It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 514 is finished! Box office record-breaking again! The leeks are coming, the capabilities of

Chapter 514 is finished! Box office record-breaking again! The leeks are coming, the capabilities of the chief content executive

Regarding the "Knife Sect", Chen Fei has been paying attention to it these days.

On the surface, this seems to be just a "battle" between Bian Xiaoxiao and Yin Xiaotian, but behind the scenes are the old enemies of Huayi and Shiju Culture.

Obviously, Wang Zhonglei is competing with Wang Jinghua again.

These two parties will never give up any opportunity to suppress their opponents. Whenever they find the right opportunity, they will strike hard!
Of course, while eating melon, serious work cannot be left behind.

The filming of "Interstellar" has only the last few scenes left.

This year's Oscars ceremony is coming soon, and Chen Fei is preparing to officially finalize the film before the ceremony begins.

After the award ceremony, he still has a lot of work to do.

"Fast and Furious 6" has entered the preparation period and will start filming in the middle of next month.

The director is still James Wan, and the original cast also appears.

The guest contract he previously signed with Universal Pictures stated that after the end of the sixth film, his guest appearance will officially come to an end.

Therefore, he planned to take half a month of free time to end this guest appearance that had lasted for six years.

In addition, tasks assigned by the system must be completed as soon as possible.

He no longer has any scripts in his hand that can be used, so he has to buy a new batch of "goods".



The last scene of "Interstellar" can be regarded as a one-man show belonging to the male protagonist Cooper.

After falling from the boundless black hole, he seemed to have entered a long, narrow and endless passage, and his whole body kept falling downwards.

It wasn't until a certain moment that he reached out his hand and stopped!

In a daze, he looked around.

There were colorful lines everywhere. He tried to reach out and test these extended lines, and then found that they could actually move.

Soon, the lines gradually transformed into bookshelves.

Looking through the bookshelf, he recognized what was over there.

It turned out to be her daughter's room!
Outside the court, Chen Fei held a walkie-talkie and gave the order at the right time: "Camera, give Matthew a close-up of his eyes."

As soon as he finished speaking, the picture on the monitor moved forward and finally settled on Matthew McConaughey's head.

His pupils were filled with shock and disbelief, and every pore on his face seemed to be revealing surprise and astonishment...

"Pay attention to this look." Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at Liu Yifei, and explained to her emphatically: "The excellence of an actor's acting skills is reflected in these subtleties.

You need to carefully observe and study these micro-expressions and micro-movements, and practice more after you return. It is these frowns and smiles that are the focus of your in-depth study..."

Liu Yifei nodded slightly and stared at the monitor without blinking.

In the camera, Matthew slaps the bookshelf hard.

Soon, he successfully photographed a book.

Through the gap, he saw his young daughter.

He shouted loudly, trying to attract his daughter's attention, but unfortunately her daughter couldn't hear or see him.

At this moment, the camera once again gave him a close-up view.

Under the astronaut helmet, his face was full of despair, his lips were trembling slightly, and his eyes were filled with bulging bloodshot eyes and hot tears...

All of this seems to express his sadness and sadness.

From surprise to despair, Liu Yifei was a little shocked by the changes in facial details, and her mouth opened slightly unconsciously.

She has never considered herself an actor. If she had to be classified, she should be regarded as a talented actor.

What he is very good at is not this kind of emotionally delicate scenes, but the kind of scenes that don't require too many changes in facial expressions. It's best to be able to act in his true colors.

"Dragon", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Mulan", "Super Body"... these masterpieces of hers are almost all works in which she starred in her true colors.

Even in "The Embalmer", which helped Chen Fei win the Berlin Film Award, she played a heroine without too many emotional fluctuations.

She really wants to change this situation, but this change cannot be achieved overnight and requires her to spend a lot of energy and time in training.

Fortunately, she met the most noble person in her life.

With Chen Fei's help, she found that her acting skills had improved a lot.

During the filming, whenever there was no role for her, Chen Fei would call her to his side and carefully analyze to her how to perform the next part of the scene, or he would directly use the actors on the scene as examples to explain it to her. , crushed it into pieces and instilled the performance method into my mind.

As long as she's not as stupid as a pig, her acting skills will definitely improve night after night.


This scene was filmed late into the night.

Until the end of the last scene, Chen Feizai looked at the film carefully, and after confirming that there were no problems, he picked up the loudspeaker next to him and shouted loudly:

"Cut! I announce that "Interstellar" is officially finished!"

bang bang bang...

A series of explosions echoed in the studio, raffia flowers were flying in the sky, and warm cheers rang out throughout the studio.

After nearly three months of filming, traveling to four countries, and staying up countless nights, the film finally reached its final moment.

"Remember to come to the celebration party."

Chen Fei's shouts once again triggered a lively carnival at the scene.

Matthew McConaughey took off his spacesuit with the help of his assistant, came to the monitor in person, and watched the performance again.

Chen Fei silently stepped aside.

This kind of situation can often be seen on the crew of "Interstellar". Matthew McConaughey's attitude towards acting is the most serious that Chen Fei has ever seen since he entered the director circle.

Even though this is just a commercial film and does not require particularly high-quality acting skills, he still treats it with 100% enthusiasm.

Sometimes, Chen Fei thinks that a clip can be used, but he will still ask for another one to achieve the best effect.

"This actor was chosen right!"

Chen Fei is extremely satisfied with Matthew McConaughey's serious attitude.

He has collaborated with so many big-name Hollywood actors, starting with Robert Downey Jr., and then to Leonardo, Matt Damon and other top male stars. He has cooperated and communicated with him for a period of time.

But they never do it like Matthew.

Therefore, if there is a suitable script next time, Chen Fei will never give up on such an actor who takes performance very seriously!


The film was finished and the crew was disbanded on the spot.

Some temporary workers chose to go home and find their own mothers, while other permanent workers sorted out and dismantled the equipment and props in the studio, recycling what should be recycled and throwing away what should be thrown away.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Fei.

As a director, he only needs to shoot his own movie well and arrange the subsequent editing and special effects production.

After sending the negatives back to the company and locking them in the vault, Chen Fei returned directly to his mansion in Beverly Hills.

The chef had already prepared a midnight snack for him.

While eating Chinese food, which is rarely seen in Los Angeles, Chen Fei flipped through the hot domestic news.

There's nothing interesting here in Hollywood, and the few movies released in February are half-baked and nothing interesting to watch.

When it comes to all kinds of quarrels and public hype, domestic entertainment is more exciting!

Most of the entertainment news in Los Angeles focuses on various tidbits about female celebrities and male celebrities, as well as who entered the Four Seasons Hotel with whom last night...

In such an open country, it is completely normal to fall in love and buy a house, and there is nothing worthy of attention at all.

If you want to compare, news like "Knife Teaching" is more interesting!
As soon as he logged into the film and television information website, Chen Fei saw the news that the domestic box office of "Avengers" exceeded 12 billion yuan.

He was startled slightly, and something suddenly popped into his mind.

The box office record of "Inception" has been broken!

Sure enough, when he continued to scroll down, he saw the real-time box office information about "The Avengers".

The North American box office was US$7.26 million, the domestic box office was RMB 12.76 billion, and the global total box office was US$18.87 billion.

Comparing it to "Inception" again, the latter surpassed the former by a total of 3400 million US dollars!
And this score has not been finalized yet, because there are still some countries that are screening it.

If we estimate based on the current box office results, if nothing unexpected happens, the total box office of this movie should be fixed at more than 19 billion US dollars!
Chen Fei simply calculated in his mind, and then suddenly discovered that if the total box office results of all his movies since his debut were added up, it would have soared to 80 billion US dollars!
On the other hand, Spielberg's current global box office total is... 87 billion US dollars.

"What the hell? I'm about to catch up with Lao Si!" Chen Fei suddenly became excited.

The current gap between the two is only US$7 million, and when "Interstellar" is released, this gap will definitely be made up.

"Hahaha, I'm about to poke Lao Si in the butt!"

He was instantly excited and subconsciously picked up the phone and was about to call Spielberg to tell him the "good news."

But before he could press the dial button, he reacted instantly.

It's already early in the morning, and calling someone suddenly seems like harassment...

"Forget it, I'll call him again tomorrow and let the old man have a good sleep first."

Chen Fei happily put down his cell phone and set his eyes on the computer again, ready to continue eating and dancing.

The Sword Sword Cult has yet to determine a "winner".

The two groups of people were still fighting each other online, but it was obvious that Yin Xiaotian was at a disadvantage.

At the same time, many voices suddenly appeared on the Internet, strongly urging Yang Zai, the troublemaker, to release more surveillance videos to prove the innocence of both parties.

When Yang Zai, who was still dancing non-stop at first, suddenly stopped moving when faced with these sounds, he seemed to be hanging up his sleeves as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

On the other side, even if Zhang Guoli invited most of the big guys in the Beijing circle to put in good words for his son and beg for forgiveness, he still could not change the outcome.

Block, sentence...

Zhang Mo really enjoyed what is called one-stop service from the official.

Although the crew of "1942" was affected to some extent, it was not a big impact. After all, Zhang Mo's role in this movie was not large.

In order to suppress all previous public opinions, Feng Xiaogang directly launched his ultimate move.

When Zhang Yimou was filming "The Thirteen Hairpins", he invited Hollywood actor Christian Bale, who plays Batman.

But Feng Xiaogang came up with an even more exaggerated move this time!
He directly invited Adrien Brody from "The Pianist" and Tim Robbins from "The Shawshank Redemption."

An Oscar for Best Actor and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

Even though the two of them only played roles with only a few scenes in the movie, they still attracted the attention of the domestic media and film circles.

All previous public opinions about Zhang Mo disappeared without a trace in an instant in front of Hollywood actors.

Zhang Guoli's operation is definitely indispensable here. After all, only by diverting the attention of the media from his son can he proceed with the next operation.

Even if your acting career is completely ruined, you can still go behind the scenes.

Relying on the empire that I have built, my son will never be reduced to going to the streets to beg for food.

At the same time, Zhao Yanzi on the other side officially held a press conference for her graduation drama "To Our Fading Youth" which was three years late.

What is quite interesting is that the launch conference was held on the Nortel campus.

The film school gave her enough face, and teachers from the directing department and acting department came out to support her.

According to media reports, students at the school even participated in maintaining order!
Zhao Yanzi's attitude felt like a "girlfriend" from Nortel.

The lighting department was also very considerate, and Lao Wang didn’t know if he was deceived or if he really had confidence in this movie.

Even though the film's budget was temporarily doubled, it still invested an additional 3000 million without hesitation, becoming the largest producer of this film!
Han Geng, Zhao Youting, Jiang Shuying, Yang Zishan...

Looking at the cast, Chen Fei clicked his tongue and murmured to himself: "Youth movies, fan effect... This wave of leeks and tears seems to be a done deal."

At the same time, Chen Fei also saw the list of freshmen who passed Nortel's final review.

The photo of one of the girls stunned him for a while, so much so that he almost thought Liu Xiaoli was also going to take the new Nortel exam.

After taking a look at the introduction under the photo, he subconsciously blurted out: "Yang Caiyu?"

In an instant, memories rolled through my mind rapidly!
A name suddenly jumped out.

Chen Jingfei!


The next morning, news about the completion of "Interstellar" spread throughout Hollywood and mainland China.

Although Chen Fei did not appear for any interviews, the media did not hesitate to write and spread all kinds of news throughout the world.

"The latest space science fiction blockbuster "Interstellar", which cost US$1.6 million, has officially been completed. Director Chen Fei will continue to charge towards the box office of tens of billions of US dollars!"

"According to statistics, the global box office data currently controlled by Director Chen Fei has reached 80 billion US dollars, ranking No. 2 in the global box office rankings of directors!"

"Director Spielberg's anus tightened..."

"The total global box office performance of "Avengers" has exceeded US$18 billion, officially breaking the box office performance of "Inception"."

"Director Spielberg said that he will not always slack off and must maintain his box office record."

"It is reported that director James Cameron has officially finalized the script of "Avatar 2", and he still firmly holds the global box office record for a single movie."


There are all kinds of hot news on the Internet, but Chen Fei doesn't pay much attention to it.

After discussing with Natasha, Kevin Feige and others, he decided to hold the wrap party of "Interstellar" and the celebration party of "Avengers" together.

"The more people there are, the more lively it will be."

After hearing his words, Natasha suddenly suggested: "How about this, we simply send the invitation letters to DreamWorks Animation, DreamWorks Movies, Lucasfilm and Marvel Entertainment at the same time. How about getting together and having fun together?”

"You can have this!"

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because he was too busy with work last year, he didn't even have time to hold a large-scale annual meeting, so he just took this opportunity to hold it together.

After getting the approval, Natasha immediately got busy.

The preparations for the celebration party will be handled by a professional party company, and she only needs to draw up a list of invitees, and the rest of the work will naturally be handled by professionals.


Time soon came to the evening of the 26th.

Outside the Hilton Hotel, a brand new red carpet was laid from the entrance to the road!

The scene was filled with luxury cars, stars, and dazzling flashlights that had not stopped since the afternoon.

Although Chen Fei did not take the initiative to invite the media to the scene for promotion and filming, how could there be less paparazzi and reporters in a place with celebrities?
Seeing Hollywood celebrities walking on the red carpet one after another, the reporters grinned almost to the top of their ears.

There was even more discussion at the scene!

"Tomorrow is the night of the Oscars, but why do I feel that tonight's Waltons Film Gala Dinner will be more lively than the Oscars?"

"The Oscars are completely outdated. It's the same every year, without any new ideas."

"Oh! This is simply amazing! The stars attending the celebration dinner tonight are almost all the superstars from last year!"

"Look! It's Leonardo and Nicholson, as well as Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr...."

"Fei's handsomeness and ability are no less than those of John Lone and Jackie Chen. In just a few years, he has already assembled the talents of Spielberg, Woody Allen, and Michael Bay. , Alan Taylor, Kathryn Bigquin, Jon Favreau, Anthony Russo, Joe Russo and other luxurious directors and producers, this is simply amazing!”

"Walton Pictures has won Hollywood's annual box office crown for three consecutive years. This company, which was founded only nine years ago and was once on the verge of bankruptcy, has successfully surpassed the top seven Hollywood companies in terms of profit!"

"The 'chief content executive' did all this!"

"Are you talking about Fei? Oh! There is no doubt! His creative talent has surpassed all screenwriters and writers in Hollywood and even around the world!"

As night fell, a grand celebration dinner was successfully held in the Hilton Hotel.

Outside the hotel, Harvey Weinstein, who had been busy all day, drove a Cadillac slowly past.

He lowered the window and listened to the cheers ringing in the hotel. He recalled the scenes of being defeated by Chen Fei many times in his mind, and felt an unknown fire boiling in his heart.

"Damn Chinese boy! I will definitely defeat you! Let you also taste the taste of failure!"

Just as he was saying harsh words to himself, the screen of his mobile phone placed on the passenger seat suddenly lit up.

He lowered his eyes and saw a message from his younger brother Ben Affleck.

The content is very short, only eight words:
"Escape from Tehran is finished!"

The moment he saw these words, Harvey's eyes suddenly lit up.

He has high hopes for this movie and is already preparing to use it to compete for Oscars.

At the upcoming 84th Academy Awards, he accidentally lost to Chen Fei when campaigning for Best Actress. At next year's 85th Academy Awards, he vowed to win with an absolute advantage. field!
Harvey Weinstein’s name must ring in the Oscars next year!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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