It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 508: Little 4 dominates the film and television industry? What? Promote long-term discussion

Chapter 508: Xiao Si dominates the film and television industry? What? Promote long-term discussion! Youth pain films are about to take over the market...

If the film and television production industry in early January 12 was dominated by Feiyue Film and Television, then in the middle of January 1, it was Guo Jingming’s moment.

At least that's what he thinks...

After more than a month, Guo Jingming once again posted on Weibo: "The investment amount of 3 million yuan has been secured. My colleagues in the domestic film and television industry, please wait for my "Tiny Times" series of movies!"

He even changed his Weibo certification from "writer" to "director" and "screenwriter".

Looking at the comments on Weibo again, the solidarity and support from those die-hard fans is nothing short of Top Gun:
"This time, Director Guo will definitely dominate the film and television industry!"

"Once Director Guo's "Little Times" comes out, it will surpass the directors of the fifth generation, suppress the directors of the sixth generation, be as famous as director Chen Fei, and win three European gold medals..."

"Haha, weren't many people talking about the six-part "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" before? Just wait and see, Director Guo will let you understand what a real series of movies is!"

Chen Fei was a little puzzled for a moment.

Are these fans supporting Guo Jingming, or are they recruiting negative fans for him?
Surpassing the fifth generation of directors and suppressing the sixth generation of directors... How dare they shout such words?
At this time, Liu Yifei suddenly came over with her mobile phone, dug out an article on the Internet and gave him a look.


On this day, the entire crew of "Interstellar" moved and headed straight to Canada!
At the same time, when Chen Fei was browsing Weibo on the plane, he saw a message that directly dominated the front page of the film and television information network.

"Kiuba knife..."

Because as soon as Lao Mouzi announced that he would no longer cooperate with New Picture, he took his lawyer and went straight to New Picture!
The two sides sat down facing each other.

"The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years"

Obviously, this kind of youth romance film can only be used in blockbusters, and it is still far from being able to truly penetrate it.

However, everyone who went to Zhang Yimou's studio today came to nothing.

"Look at this article. This Guo Jingming said that he admires you very much. He also said that he would like to meet you and have a long chat with you if he has the opportunity..."


With the arrival of mid-January, it has only been a few days since "The Thirteen Hairpins" and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" were released.

"The Thirteen Hairpins" is about to be released soon, so there is no need to worry about it affecting the box office results. Zhang Yimou naturally has no worries.

They even had a slogan for this alliance!

Now, the contract between the two parties has expired, and Zhang Yimou has officially announced that he will not cooperate with New Picture.

System: The beggar still thinks the rice is salty?

After muttering a few words under his breath, Chen Fei silently instructed the system in his mind: "Next time, if you want to give out script rewards, don't mess with any youth romance movie scripts. Of course, if it's of "Your Name" quality, that's fine. ”

But when it was released in Hong Kong and broke the box office record of "Kung Fu" in a very short period of time, the mainland was in a state of excitement!
Jiuba Dao, Ke Zhendong, Chen Yanxi, Ao Quan...

"Kill the mad dog! Seize and seek!"

When this movie won the box office championship in the Bay Area during the same period, there was no concept in the mainland.

Stop pretending! He showed off his cards directly!

Just when everyone thought that the two movies would be brilliant all the way to the end, they never expected that they would be scratched by a youth romance movie!

There are only a few scattered scenes left in Iceland. The crew has begun to move. In three days at most, all the crew will leave for Canada.

Chen Fei was slightly stunned and subconsciously glanced at his script library.

Zhang Weiping still had a trace of hope in his heart and couldn't help but ask: "Yimou, is it really impossible for us to continue to cooperate? If you have any requests, feel free to ask for them. I will definitely not refuse if I can meet them. You know me..."

"Youth movie?"

"This morning, in an interview with the media, director Zhang Yimou stated that the contract between the studio owned by him and New Picture has been completely ended, and the two parties will not be involved in any way in the future."

Liu Yifei nodded lightly, immediately turned off the news, picked up the script on the side and started reading.

Time came to the 14th in a blink of an eye.

There are not many Chinese scripts that have not yet been filmed. Looking at it, there are only three scripts left: "The Murderer", "Fireworks in the Day", and "Eternal Life".

Together with the director, screenwriter, and actors, it became popular all over the mainland in just a few days!
Chen Fei paid some attention to the box office results of this movie.

"Phew, it's a good thing there's no teen romance movie script."

Moreover, the sudden proliferation of youth love pain films in the Mainland seems to have started with "Those Years"!

So good, after leaving the "National Master", what does Zhang Wei think of him?
On the way to Zhang Yimou's studio, Yu Dong made a few casual phone calls and gathered a large group of allies to deal with the new picture.


As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the circle.

Chen Fei continued to update the news, and then saw that the bosses of several production companies, including Huayi, Chengtian, Xingmei, Galloping Pony, and Leshi, rushed to Zhang Yimou's studio immediately.

This guy, like Huang Qiusheng, doesn't seem to be a serious person.

After squinting at the content of the article, Chen Fei saw the words "long talk", the hairs all over his body stood up for no reason, and an inexplicable chill came from his back!
"Stay away from this guy. I feel like there's something wrong with him and his fans. It's better to have less contact with him."

The box office was 754 million on the first day and 2781 million in the first week.

Chen Fei chewed the name for a while, and some bad memories suddenly appeared in his mind.

Zhang Weiping has been dancing like a mad dog in the industry for more than ten years. What does he rely on? Isn’t it because Zhang Yimou, the top domestic first-line director, is on hand?

At the same time, various means targeting the new images began to surge.

"Mr. Zhang!" Zhang Yimou's voice was a little cold: "I didn't come here today to talk about cooperation with you."

He no longer wanted to communicate too much with Zhang Weiping. After interrupting the other party, he waved to the lawyer beside him.

Seeing this, the middle-aged lawyer nodded slightly and went straight to the point: "Mr. Zhang Weiping, regarding the box office split of "Three Guns to Surprise", "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", we hope that you can follow the contract as soon as possible. You have been in arrears with the stipulated performance of the agreement, especially the "Three Guns" for up to one year..."

Zhang Weiping raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the lawyer coldly, his face trembled, and he interrupted directly: "Don't argue with me about the share of profits here.

Zhang Yimou, let me ask you, where has Ni Ni gone? Why can't I contact her? Where did you hide the artists from New Picture Company? "

"She's mine!"

"Oh, her management contract is with New Picture Company!"


A negotiation ended on bad terms.

Naturally, Zhang Weiping would not give the box office split to Zhang Yimou so easily, and Zhang Yimou was unwilling to hand over Ni Ne to New Picture.

The two sides directly reached a deadlock!

On the way back in the car, the lawyer said bluntly: "Director Zhang, I have to remind you that he cannot rely on the division of box office accounts. This is written in black and white and has legal effect.

But similarly, the contract between Ni Ni and New Picture is also legally binding. Without New Picture's consent, if she takes on a role without permission, she will be liable for a huge amount of liquidated damages. "

"I know, let me think about it."

Zhang Yimou calmed down and slowly closed his eyes.

There are only two ways to get Ni Na out of the new scene.

Compensate for the termination fee, unilaterally terminate the contract automatically, or find another brokerage company to take over.

Zhang Weiping originally set a breach of contract fee of tens of millions for Ni Ni, which was obviously illegal.

According to the law, the breach of contract fees of celebrity artists are determined based on their personal income, and perhaps they can make a fuss about this.


After landing in Canada and taking several more train rides, the "Interstellar" crew finally arrived at their destination.

Spruce Ranch, Alberta, Canada!
The first time he got off the car, Chen Fei led everyone to inspect the 30000 acres of cornfield.

If I walked on only two legs, I might not be able to see the entire cornfield until dark.

Fortunately, the ranch here provides a shuttle bus.

They drove three shuttle buses around the entire corn field and even broke off a lot of corn cobs.

Liu Yifei held several yellow and orange corns in her arms and turned to look at Chen Fei: "Will this cornfield be destroyed in the end?"

"No need." Chen Fei shook his head slightly and explained: "I just want to use this cornfield to highlight the excellence of the protagonist. Under the premise that all crops cannot survive, he planted 30000 acres of cornfield."

Liu Yifei had already memorized the entire script, and suddenly retorted: "Can we also create 'Sand Dust' and 'Blight' later?"

"Special effects will be used for rendering later."

While Chen Fei was talking, he asked: "What? Are you very interested in this cornfield?" Liu Yifei tilted her head in embarrassment: "I see that many people on the Internet are spreading rumors about the Mayans and the end of the world. I think it’s a pity to destroy so much corn.”

"Haha, do you still believe this?" Chen Fei laughed and added: "Don't worry, the food will not be wasted. We have already made an appointment with the buyer before planting it, and it will be recycled by the people at the ranch. ”

While the crew was setting up the photography track, the group went to Fort Macleod.

Here, the crew will transform a main road into a street battered by sandstorms to present a doomsday scene.

After briefly inspecting all the filming locations, Chen Fei and the scientific advisory team hired by the crew went into the conference room and began to discuss some issues during the filming.

Because there are many complex mathematical equations in the film, these had to be decoded and rendered at IMAX quality.

A team composed of several scientific consultants must discuss with the special effects engineers of Dot Eyes Digital to express through visual expression the way light turns in the universe and the various changes of light beams passing through black holes reflected in these equations.

In addition, the consulting team will also work with the film's CG technical team to add scenes such as the Milky Way background, galaxies and nebulae to the picture.

Chen Fei has only one requirement, which is to clearly convey complex concepts such as wormholes, five-dimensional space, and tesseract to the audience.

This task is not easy, so they have enough time to complete it.

And with the help of professional CG technicians like Chen Fei, these very complex problems became clear step by step.


Time soon came to the 16th.

On this day, "The Thirteen Hairpins" and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", which had a fierce battle in the Lunar New Year festival, were both released from the theater.

Logically speaking, both companies should have tried to apply for a postponement.

But judging from the current situation, the film bureau probably doesn't agree.

Chen Fei went online and took a look at the total box office of the two movies.

"Flying Swords of Dragon Gate": 5.39 million.

"Jinling Thirteen Hairpins": 5.95 million.

Unfortunately, neither movie successfully exceeded 6 million.

The former is okay, but the latter number is a bit embarrassing.

Many people inexplicably thought of the 6.9 million for "The Great Earthquake". As expected, the follow-up "The Thirteen Hairpins" will definitely become the target of comparison among many movies.

The number of voices mocking Zhang Weiping on the Internet suddenly increased a lot!

There were so many things going on in the past, including backstabbing the producer alliance and signing gambling agreements with theater chains. Everyone thought he was confident that he could push the box office of this movie to over one billion.

But I never expected that in the end, it didn’t even break 600 million!

At the same time, the news from North America also spread.

The North American box office of "The Thirteen Beauties" totaled US$45.

The first time he saw this number, Yu Dong immediately posted a new Weibo post, openly mocking Zhang Weiping for bragging.

"You also boasted that the movie would be a big hit abroad. Mr. Zhang, I think your nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film didn't have much publicity effect?"

This time, Zhang Weiping did not continue to respond online.

Some media photographed him taking several actors, including Tong Dawei and Zhang Xinyi, on a plane to Los Angeles, presumably to prepare for this year's Film and Television Golden Globe Awards.

Soon new news spread on the Internet that Zhang Yimou and heroine Ni Ne did not go to Los Angeles together.

When he received a call from Huo Wenxi, Chen Fei was just about to shout "Action".

After thinking for a while, he waved his hand towards Matthew, indicating that they should rest where they were. Then he got up and walked to a corner and connected the phone.

"Hello? What's wrong?"

"Mr. Chen, I have something urgent to report to you."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Zhang Yimou made a rumor to the outside world, saying that if any brokerage company is willing to accept Ni Ni's brokerage contract, then next time he releases a new movie, he can invite the other party to participate in investment. Do you think... do we need to take action?"

Chen Fei asked curiously: "Where's Ni? She signed a contract for a new picture, right? How much is the liquidated damages?"

"Eight figures!"

Chen Fei frowned slightly: "Forget it, we are not involved in this matter. Spending eight figures to get a 'mou girl' is not very cost-effective."

If the person he faced was at the level of Emperor Gong, Chen Fei would never say anything.

Eight figures in exchange for Gong Li, this deal is definitely a bargain!

But if it's Ni, that's a different matter.

A pure newcomer is still burdened with a high liquidated damages. After signing back, he has to spend a lot of resources to train him before he can earn back the liquidated damages...

It’s troublesome just thinking about it.

With that time and resources, he would be able to recreate a 'Flying Girl'.

Zhao Liying is a pretty good girl, well-behaved and obedient, and is particularly suitable as a new "nurturing" target.

What's more, Zhang Yimou just let the news out, and he probably wanted to wait for a price.

Chen Fei doesn't have much curiosity about his next new movie.

However, after hanging up the phone, he immediately sent a text message to Ye Ning and Wang Changtian respectively.

Both companies are rich and powerful, but unfortunately they don’t have any good director resources.

Especially for Wanda, if it can cooperate with Zhang Yimou, it will not be a dream to achieve great success!
As soon as the text message was sent, both parties responded to him.

Ye Ning even called back directly: "Director Chen, Wanda has already been in contact with Director Yimou. They are very willing to cooperate. Maybe we can win him!"

"Then Ni's management appointment..."

Ye Ning said in a rich tone: "It's only about 1000 million, Wanda can still afford it."

"Haha, then I wish Mr. Ye immediate success in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei returned behind the monitor and waved to Matthew McConaughey, indicating that it was time to start.

The young actors are in place, and the camera track is ready to start sliding...


Following Chen Fei's order, the crew of "Interstellar" was like a sophisticated high-tech instrument, once again entering high-speed operation.

The next major scenes to be filmed are the intersection of various plots between Cooper, played by Matthew McConaughey, and his daughter.

Anne Hathaway has already arrived on the set in advance. During the filming, she will put her emotions into herself as a child, and strive to accurately portray the perseverance and state of being grown up in subsequent filming.

When it comes to Spruce Ranch, Liu Yifei's role is gone for the time being.

She didn't spend much time with the crew, especially after Anne Hathaway arrived, and she didn't know why, but she felt really uncomfortable.

Therefore, the day after Anne Hathaway arrived on the set, she returned to Los Angeles to participate in the brand's promotional activities.

After the crew returns to the studio, she will rejoin the crew to participate in the filming.

After Liu Yifei left, the person who ate Xiaozao every night became Anne Hathaway.

However, the two of them would always talk about the drama and unknowingly end up in the bedroom...

Anne Hathaway always expressed her joy. She was very full after eating "Xiao Zao" every night, and her lower abdomen was even more bulging.


As New Year's Eve approaches, the Golden Globe Awards ceremony concluded successfully.

As soon as Chen Fei logged into the film and television information network, he saw the news that "The Thirteen Hairpins" had lost to the German film "Nader and Westminster: A Separation."

There were constant heated discussions in the circle, and Yu Dong's ridicule immediately fell on Zhang Weiping.

Not winning the Golden Globe Award means that the probability of "The Thirteen Hairpins" winning an Oscar is extremely slim!
This also means that the sale of film copyrights is likely to be subject to price reduction, and may even be packaged and acquired at a low price by foreign institutions.

An investment of up to 6 million yuan ended up with such a dismal ending.

Combined with Zhang Weiping's previous boasts on the Internet, he has become a joke in the eyes of people in the industry!

(ps: Third update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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