It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 503: The battle between the Lunar New Year holiday and the Oscars! A cowardly threat, weak a

Chapter 503: The battle between the Lunar New Year holiday and the Oscars! A cowardly threat, weak and powerless!

"Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", box office on the first day of release: 2459 million.

"The Thirteen Hairpins", box office on the first day of release: 2328 million.

Looking at these two pieces of data, combined with the fact that the two movies were released on Thursday, a relatively unpopular time, Chen Fei nodded secretly.

If nothing else goes wrong, Old Monster Xu should make a fortune again this time.

As for Lao's probably difficult to get the director's fee!

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly recalled the news that Su Guohai reported to him before.

At the premiere of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", the bosses of major film and television companies in the industry, actors and stars from all walks of life, and well-known media all came together to send congratulations to Yu Dong and Bona. It was not obvious that they had been stabbed in the back. anger.

On the other hand, at the premiere of "The Thirteen Beauties", the major film and television companies only sent representatives, and there were only three or two kittens among the actors and stars. The scene looked extremely shabby.

"Vanity Fair" is like this. Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and taking advantage of highs and lows are essential skills for everyone.

Lao Mouzi's film works are still worth studying.

Different from the bad reviews on "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", "The Thirteen Hairpins" is relatively better.

Bona is a giant entertainment company listed on Nasdaq, second only to China Film.

The media reporters didn't care at all about the plot of the movie, and focused all their attention on the "little essay."

But what about the new picture?
It's just Zhang Weiping, even if Zhang Yimou is added to it, at most he will only be valued by major film and television companies in the industry, and he is far from being "kneeled and licked".

The first is "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate".

New Picture has been established for so many years, who doesn't know that Zhang Weiping especially likes to engage in dirty operations?
And besides him, who else can compete with Zhang Yimou?

After finally finding the opportunity, how could they let it go?
Zhang Yimou directly became the target of media criticism. During the interview after the screening, a reporter boldly said: "Was "Bell and I Played Sex" written by Ni Na himself?"

Of course, this is not important.

However, in the face of reporters' doubts, Zhang Weiping always adhered to the characteristic of 'I am shameless, and none of you can do anything to me'.

Even though Yu Dong had done a lot of dirty tricks, many people would still come up to lick him, regardless of the previous injuries.

"The movie won in its wonderful portrayal of the original characters, but it failed in being overly sensational."

As soon as these words came out, all reporters' eyes and cameras were trained on Zhang Weiping.

"The most outstanding part of this movie should be the scene where Chen Kun appears, right? Other than that, there are really no highlights."

Even though Guoshi has made several movies in succession, his commercial appeal is still very strong, and the movies he makes usually sell high copyrights abroad.

"Overall, this dramatic story about human nature with a shocking war as the background is thought-provoking, touching, and unforgettable. I highly recommend it!"

"The special effects of the movie I watched in the imaX 3D theater were really good, but the plot was really...well, it was really disappointing."

"If you like watching mindless special effects movies, you can go, but if you focus on the plot, forget it."


This question seemed to be asked to the heroine, but the microphone and camera were pointed at Zhang Yimou.

What is really important is that Zhang Yimou Studio is likely to completely break away from the new picture!

In fact, on the day of the premiere, some media discovered that Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou were suspected of having a major conflict, because the two parties had no communication at all at the event!
Who in this circle would be a fool?
It can be easily analyzed through various signs that there must be irreconcilable conflicts and disputes between Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping, otherwise the two parties would not be so cold.

Lao Mouzi's heart suddenly became angry, and he responded sternly: "The actor only found out after the fact. That article was completely someone's despicable hype without any bottom line!"

"According to insiders from New Picture, Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou had many conflicts during the filming of the movie. They even experienced several fierce arguments before the film was released, and it is suspected that they will part ways."

Looking at the many comments on the Internet, Chen Fei suddenly wanted to take a look at "The Thirteen Beauties of Jinling".

However, in comparison, the premiere of "The Thirteen Beauties" attracted more attention and had more fun.

"There is an omniscient and omnipotent viewpoint in the film: the round glass window on the church. The bullets come from there. The viewpoint goes out from there. The scenes inside are seen through there. The events outside are seen through this window. In terms of religious architecture, The name of the church’s round window is the ‘Eye of God’. This is not a simple problem of Western centralism, nor a problem of worshiping foreigners, but the gaze of a huge cultural self-vacuum!”

As soon as the box office data of the two movies "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" and "The Thirteen Hairpins" were announced, Zhang Weiping received the news immediately.

Maybe that little essay was the trigger!

This is also the reason why many film and television companies in the industry frequently visit Zhang Yimou.

"I went to investigate afterward and found that this was actually done privately by an employee who was thinking about the movie. Although the behavior was offensive, the starting point was good. I have criticized it and can promise that I will never do it again next time. This kind of incident happened.”

"The box office performance of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" on the first day was RMB 131 million more than that of "The Thirteen Hairpins". The first show of the new screen was a huge hit!"

"Zhang Weiping's turns have become a joke, and the audience has chosen to support "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" more often."

If 'Shameless' can be regarded as a martial arts secret book, Zhang Weiping has definitely reached the level of great success!
After taking his eyes off the box office data, Chen Fei checked the reviews of the two movies by fans and critics.

"I heard that the piece of glass on the church cost more than 1000 million? Is this another "straw hat incident" similar to Chen Kexin's?"

"The plot is thick and it is worthy of being directed by Zhang Yimou!"

At this time, inside the New Picture Company.

"It is reported that many theaters strongly resisted the new picture, and "The Thirteen Hairpins" has not been fully released in domestic theaters."

"The special effects are cool, but the plot is crappy."

He went online and took a look at the media reports. As expected, most of them were praising the high and belittling the low.

"Recently, Zhang Yimou's studio has welcomed a large number of visitors, with CEOs from Huayi, Guangguang, Chengtian, Bona, Xingmei, LeTV, Pony Galloping and other companies making frequent appearances. This seems to indicate that after the end of "Jinling Thirteen Beauties" ,'National Master' will look for new partners..."

It is no exaggeration to say that if anyone can recruit Zhang Yimou and arrange for him to shoot a few literary films, he will surely rise rapidly!

In the office, the vase newly bought by the assistant was directly smashed again by Zhang Weiping.

Looking at various news reports on the Internet about the new scenes, as well as other film and television companies' frequent contact with Zhang Yimou's operations, he felt annoyed.

At this moment, he even felt the feeling of being "stabbed in the back"!

Although he had previously made a special announcement on Weibo, saying that he and Zhang Yimou had been cooperating for more than ten years and had never had any conflicts, and that New Picture and Zhang Yimou's studio would never be separated, but he could not stand up to Lao Mouzi's various opinions. kind of denial.

While participating in a certain promotional event, a reporter at the scene asked Zhang Yimou whether he wanted to end his cooperation with New Picture.

Although he didn't admit it at the time, he didn't deny it either.

This ambiguous response immediately sparked a heated discussion in the circle!
You don't need to guess to know that Lao Mouzi definitely has the intention of leaving.

This operation also became the straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking Zhang Weiping's dream.

He knows very well that after "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" ends, he will completely lose Zhang Yimou as a cash cow!
In fact, during this period of time, he also tried to find Zhang Yimou, but the result was not what he expected.

The "goodwill" attitude he exuded has suddenly become a naked "fraud" for Lao Mouzi.

After working together for more than ten years, both parties know each other too well.

Whether Zhang Weiping was sincere or false, Zhang Yimou could see very clearly.

That short essay was indeed the trigger that made Zhang Yimou completely determined to leave!
"boss Zhang?"

The secretary pushed open the door and walked in. He glanced at the porcelain fragments scattered on the floor and suddenly felt a headache.

During this time, Zhang Weiping didn't know how many vases he smashed, and she had to clean them up every time.

Not to mention Zhang Yimou, even her secretary no longer wanted to serve her.

If it weren't for that high salary, there would definitely be a long queue of people resigning from New Picture!
"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang suddenly. Zhang Weiping picked up the phone on the table and looked at it, his eyes brightening slightly.

He did not rush to answer the call, but looked at the approaching secretary, and raised his hand to point to the office door: "Get out! Come back in ten minutes to clean up!"


After the secretary left, he couldn't wait to press the connect button.

"Hello? Xu Lu..."

"Wei Ping!" A slightly older voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have carefully read the contract you sent. You do not have any advantage. The contract is over. New Picture and Zhang Yimou work The room is no longer involved."

The hope in Zhang Weiping's eyes quickly faded, and he asked with some persistence: "Are there no loopholes that can be exploited?"

"No, after "The Thirteen Beauties" was released, your two families had no connection at all."

"Okay, thank you Xu Lu..."

When the other party hung up the phone, Zhang Weiping could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He picked up the chair behind him and smashed it at the computer. "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The secretary at the door walked quickly and quickly left Zhang Weiping's office.

The sound of high-heeled shoes "tapping" echoed in the corridor. The secretary's eyes were full of fear, and she had decided to stay away from this company.

No matter how much money you make, it would be too cheating if you don’t have enough money to spend it!

After a good beating, the anger in Zhang Weiping's heart finally subsided a bit.

He walked towards the safe, and after some tedious operations, the safe door was slowly opened.

He took out a document bag from the deepest part of the safe and took a look at the various copies of birth certificates inside. His face gradually became full of madness!

"If you want to destroy it, let's destroy it together!"



During the second day of the war between "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" and "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", at noon, a piece of news suddenly spread back to China from the other side of the ocean.

Zhang Yimou's "The Thirteen Hairpins" was shortlisted for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

As the vane of the Oscars every year, the importance of Golden Globe nominations is evident!
After this news was spread back to China, it immediately appeared on the front pages of major film and television information websites, and it directly topped the hot search list on Weibo.

At this moment, the mainland entertainment industry is completely boiling!

Many media outlets published articles immediately, making various analogies.

Among directors in the Chinese film industry, only Chen Kaige, Li Jian and Chen Fei have won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Apart from these three people, there are no other Chinese directors.

Now, "The Thirteen Beauties" has been nominated, and many foreign media and film critics have written extremely high praises for this film, which obviously means that the probability of the film winning the award is very high.

Various news on the Internet have made "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" a hot topic on the Internet.

At the same time, this news also played a great role in promoting the movie!

When the box office data of the two movies were announced again on the 17th, "The Thirteen Hairpins" undoubtedly beat "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" with an overwhelming advantage.

The former is 3675 million and the latter is 3035 million.

And on Saturday and Sunday, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" broke out with a strong performance!

5035 million! 4892 million!
On the other hand, "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" only achieved results of 4406 million and 3695 million.

Taken together, "The Thirteen Beauties" has a total box office of 1.59 million, while "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" only received 1.35 million.

Who is strong and who is weak is clear and clear, and the judgment is made!

Suddenly, more film and television company bosses went to visit Zhang Yimou's studio, and those who had been there several times before came more frequently.

On the other hand, there was no movement from Bona's side.

Taking the initiative to lower ticket prices and give profits to theaters, in exchange for such a high number of film schedules, it still lost to "The Thirteen Beauties" in the end.

Yu Dong was so angry that he almost vomited blood!
His operation was completely thankless, which not only made many production companies in the industry dissatisfied with him, but also lost to Zhang Weiping and New Picture at the box office.

Without even thinking about it, there will definitely be a wave of voices mocking him on the Internet.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Yu Dong became.


He suddenly slammed the table, picked up the phone and called the driver: "Prepare the car, let's go to Zhang Yimou's studio again."

Since we have temporarily lost to Zhang Weiping at the box office, we must find a way to poach his people and get back the lost face no matter what!


Chen Fei looked at the news on the Internet and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Isn't it just a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and it hasn't already won the award, so is it necessary to make it so huge?

He has already won two Oscars for Director, two Oscars for Best Foreign Language Film, two Oscars for Best Animation, and countless Golden Globe Awards. He has never been so excited?
Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping even wrote a letter of thanks to the Golden Globe judges in pure English, which made Chen Fei's teeth sore at the humble look.

Before he came into contact with Hollywood, he really yearned for foreign awards such as Oscars and Golden Globes.

But after he actually entered the industry, he discovered that the judges in Hollywood were even more realistic than the old men at the Golden Rooster, Golden Horse, and Academy Awards in the Mainland!

As long as you are willing to spend a lot of money, it is definitely not difficult to win an Oscar.

For example, "Silver Linings Playbook" produced by Volton Pictures has been racking up awards in major awards recently.

The eldest cousin has won several Best Actress awards and was also nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.

If nothing else, the Oscar nomination for Best Actress is also within reach.

Chen Fei and Natasha have already discussed it and will make every effort to push their eldest cousin to win the Oscar for Best Actress, taking this opportunity to show the strength of Volton Pictures!
Their goals have never changed.

Punch Disney, step on Fox, suppress Paramount, hit Warner hard, Columbia and Universal Pictures are both younger brothers...

Walton Pictures will surely become the well-deserved leader among the "New Seven" in Hollywood!

However, before that, Chen Fei had to compete with Harvey Weinstein.

According to reliable sources in Hollywood circles, Weinstein Films will vigorously promote Meryl Streep, the heroine of "The Iron Lady: Strong Tenderness", to compete for the Oscar for Best Actress.

It just so happens that "Silver Linings Playbook" will also compete for the Best Actress award.

Following the 83rd Academy Awards, Waltons Pictures and Weinstein Pictures once again competed head-on.

Last time, Harvey lost miserably.

And this time, he will definitely not give up!
While Chen Fei was "making a move", he was already ready to "receive the move".

Doesn’t it just cost money to operate?
In terms of financial resources, Walt Disney Pictures is not afraid of Weinstein Pictures at all. What we need to be careful about now is that this old dog is doing all kinds of dirty tricks behind the scenes, or is doing evil things!
The example of "Saving Private Ryan" is right in front of us, and Chen Fei cannot help but be careless.

What he didn't expect was that at the premiere dinner of "Mission: Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol", he would meet again with Harvey Weinstein, known as the king of Oscar public relations.

"Fei, long time no see."

Harvey's face was filled with a fake smile, he picked up his wine glass and saluted Chen Fei from a distance.

While talking, he even walked over and looked at Fade Chen with a condescending attitude, his eyes full of ridicule and disdain.

After finishing the red wine in the glass, he deliberately pointed the glass at Chen Fei's head and pretended to be joking: "Fei, I don't know which one is harder, this cup or your head?"

Because height and weight are a big advantage, most people will subconsciously shrink back when facing Harvey Weinstein.

However, the smile on Chen Fei's face suddenly became brighter.

He raised his head slightly, and although he was looking up at Harvey, his momentum was no weaker than the other person: "Harvey, there is news that you may not be aware of.

In our Chinese film and television industry, I am the most capable martial arts instructor among all the martial arts instructors. Even Jackie Chen and Jet Li had to admit defeat obediently when they faced me.

So now, do you want to give it a try? Which one will hit my head first, the wine glass in your hand, or will my fist knock you down first? "

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Harvey's face suddenly froze.

He took a serious look at Chen Fei, and then quickly realized that Chen Fei's words were not a joke.

Adhering to the principle of 'a good man never suffers a loss', he quickly took two steps back and said with a serious expression: "If you dare to take action, I will call the LAPD immediately to ensure that you can't take advantage of it!"

"Ha, you're a coward." Chen Fei curled his lips and felt bored.

He was thinking just now that Harvey, being so fat, should be able to take a few punches from him, and he might be a good human punching bag.

But I never expected that this guy would actually wilt!


Listening to Chen Fei's sarcastic words, Harvey's expression changed for a while, and finally he could only say softly: "We'll see, we'll see what happens at the Oscars! I'll definitely make you look good!"


Chen Fei responded with his middle finger, his face full of disdain.


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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