It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 509: Come forward to announce the Oscar nominations yourself! Wanda Emperor’s new pictures f

Chapter 509: Come up and do it yourself...Oscar nominations announced! Wanda Emperor’s new pictures fail one after another!
In the eyes of many people, Ni Ni, as a "girl seeking girl", has reached a very high level from her starting point.

If you have to be famous and have acting skills, as long as you train her well, you will definitely be promoted to the ranks of first-line actresses!
Of course, if we can take the opportunity to establish a relationship and cooperate with Zhang Yimou again, let alone 1000 million liquidated damages, a few million more will not be a problem.

Many agencies and production companies in the industry think so, so much so that the threshold for Zhang Yimou's studio has almost been crossed.

However, this situation continued until Zhang Weiping returned to China, and suddenly changed again!
He controls the financial contracts of artists. Even if many of his artists are willing to leave with Zhang Yimou, he still has to make the final decision.

A few days later, Wang Changtian and Ye Ning called one after another.

The former's words were very brief and he said bluntly: "No way, that mad dog Zhang Weiping tripled Ni Ni's liquidated damages. It is obvious that he is not ready to let go. The lawsuit will take too long and is not cost-effective."


Chen Fei nodded slightly. When it comes to disgusting people, Zhang Weiping's grandson is also a professional.

Doubling liquidated damages is definitely a violation of contract law, but if a lawsuit is filed, it will definitely not be resolved within a year or two.

After such a long time, the potential of the actors has been exhausted. Who can guarantee that they can make money back later?

Of course, this is certainly not a problem for Wanda, who has a lot of money.


Chen Fei has always felt that most child stars have a spiritual energy in them!

Chen Fei was slightly startled, and somehow felt that it was somewhat reasonable.

"Definitely!" Zeng Jia nodded subconsciously, but then quickly turned his head to look at her: "Didn't you work with Zhou Xingchi when you debuted? Isn't he half a 'Star Girl'?"

Childhood? Guo Jingming?
Yang Mi is also a surfing expert, so she naturally knows all kinds of news about Guo Jingming on the Internet these days.

While talking, Yang Mi looked at the flight information and whispered softly: "We are going to Los Angeles to film "Love in Seattle" this time. I wonder if there is a chance to meet Director Chen?"

Taken together, LeTV seems to be more suitable for Zhang Yimou than Wanda!
"That's a shame."

As long as Zhang Yimou can be taken down, it is not impossible for this lawsuit to take so long.

"I went to Zhang Yimou's studio the day before yesterday and expressed the conditions that I could help him get Ni Ni's management contract, but the other party directly refused."

If she participates in the filming of "Tiny Times", it will definitely cause a huge controversy!

But he really didn't expect that Lao Mouzi would refuse the olive branch offered by Wanda Pictures!

When seeing "Ni Ni" who frequently appeared in media articles, Yang Mi couldn't hide her envy: "If I could have cooperated with Zhang Yimou and become a girl when I debuted, my career would have been smoother now, right?"

In Chen Fei's view, Ye Ning is Zhang Yimou's best partner.

Just like the little girl who plays "Cooper"'s daughter, most of the time the girl can understand any request he makes in a short period of time and perform the effect he wants.

Zeng Jia shook her head slightly: "It's probably difficult. I read news reports that Director Chen seems to be in Canada."

At this time, in the VIP terminal of Capital Airport.

However, Ye Ning's tone was quite helpless: "Alas, money is not everything."

Yang Mi suddenly felt sorry.

Yang Mizheng and Zeng Jia gathered together to watch the news on the Internet.

Chen Fei had nothing to say. After all, business competition is all about who has the most trump cards.

Yang Mi nodded slightly: "Yeah, I know, what's the matter?"

Zeng Jia chuckled and thought secretly about how to reply.

After thinking for a moment, she said: "Don't agree or reject it yet. Let's wait until we finish filming "Love in Seattle" and see the complete script."

"Don't mention it. She only appeared on screen for less than two minutes. What kind of star girl is she?"

A listed company, Boss Jia is awesome, the boss lady is still sweet, and the backend is as hard as an iron pestle...

Chen Fei was surprised.


On the surface, LeTV has many more cards than Wanda, so it is normal for the latter to be unable to compete.

"Okay, I think so too."

But Wanda is different!

"Oh, there's something I forgot to tell you." Zeng Jia suddenly seemed to remember something, and came over and whispered, "You know Guo Jingming, right?"



Wanda is indeed in a mess, but LeTV seems to be not bad at the moment.

"Sigh." Ye Ning sighed again and explained: "According to the information I heard, LeTV seems to have signed some kind of cooperation agreement with Zhang Yimou, and will ensure that the girls and boys are taken care of. brokerage contract.”

Those large and powerful brokerage companies must have a lot of internal problems, and the company resources are limited. Accepting a girl is not a trivial matter for them.

Chen Fei was immediately curious: "Why did Mr. Ye say this?"

"The new script "Tiny Times" that he wrote and directed already has the first draft. He contacted me a few days ago and wants you to play a major role in it."

Wanda does not have a brokerage company, and since it controls theaters, it is in a complete mess.

Boss Jia...

On the other hand, Anne Hathaway is a little bit worse.

In some scenes where she needs to express emotions, it usually takes a long time for her to get into the scene, and she also stumbles during the filming.

After another NG, Chen Fei had no choice but to call her in front of him and began to tell the story:
"Your father has been separated from you for more than 20 years. You miss him deeply, but because of the increasing time and age, you will maintain some sanity when recording the video..."

Matthew also ran over to help and said: "You can cry, but your expression must be tenacious. You have grown up and are not the crybaby who follows your father."

With the joint efforts of the two, it took a full two hours to finally finish filming this emotional scene.


Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief and called the assistant director and asked him to prepare a large hair dryer.

The next thing to shoot is about the coming sandstorm.

Real scene + CG special effects, the effect presented in this way will be more realistic than pure special effects. When it finally appears on the iMax screen, it will also give the audience a deeper sense of immersion.


A burst of rapid footsteps came closer and closer.

Chen Fei turned around and took a look and found that it was his assistant.

"Is something wrong?"

"Boss, someone sent several invitations to the premiere from North America."

"Let me see."

Chen Fei reached out and took it, looking down.

There are four invitations in total, including "Underworld 4" and "The Oath" produced by Curtain Films, "Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: The Mysterious Island" produced by New Line Cinema, and "Hideout" produced by Universal Pictures Place".

Except for "Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: The Mysterious Island" and "Underworld 4" which are IMax versions, the others are all low-cost movies.

Fade Chen handed the invitation back casually: "Please contact Natasha and ask her to go there on my behalf. I can't leave here."


The assistant nodded slightly and walked away quickly.

Increased fame and status can always earn respect from the outside world.

In the past, you would have to pay to attend some movie premieres.

But things are different now. Even if others are in Canada, they will still receive a steady stream of invitations of various types.

Some are premieres, some are signing ceremonies, and there are even pre-wedding party invitations sent by some models...

Leonardo would send him some tickets to model shows from time to time. Unfortunately, he was too busy and could only throw them into the trash can with great regret.

"When the filming of this movie is finished, I must go and have fun for a few days!" Chen Fei secretly made up his mind.


As the time approaches late January, "Avengers" has finally been officially released from North American theaters.

The North American box office revenue was US$7.26 million, breaking the record of "Inception", but it is still some distance away from the US$7.85 million of "Avatar".

In terms of global box office results, it reached US$16.23 billion.

This result is still a full US$2 million away from "Inception", and there is an even bigger gap between it and "Avatar"'s US$25 billion!
However, because it has not been officially released in the China Film Market, we can’t make any conclusions yet.

According to Chen Fei's prediction, if nothing unexpected happens, this movie should be able to break the global box office performance of "Inception".

Now we are waiting for the arrival of February in China!

At the same time, with the release of "The Thirteen Hairpins" and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", the mainland's Lunar New Year period has been completely surrounded by Hollywood blockbusters.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Alvin and the Chipmunks 3, Mission: Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol…

Under the suppression of many blockbusters, "Those Years" can be said to be losing ground!

As for the 200 million investment from Emperor and Huayi, "Reverse War" starring Jay Chou, Nicholas Tse, and Bai Zhi...

Chen Fei probably paid attention to its box office performance.

1096 million on the first day, 3068 million in the first three days of the weekend, and the daily new box office data dropped below million like flying!
Compared with its investment of 200 million, this result is obviously unqualified.

And the movie "The Magician" invested with Bona, like "The War", the box office performance was a mess.

On the day when the film was released, the total box office revenue was 1.79 million yuan. Compared with the high investment, it couldn't be more miserable!
Chen Fei briefly recalled it. It seemed that since the end of "Let the Bullets Fly", several of Emperor's subsequent big-investment movies had lost money one after another. None of them had made money at all, and they could not even recover the cost. arrive!

No wonder Yang Shoucheng is very eager to get "Ip Man 3" released.

This is going to be unbearable!


Because I have to rush to film, I will definitely not be able to go back to New Year’s Eve this year.

Chen Fei made a special call to the old man and sent a wave of remote New Year greetings.

However, when he answered the call, he found that there were several "larks" chirping over there.

"It's better that girl Yifei. She called that silly girl on TV and a little girl with a dumpling face to come over and cook New Year's Eve dinner for me. Just go about your business. Everything is fine here. I have everything for the Chinese New Year at home, so you don’t need to worry..."

After saying a few words, the old man hung up the phone directly.

He was also busy frying rice cakes for those little girls and had no time to chat here.

Lowering his head and silently glancing at the double-stuffed burger in his hand, Chen Fei suddenly felt that it didn't taste good.

"What kind of crappy Western food? It's so different from Chinese food!"

There is no Spring Festival here in Canada, but you can still see the Spring Festival Gala.

Looking at the six people on stage, Zhu Jun, Li Yong, Dong Qing, Bi Fujian, Sabei Ning, and Li Sisi, who were in charge of hosting, Chen Fei felt inexplicably emotional.

A few years later, these people will all be "influential figures" in the host circle!
This year's party is still the same as in previous years. It lacks laughter and highlights, the crosstalk is not like crosstalk, the sketches are not like sketches, and there is not much newness in the program arrangement and actor selection and matching...

Although it was full of flaws, Chen Fei still persisted in reading it.

To be a stranger in a foreign country alone, think of love every time during the festive season.

Watching the Spring Festival Gala can be regarded as a special way to celebrate the New Year.

The only regret he had was that he didn't see Uncle Shantou in this year's Spring Festival Gala. Although Shen Teng and Ma Li's sketches were good, they always felt like they were a little too deliberate, as if they were watching a drama.

On New Year's Day, Chen Fei gave the crew a day off.

Although today is not a legal holiday, starting work on the first day of the new year still makes him very uncomfortable.

He originally thought about sleeping in, but he never expected that the calls and text messages to greet him started at seven in the morning!

Liu Dehua's call woke him up directly.

Listening to the sound of "Happy New Year" over there, Chen Fei suddenly felt helpless: "Brother Hua, it's only seven o'clock! You've already gotten up?"

"Haha, did it disturb your sleep? Then you go on sleeping..."

Liu Dehua was about to hang up the phone as he spoke, but he never thought that Chen Fei's words would come to him immediately: "Is "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" finished?"

"Beep beep..."

Suddenly there was a busy signal on the phone, and Chen Fei chuckled, as if he had seen Liu De's expression of tears.

He conveniently set his cell phone to silent mode, then reached out and slapped Anne Hathaway, who was hesitating under the quilt: "It's so early in the morning, stop fussing, come on, continue to hold her to sleep."

Anne Hathaway got out aggrievedly, took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, coquettishly: "But I want to..."

"I'm tired. If you want, come up and move yourself."

Chen Fei directly chose to lie down.

Who is still working on the horse on New Year's Day?

On the third day after the Spring Festival, the Oscars officially announced the nominations for all awards.

Chen Fei took a hard look at the nominations for "Silver Linings Playbook".

Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Film Editing.

With a total of eight nominations, it seems to be the second most Oscar nominations this year!
However, this time, Wall Street Films is mainly aiming for the two awards of Best Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Last year's "Hunting" already gave Chen Fei a big victory, and according to the "cake sharing" rule, this year's movies produced by Volton Pictures can no longer compete for Best Director and Best Picture.

At the very least, there has to be a gap of one year. If you win multiple awards, how will the "fairness" and "justice" of the Oscars be reflected?
According to information from the public relations team, the film "The Artist" directed by French director Michael Hazanavicius has the highest probability of winning this year.

This is a French black and white romantic silent film, telling the love story between a declining actor and a rising actress.

The film's leading actor, Jean Dujardin, had already won the Best Actor award at the Cannes Film Festival.

If nothing else, this movie should win the Oscars this year.

Academic white men have publicly stated many times that they like this movie very much, and that the mime presentation method is too rare in this impetuous society.

This year's Oscars ceremony is on February 2th.

Chen Fei took a look at the shooting schedule. At that time, he should have returned to Los Angeles, just in time to join in the fun.

After reading about the nominations for "Silver Linings Playbook", Chen Fei subconsciously set his sights on the nomination for Best Foreign Language Film.

Then he soon discovered that there was no mention of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" in it!

He then opened the domestic film and television information network and took a look. Sure enough, the Internet was already in a commotion!
When China selected "The Thirteen Beauties" to compete for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, it already attracted a lot of opposition.

Subsequently, the film's North American distributor signed up for 13 individual awards, which directly caused a sensation in domestic entertainment.

But now that the results have been announced, not even one of the 14 awards has been shortlisted.

This is already the eighth time Lao Mouzi has competed for Oscars, but it still ended in failure.

At the same time, it also means that the overseas copyright transaction of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is completely dead, unless Zhang Weiping is willing to package and sell it for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For a time, sarcastic voices from the circle kept coming.

"Haha, this is a good time. I've blown myself into it by bragging."

"I don't know who was boasting online at that time, saying that he would win an Oscar this year, but in the end he didn't even get a chance to be nominated. What else would he win?"

"Look at Director Chen. He was directly nominated for Best Picture. The movie he produced himself even received eight Oscar nominations. This is awesome!"

"At least what Director Chen boasted has come true, but what about some people? They are raising the minimum ticket price, signing gambling agreements with theaters, and shamelessly writing small H-texts, but now Fortunately, it all came to nothing.”

"Zhang Weiping, others don't dare to name you, but I, Yu Dong, dare to. If you leave Zhang Yimou, are you still a piece of shit?"


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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