It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 502 "Interstellar" has a fixed angle, and another 1 million-breaking work is born!

Chapter 502 "Interstellar" has a fixed angle, and another 7 million-breaking work is born! Female director in the industry?
Matthew McConaughey, male, 42 years old, officially debuted in 1993. He has won the National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor, the Columbus Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor, and the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor. , Austin Film Critics Association Special Honor Award and other awards...

Although he is not a professional actor, his acting skills have been praised by many people.

Before the audition began, Chen Fei watched three of his film works this year, "The Lincoln Lawyer", "Bernie" and "Killer Joe".

In it, he played different roles such as a rogue defense lawyer, a district attorney, and a psychotic killer, all of which gave wonderful performances.

The audition ended easily. After all, "Interstellar" is just a commercial film, and it doesn't require particularly advanced acting skills.

But in the end, Chen Fei made a request.

"Your acting skills fully satisfy the role of 'Cooper'. In addition to Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Morgan Freeman, and Steven Spielberg have also praised your superb performance. You didn’t let me or them down.”

"Thank you!"

Matthew expressed his sincere thanks, obviously not expecting so many people to say kind words for him.

"But!" Chen Fei's expression suddenly became serious: "I checked your information and found that in the past 18 years, none of the movies in which you played a supporting role or a leading role was a successful hit.

Therefore, this also means that your commercial appeal is actually not very high. If I choose you to play the role of 'Cooper', I need to take a high risk. "

But he was also looking forward to it. Since Chen Fei said these words, he must be making some kind of request.

His box office appeal is indeed not high, but the director in front of him is different!

Wanda was very efficient. In less than half a month, the matter between Shu Chang and her "vampire father" was resolved.

Has the Chinese director in front of me ever failed?

Matthew was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Can I know the specific release time of this movie? Because some of the work has been negotiated in advance, and I must be responsible for them."

He still has a lot of work to deal with recently, and "Interstellar" will not be launched in the short term.

Since you enjoy a high salary, you naturally have to put in corresponding efforts.

The road to success plummets in difficulty!
"In the next half month, your task is to familiarize yourself with the script, and the crew will also make final adjustments. We will officially start filming in January..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, there won't be any trouble. This family has left the capital and returned to their hometown. My people have been keeping an eye on them."

After hearing this time period, Matthew responded without hesitation: "Okay, I'll take it!"

Hearing this, Matthew was not too surprised.

And now he has come up with another space-themed science fiction film, clearly intending to continue the glory of the former.

"Since the commercial appeal is poor, we have to work hard on publicity. I provide you with roles and high salaries, and you have to give back accordingly.

Some people in the industry even claim that as long as it is a movie made by him, it is guaranteed to earn 3 million at the global box office.

"The shooting cycle is three months, and the post-production period will take about half a year. The release date will not exceed the end of next year. These will be written into the contract."

If you scare them away once and for all, there will be less trouble in the future.

As a producer and screenwriter, these are responsibilities that he cannot avoid.

Moreover, this is Chen Fei's commercial film script, and it is directed by him himself.

Chen Fei has always been a quick shooter, and the movies he directs and shoot rarely fail to be released for several years.

Matthew McConaughey briefly recalled it, and then quickly came up with a "no" answer.


It's a pity that this guy only wants to win an Oscar and no longer accepts commercial films.

Matthew's face darkened slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

The conditions proposed by Chen Fei are very reasonable.

He didn't think he would be so unlucky, but he just encountered a failure that was rare in several years.

During this period, you must fully cooperate with various promotional activities of the crew and strive to keep the popularity of the movie at its highest point. "

"Gravity" has a global box office of US$7.86 million, which has confirmed Chen Fei's solid foundation in the field of space-themed science fiction films.

In the words of a certain boss: when friends come, we respond with enthusiasm; when enemies come, we give them guns and artillery!
Don't be too polite when dealing with this biting "vicious dog".

When it comes to commercial appeal, no one in North America or even around the world is higher than Leonardo DiCaprio!

This is why Chen Fei contacted Xiao Lizi immediately.

"Yes, this is my flaw."

Sure enough, the next second he heard the follow-up request to play the role of 'Cooper':

After a few simple words of warning, Chen Fei sent Matthew McConaughey away.

My request is that during the period from the filming to the release of the movie, you cannot take on other roles. This regulation will not be lifted until the movie is released.


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For a commercial film with an investment of up to 1.6 million U.S. dollars, the pressure to repay the capital will inevitably be great, so hard work must be done in publicity.

"it is good."

It's just a year, he can definitely afford it.

It's just... so terrifying!
The moment he got the script and saw that this was another space science fiction movie, all the worries in Matthew McConaughey's heart disappeared without a trace.

Even if you come to Hollywood, some premiere events are still unavoidable.

The crews of "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" and "Mission: Impossible 2: Ghost Protocol" each sent Chen Fei invitations to the premieres.

The former is co-produced and distributed by Village Roadshow Pictures and Warner Bros., and stars Robert Downey Jr.

The latter is an action-adventure film produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures and starring Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise is quite a good person. Although he is a bit arrogant on weekdays and has joined some religious sect, in terms of professionalism, he ranks high in the entire Hollywood.

Chen Fei and he had met at several parties, and the two parties had some exchanges, and they got along relatively harmoniously.

Tom Cruise has stated more than once that he likes all kinds of action scenes and some stunt performance skills, and he very much hopes to cooperate with Chen Fei once, but unfortunately he can never find the right opportunity.

Even though he is almost 50 years old, he still works hard and is even nicknamed the Hollywood version of Jackie Chen!

At the same time, as the major film studios in Hollywood are fiercely competing in the film market, the country is also not willing to give in.

"Chill 2" successfully completed its one-month release period on the 15th, with a box office revenue of 7.08 million yuan, successfully surpassing the million mark.

This also means that Feiyue Films’ fifth film with a box office of over 5 million was born.

Some media have listed several domestic films that have exceeded 7 million in box office.

"Gravity", "Heart Blossoms on the Road", "Painted Skin 2", "Party Founding", "Cold War 2".

Looking around, all are works produced by Feiyue Film and Television!
Moreover, the box office of the first two movies exceeded 10 billion, which is simply amazing!
As expected, "Big Earthquake" was pulled out again and whipped a wave of corpses.

The figure of 6.9 million is really embarrassing. It is neither too high nor too low. Not only has it been mentioned repeatedly by the outside world, but even Feng Xiaogang himself has looked at it with disapproval.

He has mentioned the second release of the movie several times, but unfortunately, he was killed by the higher-ups.

It is a film that has received special treatment. If it were to be released for a second time, it would be too ugly to watch.

Different from the excellent results of "Cold War 2", "Legend of Hongmen Banquet", which was praised by the media as a "good start to the Lunar New Year season", has just exceeded 1 million at the box office after a full half-month release period.

Netizens laughed collectively, and the whispers in the circle never stopped.

Even Lu Chuan, who had been silent for a long time due to the "defamation of Liu Ye" incident, jumped out to join in the fun.

He publicly stated on his personal Weibo:
"As a historical blockbuster, it definitely requires slow work to produce fine work, and "The King's Feast" took 13 months from preparation to shooting. It will also take a year to polish the post-production carefully and strive to satisfy the fans. I hope it will be released next year. It will bring a real “feast” to the audience during the Lunar New Year!”

As soon as this article came out, it was immediately ranked on Weibo's hot search list by netizens.

Everyone outside the circle was watching the fun, but everyone inside the circle showed contempt at this time.

The various grievances and disputes between "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" and "The King's Feast" have long been spread throughout the industry. Who doesn't know that Lu Chuan was actually kicked out of the crew of the former and then switched to filming the latter? .

But now his words are obviously adding insult to injury.

This also proves from the side that his mind is not ordinary!
Jiang Wen's evaluation was sharp: "Try not to deal with this kind of person, because you never know when he will stab you in the back."

Liu Ye is the best example! It's just that, although many people in the industry were silently mocking him behind his back, the article he wrote was supported by many fans and audiences.

"The King's Feast" has rarely attracted a wave of popularity.

Naturally, the crew of "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" will not give up here.

Li Renggang personally posted a Weibo post, dissing Lu Chuan fiercely: "Director Lu, please clean up your own mess before judging others.

"Kekexili", "Nanjing!" Nanjing! ", do you need me to help Director Lu recall all the bad events in the past?
Also, I heard that when Director Lu was soliciting investment, he seemed to arrange for his girlfriend to appear? I'm particularly curious, how on earth is this done? Can you trouble Mr. Lu to explain it? "

Once this wave of responses appeared, it once again aroused heated discussions among netizens.

After seeing this, Chen Fei curled his lips and muttered to himself: "These two people are really not good people, dog bites dog, it's a hairy mouth!"

Just when netizens were discussing the incident between Lu Chuan and Li Rengang, Sina suddenly reprinted the specific news about Chen Fei's new movie on a domestic website.

Movie name: "Interstellar"

Produced by: Walt Disney Studios, Lucasfilm.

Producer: Chen Fei
Director/Screenwriter: Chen Fei

Actor: Matthew McConaughey

Actress: Liu Yifei (Crystal)
The remaining main actors: Anne Hathaway, Matt Damon, Chen Long...

Investment expectations: US$1.6 million.

Every time a major director in the industry announces a new movie plan, it always attracts eager attention from the entire film and television and entertainment circles.

As No. 1 in the domestic film industry, Chen Fei's new film will attract even more attention!
"Avengers" is currently in theaters, and the global box office is rapidly approaching 10 billion US dollars, which has confirmed his "invincible myth" in the field of commercial films.

Although the film has not yet been officially released in the mainland, the film's promotional clips and release news have been spread in the mainland. It is not too much to say that it is "anticipated by the whole people".

And at such a time point, his new movie plan was suddenly announced, and the sensation it caused was resounding all over the world!

On Weibo, the number of comments instantly exceeded 10,000.

"What the hell? A commercial blockbuster worth US$1.6 million? Director Chen is so awesome! He has a good movie to watch again."

"That movie "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" really made me sick. I am in urgent need of a good movie to wash my eyes."

"I just want to ask, when will "Avengers" be released in China? I'm almost dying of waiting."

"Interstellar? Looks like it's another space-themed movie? Looking forward to it! Looking forward to it!"

Netizens were talking a lot, but the eyes of everyone in the industry were attracted by the starring cast.

In the crew of "Wudang", Yang Mi had a sudden realization at this moment.

"No wonder Liu Yifei didn't play the role of 'Shirley Young'. It turned out to be for this Hollywood blockbuster, with an investment of 1.6 million US dollars..."

She silently calculated that the money was enough to film more than a dozen "Wu-Tang" movies!

"She should be considered as officially entering the ranks of international actresses."

Zeng Jia's words made Yang Mi envious for a while.

When she took over the filming of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", she was quite confident and felt that she was quite close to Liu Yifei.

But when she really entered the film industry, she realized that she had completely overthought it.

The gap between her and Liu Yifei seems to be separated by a Milky Way!
After a long silence, she adjusted her mood, and then turned to look at Zeng Jia: "The filming of "Wu-Tang" is about to be completed, and "The Big Four 2" has also entered the final stage. Is there any plans for a new movie? "

"Yes, I have received a lot of audition invitations recently. You can take a look."

With that said, Zeng Jia opened his backpack, took out a stack of scripts and handed them over.

Yang Mi took it and checked them one by one.

There are scripts for TV series heroines, as well as movie scripts.

She selectively ignored those TV drama scripts.

Who would act in a TV series when there are movies?

Suddenly, her eyes were fixed on one of the scripts.

"Settle in love?"

She was slightly stunned, her eyes fixed on the producer and director columns below.

Director/Screenwriter: Xue Xiaolu.

Production company: China Film, Feiyue Film and Television, Movie Channel...

She immediately became interested and asked curiously: "What is this script about?"

Zeng Jia took a look and recalled the memories in his mind, and replied: "This is a project controlled by China Film Group. It has not been announced to the public yet. It has just been sent internally. There will be an internal audition in a few days."

Hearing this, Yang Mi couldn't help but sigh: "There are so many benefits to joining a large brokerage company, the resources are countless!"

"Indeed." Zeng Jia agreed: "I heard that the company is selecting a group of new people and preparing to send them to Hollywood to participate in the filming of "Interstellar"."

Yang Mi couldn't help but ask: "Can you show your face?"

"Yes, each person will probably have one or two lines."

"Then I..."

Yang Mi just wanted to ask her if she had a chance, but when she thought that Liu Yifei was the heroine of this movie, she immediately gave up the idea.

After looking through the script of "Love in Seattle", she ordered: "That's it. Submit my information and we will try our best to get the role of 'Wen Jiajia'."

"it is good."

Zeng Jia nodded heavily and left quickly.


Time came to the 16th in a blink of an eye. Chen Fei took the time to log in to the Film and Television Information Network to check the status of the premiere of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate".

But what he didn't expect was that the front page of the film and television information network was all news about Zhao Yanzi.

"The graduation drama of Zhao Yanzi, a 06 graduate student in the Directing Department of Nortel, was officially announced, and "To the Youth We Will Eventually Lose" was successfully approved..."

Youth movie?
Chen Fei was slightly startled and curled his lips slightly.

After waiting for several years, he thought Zhao Yanzi had prepared a "Wang Zha", but he didn't expect it to be a "Xiao San".

Youth films may attract a lot of viewers, but they are at the bottom of the contempt chain among directors.

Skipping classes, fighting, falling in love, breaking up, going abroad, having sex, abortion, car accidents, terminal illness, amnesia, misunderstanding, separation, chance encounters, reconciliation or farewell...

Apart from the above routines, there is nothing else available in youth movies.

Zhao Yanzi really embarrassed her teacher!
Chen Fei briefly browsed through the news, and after confirming that this woman was not taking advantage of his popularity, he stopped paying too much attention to her.

It's just a youth pain film, and it doesn't pose the slightest threat to myself.

The only thing that surprised him was that the investors of this film actually gathered several powerful companies such as China Film, Enlight, China Television, and China Television.

It seems that the teacher Zhao Yanzi has contributed again.

Speaking of which, the number of female directors and screenwriters in China seems to be increasing in recent years.

Jiang Wenli, Zhang Aijia, Xu Jinglei, Xu Yinghua, Li Shaohong, Yang Jie, Bao Jingjing, Xue Xiaolu... Now there is Zhao Yanzi.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for female directors to make popular commercial films.

In addition to those popular movies in this year's Lunar New Year, there is also "Big Deal" directed by female director Ma Liwen.

This is a movie invested by LeTV, costing tens of millions!

However, the box office on the first day was only a pitiful 42...

Chen Fei doesn't have many memories of this movie. The only thing that impressed him deeply was the scene of "lighting a cigarette in a windbreaker".

It is easier said than done to succeed in a commercial film that contains so many private goods.

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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