It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 511 If you don’t do it, who will you do? Does good kung fu mean anything? What? Don’t you kn

Chapter 511 If you don’t do it, who will you do? Does good kung fu mean anything? What? Don’t you know the four great inventions?

May, June, July, August...

Four movies in succession, spanning the May Day period and the entire summer vacation!
When the news reported on the official blog of Feiyue Film and Television was spread by the media, all the production companies in the industry were completely blown away!

"What the hell? You can still do this? Are you leaving a way for us to survive?"

"Isn't this fucking too much? Protest! Strong protest!"

"Made, is it a nine-bar sword? Why is your grandson provoking him? You are a youth literary film, and it is about to be released. Why are you trying to break the fence?"

"It's over. It's over. How can we fight now?"

"August! I choose August 8st! I can barely make a fortune during this time period..."

At this moment, many producers are focusing on August.


"Let's talk about it then."

The popularity of "Avengers" continues to increase!
Without any competitors, after breaking 3 million in 3 days, it created a terrifying record of breaking 5 million in 5 days!
The theater chains were all crazy with joy. Huo Qigang even called many times and said that if such blockbusters could be screened every day, he was sure that within five years, Pan-Asian theater chains would have the largest market share in the world. !

As soon as the news came out, there was a cry in the circle!

Chen Fei's operation can even be recorded as a classic case of business war in the film industry. Its classicness is no less than that of Lei Jun and Zhou Hongwei's fight in Chaoyang Park last year!
At that time, Jun'er directly pulled over the eight company founders under him.

Chen Fei responded casually, and the names of Donnie Yen and Zhao Wenzhuo suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Oh, stop by and take a look." After Ren Zhonglun finished speaking, he specially explained: "The kung fu blockbuster "Special Identity", which is fully produced by Starlight and joined by two Chinese action superstars, will be held in the capital in three days. I was one of the invited guests at the launch conference.”

March? April?
Who wants to go to such an unpopular schedule?
For a time, everyone was shouting about Kuba Knife, which was still doing publicity in the mainland!
If I can't bully the tough ones, why can't I pinch the soft persimmon like you?
You big idiot, you said you are provoking someone who is not good, why are you provoking Chen Fei?
It's a good thing now, if you get beaten yourself, you have to drag us into being bullied too!

Chen Fei was not in a hurry to reply to him. The filming of "Interstellar" in China will end tomorrow, and he doesn't know if he can make it yet.

So good, what else is left for them?


After all, no theater chain is as crazy as Pan Asia. All profits are used for expansion. Who can watch this without being confused?

Media Asia United Feiyue Pictures announced: "The post-production period of "Anti-Corruption Storm 2" has officially ended and will be scheduled for August 8."

By the way... let's go to the launch conference of "Special Identity" with Liu Yifei.

The reason is simple, because the post-production of "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" and "Xiu Chun Knife 2" have all been completed, and he has to go over and complete the film to ensure that there are no problems.

The studio in Los Angeles has been set up, and now they are waiting for the crew members to arrive and start shooting. Time is very tight, and he, as a director, is too embarrassed to be lazy.

Ren Zhonglun asked again: "Aren't you going?"

As the KMB Knife left the mainland, the controversy on the Internet quickly subsided, and the public's attention once again turned to Zhang Yimou's scandal.

However, October is known as the National Day holiday after the Lunar New Year holiday, and the following months of November and December are battlegrounds for many blockbusters!

When Ren Zhonglun came to visit the crew, he was filled with emotion.

That night, Nortel's official blog suddenly issued an announcement, stating that it would send invitations to all the students of the Class of 30 who have graduated 78 years ago, allowing them to return to campus again to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of graduation...

Ren Zhonglun laughed loudly again, but he was secretly glad in his heart.

Chen Fei changed the topic at the right time and stopped communicating with him about the movie schedule and the follow-up situation of Knife Blade.

But today, Chen Fei released 5 movies and was beaten to the point where he cried for his father and mother and complained endlessly!
"Mr. Ren is joking. I just asked the company to inform the public about the film's schedule. It's not as exaggerated as you said."


Nortel will also join in the fun.

However, by the next morning, the smiles on most of the producers' faces and some happiness in their hearts suddenly disappeared!

The timing of the celebration was very clever, as it happened to be within the first few days of school.

Where did he bully others?
Some people with bad intentions were "bruised" by his moves. That was their own misfortune. What does it have to do with him, Chen Fei?

Fortunately, there were no old fools in Shanghai Film Company. If he chose to stand on the opposite side of Chen Fei, he couldn't imagine how he would be bullied!

"Just wait, maybe there will be such a day in the future." Chen Fei replied pointedly.

"By the way, why did Mr. Ren come here all of a sudden?"

In the current Chinese Kung Fu film market, as Chen Long and Li Lianlian gradually retreat from the background, these two people can barely bear the title of Kung Fu superstars.

"Oh, that's how it is……"

He had already heard some rumors from Han Sanping, and the day of "complete relaxation" was coming soon!
On the afternoon of the 6th, the entire crew of "Interstellar" rushed to the airport and headed straight to Los Angeles.

And this film "Special Identity" brings together both of them, which may have some highlights.

"Mr. Chen's method is wonderful. Not only did he successfully arrange the film schedules and schedules of his movies, he also successfully passed the conflicts on to others. In the end, he also showed off his iron-blooded skills. It can be said that he killed three birds with one stone!"

Chen Fei did not leave with the large army, he gave himself three days off.

This is no joke. Who among those producers is clean? As long as he doesn't go too far or go out of his way, this beating will definitely be in vain!

If you don’t do it, who will do it? ? ?
A day later, Kuba Dao ran back to the Bay Province in disgrace, not daring to stay too long in the mainland.

No way, at the promotional event that morning, there were even people in the audience throwing rotten eggs at him!
If he hadn't run so fast, he might have been put in a sack and taken out to be beaten at night.

Chen Fei smiled modestly and did not accept his words at all.

For a time, the eyes of many people in the circle were attracted.

Level 78...

This session is not easy!

Chen Fei recalled for a moment, and a bunch of big names immediately popped into his mind!
Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Gu Changwei, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Li Shaohong, Wu Zainiu, Hu Jiu...

This is just the directing department. If you pull out all the people from the acting class, photography class, and screenwriting class, this will be a gathering of big guys!
So great, the big guys are gone, how can the juniors be left behind?
Less than an hour after the announcement was sent out, Chen Fei found an invitation letter appearing in his mailbox, followed closely by a call from the college.

Zhao Zhenyang was very direct and said: "The school noticed that many batches of outstanding graduates from Nortel did not have particularly good resources after graduation, so we planned to set up a platform for actors and directors to get in touch with each other, communicate more, and strive to achieve success. cooperate……"

What Lao Zhao said was quite beautiful, but from his slightly disdainful tone, Chen Fei heard something else.

Forming cliques, exchanging interests, and building barriers to the Nortel Circle...

Chen Fei refused without hesitation: "Forget it, I won't go. Time is tight. I have to fly to Los Angeles the day after tomorrow. Let's talk about it next time when we have a chance."

"Okay, come and sit at home when you have time..."

Zhao Zhenyang hung up the phone happily.

He has already completed the tasks assigned by the school. As for whether he can succeed or not, it is not up to him.

Chen Fei was busy and didn't have time to come, so there was nothing he could do. He couldn't tie him up with a rope, right?

The next morning, as expected, media reports spread all over the Internet.

The School of Film and Communication, headed by China Theater and Shangxi Theater, even expressed their voices online to condemn this shameful "monopoly" behavior!
When it comes to well-known directors and producers in the industry, Nortel accounts for at least 2/3.

Now that the "30th Anniversary" event is underway, some resources that should be made public will definitely be recycled, which is definitely unfair to other institutions.

In fact, this can be seen from the number of art students who applied for Nortel this year.

The number of people applying for Nortel is more than twice that of China Theater + Shanghai Theater. Good candidates have been snatched away from them. No wonder other colleges and universities have protested.



Just as the name suggests.

In the eyes of many people, the launch conference of "Special Identity" is indeed special enough!
The combination of Donnie Yen + Zhao Wenzhuo is simply amazing.

The two Kung Fu superstars appeared together, and the topic was instantly filled. Even the heroine Jing Tian's limelight was suppressed a lot.

Which of these two martial arts superstars is stronger has directly become a topic of discussion among many people at the scene.

In the car, Liu Yifei was also discussing this topic with Chen Fei.

"In terms of actual combat, I think Zhao Wenzhuo is better. After all, he is a real martial arts-level athlete, while Donnie Yen should focus more on performing arts."

"But Donnie Yen also performed very well in the Ip Man series?"

"It is a movie after all, and the actors' movements are all designed in advance. He is just a showman. Compared with actual combat, there is a big gap." "Oh! So that's it!"

Liu Yifei has also studied martial arts. Thanks to her excellent dancing talent, her martial arts moves in the movie are also very neat.

The "Daoma Dan" who has been personally certified by Yang Ma is not in vain.

However, in actual combat, Chen Fei could easily defeat her ten times by himself.

There is a big gap between the designed action performance routines and the real life-and-death battle.


If the combination of Donnie Yen + Zhao Wenzhuo caused a lot of enthusiasm at the scene, then when Chen Fei and Liu Yifei both appeared at the launch conference of "Special Identity", they immediately attracted dozens of media and guests present. unanimous attention.

The most capable person in the circle is here!

Soon, the topic everyone discussed became whether Donnie Yen + Zhao Wenzhuo could beat Chen Fei?
"Tiantian, I'm hungry. Is there anything delicious?"

As soon as Liu Yifei entered the scene, she walked away arm in arm with Jing Tian, ​​leaving Chen Fei on the spot.

"Mr. Chen, you are here to bring glory to the people. Let the plants shine!"

Lu Zheng was quite excited. With Chen Fei's participation, the popularity of today's launch conference will definitely skyrocket.

He seemed to have seen the movie title "Special Identity" appear on Weibo's hot searches.

"Haha, Mr. Lu is serious."

Chen Fei chatted with him casually, and Wang Changtian suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Mr. Lu is busy first. Can I have a chat with Mr. Wang?"

"Good good..."

Lu Zheng nodded repeatedly and hurriedly ran to greet other distinguished guests.

"Mr. Wang, long time no see."

Chen Fei approached Wang Changtian, said hello, and went with him to a corner where there were fewer people.

"Mr. Chen...what's the matter?" Wang Changtian looked confused. He could tell that Chen Fei seemed to have something to talk to him about?

Chen Fei didn't mince words with him, and went straight to the point: "I need help from Lighting regarding the release of several movies produced by Feiyue Film and Television..."

This year, Feiyue Films will be releasing several movies in a row, and the workload on the publicity and promotion side is too heavy, and it is already a bit overwhelmed.

Therefore, Chen Fei decided to outsource the promotion and distribution of several films with relatively low investment costs to spread the pressure.

And light is undoubtedly the best choice.

Lao Wang is a pretty good person. If you make more friends with him, you might find something useful in the future.

Wang Changtian patted his chest and reassured: "Haha, no problem. Xuanfa is the most professional in the field of lighting. You have found the right person in me."

After the verbal agreement was reached, the two separated, and the subsequent matters would naturally be handled by their subordinates.

Chen Fei looked around the scene and saw Donnie Yen, who was surrounded by many people, and Zhao Wenzhuo, who was standing alone.

Compared to the latter, the former's fame and popularity are naturally much higher.

The "Ip Man" series gave Donnie Yen a lot of blood. Even though he made several films in succession, he still did not fall.

Recently, "Ip Man 3" has been scheduled again, which directly gave Donnie Yen great confidence!

He felt that his glorious moment was coming again!

Holding back a glance at Zhao Wenzhuo, who was standing alone at the scene, Zhen Zizhen curled his lips imperceptibly, with a trace of mockery flashing in his eyes:
"A duel between two masters? Haha, I'm a martial arts instructor. There will only be one winner in this movie, and that's me!

What's the use of having high martial arts skills? Going out to hang out is all about connections and fame! "


After attending the launch conference of "Special Identity", Chen Fei and Liu Yifei rushed to Los Angeles together to prepare for filming the remaining scenes of "Interstellar".

At the same time, the weekly box office record of "Avengers" was newly released.

Although it did not break 7 million yuan, it was fixed at 6.5 million yuan.

There are still 23 days of screening period ahead. Even if the daily new box office has fallen below 5000 million, it is still easy to break through 10 billion box office.

Comprehensive calculations show that after "Inception", Chen Fei will produce another top commercial blockbuster with a global box office of over 18 billion US dollars!
Landing in North America, good news followed.

The filming of "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" directed by James Wan and "Now You See Me" directed by Catherine are all finished. The next step is to choose a suitable release date.

This part of the work has been taken over by Natasha. She will discuss with the theaters to arrange a suitable release time.

As for Chen Fei, he only needs to attend the premiere event on time before the movie is released.

The most important task at the moment is naturally filming "Interstellar".

After the smooth transfer to the studio, the shooting was on the fast track again.


Nortel was quite critical of Chen Fei's refusal to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration. After all, for many leaders, this event was an excellent opportunity to brush up their qualifications!

The more people come, the greater the reputation, and the more blessings given to them.

Therefore, after Zhao Zhenyang, several school leaders called Chen Fei, hoping that he could spare time to attend this celebration.

But without exception, they were all rejected by him.

"I'm really sorry, the filming of "Interstellar" has entered the most important stage, and I can't leave..."

This reason is impeccable.

However, when a certain leader found that he could not be invited to participate in the celebration, he turned to the next best thing and wanted him to join this year's freshman art exam and be an examiner in the final exam.

However, this invitation was still rejected by Chen Fei.

He has no interest in helping those second-generation stars and related households carry their sedan chairs.

Last year, there was a lot of ridicule in the circle because of the ridiculous operation of lowering the admission score. I don’t know what kind of trouble this year will be.

Of course, even though he didn't go, the event still had to be held, and it had to be held lively!
After all, the leaders all want to gain some career experience at this 30th anniversary celebration to lay the foundation for future job promotions.

After the event, Chen Fei saw news about the celebration on the Internet.

All members of Level 78 were present, as well as first- and second-tier stars and artists who had left Nortel. The scene was even grander than last year's Huabiao Award Ceremony!
However, there are a lot of things that people complain about.

The most concerning thing is that none of the graduates below the second tier in the circle have received invitation letters!

Although some people are not well-known, they got invitations because of their connections.

This horse riding is very cheating!

Schools have actually begun to play the trick of "dislike the poor and love the rich"!

Chen Fei was secretly glad that he was not hot-headed and agreed to come down and participate in the event.

This school leadership team is really bad.

Without even thinking about it, this point will definitely be brought out by Zhongxi and Shangxi to launch a new wave of ridicule.

Chen Fei really couldn't figure it out. If you want to do it, then do it well. If you don't do it, don't go through these messy operations.

It's a good time now, there is a celebration event that is neither good nor bad, and the circle is full of complaints...

I don’t know what these leaders think?

Are you afraid there are tumors growing in your brain?

And in the subsequent art test session, it was even more hilarious!

Chen Fei even saw news about a certain art candidate who couldn't even describe the four major inventions.

This kind of person actually passed the exam!

It’s so exciting that people are speechless!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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