It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 510 Can you call yourself a young man if you are not arrogant? Lao Mouzi's scandal was

Chapter 510 Can you call yourself a young man if you are not arrogant? Lao Mouzi's scandal was exposed!
Chen Fei really didn't expect that even though he had already moved to Canada, he would still be compared with Zhang Yimou by the domestic media.

Compared to his 8 failed Olympic attempts, Chen Fei's two Oscar-winning achievements are simply dazzling and outrageous!
However, most of the ridicule on the Internet is focused on Zhang Weiping.

Since the filming of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" started, he jumped out and bit his colleagues many times, boasted too much, and performed countless sexy tricks.

And now, as the movie failed to win both box office and awards, all the "bullets" fired went around in a circle and hit his head!

It really fulfills the saying: Don’t be too arrogant, otherwise you will definitely be struck by lightning!
Chen Fei originally thought that Zhang Weiping and Xinxiang would completely plummet from then on, but he never expected that Lao Mouzi would also follow them and be trapped in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Just the day after the Oscar nominations were announced, a lot of tidbits about Zhang Yimou suddenly appeared on the Internet.

No matter which film and television information network you are on, the front page headlines are full of various scandals about Lao Mouzi.

"During the filming of "The City of Golden Armor", Zhang Yimou and Gong Li lingered until late at night, and their shouts resounded throughout the crew..."

"The International Chapter came to visit the crew. Rumblings came from the room late at night. The two spent 48 hours together, which caused the crew to stop working..."

"According to industry insiders, Zhang Yimou went to Neon during the filming of "Ride Alone for Thousands of Miles" to conduct an on-site inspection of the case..."

Finally, he picked up his backpack without hesitation, walked out of the house, drove the pickup truck, and drove towards the road in the middle of the cornfield.

Rubbing his red eyes, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the pickup truck under him roared and rushed into the distance, as if it was going to crash into the world filled with sandstorms.

Without even thinking about it, this kind of revelation was definitely made by someone close to Zhang Yimou, and if nothing else, it was definitely Zhang Weiping's "mad dog".

It is no exaggeration to say that now he can actually officially announce that he will retire from the film and television industry forever, because there will never be another director or actor working with him in the future.

During this period, his eyes gradually changed from soft to tough!
For the future of his family, he must take responsibility, even if it costs his life.

Chen Fei's mind turned and he had a guess in an instant.

The moment Chen Fei shouted to turn on the camera, another long-shot performance began.


What’s even more shocking is that every essay is well-founded and even includes a few photos that were obviously taken secretly.

"Hey, are you going to completely destroy Lao Mouzi?"

His path and future are uncertain, but his vision is very determined because he has to fight for the future of his family.

"If you want to die, let's die together!"

"Cut! Ok, this is passed."

Although breaking corn is much harder than attending class, the students are all very excited, as if school is over!

Through the rearview mirror, he could see his daughter rushing out of the door, shouting wildly in his direction, and chasing after him.

After today's scene is finished filming, the production team will officially leave for China to shoot at the Baiju Temple Bridge for a week.

If you look around, you will see that the titles of various scandals are almost always followed by a short essay of a thousand words. The content is so realistic that it makes people feel immersed in it.

Chen Fei temporarily took his eyes away from these fresh "melons" for a moment.

Watching the pickup truck completely disappear from the camera from the monitor, Chen Fei shouted to pause at the right time.

"Director Zhang Yimou, a veteran in the industry, openly asked Miss Mou to wash his hands during the filming of "Hawthorn Tree Love"..."

Apparently, these were all captured and recorded during the filming of the film.

Since Zhang Yimou announced the end of cooperation with New Picture, suppression from all aspects has hit New Picture like a violent storm!
In the past few decades, Zhang Weiping has offended too many people.

The final drama on the Canadian side is about to begin.

Although this is actually time used to move the shooting location, everyone is still very happy. After all, as long as you are not working, it is equivalent to a vacation.

And these various tidbits of news that suddenly appear on the Internet are just like his masterpieces.


At the end of today, everyone will get three days off.

Part of the team has already flown over in advance, and various scene construction has been completed. Now we are waiting for Chen Fei and Matthew McConaughey.

"The bed photos of Ni Ne and Zhang Yimou were exposed. During the actor training period, the two were alone in the villa for seven days..."

As for whether it is true or false, there is no way to know at this time.

But soon, this trace of panic disappeared without a trace, replaced by extremely firm determination!

The first time he returned to the hotel, Chen Fei immediately logged into the film and television information website without saying a word.

Matthew prepared all the equipment, then came to his children's room, reluctantly caressing their cheeks.

There was a little panic in Matthew's eyes, and he subconsciously lowered the speed of the car.

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of cheers erupted from the scene.

Now that he has finally found an opportunity, everyone will definitely not let him go.

The last scene was not difficult. It was mainly shot when Matthew McConaughey decided to participate in the "Finding a New Home" program and then separated from his family.

It's like during the school day, the teacher announced that there will be no classes today and all the students will go to the fields to break corn.

But before leaving, he would definitely not let Zhang Yimou go.

For an actor with actor-level acting skills, it is not difficult to render emotional scenes.

However, judging from the detail of the content of the article, most of the events seem to have strong authenticity. There may be some exaggerations, but some of them should be true.

The melon was only half eaten, he had to refill it quickly!

As expected, almost all the actresses involved in the gossip responded online.

Zhang Ziyi issued three announcements in a row, claiming that those who spread the rumors would be held legally responsible, and also offered a reward of 20 yuan to find the rumor spreaders.

Ni Na and Zhou Dongyu also issued announcements one after another, saying that these things were all false.

Only Gong Huang was indifferent to this and did not make any response online.

She is almost semi-retired now, and reporters can't find anyone even if they want to interview her.

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly thought of something Jiang Wen had told him before.

I think back then, when Zhang Mo, the eldest daughter of Lao Mouzi, called Gong Li on the set, she was just "Mama Gong"!
The two had a relationship back then, but in the end they were forcibly separated by Zhang Dapao and his wife.

This mad dog has been engaging in various "sexy operations" in private since he started cooperating with Zhang Yimou!
After emerging from the melon field, it was already getting late.

Chen Fei simply packed his personal luggage and went directly to bed.

Anne Hathaway took a flight back to Los Angeles this morning. Her role has temporarily come to an end. She will not appear again until the crew returns to the studio.


The news that the "Interstellar" crew arrived in China was quickly spread by the media.

When Chen Fei, Matthew McConaughey and others appeared at the Baiju Temple Bridge, a large group of media had already gathered at the scene, and the flashlights "crackled" for more than half an hour before stopping.

Reporters swarmed up and surrounded the group.

"Director Chen, when is "Interstellar" expected to be released in theaters?"

"How many days will the domestic filming last?"

"Director Zhang Yimou has been involved in scandals recently. What does Chen Fei think of this? As an insider, do you know the authenticity of these news?"


Various chirping questions lingered in Chen Fei's ears. He thought for a while and selectively answered a few news about the movie.

"The filming will be completed at the end of the month. If it is officially launched in theaters, it should be at the end of the year. There will be a week-long filming here, and then it will be transferred directly to the studio in Los Angeles..."

After briefly answering a few questions, security guards not far away rushed over and isolated the reporters outside the set.

There are still many reporters who refuse to give up. Even when they are being pushed away, they are still asking various controversial questions loudly.

It's a pity that Chen Fei didn't respond to this.

That afternoon, the news appeared on major websites.

"The Hollywood crew of "Interstellar" has arrived in China and will be filming for a week. Director Chen Fei personally leads the team and has a strong aura!"

"Oscar winner Matt Damon arrived in China together!"

"Liu Yifei, Shu Chang, Zhao Liying and others have arrived at the filming scene, and the latter two are suspected of participating in guest appearances."

"Director Chen Fei refused to answer any of the scandals about Zhang Yimou, seemingly acknowledging that these news are true..."


Hengdian, the filming location of "The Rescuers". Today happened to be the time for the movie to be finished, so Jing Tian had a rare moment of free time.

Looking at the news about "Interstellar" on the Internet, she couldn't hide her envy.

"Uncle Lu? The new movie directed by Chen Fei has returned to the mainland for filming. Do you want to ask? Is there a role suitable for me to guest star in it?"

Lu Zheng replied in his busy schedule: "I've asked, no."

"OK then."

Jing Tian pouted, suddenly a little unhappy.

Lu Zheng put down the box in his hand, took a look at her expression, and said with a smile: "When the premiere of "Pacific Rim" is held, Director Chen will definitely be there."

"Oh?" Jing Tian's eyes brightened: "Which movie has been scheduled?"

Lu Zheng shook his head: "No, it's still very early. It is estimated that the post-production period will not be officially completed until April. The release date should be during the summer vacation or the National Day period."

"Oh, I know."

Jing Tian's attention was quickly attracted to the scene, and she asked again: "Uncle Lu, when will our movie be released?"

"I decided to place it after "Pacific Rim". With the popularity of the release of Hollywood blockbusters, our movie will definitely attract a wave of attention."

Jing Tian's attention was obviously not on the box office. She suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Can Director Chen be invited to attend the premiere?"

"of course can!"

Lu Zheng understood what she meant and immediately promised with a smile: "I will definitely try my best to invite him to participate."

Jing Tian chuckled, a bright smile blooming on his face.

She followed up and asked: "Where is the launch conference of "Special Identity"? Can you invite him over?"

Lu Zheng was stunned for a moment, counted the days, shook his head and said, "I guess not. The launch conference will be on February 2th, and Director Chen will have already returned to Los Angeles by then."

"Oh, okay, let's talk about it next time."

Jing Tian quickly put this matter behind him.

She will have three movies released this year, none of which will be launched soon. She can be said to be the most "dedicated" among domestic entertainment actresses!

There are only 2 days left until February arrives.

The filming of "Interstellar" is in steady progress.

At this time, a major hot news suddenly appeared on the film and television information website!
"All the creative staff of "Avengers" arrived in China and officially launched a promotional roadshow."

After the news spread, it immediately attracted the attention of major theater companies and the production industry.

The former was almost crazy with joy, while the latter was wailing at this time.

It was only then that everyone realized that in the upcoming February, there is another Hollywood blockbuster coming soon!

"The Avengers"

The North American box office exceeded US$7 million, and the global box office exceeded US$16 billion.

Without even thinking about it, this is definitely on the same level as movies such as "Avatar", "Inception", and "Gravity"!

The arrival of such a ferocious beast will certainly trigger a bloody battle in the mainland film market!

"Damn it, this is too much, isn't it? If a Hollywood blockbuster like this is given a one-month window, wouldn't it be necessary to kill it randomly?"

"There is absolutely no way for domestic films to survive!"

"Objection! Strong resistance! We demand more protection periods for domestic films..."

There has been a lot of opposition from the production industry on the Internet, but on the other hand, theaters have an atmosphere of "it's the Chinese New Year again."

No need to think about it, this is definitely another blockbuster with a box office of over 1 billion!
By showing this kind of movie, theaters can make a solid profit!
If conditions didn't allow it, they would have liked to screen Hollywood blockbusters every day so that they could make more money.


When Han Sanping came to visit the "Interstellar" crew, she brought a piece of news.

"Someone reported it to the police station again. This time, they not only reported me, but also you."

"Ah?" Chen Fei was a little confused: "Report me? What did I do?"

"Some people say that you and I have been operating behind the scenes in arranging films for theaters, deliberately moving Hollywood blockbusters to February to suppress domestic films..."


Chen Fei was speechless: "Are those a few bad literary films? Are they worthy of my deliberately suppressing them? Even if "Avengers" is not released in February, their box office will not be much better."

"Hahaha, it's normal. Some people don't have the ability themselves, but they still can't see the kindness of others..."

"Who is there?"

Chen Fei had seen the report box at the Film Bureau. There was a large surveillance camera on the opposite side, and it could be seen clearly.

Han Sanping said casually: "The biggest objection is to the film "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" imported from the Bay Area. They asked the theaters to increase the number of films to reach the same level as "Avengers"."

"Fuck? Is this a stupid horse-riding thing?"

"Hey?" After looking at the looks of everyone around her, Han Sanping couldn't help but remind her: "You are also a well-known director after all. Try to control it. Don't be like Jiang Wen, who is full of swear words."

"It's okay." Chen Fei didn't care: "If my words are accidentally spread, please explain it to me, saying that I am young and energetic and can't hold back my anger."

Han Sanping suddenly seemed to realize something and quickly asked: "How old are you this year?"

"28, how old do you think I am?"

Chen Fei shrugged slightly, adjusted his expression and stance, and soon showed a youthful vigor.

After all, he is also an actor at the level of Berlin's best actor, and he is very good at showing his personal style.

"What? You are only two years older than my daughter?!"

Han Sanping seemed to have seen a new world, her face was full of shock, and her eyes were widened!
"Why not?"

Chen Fei looked at Liu Yifei not far away with some confusion, covering her mouth and laughing non-stop: "Do I look very old?"

Liu Yifei put away the smile on her face and explained seriously: "Maybe... your beard is a little too long?"

"Then I'll go back and shave it off tonight. It must reflect a 'young and energetic' style, so that I don't have to look for excuses when I curse."

Chen Fei touched the stubble above his lips and already made a decision.


On February 2st, "Avengers" successfully landed in domestic theaters.

On the 2nd, the first-day box office was officially announced.

1.25 billion RMB!

It can be said that the nine major theater chains are celebrating together. They have once again increased their efforts in publicity and film scheduling, directly reducing the number of films released during the same period and last month to the minimum!
For movies like "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", which will be released in a few days, theater schedules have been pushed directly to midnight screenings.

The next day, "Avengers" hit a new box office record.

1.43 billion RMB!

In the afternoon of the same day, the director of "Those Years", Kuba Dao, protested on various platforms, saying that the arrangement of films in mainland theaters was unfair. Chen Fei used his power to bully others and united with major theaters to bully him and his movies, demanding a reasonable explanation from him... …

For a time, the attention of countless media was attracted!

Even though many production companies in the Mainland are very dissatisfied with the schedule and film schedule of "Avengers", no one chooses to support Kuba Knife.

We all work in the Mainland film industry. Who doesn't know what the name "Chen Fei" means in the film industry?
After offending this man, do you still want to hang out in the future?

But everyone wants to know how Chen Fei will respond to this matter?

It would be a bit embarrassing if you choose to go out in person, but if you don't respond, it is equivalent to acquiescing.

No matter what choice he makes, it seems to be disadvantageous to him?
Until the next morning, no one waited for a positive response from Chen Fei. What greeted them was the news that the box office of "Avengers" exceeded 3 million yuan in three days!
Waiting until the afternoon of the next day, a new voice finally appeared on Weibo.

The official blog of Feiyue Film and Television officially announced:


At the same time, three young directors, Lu Yang, Yang Yu, and Li Yang, accepted interviews with the media and said: “Only production companies and directors who can continuously produce high-quality films can be worthy of high-profile publicity. and movie theaters.”

These words were almost equivalent to pressing the Kuba knife to the ground and slapping him in the face crazily one after another!
A screenwriter and director who is only slightly famous in the Bay of Bay Province, is he worthy of being paired with Chen Fei and Feiyue Film and Television?
I'm giving you a pretty face, right?
Do you still want Chen Fei, Feiyue Film and Television, and major theaters to give you an explanation?
Are you worthy?


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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