It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 500 'Dragon Head'? The premiere of "Avengers" was a huge success! Histor

Chapter 500 'Dragon Head'? The premiere of "Avengers" was a huge success! Historical war movie = Young and Dangerous fighting each other?
It was already evening when we landed in New York.

A new day has begun in China on the other side of the ocean.

On the way to the hotel by car, Chen Fei opened the laptop he carried with him and glanced at the film and television news on the Internet.

As expected, the general content of his discussions with the theaters on "stepped accounts sharing" has been spread.

He didn't care much, after all, this kind of thing couldn't be hidden.

Looking around, there are comments everywhere on the Internet:
"Good guy, Director Chen is really awesome. The bottom line is 7 million. Is he so confident in the movie produced by Feiyue Films?"

"Not to mention, Feiyue Film and Television has participated in investment in four movies with over RMB 700 million, right?"

"Zhang Weiping is not good at it. Why did he just shout 5 million?"

"Based on the total box office of 7 million, for every additional 1 million box office, the account sharing ratio will be increased by 1.5%, and the upper limit is 48%. I'm a good boy. This is considered a gambling regulation, right?"

"This is a bet!"


At the same time, inside New Picture Company.


The two Wang brothers looked at the news on the Internet, and they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and angry.

Several production companies were very enthusiastic about it, but they were helpless.

How can there be so many masterpieces in the Chinese-language film market with a box office of over 7 million?

Moreover, he was very stubborn and could not listen to the opinions of outsiders. Several producers sent by Huayi were scolded back.


Chen Fei is just reaping the benefits!

Among the many film and television works they have currently invested in, the one with the highest box office is "Earthquake."

Just like a clown!

He's pretty sure...

Just as he was thinking about it, the expression on Zhang Weiping's face suddenly became weird.

In the eyes of many people, Zhang Weiping's bet of 5 million leverage was already an exaggeration. Now there is another 7 million. How can it be exceeded?

As for the works that have exceeded 7 million, there is no one at all.

"Follow Zhang Weiping, we will also set a price of 5 million. You will follow up on this matter and try to get as many benefits as possible for us."

"He didn't say when it would be released?"

Wang Zhonglei was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously answered: "We also set a price of 7 million?"

And what about Zhang Weiping?

Zhang Weiping also saw the news online.

"Although the movie directed by Zhou Xingchi does not star in the movie, there will definitely be no shortage of supporters. We can also take the opportunity to make requests to the theaters and release it in a stepped-up way."

Wang Zhonglei immediately fell silent.


Looking at the number "7 million", he originally wanted to laugh a few words, but recalling the terrible results of "Gravity", the sarcastic words finally stuck in his throat.

He suddenly discovered that although Chen Fei also did the same thing as him, the cinema operators were still targeting only him.

The two brothers quickly came to an agreement.

Wang Zhongjun thought for a moment, turned to look at Wang Zhonglei, and asked: "Which part of the filming of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" was filmed?"

In the end, he could only mutter angrily: "If it weren't for me, how could you have negotiated this condition with the theaters? So, I am the pioneer and pathfinder of that market, and you are just..."

I always feel a little incompetent for this "leading role"...

Wang Zhongjun fell into deep thought again, and after a while he spoke leisurely:

Two months?
Wang Zhongjun frowned slightly. Compared with Feng Xiaogang, Zhou Xingchi's progress was really slow.

Embarrassingly, the box office of "Earthquake" was finally set at 6.9 million, and it has been repeatedly cited as the target of surpassing by major producers.

The vase in the office was smashed to pieces by him, but even so, the anger in Zhang Weiping's heart could not be suppressed.

Wang Zhonglei recalled for a moment before answering: "He said that the later stage will take several months, and it is estimated that it will be in the Lunar New Year period."

The contents of this "gambling agreement" were gradually disclosed online, causing excitement and shock in the circle!

"It's estimated that it will take another two months to complete."

Unlike New Pictures, which is under siege from all sides, looking at it, the attitude of netizens and theaters towards Feiyue Films is unexpectedly very friendly.

All his efforts turned out to be someone else's wedding dress?


The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took the shade.

"Can you use your brain? Do you still have to settle for 7 million? Do you think you are Chen Fei? Are you sure?"


The premiere of "Avengers" will still be held in a theater owned by Pan-Asia Cinemas.

Outside the largest flagship theater in the heart of New York, a brand new red carpet was laid from the entrance of the theater to the sidewalk.

There were many security guards on both sides, and behind them were many media and supporting audiences, making it look like a huge crowd.

In addition to the main creative staff of the crew, Marvel also invited many stars to help out. All actors who have participated in the filming of Marvel's movies came to the scene today.

In addition, people from DreamWorks, Lucasfilm, Lionsgate, Universal, Warner, Disney and many other companies came to participate.

Chen Fei arrived early today.

In many previous promotional activities, all actors participated in the promotion, and he, the director, has never appeared.

Now, if the premiere is late again, it would be a bit incompetent.

Robert Tunney Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Seth Muir Jackson…

Looking around, all the main creative members appeared on the red carpet in the costumes from the play, triggering waves of excitement at the scene!

Among them, "Iron Man" was the most popular. When he appeared on the scene, the cheers from both sides almost completely drowned the entire red carpet!

In comparison, Chen Fei seems ordinary.

He wore a black suit and walked the red carpet with Kevin Feige.

But no matter how low-key he is, he can't hide his extraordinary popularity among fans.

"Fei! I love you!"

Suddenly a crazy roar came from the crowd.

Chen Fei subconsciously turned his head to look and saw a group of fans wearing jackets with the Red Bull logo waving their hands crazily in his direction.

"Huh? Fans from Red Bull?"

Chen Fei was slightly startled, then smiled and waved over there.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, and actually picked up the Red Bull in his hand and threw it towards him.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he took the bottle of Red Bull into his hand very easily.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the seal. After confirming that it was a brand-new, unopened bottle of Red Bull, he pulled the tab open without hesitation.


After gesturing toward the fans, Chen Fei quickly drank up the bottle of Red Bull.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became more and more lively!
The fans who were holding Red Bull imitated his actions, and they pulled off the tabs one after another, drank the drinks in the bottle in one gulp, and signaled to him from afar.

Chen Fei smiled brightly.

'' '' '' '
Quickly arriving at the signature wall, Chen Fei first took a photo with Kevin Feige, and then took a photo with Robert Downey Jr. and other creative members.

When they saw all the superheroes taking pictures with their signature moves in front of the signature wall, the fans at the scene were shouting like crazy.

Fortunately, there were enough security personnel on site today, otherwise a stampede would very likely have occurred!

After the group photo was taken, the group walked quickly into the theater.

After Chen Fei entered the scene, Leonardo and Matt Damon, old acquaintances, immediately came to greet him: "Fei, this movie is going to be a box office hit again!"

"Oh?" Chen Fei looked at them in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

Matt Damon said: "Didn't you read the IMDB online poll? On the 2011 fan-anticipated movie list, "Avengers" ranks first, even "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part " None of them rank as high as your superhero movie." Chen Fei smiled slightly: "I hope it will be a hit at the box office."

With an investment of US$2.5 million, if you simply want to make a return on the box office, you will need at least US$7.5 million.

As for the remaining streaming media on-demand and DVD disc sales, these have nothing to do with Chen Fei.

He is a director, and the box office of his movies is the best proof of his success!
Suddenly, just as Chen Fei was greeting the guests present today, Matt Damon pulled a middle-aged man over quickly.

"Fei, please allow me to introduce you to one of my best partners, Matthew McConaughey. He is my best friend and his acting skills are no worse than mine..."

Chen Fei took a moment to look at the white actor in front of him.

He has a rather strong build, and his appearance is no less good than Matt's. He wears a decent custom-made suit, and exudes a handsome temperament all over his body.

"Hello." Chen Fei took the initiative to extend his hand to him.

Matthew McConaughey stretched out his hands and shook his hand: "Fei, it's a great honor to meet you here. I watched the movie "Gravity" you starred in, and your performance in it was amazing... …”

At this time, DiCaprio suddenly appeared from the side and added with a smile: "In addition to being a three-time European director, Fei also won the Berlin Silver Bear. His acting skills are no worse than mine."

Matt Damon suddenly joked: "Leon, if I remember correctly, you seem to have won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor with your three-hit combo of 'frown, glare, and roar'?"

Xiao Lizi seemed to have been touched by a pain point and immediately defended himself: "What about frowning, staring, and roaring? That's called letting your emotions out..."

For a moment, several people laughed.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked at Matthew McConaughey, and said softly: "If it's convenient for you, come to Walt Disney Studios in a few days and let's do a simple audition?"

"Okay, I will be there on time."

The crew and guests entered the theater one after another, and the theater quickly became lively.

When the lucky spectators entered the venue, the place was instantly chaotic like a Fat Donglai Supermarket filled with people.

Chen Fei turned his head and glanced back, and saw that the fans wearing Red Bull jackets had also entered the scene and were chattering about something.

Spielberg, who was sitting next to him, suddenly smiled and said: "Fei may have the largest fan base among all our directors, right?"

This statement attracted unanimous approval from Cameron, Nolan and others.

Although Nolan is famous for his various tricks, he is still a little behind Chen Fei in terms of popularity.

There was no way, after all, it was impossible for him to go skydiving into a swallow hole, and this old bone would probably be broken there.

As time passed, after everyone took their seats, the lights on the ceiling were turned off one after another, the iMax screen lit up, and the theater immediately became quiet.

The premiere screening of "The Avengers" has begun.

The story begins in the S.H.I.E.L.D. building. The value of the Cosmic Cube in the laboratory suddenly increases, and the portal automatically opens, transporting the Asgardian Loki holding the scepter...

A wonderful visual feast kicked off.

As the story of the film progresses, many superheroes such as Hawkeye, Black Widow, Hulk, Captain America, and Iron Man appear one by one.

In the previously released trailer, you can see the Hulk fighting an alien spaceship, the eagle-eyed archer's arrows, and other hot fighting scenes of superheroes, as well as the villain Loki holding the evil scepter and killing everyone, and many other scenes.

Many people thought that was the most exciting part of the film, but when they actually saw the finished film, they realized that compared to the excitement of the main film, the trailer was completely worth mentioning!
At the end of the film, in order to save the entire city, Iron Man sent the "little boy" to the portal without hesitation at the cost of his life...

Seeing this, Spielberg couldn't help but be happy.

He came over and whispered: "Fei, this is really a wonderful American dream."

Chen Fei smiled slightly: "To use an old Chinese saying, 'when in town, do as the Romans do'."

Everything in the movie, whether it is war or crisis, is beautiful and pleasant, even more beautiful and pleasant than life. This is the "American Dream" often mentioned by many Hollywood filmmakers.
In the story of "Avengers", the belief of the 'American Dream' has brought morale to all superheroes. Especially in times of crisis, the protagonist group has shown the kind of optimism that is unique to the United States. .

Chen Fei turned his head and looked back, and saw a group of movie fans with their eyes wide open, looking very excited.

This is the effect you want!

"Do as the Romans do" to earn money from the United States, and then transfer the money back to China in batches to invest in various new technological fields...

Chen Fei was already very comfortable with this operation.

Xiaomi, Tencent, Alibaba, optoelectronics, new energy... If you analyze it in depth, he actually has his shadow in it.

Comprehensively improve economic development so that people can become rich, and accordingly, the development of domestic film and television culture can enter the fast lane.

In the past, it would have been extremely difficult for the domestic movie box office to break 10 million, let alone break billion.

But now, "Gravity" has received a box office of 16 billion, which clearly means that people already have spare money in their hands and are beginning to pursue spiritual wealth.

Closer to home.

The Avengers premiere officially came to an end as the alien command ship was completely blown to pieces and Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man fell through the portal.

The lights on the ceiling lit up, and extremely warm applause erupted like a mountain roar and a tsunami, resounding throughout the theater and even reaching the street outside, like thunder exploding on the ground!

There is no doubt that this is a classic commercial masterpiece.

In the entire history of Hollywood movies, there has never been a movie that brought together so many superheroes.

Rather than looking messy, this hodgepodge is delicious and well worth repeat viewings.

There was continuous applause in the theater.

After Chen Fei stood up and greeted the many guests sitting around him, he led a group of superheroes onto the stage.

What was supposed to be the curtain call came next, but he did the opposite with a move.

After receiving the microphone from the host, he announced directly: "With the release of "Avengers", the first phase of Marvel's film and television plan has officially come to an end."

There was a sudden uproar at the scene, and panicked expressions appeared on the faces of the fans present.

What does this mean?
Is Marvel going to end making movies about superheroes from now on?
After the atmosphere at the scene reached a certain level, Chen Fei immediately announced: "After today, Marvel will launch the second phase of the plan.

Led by "Iron Man 3", "Thor: The Dark World", "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Avengers: Age of Ultron", "Ant-Man" and other super movies were launched successively. It’s a heroic movie, please wait and see! "

As soon as the words fell, the scene suddenly burst into excitement!
Fans are finally relieved, it turns out that it is not ending, but the second phase of the plan is about to start.

Followed by waves of whispers:
"So we're about to see at least six superhero movies in the next few years?"

"Yes, that's it. Fei is so cool. He created a brand new superhero miracle!"

"By the way, why doesn't DC learn from Marvel?"

"Warner's top executives are mentally ill, and DC has been ruined by them."


After the premiere, "Avengers" successfully opened in North America with 4500 theaters.

The number of theaters opened alone has set a new record for the North American film market!

Not only Marvel and Walt Disney Studios, but the market is also full of confidence in "Avengers".

The quality of the film is excellent, the publicity and marketing efforts are strong enough, coupled with the appeal of so many superheroes, and the appeal of Chen Fei as a director to fans...

Taken together, everyone is sure that this movie will definitely create a great box office result!
While waiting for the first day's box office, Chen Fei did not forget to log on to the mainland website to check the news about the Chinese New Year movies.

The first-day box office results of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" were high on the front page of the film and television information network.

2100 million!
He glanced at the various information below.

The media is eager to report on the box office performance of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet", which seems to be a sign of a good start to the Lunar New Year season.

But looking at the comments on Douban, Tieba, and Weibo, they are completely contrary to the media reports.

"The actor's appearance is quite good. The man is handsome and the woman is pretty. This should be an advantage, right? Unfortunately, it seems that this is the only advantage..."

"What is this horse-riding movie about? Is it really a historical blockbuster? Why does it give off the feeling of fighting in Causeway Bay everywhere?"

"What did I see? "Young and Dangerous: The Legend of Hongmen Banquet"? Can you be more serious about filming?"

"Pfft, I'm laughing so hard. The confrontation between the two armies is like a battle between Young and Dangerous. It's not even as exciting as the fight between Chen Haonan and Situ Haonan!"


Looking at the many negative comments on the Internet, Chen Fei curled his lips.

It was a good start, but the door was obviously forced shut before it was even opened.

Director Xiangjiang never seems to get it right whether it’s costumes or props when making historical-themed movies.

Not to mention the large-scale battle scenes, there is a feeling of young and Dangerous brawling everywhere, which is extremely entertaining to watch.

Looking back at the parts that the media boasted about, as expected, there was no mention of any merits of the plot.

This is the Hongmen Banquet!
Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are both the most critical figures among them!
But in the hands of Li Renggang, the second half directly pushed the two heroes to the edge...

"Alas!" Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh: "Made, a good subject was simply wasted."


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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