It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 512 Let’s see how crazy he is! The old artist's son died, and Yang Zai's head sudd

Chapter 512 Let’s see how crazy he is! The son of an old artist died, and Yang Zai’s head suddenly turned green~

Back in Los Angeles, all kinds of invitations to premieres are still coming in a steady stream.

Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment co-produced "The Story of Old Lacey", Disney produced "Alien", MGM Pictures produced "The Boys", Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures co-produced "Wrath of the Gods" .

These four films will be released at the North American March Film Market.

Although there will be at least a week between each movie, competition is inevitable and will definitely have an impact on the box office.

Distribution and promotion in North America are very mature, and it's all about survival of the fittest.

The better the quality of the movie, the higher the box office performance, and the number of theaters showing it will increase accordingly.

Although March has not yet arrived, the winners and losers of several movies previously released in January and February have already been determined.

The first is "Underworld 4" produced by Curtain Pictures. The North American box office was extremely dismal!

It has been half a month since its release, but it has only made 4000 million U.S. dollars at the box office, and its IMDB score is only 6.3.

As for "The Vow", although it is a literary film, its box office performance is quite good. It has exceeded 8000 million US dollars in half a month of release.

Mubao Film Company made a mistake this time.

It would be great if the latter's income could make up for the former's losses.

As for "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" produced by New Line Cinema, it can only be considered mediocre at the moment.

Half a month after its release, the North American box office barely exceeded 1.45 million U.S. dollars, and the global total box office reached million U.S. dollars.

Judging from the current box office trends, this is also a movie that can only guarantee not to lose money.

And the film "The Hideout" produced by Universal Pictures is also mediocre.

Half a month after its release, the North American box office grossed 6000 million U.S. dollars, and the global total box office has just exceeded million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that it can barely reach the return line.

Taken together, the box office performance of the three commercial films was not as good as that of one literary film. I wonder what the CEOs of these companies would think?
While paying attention to the box office results of these newly released movies, Chen Fei also took a look at the box office results of the movies released during the Lunar New Year last year.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 3.56": North American box office of 13.76 million U.S. dollars, global total box office of billion U.S. dollars.

"Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows": North American box office of US$2 million, global total box office of US$1.86 million.

"Rat 3": North American box office of 1.33 million US dollars, global total box office of 3.42 million US dollars.

"Mission: Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol": North American box office US$2.09 million, global total box office US$6.87 million.

If all the movies released in Hollywood throughout the year were sorted, excluding "The Avengers", Warner's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 11" would obviously have ranked first in the global box office for years. Annual crown.

Unfortunately, this assumption will not hold true, because the total global box office of "Avengers" has quickly approached US$18 billion!
The 2012 global annual box office champion has been announced.

Surprisingly, it is "The Avengers"!
Warner Bros. no longer has any extravagant hopes.

Because the gap is really too big.

The difference is a full US$5 million. How can we chase after this horse?

However, after seeing Marvel's brilliant record, they inexplicably developed a strong trust in DC.

Many shareholders and senior managers of Warner currently believe that as long as they aggressively advance their DC movie plans, they will surely surpass Marvel in a short period of time.

There has been news in the Hollywood film circle that Warner will launch DC projects in an all-round way.

Chen Fei only had four words to comment on this:

"Let's see how crazy he is!"


A piece of news suddenly spread from China to Hollywood, directly triggering riots in the Chinese entertainment industry!

"The son of an old artist in the industry was arrested."

When he heard this from Liu Yifei, Chen Fei was just slightly stunned, and then recalled the incident in his mind.

Thank you to the people of Chaoyang for their great contribution!
After logging into Weibo, Chen Fei quickly saw the specific inside story.

Zhang Mo was reported and was forcibly arrested while filming on the set of "1942"...

Jiang Wen didn't say anything at this time. When Chen Fei called him, he was busy writing a new script.

""Let the Bullets Fly" may be affected to some extent, but it won't be very big. After all, the kid only played a guest role in it, and he is not considered a main character..."

At the end of the sentence, Jiang Wen suddenly said with emotion: "This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for us. We must keep our eyes open when using these second-generation children in the industry in the future!"

Chen Fei nodded heavily: "Yes, we must pay attention to it, otherwise it will be like "1942", and we will definitely have to find new actors."

Earlier when the project of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp: The Ancient City" was launched, both Zhang Guoli and Chen Long greeted him, hoping to find a role for their boy in this series of movies.

But in the end they were all rejected by Chen Fei.

He didn't dare to bet that the butts of these second-generation stars wouldn't be clean.

Educating a son is also a big deal. He will be successful and famous all his life, but when he gets old, he still has to wipe his butt. It’s quite deceiving to think about it!

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly thought of his age.

You're only 28, so you shouldn't be in a hurry to have a baby, right?
The old man is in good spirits now and can live for at least more than 30 years before reaching the status of "centenarian".

During this period, I have enough time to find a wife and give him a grandson.

Don’t be too anxious, after all, marriage is a tomb that is difficult to get out of once you enter it.

Still have to be careful!

With the Oscars approaching, "Silver Linings Playbook" has a limited screening in North America.

After all, it is a literary film, and the premiere event was not deliberately grand.

As a producer, it is naturally impossible for Chen Fei to miss such an event.

But what he never expected was that when they saw him appearing at the premiere event, many directors of literary and artistic feature films present came over and asked him if he had any plans for a new artistic film.

"Fei, you have already won the Golden Bear, Golden Palm, and Golden Lion awards respectively. Should you repeat it again and go back to Europe to win three gold medals again?"

Looking at the director Luc Besson who had directed "The Killer Is Not So Cold" in front of him, Chen Fei shrugged slightly: "Luc, you know that a good script requires inspiration, and I am not good enough now. inspiration.”

"Well, that's a shame."

Luc Besson sighed, slightly disappointed.

He actually wanted to collaborate with Chen Fei once, because he really likes literary dramas. However, the highest achievement he has received in so many years is only the Cesar Award for Best Director.

As for the three European gold medals, he was not even nominated.

It's a pity that Chen Fei doesn't have enough great inspiration now.

However, what he didn't know was that even if Chen Fei had enough inspiration and a suitable script, he would not leave it to outsiders to direct.

Because he wants to help the Chinese film industry win more honors and awards.

If there is a suitable script, I will definitely have to work with my own people to film it.


The premiere of artistic films was not as lively as that of commercial films. Directors of artistic films from all over the world gathered here, and everyone discussed more about "art."

At the same time, Chen Fei also heard news that had a major impact on the entire film industry.

Kodak, the world's largest film manufacturer, officially filed for bankruptcy protection not long ago!

This news made him a little confused. Recalling that when he first shot "No Man's Land", he used Kodak film.

This company is the largest film manufacturer in the world, and its bankruptcy will inevitably affect the entire film industry!

Most of the younger directors like Chen Fei have now moved to the shooting mode of digital cameras.

But there are still many veteran directors who have been shooting on film.

In their words, only film can produce the kind of movie quality they want.

For example, in China, a group of elderly directors led by Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, and Gu Changwei all use film shooting mode.

But then, they will definitely have to start learning new technologies.

With Kodak going bankrupt, those stockpiled films certainly won't last long.

During this period, there may be many new directors who will shine in the film industry by relying on the new shooting mode of digital cameras!
In fact, Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to the bankruptcy of Kodak.

As a director who is good at using digital cameras, he has no nostalgia for film.

However, a piece of news reported by Kodak attracted his attention.

After the company went bankrupt, Kodak announced that it would publicly sell its Oscar naming rights with eight years remaining.

This is a good thing!
If you want to advertise, you can definitely get it.

Chen Fei initially thought that a certain company in Hollywood would take it down, but what he never expected was that the one who shouted out turned out to be... Yang Zai!
On Weibo, this guy shouted boldly: "Juli Pictures is bound to win the Oscar naming rights, no matter how much money it costs, we will definitely win it!
It is not easy for domestic films to enter Hollywood. You must start from scratch. To this end, I will go to Los Angeles to participate in the bidding..."

As soon as this was said, it was directly ranked as the number one trending topic on Weibo.

Chen Fei glanced at the comment area and almost went crazy with joy!
"Okay, here I wish Juli Pictures to become bigger and stronger and achieve greater glory. PS: Mr. Yang, as you said before, you will make ten movies with a cost of hundreds of millions. When will they be released?"

"Have you ever seen a braggart? I have never seen a braggart like this. He even traveled to Los Angeles to bid? Come on, give me a bid? Who doesn't bid is the grandson!"

"Mr. Yang, I suggest you don't go to Los Angeles yet. Huang Shengyi has openly flirted with men on the show. Don't you care? Be careful that the hat on your head turns green!"

"Eh? How come Juli Pictures is still alive?"

"Are we going to start filming "The Legend of White Snake 2"? I'm so looking forward to it! Qvod has been unavailable recently, so I'm just waiting to watch Huang Shengyi..."

There was a lot of ridicule in the forum, and Yang Zai ended up saying a few words, but in the face of thousands of netizens, he couldn't resist it.

As for participating in the bidding, that is even more bragging!
According to the news circulating in the industry, after the "Legend of White Snake" was released, Juli Pictures was on the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation.

Yang Zai used to drive a stretched Bentley, but now he has switched to a Mazda.


Besides filming, Chen Fei also paid attention to the art examination situation at Nortel.

Ever since the news came out that the candidates didn't know the four major inventions, he felt that this year would definitely not be the only fun.

Sure enough, in the third round, new news broke out!

Several art candidates who had undergone plastic surgery at a young age were directly rejected by Wang Jinsong.

This person is not as easy-going as shown in the movie on weekdays. Among the entire Nortel teachers, he is also considered to be one of the most strict!
At the art exam site, he directly criticized the girls who had undergone plastic surgery: "Everyone doesn't want to take the right path, and they just take the wrong path.

See for yourselves, how has a good face been ruined by you?

What about the scholars Fan Bingbing, Gong Li, Liu Yifei, and Zhang Ziyi? Do you think having plastic surgery to look like them will make you as popular as them? It’s simply wishful thinking…”

It was okay if he didn't scold him, but after scolding him, he caused a lot of trouble.

There were obviously ulterior motives among these art candidates who had undergone plastic surgery. After being expelled on the spot, they directly went to the media and published Wang Jinsong's words about scolding them.

As a result, when the art exam continued the next day, a large number of reporters directly surrounded the art exam site, saying that Nortel was discriminating against plastic surgery candidates!

Wang Jinsong is also someone who is not afraid of trouble. When facing reporters, he openly fired:
"In terms of film and television acting, we are not actually afraid of actors being ugly, just like Huang Bo. Although he is not as good-looking as most male stars, it does not affect him from winning the Golden Horse Award!
But once a knife is used on the face, it is simply wishful thinking to continue to show superb acting skills!
I don’t know how other people choose, but here, I don’t accept candidates who have had plastic surgery! "

After these remarks were published by the media, they directly caused an uproar on the Internet.

In fact, there is an unwritten rule in the film industry that any female or male star who has undergone plastic surgery is no longer suitable to appear on the big screen.

What the movie needs is real and natural performances, but plastic surgery makes the face stiffer and cannot express full emotions and delicate and complex expressions at all.

Moreover, when the film is shown on the big screen, the facial details will be magnified tens of thousands of times, and the traces of plastic surgery cannot be covered at all.

Therefore, actors who have not undergone plastic surgery are usually selected for film shooting to ensure the authenticity and beauty of the performance.

However, this kind of regulation is only for people in the industry and has not been widely publicized.

But now that Wang Jinsong is messing with her, it directly arouses dissatisfaction among the 18th-tier actresses who have undergone plastic surgery.

Many people on the Internet began to criticize him, and even labeled him as a misogynist!

Wang Jinsong did not make any response to this, because he saw it very clearly. This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly. Only after they experience it personally can they understand the feeling of regret.

However, what he didn't expect was that one day later, Chen Fei's support came back from Hollywood.

"No matter in the past, now or in the future, any actor, male or female, who has undergone plastic surgery will never appear in a film produced by Feiyue Film and Television, because the big screen is completely a 'miracle' for plastic surgery. '..."

This Weibo was posted by Chen Fei using his own account.

After all, Lao Wang is also his graduate tutor. Now that his mentor has been exposed online, if he, a student, doesn't do something, won't he be cast aside?
Not long after it was posted on Weibo, it was directly reposted by a group of directors led by Ning Hao, Jiang Wen, and Zhou Xingchi.

And the contracted directors of Feiyue Film and Television have spoken out one after another and chosen to support their bosses!

For a time, the public opinion in the circle went directly to the other side.

The media and netizens who were still criticizing Wang Jinsong changed their tone and began to support his remarks.

Huang Bo even came up with a high-EQ voice: "Although Teacher Wang regards him as the villain of 'ugly', I still want to give some advice to the boys and girls who are about to enter the film and television industry.

Your face is the most precious asset. Don’t be afraid that you are not as beautiful as others. A distinctive appearance will help you enter this industry faster. "

This speech attracted praise from many people!
Golden Horse Best Actor Huang Bo's reputation for high emotional intelligence has gradually spread throughout the circle.

Wang Jinsong made a special call to thank Chen Fei: "I really didn't expect that my unintentional remarks during the art exam would cause such a big controversy.

In any case, I still want to thank you for helping me speak up and protect me from the impact of public opinion. "

Chen Fei said quickly: "Hey! Teacher Wang, what you said is too outrageous! These are what I should do.

You are my teacher. As the saying goes: Once a teacher, always a father. How can a student see his teacher being bullied by outsiders? "

Wang Jinsong was very satisfied and laughed and said: "Remember to contact me after you return to China, and we can find an opportunity to get together.

Speaking of which, I am quite lucky. I have managed to produce a world-leading director like you, who is also the Berlin Best Actor. I am ashamed, I am really ashamed..."

Fade Chen responded with a smile: "Haha, okay, I will definitely visit you when I get back."

Wang Jinsong is now the dean of the Nortel Academy of Performing Arts. He also has a certain say in the "literary circle" that isolates Chen Fei from others. This favor cannot be measured in terms of money.

He is harboring a "big plan" in his mind, and he just needs to win over those seniors and actors who are neutral in the literary and art circles and have sufficient strength and qualifications.

And Wang Jinsong happens to be a good breakthrough.

This plan is very far away and very difficult to implement, but Chen Fei still wants to give it a try.

If it really succeeds, it will be regarded as fulfilling one of his wishes.


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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