It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 515: Challenge? This world is so crazy!

Chapter 515: Challenge? This world is so crazy!
Los Angeles, in a three-star hotel.

After another day of shooting, Yang Mi returned to the hotel. After washing, she turned on the TV and tuned to the ABC channel.

The red carpet live broadcast of Oscar night has begun.

Zeng Jia opened the door and walked in, holding the late-night snack she specially asked for from the restaurant.

Yang Mi took a bag of milk, bit the mouth of the bag and said, "Just in time, the red carpet has started."


Zeng Jia showed little interest in this, and Yang Mi was not on the red carpet. They were not even qualified to attend.

Suddenly, a burst of warm cheers came from the TV, followed by a uniform roar.

"Red Bull! cheers!"

The two of them turned their heads together, and then saw Chen Fei holding a can of Red Bull on live TV, toasting and drinking with the fans who supported him.

Beside him, Liu Yifei, wearing a white tube top evening gown, smiled like a flower.

Yang Mi looked deeply at Liu Yifei, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes, but she quickly retreated: "Red Bull gave him hundreds of millions of dollars in endorsement fees. This is probably second to none in the world, right?"

"Well, he's the tallest so far."

Zeng Jia nodded in agreement, watching Chen Fei and Liu Yifei quickly walk into the Kodak Theater on the TV, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

If the person standing next to him is Yang Mi, then she, as an agent, can naturally follow the "rooster and dog to the sky", or even fly up a branch and become a phoenix!

Unfortunately, this is all just a dream.

In front of the Kodak Theater.

After arriving at the media area and briefly accepting interviews with several mainstream media, Chen Fei left quickly.

Speaking of "high-profile", he has already been in the limelight a lot recently, so there is no need to show off here again.

When he entered the hall, he immediately saw the two "conspicuous people" standing at the door.

Li Bingbin, Zhang Ziyi!
The former is following Paul Anderson, the director of "Resident Evil 5", holding each other's arm affectionately.

Although the latter was alone, many people greeted her when she passed by. After all, she still holds an Oscar vote.

"Director Chen, Yifei, you are here."

Zhang Ziyi reacted very quickly. When she saw the two people approaching, she walked over quickly to greet them.

"Director Chen, congratulations on the nomination. I hope you can win another Oscar for Best Picture tonight."

"The results haven't been announced yet, anything is possible..." Chen Fei shrugged, not paying much attention to this.

When it was operating before, Walton Pictures did not operate Best Director and Best Picture at all, because these two awards have never been their goals.

Chen Fei didn't care too much. After all, "Silver Linings Playbook" was not directed by him, he was just a producer in name.

If he wants to win an award, he can make a feature film by himself and then compete for this Oscar.

"Yifei, you are so beautifully dressed tonight. It's good to be young. Unlike us, we are all old..."

Zhang Ziyi once again set her sights on Liu Yifei and started praising her.

She is actually a very smart person, otherwise she would not have gotten into Oscars. Unfortunately, there are too many people holding her back, trying to prevent her from flying!

"You guys chat, I'll go over there."

Chen Fei left first without thinking about himself. He didn't really want to participate in the women's communication. Thinking about the various language exchanges, he felt like he had a headache.

When he came to the crew of "Dark Clouds", he first bumped fists with the winners of awards such as Best Editing and Best Sound Effects, and then sat next to Woody Allen.

"Didn't you drink too much last night?"

The old man also participated in last night's party. When Chen Fei last saw him, he seemed to see him lying under a certain table.

"It's okay." Shaking his somewhat heavy head, Woody Allen muttered: "I hope I don't fall on the podium when I receive the award later."


Chen Fei smiled for a while, then turned to look at his "eldest cousin" Jennifer Lawrence: "Have you thought about your acceptance speech?"


Lawrence was obviously confused by these words.

I don’t know if I can get the award yet, so why do I start studying the fun of winning?

"I wish you success."

Chen Fei gave her a mysterious smile, then stood up and walked to the front row.

Tonight his seat is in the front row.

Sitting down on the seat with his name on it, he glanced sideways at Leonardo next to him and couldn't help but smile: "Leon, aren't you going to win the prize this year?"

Xiao Lizi rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

This guy poked himself in a sore spot again!
Jack Nicholson, who was sitting in the back row, slapped his thigh and laughed loudly: "Does he want to win the award? Let's wait another ten years."

"I think so too."

Chen Fei nodded in approval, stretched out his fist and bumped lightly with Nicholson, laughing loudly.

Xiao Lizi on the side clenched his fists, almost ready to hit someone.

"Shut up you two idiots!"

He roared and waved towards Matt Damon again, wanting to change seats with him.

Not far away in the third row, Harvey Weinstein cast a concerned look at him. If the coldness in his eyes could kill, Chen Fei would probably have been chopped into pieces by now.

Quentin and Ben Affleck sat beside him on the left and right like two generals, and followed his gaze to look at Chen Fei.

"He is strong!"

"It's a difficult opponent to deal with."

Both of them are directors, and they are truly envious of Chen Fei's achievements.

Three European gold medals, two Oscars for Best Director, it’s simply terrifying!
"So what?" Harvey shouted in a low voice: "Only by defeating him can we show how powerful Weinstein is!"

Before the two people beside him could say anything, the music suddenly started playing.

Host Billy Crystal took the stage and announced that tonight's Oscar awards (cake sharing) night has officially begun.

The awards process was the same as last year. This Oscar looked like an elderly man, having to go to the toilet every few minutes, dripping and peeing, and peeing too much!
It was not until Angelina Jolie, who had served as the heroine of "Tomb Raider", came on stage that Chen Fei became slightly more interested.

She will present Best Original Screenplay and Best Adapted Screenplay.

"The winner of the Best Adapted Screenplay Award at the 84th Academy Awards is Woody Allen's "Silver Linings Playbook"!"

The applause resounded like thunder. Chen Fei turned his head and looked behind him, and saw the old man shaking his head on stage.

"Alas, at the age of 77, my body is indeed in bad shape. I can hardly get into bed or with women..."

This sentence triggered a roar of laughter at the scene. Many actresses even laughed more happily than the actors, not knowing who was the wolf and who was the tiger.

After more than 40 seconds of speech, the old man walked off the podium with the support of the host.

The awards continue.

Best Makeup, Costume Design, Editing, Visual Effects...

Halfway through the awards ceremony, Chen Fei walked around to the backstage at the reminder of the staff.

He was also one of the award presenters tonight.

Offstage, after the award for Best Supporting Actor was over, Jennifer Lawrence became inexplicably nervous.

Next is the Best Actress award. For this award, she has attended all kinds of parties and almost vomited. She doesn't know if she can win a statuette.

"I hope God can bless me..."

She murmured softly, controlled her praying movements, and just prayed silently in her heart.

However, just when she was extremely nervous, she suddenly saw the awards presenter coming out from backstage.

It's Chen Fei!
With his identity and status at the Oscars, it was more than enough for him to be the presenter for Best Director and Best Picture, but instead he came to present the Best Actress award.

The answer is self-evident!

Chen Fei didn't say much, he just opened the envelope calmly, then turned to look at the five nominees on the big screen:
"A new Oscar winner for acting will be born soon. The nominees for Best Actress include Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Glenn Close..." After introducing the five winners one by one After receiving the specific information about the nominee, he took out the card from the envelope and whispered into the microphone in front of him: "Congratulations, the winner is: Jennifer Lawrence's "Silver Linings Playbook"."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into extremely warm applause!

Chen Fei raised his eyes and looked at the audience, and saw Jennifer Lawrence jumping up from her seat, her face full of disbelief.

She was like a lark, holding up her skirt and running quickly towards the stage.

Chen Fei handed her the heavy Oscar statuette that he had already prepared, then took a step to the side and gave the entire award podium to her.

"Thank you, thank you very much Fei for helping me. It was him... he helped me get this Oscar. Without his support, I would never have been able to get to where I am today..."

While Jennifer Lawrence was giving her acceptance speech, Chen Fei turned his head and looked down the stage.

Harvey Weinstein was staring at him with a pair of bull's eyes, looking at him fiercely, as if his favorite cake had been taken away by someone else.

Chen Fei responded with a bright smile!
To him, the enemy's anger is like drinking a glass of iced Coke in the dog days of summer. It's so satisfying!

At this moment, there were many actors and actresses in the audience looking at Chen Fei with such intense eyes!
Before that, many people thought Harvey would be one of the winners tonight, but what was never expected was that in the end he became a clown.

The Weinstein Films lost their PR to Walt Disney Pictures!
What this means is self-evident.

Compared to that damn fat man, Chen Fei standing on the stage looks more handsome, and he also takes into account the characteristics of being young, wealthy, and talented.

This is simply the best "friend" in the eyes of all female stars in Hollywood!


The subsequent award results for Best Actor, Best Director and Best Picture did not surprise everyone.

The mime "The Artist" became the biggest winner tonight.

The average age of Oscar judges is as high as 62 years old. Among them, less than 40% of the judges are under 2 years old, and 60% are over 54 years old.

The academy has a total of 5783 judges, including 3122 judges over the age of 60.

94% of the Academy's judges are white and 77% are male. From this, it can be seen that the taste of Oscar is basically the taste of an old white man.

If you use this taste to analyze the 84th awards, you will be surprised to find that this old white man's taste is really stable.

Strictly speaking, "The Artist" is actually a speculative movie that caters to the psychology of old white men in many aspects.

For the old white man, the silent film era is actually not that far away from them. It is easy to have a sense of closeness psychologically, and it is also easy to have a psychological feeling: "When my grandfather and I were fighting in the country, you didn't know that we were fighting in the country." Where is it?” the self-satisfied mentality.

These are the "rules" of the Oscars!
First, use the video to cater to the taste and style of old white men, coupled with strong public relations strength and financial support, you can naturally win awards easily.

The awards night was over and all the guests headed to the party.

Tonight is a time for carnival for many people, and there is nothing more exciting than riding on the bed with the excitement of winning a prize.

Not long after entering the party, Chen Fei saw many people leaving in pairs.

Without any surprise, there were many shining golden room cards in his pocket, which were warm invitations from Hollywood actresses who were twisting their graceful figures.

It's a pity that the final destination of these key cards will only be the trash can.

Without the latest physical examination report, Chen Fei would not rush into action.

Even his regular kidney friends would bring with them a copy of the latest medical examination report every time they came to see him.

TT is not omnipotent. If a small hole is pierced by some malicious person, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

“The people here are so welcoming.”

Seeing Chen Fei break the room cards one after another and throw them into the trash can, Liu Yifei sighed unconsciously.

Chen Fei shrugged: "It's normal, because what they pursue is freedom and openness."

"then you……"

Liu Yifei seemed to want to say something more, but before she could finish speaking, a thick voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Yellow, congratulations on your great victory tonight."

Hearing this obviously discriminatory name, Chen Fei threw the last room card into the trash can and slowly turned around.

Standing in front of him was the tall and powerful Harvey Weinstein, as well as his second-in-command Quentin Tarantino and Ben Affleck.

Chen Fei suddenly smiled: "Good evening, loser, is there anything I can do for you?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the red wine bottle placed on the table beside him, and his eyes unconsciously fell behind Harvey...

Slip this bottle into him and it will definitely be on the front page of tomorrow's New York Daily News!
Harvey subconsciously took a half step back and turned his butt towards Quentin.

My little brother only likes feet and won't stare at his butt like Chen Fei.

But soon, he realized that his half-step back was a bit slow, so the next second he raised his neck and shouted: "Yellow boy, if you have the ability, let's compete again at the next Oscar. Do you dare?"

This is at……

Chen Fei suddenly became happy: "I hope you won't lose and call mom for a hug."

"Ha! I'm waiting for you!"

Harvey said one last harsh word, and then left quickly with his two younger brothers.

At this time, Nicholson suddenly came over leisurely and reminded with an expression that he was watching a good show: "The new movie "Escape from Tehran" directed by Ben Affleck has been confirmed to compete for the next Oscar.

This is a biographical drama film that tells the story of a CIA agent who disguised himself as a filmmaker and successfully rescued six Americans during the Iranian Revolution.

Fei, I have to remind you, this story is a natural fit for an Oscar. "

"Jack, thank you for the reminder." Chen Fei chuckled at him.

"If there's anything you need my help with, just ask. I owe you a favor."

"Ok, I will definitely not forget it."

Watching him turn around and leave, Liu Yifei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked in a low voice: "I heard that Nicholson has been idle in the past few years, looking for fun everywhere. How can he owe you a favor?"

Hearing this, Chen Fei turned slightly and raised his hand to point to Jennifer Lawrence, who was holding an Oscar statuette and taking a photo with others not far away.

"The two are in a romantic relationship. A large part of the reason why Lawrence won the award is that Nicholson worked hard among the white male community and persuaded many people to vote for his little girlfriend."


Liu Yifei's eyes widened instantly, she covered her mouth with shock on her face!

A 75-year-old man and a 22-year-old girl.

They are actually lovers!
This world is so crazy!

If falling in love between two people with a huge age gap is a crazy act that goes against the world, then the act of "inserting a knife" is clearly an act full of intrigues.

After returning to the villa from the party, Chen Fei saw the end of the incident.

When he suffered a huge negative impact, Yin Xiaotian finally chose the best solution.

"Report the crime!"

When one party makes serious moves, events often come to light very quickly.

When the officials went to the crew to investigate, the answer they gave was that they did not have surveillance video in hand because the video was taken away immediately.

And the person who took it away turned out to be Yang!
Under pressure from all parties, he had no choice but to make all the videos public.

After watching the entire surveillance video, everyone suddenly discovered that the "victim" was completely wronged!
Surveillance video recorded the entire process.

The woman was the first to curse, and the man couldn't help but retorted a few words, and when the other party stopped her from leaving, he lightly pushed her shoulder.

This is the whole process of the whole incident.

Who is lying? Who are the victims? It’s clear below the surveillance video!
After the video was released, it became a sensation all over the Internet for a while!

Public opinion began to swarm in favor of the celebrities who had previously sworn that their men had beaten them, and all kinds of ridiculing voices were all over the Internet!
"Oh, this has really opened my eyes. I have confused right and wrong, and confused right and wrong. Will you die?"

"Didn't you dance happily these past two days? Where is the so-called evidence you say? Show it to us?"

"You have evidence in your hand, but you hold on to it and deliberately cause trouble. How cheap!"

"Liangzi and his wife? Why are you two silent? Are you going to continue to help?"

"Ha! I'm really convinced. Now I go to the roll call one after another, Du, Li, Yang, Xue, Dong, Bai... Come on, you continue to scold! Don't you keep saying there is evidence? Come out with your so-called Here comes the evidence!”


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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