazzi? You can never avoid this."


"I'm sure there's no problem." Chen Fei responded casually, not forgetting to joke: "As long as Sister Jingjing doesn't get angry when she sees it."

Huo Qigang was speechless for a while: "You are also a top director well-known at home and abroad. Can you stop being so naive?"

"Waiting for you! I just came out of it. We two producers walked the red carpet together. It can be regarded as a kind of publicity..."

If it were before 02, if you wanted to assemble such a lineup, the salary you would have consumed would have been an astronomical figure!
But today is different from the past. Except for Aaron Kwok, Leung Jiahui, and Zhang Ziyi, most of the others took the initiative to request a reduction in pay for guest appearances.

"Happy Magic", "East City West 2011", "The Great Magician", "Trial Love Before Marriage"...

When the first film was released in mainland theaters, it directly earned 2.6 million yuan, which can be said to be a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth!

The reporter was slightly stunned, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "Some time ago, Hua Tianxia and Meiya Entertainment jointly invested in a movie called "The Wu-Tang Code of Heaven and Earth". These people who are walking on the red carpet now are the starring team."

Although the pre-sale box office is not as exaggerated as "Gravity", it is already approaching 100 million.

"Okay, I'll go down now and we'll set off directly."

"Why haven't you gone in yet?"

Chen Fei took out the invitation to the premiere of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" separately, and then pushed the box back: "Old rules, these are all left to Mr. Su to handle."

Approaching November 11th, "Cold War 15", a Hong Kong film with the largest investment amount second only to "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet", also held its premiere event in the capital.

The reason is very simple. The script of the "Chill" series is really tough!

If we look at the starring cast alone, "Cold War 2" can definitely be ranked at the forefront of all Hong Kong films in Hong Kong this year!

Apart from this, most other Hong Kong movies are just old-fashioned movies that are just too hot to watch. You can probably guess what the plot is by just looking at the name.

Zhao Wenzhuo, Yang Mi, Fan Shaohuang, Du Yuhang and star girl Xu Jiao.

Huo Qigang's face instantly turned red, and he quickly begged for mercy: "Brother! You are my brother! Isn't it okay that I was wrong? This is all rotten millet, why are you bringing it up?"

As a film jointly produced by Feiyue Pictures and Golden Harvest Pictures, "Cold War 2" is actually no less popular than "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet".

Chen Fei pulled him and looked forward.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

The lineup that was walking on the red carpet really surprised him.

Aaron Kwok, Leung Jiahui, Zhang Ziyi, Wen Yongshan, Peng Yuyan, Chow Yun-fat, Li Zhiting, Yang Youning...

There are many well-spoken talents in the public relations department of Feiyue Film and Television, and they can be sent to attend events as representatives.

"Hey? You have the nerve to talk to me? Who was so jealous in the KTV? He ran straight to the main road and had to be coaxed by his girlfriend before he came back..."

Huo Qigang quickly changed the topic and pulled Chen Fei towards the red carpet.

"Hurry up and walk to the red carpet. There are many guests waiting for us to receive..."

The only big investment movie worthy of attention is "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" which will be released at the end of the month.

Chen Fei suddenly realized.

The second part is about to be released this year, and many fans in the mainland are already looking forward to it.

"Wait a minute, there are guests upstairs."

In addition to the production companies and actors from Hong Kong Island, there are also many supporters from the mainland. People such as Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, Ye Ning, Wang Changtian and others are all present.

If nothing else happens, it will definitely be no problem for the box office to exceed 100 million on the first day!

Chen Fei turned to look at an entertainment reporter who was filming him and Huo Qigang. He pointed at Yang Mi and others curiously and asked, "How come they are walking on the red carpet together?"

As far as I can remember, the action designs of these actors were all directed by Yuan Kui, and each of their fighting scenes was quite innovative.

However, Yang Mi seems to be in trouble again...

Fade shook his head helplessly, and Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to it.

Everyone has his own ambitions. His ability is limited, he can't change much, and he doesn't want to do that kind of thankless thing.

His eyes stayed on the star girl "Xu Jiao" for a moment.

After filming "Yangtze River No. 7", the other party participated in the movie "Starry Sky" invested by Huayi.

This fantasy-type movie was released on November 11, only two days later than "The Painted Wall".

Unfortunately, the box office was extremely dismal!
It only had 137 million yuan on the first day of release. More than ten days have passed, but the total box office is less than 1000 million yuan.

This result cannot be described as "smashing", it is a complete mess!
To sum up the content of the movie in one sentence: "As vast and brilliant as it is, it's boring."

The film did not even arouse a large-scale discussion. When Chen Fei occasionally saw topics about "Starry Sky" on the Internet, most of them were saying that Xu Jiao is so beautiful when she grows up...

As for the plot, many people seem not even interested in discussing it.

In order to repay the money, Huayi also sent the film to the 16th Busan International Film Festival.

Unfortunately, although the film entered the official competition film unit, it did not win any awards.

Huayi did not disclose the exact amount of royalties sold.

According to Wang Zhonglei's show-off personality, he didn't even make any noise this time. As expected, he probably suffered a heavy loss.


After entering the venue, Huo Qigang went directly to the circle on the Xiangjiang side, while Chen Fei walked towards the inland circle.

However, before he could take a few steps, he was stopped by Yang Shoucheng.

"Mr. Chen, haha, long time no see."

"Mr. Yang?"

bother you for something.

At such an old age, Yang Shoucheng flew to the mainland to attend the premiere. He must have some agenda.

Sure enough, before even a few words of conversation, Chen Fei received an invitation letter from him to the premiere.

"Originally, I planned to ask someone to send it to your company, but thinking that we will definitely meet today, I simply brought it to you myself."

Chen Fei looked down and saw the words "Reverse War" written in huge letters on the cover.

A piece of news he had seen recently popped up in his mind.

"Co-produced by Huayi, Emperor, Qiankun Starlight, and Matt Culture, directed by Lin Chaoxian, starring Zhou Jialun, Nicholas Tse, Bai Li, An Zhijie and others, the movie "Reverse War" with an investment of up to 2 million will be released in January 2012 Log into mainland theaters on May 1th..."

This news was released by Hong Kong media, and because it involved Jay Chou and Nicholas Tse, it caused quite a stir on Weibo.

"Thank you, Director Yang, for still thinking of me. If I have time, I will definitely go."

Chen Fei immediately agreed. As for whether he had time, that would be a matter later.

After sending out the invitations to the premiere, Yang Shoucheng was not in a hurry to leave, but mentioned another thing.

"Mr. Chen, when is our film "Ip Man 3" expected to be postponed?"

Emperor has recently experienced a lot of funding gaps, so it has set its sights on "Ip Man 3". It is hoped that the movie will be released as soon as possible to relieve the financial pressure.

Chen Fei thought for a moment and gave an answer: "Let's put it after the middle of the year. The recent impression that Donnie Yen has left on movie fans in the mainland is really bad.

If "Ip Man 3" is released immediately, it may affect the box office performance. "

"Okay, then I'll listen to you."

Finally getting an accurate date, Yang Shoucheng breathed a sigh of relief.

If the release time is extended indefinitely, the pressure will be great!
After the premiere, during the subsequent banquet, Chen Fei paid special attention to several producers.

These people were quite able to keep their composure. There was no sign of any trouble on their faces, and they were having a great time chatting with the theater owners.

He had already prepared the melon seeds and was waiting to watch the show.


Arriving on the 15th as promised. "Cold War 2" has been released in mainland theaters in the early morning, and the first-day box office will not be announced until the 16th.

China Film Corporation immediately announced the first week box office results of "33 Days of Love".

The data of 1.76 million is simply crushing "Hua Wall"!
However, the Rays don't care much about this. Anyway, the cost has been recovered, and the follow-up will be pure profit.

Wang Changtian's main theme is "I am lucky if I get it, but I am lucky if I lose it."

After sending a manager from Pan-Asia Cinemas to attend the screening of "The Thirteen Hairpins", Huo Qigang stayed in Chen Fei's office and began to wait for news.

"Good guy? You actually prepared all the melon seeds and tea? Are you just waiting for a good show?"

Seeing Chen Fei cross his legs, looking quite calm, Huo Qigang was speechless.

"What else? This kind of thing is not something you and I can decide. Zhang Weiping can only take the lead at most. The details have to be given by the leaders above. If you don't wait to watch the show, what else can you do? ?”

Hearing these words, Huo Qigang suddenly fell into deep thought.

He had gotten into a corner before, and he didn't react for a while.

Now after being enlightened by Chen Fei in one sentence, I suddenly felt enlightened!

Indeed, how can such a major event that concerns the entire industry be decided overnight, or by just one person shouting out.

In the end, it all depends on what the big leaders above have to say!
"So, we just need to make sure to follow the trend and never be the first to do so. Once we are targeted, the consequences will not be something you or I can bear."

"I understand."

Huo Qigang nodded slightly, feeling a little more respect for Chen Fei in his heart.

This is called being forward-looking!
Be absolutely unambiguous when you should take action, and never show your head when you should hide behind your back to watch a show. Only in this way can you live longer and more nourished.

This is China after all, and it upholds a "management-oriented" social structure.


After eating melon seeds all morning and eating a big meal, the two of them returned to the office and waited for the fruit to be ready.

Waiting until three o'clock in the afternoon, when Huo Qigang's phone rang, Chen Fei saw a lot of news popping up on the Internet.

In just a few minutes, all the details about the viewing party of "The Thirteen Hairpins" were revealed.

As expected, Zhang Weiping still used his old tricks.

After the screening, he directly put forward conditions, asking theaters across the country to increase the share of "The Thirteen Hairpins" from 43% to 45%, and to increase the minimum ticket price by 5 yuan!
“Looking at foreign blockbusters, the higher the investment, the higher the share ratio you get. Looking at our country, the producers are always at a disadvantage.

Why do you have to enjoy such a high revenue-sharing ratio when your theater chain only provides one screening channel for the movie we spent a lot of money on?
The risks are all borne by us, but you are better off just sitting back and waiting for your money. If something goes wrong, you can still make a move on the film schedule. We will always be the ones who suffer..."

All the words Zhang Weiping said at the film screening were copied intact by the media.

That momentum and posture make you feel like I've conquered you.

The incident began to escalate rapidly, and by the evening, the entire film industry was completely exploding!

Many production companies began to support Zhang Weiping.

Faced with such a situation involving interests, they had no choice but to make a decision.

Chen Fei's phone began to be bombarded in turn, and even more so for Huo Qigang, who was sitting opposite.

When it comes to production business, Feiyue Film and Television is definitely No. 1 in the industry.

When it comes to cinema business, Pan-Asia Cinemas is currently the number one in the country and even in Asia.

No cinema chain company is as ambitious as Pan-Asia Cinemas. All revenue, except for employee salaries and basic equipment maintenance costs, is used to develop cinemas.

Under this extreme operation, the number of theaters under Pan-Asia Cinemas has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Expansion, acquisition, mergers and acquisitions, joint operations...

If you use several tubes at the same time, it will not develop slowly even if you want to.

"Oh, these people really have a good plan. They actually want Pan-Asia Cinemas to take the lead in boycotting the new picture and "The Thirteen Beauties". Are they treating me as a reckless man charging into battle?"

After Huo Qigang answered several calls, he immediately turned off his phone.

He is not stupid, and he will never act like this.

Either everyone speaks out together, or they all sit back. How can there be any reason for him to rush to the front?

Chen Fei looked at him cheerfully and advised: "Don't be angry, just wait, someone will definitely step up and take the lead. Remember, we are young, we have no experience, we will only follow the big brother."

After hearing this, Huo Qigang stood up straight away, turned around and walked out: "If you have anything to do, call me. I'll go to South Korea first. They are interested in introducing "Cold War 2". I'll have a chat with them."

"Hahaha, okay, you run away first, I'll hold on."

Chen Fei didn't bother to get up to see him off, he just took out his cell phone and called Su Guohai.

"Lao Su, have you seen the news on the Internet? When companies such as Huayi, Chengtian, and Guangguang come out to support Zhang Weiping, you can follow their example and issue an announcement.

If you are interviewed by a reporter, just say that we stand on the side of the producer and absolutely support Producer Zhang, and don’t say anything else. "

"it is good."

Su Guohai responded and quickly stared at it.


After a night of fermentation, under the leadership of New Picture, many production companies such as Huayi, Orange Sky, Galloping Pony, Emperor, and Enlight have issued statements supporting Zhang Weiping.

Among so many companies, Feiyue Film and Television's speech seems quite low-key.

Su Guohai directly used his company account to forward Zhang Weiping's advocacy letter on resisting theaters, but there was no other news.

On the morning of the 16th, Feiyue Film and Television's official Weibo posted three messages about "Chilling 2" in succession, once suppressing the Weibo post posted yesterday.

As expected, the box office of "Cold War 2" did successfully exceed 1.18 million yuan on the first day, reaching million yuan!

Because the publicity and distribution business is handled by Feiyue Film and Television, when other production companies joined in supporting Zhang Weiping, Feiyue Film and Television did not get deeply involved at all. Instead, it was busy arranging various publicity activities.

On the other side, Feng Xiaogang actually posted an article in support of Zhang Weiping on the Internet:
"Support the new picture and Producer Zhang. The existing share ratio is too harsh for our producers. Changes must be made..."

Following closely behind are many well-known directors in the industry such as Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Wu Yu, and Zhang Yimou.

While Chen Fei was cracking melon seeds, he gave thumbs up to several directors who spoke out.

This is how he supports it.

It's definitely impossible for him to come off the field and start the bombardment in person. Wouldn't this be a slap in the face?
As many production companies and directors from the mainland and Hong Kong Island have gathered together, the theaters led by the nine major theater chains are naturally not to be outdone.

The elected representatives spoke out on Weibo, calling on theater representatives from across the country to gather in the capital and sign a joint statement to jointly boycott Zhang Weiping and New Picture.

Pan-Asia Cinemas is naturally one of them, but the manager sent by Huo Qigang has learned the "golden mean". No matter how others make trouble, he looks indifferent.

If you say boycott, then I will follow. If you give in, then everyone will accept it together.

It's up to you veterans to charge forward. I'm just a new recruit. Apart from growing a little faster, I don't have any other advantages. I just follow behind and wave the flag.

Several theaters were angry for a while, but there was nothing they could do.

As long as it can ensure that Pan-Asia Cinemas is on the same front as them, it is enough.

At one time, representatives from more than 40 theater chains went to the capital to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Weiping directly posted harsh words on Weibo. If anyone does not agree with his conditions, "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" will not be shown in any theater!

Not to be outdone, the theater chain also made harsh words:

"If you don't want to release it, don't release it. Leave it in the warehouse and wait for it to mold!"

The two sides were at odds with each other, refusing to give in to each other, directly creating a situation where neither of them could stand down.

All Chen Fei had received earlier were calls from the producers. After two days of waiting, many people from the theaters also called him.

Ye Ning, the current head of Wanda Pictures, even personally came to Feiyue Film and Television, forcing the casting of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City" to be suspended.

"Mr. Chen, I'd like to spare you a moment. What is your personal opinion on the dispute between the producers and the theaters?"

Chen Fei looked at him happily, spread his hands, and said truthfully: "You know, I hold Feiyue Film and Television in my left hand, and Pan-Asia Cinemas in my right hand. There is almost no emphasis on one side.

If the producer wins this time, then Feiyue Film and Television will make more money, and vice versa.

Therefore, I remain completely neutral and will not take sides or focus on supporting any party. "

Hearing these words, Ye Ning couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"Oh, you are still thoughtful. The production and theaters have both hands, and you will not be restrained..."

Ye Ning didn't stay too long and left in a hurry after staying for less than ten minutes.

But before leaving, he revealed a piece of news: "This is no longer nine years ago. Repeated concessions will only make some people push their limits, so we will not continue to tolerate this time."

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news."

Chen Fei took the initiative to get up and send Ye Ning out of the audition room.

This scene has become more and more exciting. Zhang Weiping is raising the stakes, and the theater chain is also raising the stakes. The two sides are already in a situation where they cannot give in to each other.

Next, it depends on how the "mediator" handles it.

The game of public opinion on the Internet is only the most superficial, and the real game is actually placed in an invisible place!
After sending Ye Ning away, Chen Fei returned to the audition room.

The main task for him and Ning Hao today is to determine the candidate for the role of "Shirley Yang".

Just like the scene during the previous audition for "Hu Bayi", the female star who arrived today also occupied half of the corridor.


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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