It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 501 Free America, the Avengers explode! DC reboot? Feng Dapao can't escape the pain his

Chapter 501 Free America, the Avengers explode! DC reboot? Feng Dapao will never be able to escape the pain in his life!

On the night when "Avengers" was officially released, Chen Fei and Kevin Feige even went around the theaters in order to observe the attendance rate in each theater.

When it comes to "freedom", it has to be the United States of America!
Chen Fei even saw many fans dressed as superheroes in the theater. They were either wearing steel suits, or holding Mjolnir or vibranium bucklers, supporting their favorite superheroes in various novel ways.

There were also people holding bows and arrows similar to those of Hawkeye, but unfortunately they were stopped by security at the entrance of the theater.

Most of the people were holding real ones. If something went wrong, the theater manager would definitely have to bear a heavy responsibility!


In a well-known bar in New York, Chen Fei and Kevin Feige sat opposite each other.

Both of their glasses were filled with the strongest whiskey. It seemed that only in this way could they suppress their inner tension and expectations.

"Kevin, you're a little too nervous."

After Chen Fei clinked glasses with him, he took the initiative to pick up the bottle and fill it up for him.

Chen Fei's face was also full of smiles at this time. At this stage of his life, he actually didn't care much about the profit sharing. What he wanted was the box office results!

All the feedback from all aspects is good news. In addition, Chen Fei is still a rebirth party. He knows better than anyone about the box office situation of the "Avengers" series!

All of these combined together naturally create a box office myth!
After its North American premiere, "Avengers" grossed US$1.37 million, breaking the North American single-day box office record of "Inception" of US$1.2 million.

Under such pressure, whiskey became his best tool to soothe his mood.

Unfortunately, until he was promoted to president of Marvel Studios, Marvel had been in decline.

The subsequent success of films such as "Captain America" ​​and "Thor" restored his lost confidence.

But at this moment, he became nervous again.

Many films jointly produced or independently produced have suffered losses, and the pressure on him has increased.

He won't come home until he's drunk tonight!

More and more superhero costumes appear on the streets of various cities in North America, among which the most popular ones are fans wearing steel armor.

Kevin Feige filled their glasses with whiskey again, slammed the table, and shouted, "Our goal is Avatar."

"The films directed by Fei can always directly touch the hearts of the audience. The plot of the film shows the heroic spirit, and the fighting scenes are extremely spectacular, showing a brilliant visual feast!"

By the next day, "Avengers" was fully available in 4500 theaters in North America, and there were queues to buy tickets outside theaters in many commercial districts.

Chen Fei took out his cell phone and took a look, only to see a number clearly marked on it: 2035 million US dollars!
Here are the midnight box office results for "The Avengers."

Kevin Feige's eyes are filled with memories.

The popularity and success of this film are unstoppable.

Kevin Feige drank a lot and successfully released some of the pressure. He suddenly shouted: "Yes, I will definitely be a success!"

As soon as they finished speaking, their cell phones rang almost at the same time.

Three days after its first weekend, "Avengers" predictably surpassed all other Hollywood movies of the same period and topped the North American box office chart.

Only a producer who has truly withstood the investment pressure of US$2.5 million will understand how relaxed he feels at this moment.

That night, the two of them stayed outside until dawn, and then they returned to their homes.

It wasn't until Marvel was acquired by Volton Pictures and "Iron Man" was released that this kind of loss was finally successfully stopped.

As the most important work in the first phase of Marvel's film plan, the success of "Avengers" is directly related to the success of the rest of Marvel's subsequent films.

Kevin Feige also saw this number and immediately shouted excitedly, even yelling at the waiter to bring two more bottles of whiskey.

And on major movie websites and media, there are so many praises for Chen Fei, the director, and the film that we can't even count them!

"Marvel officially opened a new era of superheroes with the movie "Avengers". For the first time, the superheroes in the comics fought together to resist the invasion of the earth by alien planets. This will be a landmark victory... …”

With the help of the role of "Iron Man", Robert Downey Jr. successfully achieved the transformation from "despised by thousands of people" to "admired by thousands of people".

"Fei, I want to succeed so bad!"

Nowadays, this is the hottest year-end period in the North American film market. The pre-screening publicity is high and the effect is good. The reputation after the screening is even more positive, which will naturally arouse widespread attention.

The overwhelming praise must of course be matched by outstanding box office results, otherwise it will all be meaningless.

"Experts in the industry predict that this movie may break the global box office record of "Inception". Let's wait and see!"

He has been with Marvel for more than ten years. His first movie as a producer was "X-Men", and he later participated in many Marvel movies such as "Spider-Man", "The Punisher" and "Fantastic Four". of production.

"In terms of the film's narrative, Fei's rendering of emotional details can be said to be relaxed and relaxed. The film's 3D effect is excellent, and the many hearty battle scenes feast the audience's eyes."

Chen Fei raised his glass and touched him lightly, and said with a smile: "Kevin, don't worry, we will definitely succeed, and we will break the North American box office record again!"

"Really?" Kevin Feige couldn't believe it.

Chen Fei specially went to the Rotten Tomatoes website to take a look. Among 366 comments, "Avengers" received 92% fresh reviews, the MTC media comprehensive score was as high as 92 points, and the IMDB score was temporarily as high as 9.4...

"Of course, if you don't believe it, just wait and see."

Chen Fei echoed: "We have to get down on it!"


And the box office is an astonishing number!

"According to Fei, chief content executive of Volton Pictures, the second phase of the Marvel movie plan will be launched next, and "Iron Man 3" may meet with movie fans soon."

"Avengers" opened with US$3.05 million in its opening weekend, successfully surpassing "Inception"'s US$2.85 million, setting a new North American opening weekend box office record.

In the extremely competitive North American film market, "Avengers" has undoubtedly become the most popular one at the moment!
At the same time, films such as "Puss in Boots" and "The Adventures of Tintin" were all killed.

It will be followed by "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2", "Sherlock Holmes 3: A Game of Shadows", "Raymond 4", and "Mission: Impossible : Ghost Protocol" in North American theaters. The film producers all became even more nervous.

With a horrific record of US$3.05 million in the first three days of the weekend, how could they win?
As Marvel's rival at the same time, Warner Bros. will naturally not just watch the box office performance of "Avengers" rise steadily.

Their "Harry Potter" is coming soon, and if they can't suppress the popularity of "Avengers" now, their box office performance will inevitably be affected.

Therefore, due to Warner's various operations, some negative reviews gradually appeared online.

Even James Cameron stood up for Warner.

He made remarks in front of the media: "I hope everyone will get tired of "Avengers" as soon as possible. Of course, this is not to say that I don’t like this movie, but it’s just that in this movie, except for a group of people with excessive testosterone and no family, There seemed to be no other story to tell other than the men who spent two hours risking their lives and destroying the city along the way.”

The implication is that Marvel movies are too fast-food and have a single model. Sooner or later, they will be eliminated by the market and will be replaced by science fiction movies with more potential.

The "Wall Street Journal" even promoted: "A much-hyped and highly anticipated movie is actually an extremely expensive comic superhero gathering. There is nothing worthy of deep meaning in the whole film. I really don't understand why. What’s there to see?”

In addition, Warner also invited many well-known film critics and reviewers to criticize "The Avengers" from all angles and vigorously promote their "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".

Kevin Feige specially found Chen Fei to discuss with him how to deal with these negative comments online.

However, Chen Fei didn't care at all.

"We are making a commercial film, and the selling points are special effects and superheroes. It is not a literary film that focuses on storytelling. Their counterattack is an alternative publicity strategy for us."


Kevin Feige was confused for a moment.

Can malicious negative reviews also be called a publicity strategy? This was something he never expected.

Seeing that he couldn't understand it for a moment, Chen Fei said bluntly: "Say hello to the public relations department and distribution department, and let them follow the rhythm of these bad reviews on the Internet for publicity. We don't win with storytelling, we just want to Show a 'superhero's battle to defend the earth' and win this battle with hearty battles and wonderful special effects!"

Kevin Feige seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said: "Like..."Avatar"?"

Chen Fei smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's somewhat similar."

Kevin Feige nodded heavily: "I understand what to do."



On December 12, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 9" officially landed in North American theaters.

The box office revenue on the first day of release was US$9107 million, a full US$4600 million less than "Avengers"!
The North American box office revenue in the three days of the first weekend was US$1.69 million, overseas US$3.14 million, and global US$4.83 million.

If it were placed in the time without "Avengers", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2011" would definitely be ranked as the global annual box office champion in .

However, when Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer and Warner Pictures President Alan Horn learned of their rivals’ current results, they simply fell silent.

So far, the North American box office of "Avengers" has exceeded US$4.6 million in the first seven days of the first week, the overseas box office has reached US$4 million, and the global box office has reached US$8.6 million!
And from the latest data, we can know that the new daily box office of "Avengers" is slowing down very slowly, and the global total box office will exceed one billion US dollars in just around the corner!
This also means that the annual box office champion of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" is likely to go to his family.

"Why is this happening? Did our methods have no effect at all?" Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer's face was full of confusion.

Warner Bros. Pictures president Alan Horn is already scratching his head, and he can't understand it.

It seems that the more negative reviews about "The Avengers" online, the stronger its box office performance will be.

This is very embarrassing!

However, at this moment, a person in charge of the public relations department suddenly said: "These negative reviews that we have worked so hard to create have actually become a publicity strategy for the other party."


Alan Horn and Barry Meyer both turned to look at him.

"Because Marvel President Kevin Feige personally admitted in a media interview that "Avengers" does not have a story that is as thought-provoking as a literary film. What they focus on is one word - 'cool'" !
As long as the fans are happy, they will naturally spend money to buy tickets to support it, it's that simple.

There was even a new slogan shouted over there, if you want to have fun, go watch "Avengers", all the fantasies in your mind can be satisfied in this movie..."

Upon hearing this, both of them fell silent.

Isn't this the essence of commercial films?
Their suppression strategy is to confuse the audience and gain popularity and attendance for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".

But I never expected that the response over there would be so fast, without touching their trap at all.

Thanks to their small investment in this area, even if the plan fails now, they won't feel too distressed.

Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, we will fully promote the promotion of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 10". This is the final chapter of Harry Potter. Even if We won’t be able to win the global annual box office crown, but we still have to work hard to push the box office to over billion US dollars!”

In the conference room, everyone nodded.

But at this moment, Warner Pictures President Alan Horn suddenly said: "Marvel is a great success, so can our DC also replicate its glory?

The great success of the "Batman" series has indicated that the potential of DC Comics is not weaker than that of Marvel. We can vigorously promote the DC film adaptation plan to replace the end of the Harry Potter series. "

As soon as these words came out, many people at the scene immediately brightened up.

Marvel's success is so obvious before our eyes, who can see it without getting jealous?

As a DC comic that is as famous as Marvel animation, it may also be able to follow the development route of Marvel Studios.

"Comprehensively promote DC film reform?"

Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer pondered for a moment, recalling the success of several Marvel movies in his mind, and finally nodded slowly: "This matter can be put on the agenda."


In a blink of an eye, it came to the afternoon of the 12th. Chen Fei returned to Walton Pictures and began to wait for Matthew McConaughey, who came to audition.

During this period, he once again logged into the domestic film and television information network to check the status of the Chinese New Year movies.

"Legend of Hongmen Banquet", which was hailed as a "good start", had completely withered by this time.

Chen Fei checked its specific box office situation.

The box office on the first day was 2100 million yuan, but the next day it plummeted by 400 million yuan, falling to 1700 million yuan.

As for the comprehensive box office in the first week, it was only 7800 million, and the daily new box office has dropped to 500 million!
Obviously, failure has become inevitable!
A large number of negative comments and ridicules flooded the official Weibo of "Hongmen Banquet", completely overwhelming the comment area.

Chen Fei saw a comment with a particularly high number of likes.

"As long as you don't think of "The Banquet at Hongmen" as a historical blockbuster and completely change the names of the characters in the show, you can still watch this movie."

Unfortunately, this evaluation is completely whimsical.

In addition, there is another comment that also received a very high number of likes.

"Everyone, let me summarize this movie for you. The overall view is: 'The movie is full of love, Zhang Liang and Fan Zeng feel sympathy for each other!'"

This comment directly amused Chen Fei.

He continued to scroll down and read the comments, and then discovered that as a director, Li Renggang had become the target of criticism from many movie fans!
Some people even went to his personal Weibo and left a message saying: "Director Li, we are begging you, can you please stop harming historical-themed movies?"

Taking a closer look at Li Renggang's past works, we can see that he has shot quite a few historical-themed films.

"Three Kingdoms: Seeing the Dragon Disarm", "Jinyiwei", plus this "Legend of Hongmen Banquet".

Without exception, they all suffered a complete loss!
You know, the investment in this "Hongmen Banquet" is a full 200 million. If you want to make back the money, the box office must exceed 500 million at least.

But judging from the current daily box office trend, it is still unknown whether the total box office can reach 200 million...

In addition, Chen Fei also saw a movie called "Happy Magic".

The investment cost was 7000 million, and the box office on the first day was 110 million.

This horse riding can no longer be described as compensation. Even if you take out your underwear and sell it, it probably won't be enough!

He silently observed three seconds of silence for Huayi and Tianyu.

At the same time, he also saw a piece of news.

Some media reported that Wang Zhonglei made a false statement at the premiere of "Happy Magic", saying that the total box office of this movie will definitely exceed 1.5 million!
"110 million box office on the first day? Want to get a total box office of 1.5 million? You want to eat shit?"

Chen Fei curled his lips and gave Wang Zhonglei a "brainless" comment.

Compared with the dismal results in the first half of the Lunar New Year season, "Love Is Not Blind" and "Cold War 2", which were released in November, both achieved impressive box office results.

The former's total box office reached 3.86 million, and it was successfully launched with extremely excellent results.

As for the latter, the total box office has soared to 6.95 million, and there are still three days until the film is officially released.

As long as the box office of 500 million is made up within three days, the total box office can successfully exceed million.

No need to think too much, Feng Xiaogang and "The Great Earthquake" will definitely be dug up again and beaten hard!

The 6.9 million box office of "Earthquake" will inevitably become a "curse" that Feng Dapao can't escape from in his life.


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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