It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 517 The conflict between Zhao Zhen intensifies! Yongsheng makes a comeback? The opportunity

Chapter 517 The conflict between Zhao Zhen intensifies! Yongsheng makes a comeback? The opportunity to eradicate the roots has finally come!

Time advances…

Just as Chen Fei's training has temporarily come to an end, there are new twists and turns in the incident involving Zhao Wenzhuo and the "Special Identity" crew.

Donnie Yen categorically responded to the script revision: "In view of the fact that Zhao Wenzhuo and Zhang Hanyu have joined, I think we can take advantage of this.

Moreover, the revised script only added some more action tricks based on the original work, and there were no general changes. All of this was for the effect of the film.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhao Wenzhuo would immediately stop performing because of such a minor change!
As an actor, I don’t think about the crew or the movie at all. I would like to ask, is this behavior consistent with the professional ethics of an actor? Are you worthy of the high salary and treatment? "

This wave of responses can be said to be the ultimate use of Spring and Autumn brushwork!

Don't talk about the contract, just talk about the effect, superb skills!

"Fei, Red Bull said that they will announce the latest challenge project in the near future to warm up before the official broadcast. This is also the request of the fans..."

"Well, that's fine. You guys can do whatever you want. I will fully cooperate with you in whatever you need me to do."

Chen Fei didn't mind this too much. After receiving such a high endorsement fee, he must do something.


Huo Qigang's chronicity seems to be born, which is clearly reflected in the film project establishment and preparation.

Chen Fei had already given him the scripts for "Anti-Drug" and "Equator" last year, but it was not until March this year that he finally launched these two projects.

On the phone, he briefly reported: "The casting is almost over. "Anti-Drug" has used old friend Chen Musheng as the director, and Louis Koo, Liu Qingyun, and Zhang Jiahui will play the three leading roles.

"Equator" used Lu Jianqing as the director, starring Zhang Jiahui and Wang Xueqi, and Zhang Xueyou joined..."

"The lineup is pretty good. When are you going to start filming?"

"In early April, the two movies will be shot together."

"Okay, haha, you finally got the upper hand this time, and you actually dared to challenge two projects at the same time."

"Tch, I've dared it before, okay? It's just for the quality of the film, so I pay more attention to the details, so the shooting progress is a little slower..."

The two chatted for a long time, and finally the topic unconsciously fell on the incident between Zhao Wenzhuo and Zhen Zixuan.

"Donnie Yen was fine before he became famous, but in recent years with the popularity of the "Ip Man" series, he has gained a vague reputation as a drama star in Hong Kong circles."


In this circle, drama bully is not a good word, because it often means unreasonable, self-centered and many other behaviors that are disliked by others.

"The Hong Kong media is playing a biased role." Huo Qigang knew everything and said it all: "According to the news I know, not only Zhao Wenzhuo, but also Zhang Hanyu's scenes have been deleted.

It's just that the former is more honest, and martial arts practitioners have a big temper, and can explode at the slightest moment, while the latter should have endured it. "

"It's just such a small matter, and it's not too troublesome to go back and forth over and over again..."

Chen Fei complained a few words, and after ending the call with Huo Qigang, he simply logged into his trumpet and posted a post.

"Aren't you two martial arts practitioners? Otherwise, we can just use the rules in the martial arts world. Let's set up a ring and fight. Whoever wins will listen to whoever wins."

After this post was posted, it immediately attracted a lot of praise from people!

There was a response from below:

"It makes sense! All action actors have real skills, so we can just fight."

"I run a martial arts gym. I can sponsor the arena. You don't need to spend a penny. You can just go on stage and start fighting."

"Which one of these two is more powerful? I feel like both of them are quite capable of fighting?"

"I don't know! Why are these two people silent? Come out and try!"


There was a lot of noise online. Mainland media and Hong Kong media were quarreling with each other. Both sides felt that they were starting to get sidetracked.

At the same time, when Donnie Yen responded to the script change, Zhao Wenzhuo immediately responded:
"This kind of superfluous explanation is useless. By virtue of your status as a producer and martial arts instructor, you have run rampant on the crew, formed cliques, drastically cut scenes, and wantonly bullied mainland actors including me. This should not be done. False?"

As soon as these words came out, Donnie Yen immediately launched a fierce counterattack: "Actually, I was against inviting you at first, and many people in the circle said that your character is extremely poor.

But I finally decided to give you a chance. I never expected that you would be so unprofessional. After this incident, I dare to say that no director will continue to film with you..."

This response feels a bit like firing a map cannon.

Within half an hour, Liang Bojian, the director of the "Wu-Tang" cast and crew, who had just finished filming, became the first person to stand up and support:
"First of all, I want to explain, what exactly happened on the set of "Special Identity"? I personally don't know, but I have a certain say in Zhao Wenzhuo's professional ethics and professionalism.

During the filming of the movie "Wudang", Mr. Zhao Wenzhuo was very professional, got along well with other actors in the crew, and was highly cooperative. He often helped others complete action scenes. His acting spirit is worthy of praise! "

As soon as this response came out, it immediately triggered a series of chain reactions.

The incident expanded instantly, and just like the previous "Knife Sect", many actors and celebrities began to come forward to take sides.

Zhao Wenzhuo was a very loyal person, and he immediately said: "Thank you, Director Liang, for your support and trust in me. Regarding Donnie Yen's smear campaign, I can confront him face to face!

I have the crew’s daily announcements, start and end times, the original and final drafts of the script, and the photographer’s shooting schedule.

We can confirm whether there is a boycott in person, and we can even file a lawsuit!
Which party breached the contract first, the facts will naturally be determined!

Others may be afraid of you and worry about being blocked, but I will not be afraid. Even if I am blocked, I will fight for the truth to come to light! "

Perhaps because he was caught off guard by Zhao Wenzhuo's completely shameless declaration, Zhen Zizhen didn't make any response for a while.

Seeing that there was no more fun for the time being, Chen Fei briefly looked away and followed the Red Bull team towards the Mariana Trench.

After nearly two days, everyone finally arrived at the location located in the northwest Pacific Ocean, the northeast corner of the Philippine Islands, and the east side of the Mariana Islands.

This is where the Mariana Trench is located.

As the deepest trench in the world, the Mariana Trench extends for about 2550 kilometers, with an average width of 69 kilometers, and most of the water depth is more than 8000 meters.

Its deepest point is in the Fitchas Abyss, with a depth of 11034m.

Its total volume is about 7 times as deep as Lake Baikal (the deepest lake on earth). If the world's highest Mount Everest plus Mount Tai were placed in the trench, they would not even be able to surface!
Looking at the calm sea in the distance, Flory seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said:

"Just last year, the famous Hollywood director James Cameron took the "Deep Sea Challenger" submersible alone and dived nearly 11 kilometers to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. He became the first person to dive to the "deepest" single-handedly. one person!"

Chen Fei smiled slightly: "Cameron is indeed a challenging director."

Flory's eyes suddenly became complicated: "Fei, compared to you, he is so far behind!"

"Haha, I'm the spokesperson for Red Bull Extreme Sports."

Chen Fei didn't say much. After all, he couldn't announce to the public that he was a cheater.

He quickly changed the subject: "Where is our equipment? What is the next training plan? Starting to adapt to the water pressure?"

"Yes." Flory nodded first, and then added: "As you requested, we did not prepare oxygen auxiliary equipment for you, only a wetsuit and flippers."

"Ok, that's enough."

Fade Chen turned and walked towards the camp.

After getting the equipment specially tailored for him, he followed the professional diving instructor arranged for him by Red Bull and began to go to some deeper waters to prepare and adapt before deep-sea diving.

Chen Fei attached great importance to this task.

This is an "SS" level mission, and he is already looking forward to the reward after completing the mission.

While he was training, Red Bull had already begun pre-broadcast promotional activities.

Contents about Chen Fei's latest extreme sports challenge have appeared on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, HULU, Netflix and other platforms. For a time, Red Bull fans from all over the United States became excited.

This kind of publicity quickly expanded to all parts of the world, and once aroused pursuit and heated discussion among netizens and fans.

Naturally, the domestic media has also received the news, but currently everyone is paying more attention to Zhao Wenzhuo and Donnie Yen.

Different from the small fights that were made by inserting swords and teachings before, the ones who ended up this time were all the top celebrities and directors in the industry!
After director Liang Bojian spoke out, Shu Qi became the first artist in the industry to identify a team.

She is a Hong Kong artist, so naturally she is in Zhen Zixuan's lineup.

She posted a thousand-word essay on her Weibo.

"The Ziyi I know is an extremely dedicated, serious actor, and very friendly to his colleagues... He has made a lot of efforts and sacrifices for the movie. I think this matter will not be his problem. …”

After this essay was published, it immediately attracted a large number of support from Hong Kong and Taiwan artists.

The celebrities and actors in the Mainland did not react belatedly until the other party launched a fierce offensive.

As this matter has developed, it seems that it is not just a "private matter" within the crew of "Special Identity"!

The Hong Kong media has come out in full force, and more than 90% of the artists in Hong Kong and Taiwan have expressed their support for Donnie Yen indiscriminately.

Except for top Hong Kong artists such as Andy Lau, Zhang Jiahui, and Liang Jiahui, all other Hong Kong and Taiwan artists have already entered the venue.

For a time, Weibo was filled with all kinds of slander against Zhao Wenzhuo.

Playing a big role, going on strike, not cooperating with the crew, having extremely bad character, and having low moral quality...

Seeing the huge momentum on Donnie Yen's side, some melon-eating netizens took it for granted that it was Zhao Wenzhuo's problem, so they also turned their guns and aimed at him.

But there are still some people who see it very clearly.

The problem pointed out by Zhao Wenzhuo has always been that the other party broke the contract, modified the scenes without his consent and permission, and arbitrarily deleted his highlight scenes in the play.

However, the responses from the crew and Donnie Yen were completely inconsistent!

They did not directly respond to the direct reasons for modifying the scene. Instead, they began to attack Zhao Wenzhuo's morality and literacy in response to the various unreasonable demands he made on the crew.

But after Zhao Wenzhuo announced the details of the contract, many people discovered that the accommodation conditions and assistant expenses had actually been written into the contract early on.

If the crew did not agree with the conditions proposed by Zhao Wenzhuo at first, the worst they could do was not use him from the beginning.

But now that the movie has been filming for more than a month, the main actor was suddenly fired on the spot, and the cost of accommodation was cited as the reason, and he was abruptly labeled as a "big star".

This is somewhat unreasonable!
Many people in the industry have already reacted. This situation seems familiar!
"Is there going to be another war?"

For a time, the circle completely exploded.

Mainland actors also started to leave the show to support Zhao Wenzhuo.

First of all, Mainland director Tan Bin, the screenwriter of the original "Ultimate Decoding" script, spoke out:
"The actors and directors in Xiangjiang are really bullying people. They not only robbed me of my script ideas and monopolized film projects, but also called on other colleagues in Xiangjiang to bully mainland actors. It is extremely shameless!"

Subsequently, led by the actors from the "Wu-Tang" cast, some second-tier actors from the mainland also began to leave the stage to support Zhao Wenzhuo.

What surprised Chen Fei, who was far away in the Mariana Islands, was that among the cast supporting Zhao Wenzhuo in the mainland, the only important one was Yang Mi, who had just been promoted to the ranks of first-line actors!
In addition, some Xiangjiang artists and practitioners in the Xiangjiang martial arts instruction industry have also switched to Zhao Wenzhuo.

However, among this group of people, the biggest one is only Hong Jingbao.

This man, who is in the same position as Chen Long and is also a big brother in the ranks of Chinese film martial arts instructors, said bluntly on Weibo:
"Some people are so stupid that they don't understand the rules of the industry!"

Unfortunately, even with the support of such a heavyweight, Zhao Wenzhuo still fell behind.

Because in comparison, Donnie Yen's lineup is too strong!

Shu Qi, Wang Jing, Chen Kexin, Wu Junru, Wu Yu, Li Ming, Huang Qiusheng, Du Wenze, Yang Qianhua...

What surprised Chen Fei was that most of them were from Yongsheng and Huaxia Xing, and even Xiang Huasheng expressed his support for Zhen Zizhen.

Seeing this, Chen Fei frowned.

When he called Yang Shoucheng to ask about the specific situation, he got an answer that made him very unhappy.

"Just like Hong Jingbao said, he seems to have become so popular in the past two years that he has lost his mind. He actually wants the artists from the Emperor's side to fully support him..."

In fact, since last year, Zhen Zixuan and Emperor Entertainment Group have had many conflicts.

The two films "Guan Yunchang" and "Martial Arts" failed one after another, which had a lot of impact on Donnie Yen.

In order to restore his reputation, he has approached Yang Shoucheng many times, hoping to put the already completed "Ip Man 3" on the film market and regain his blood.

However, this request was ruthlessly rejected by the Emperor on the grounds that his current state is likely to affect the movie box office.

Donnie Yen was naturally unhappy when his goal was not achieved, and he repeatedly refused the promotional activities arranged for him by the Emperor.

The atmosphere between the two sides was very tense for a time.

It wasn't until "Ip Man 3" was finalized this year that the two sides finally eased up.

However, Chen Fei didn't particularly care about these, and directly asked the question he wanted to know most right now: "What's going on between Yong Sheng and Zhen Zizhen?"

A few years ago, all of Yongsheng's film projects in the mainland were driven out by Chen Fei, together with China Film, Shanghai Film, Xinying Film, Ningbo Film and other companies.

Even in Xiangjiang, he joined forces with Emperor, Media Asia, and Golden Harvest to suppress the projects of Yongsheng and Huaxia Star.

In the end, the two Xiang brothers chose to turn to Neon directly, and this settled the matter.

But why is there an inexplicable resurgence trend now?
On the other end of the phone, Yang Shoucheng said solemnly: "I only heard recently that Yongsheng is contacting mainland film and television companies and theater platforms such as Bona, Chengtian, and Huayi. It seems that they want to invest the company's future key projects in the mainland again. .

As for Donnie Yen, perhaps because of problems with his cooperation with the Emperor, he switched to Yong Sheng. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly became happy.

The old enemy has made a comeback again, and with the last remaining strength, he wants to fight a beautiful comeback!
"This is... so interesting!"

A long time ago, Chen Fei didn't have the ability to completely crush them.

And when he was really capable, the opponent had already gone to Neon's side, and he had no chance to "eliminate the roots."

But now, the remaining roots have grown new branches again, and they are trying to make a comeback.

Don't they know that the skinny dragon-slaying warrior in the past is now terrifyingly strong?
If you can kill the evil dragon once, you can naturally kill the evil dragon twice.

But this time, what he wants to do is... to eradicate the root cause!
Of course, before that, we have to lure the snake out of the hole, and we can't leave them any chance to continue to recuperate.

Chen Fei directly called Bruce, who was still in Neon Country, and issued preliminary arrangements: "There is a task for you.

I want you to use the influence of Volton Pictures and Tsuburaya Co., Ltd. to join forces with the five film companies: Shochiku Co., Ltd., Nikkatsu Co., Ltd., Toei Co., Ltd., Kadokawa Pictures Co., Ltd., and Toho Co., Ltd. to help me do it. one thing……"

More than half an hour later, Chen Fei hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

It won't take long for the back road to be successfully cut off, and then it's time to "boil the frog in warm water".

However, when he logged on to Weibo to continue eating melons, he saw a new kind of fun!
Jing Tian, ​​a silly girl, actually made a statement on this matter as the heroine of the "Special Identity" movie and an artist contracted by the investor.

"I fully understand the grievances that Brother Zhuo and Sister Lulu told me. Facts are facts. Let the rumors be disproven!"

Although her Weibo was deleted shortly after it was posted, many people still took screenshots and saved it.

"This girl has no sense at all. Will she cause trouble to her own film project?"

Chen Fei couldn't help laughing.


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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