It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 518 What is a "Hack"? I'm using a hack!

Chapter 518 What is a "Hack"? I'm using a hack!
Xiangjiang, the starry office.

Lu Zheng looked at Jing Tian, ​​who was silently lowering his head and saying nothing, and felt a headache.

"You are the heroine! You are one of the beneficiaries! How can you post such a Weibo? You know, the outside world is targeting the crew as well as you!"

Across from him, Jing Tian secretly glanced at Lu Zheng's expression. After making sure that the other person was not that angry, he muttered in a low voice:
"But...but before Zhen Zizhen did these things, he never said hello to me or you at all. He seems to be doing it for my own good, but I will also be affected by it. Silence is not the best response. Way……"

Ouch? !
After hearing these words, the dissatisfaction in Lu Zheng's heart instantly dissipated completely.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly looked at Jing Tian in surprise, as if looking at a stranger: "Did you think of all this?"

Lu Zheng came to Xiangjiang this time to solve the problem about Jing Tian.

Regarding the conflict between Donnie Yen and Zhao Wenzhuo, he didn't want to care about it and couldn't care about it.

He has only two goals and requirements now. One is to finish filming the movie, and the other is not to let Jing Tian be affected in any way by this incident.

Donnie Yen had promised him yesterday that he would never involve Jing Tian.

But after that, he vaguely felt that Jing Tian must be brought along with him in this matter.

After all, she is the heroine, and after Zhao Wenzhuo left, part of the role was added to her.

All the beneficiaries of this incident actually benefited from Zhao Wenzhuo.

They will never give up!

But Jing Tian’s Weibo post was just right.

She chose to support Zhao Wenzhuo. Although it was deleted within a few minutes of posting, the meaning had already been conveyed.

Even if Zhao Wenzhuo is held responsible in the future, Jing Tian will definitely not be brought in!
As for "Special Identity", it will be easier to handle. Starlight is the full investor in this movie. Who dares to have an opinion against the investors?
Jing Tian seemed to have stupidly posted an inappropriate Weibo, but he successfully pulled himself out of this terrible vortex!

Mainland, Xiangjiang...

This time is much more serious than the "Knife Sect" incident!
Being able to escape smoothly in advance is definitely a very smart approach.

"Why did this girl suddenly grow up? Become smarter? Become enlightened?"

The more Lu Zheng thought about it, the brighter the light in his eyes became!

His training over the past few years is not in vain!

It’s finally time to hand in business!
But the next second, Jing Tian suddenly changed the subject: "No, how can I have that ability? I called Director Chen, and he suggested that I do this, saying that it would allow me to escape from this place as quickly as possible. A public opinion incident.”

Lu Zheng: "..."

Sure enough, it was not that the silly girl grew up, but that the silly girl asked for help.

"Okay, Director Chen's suggestion is indeed very good. I will thank him later. What you have to do now is to completely withdraw from this matter and no longer respond to this matter. Do you understand?"

Jing Tian nodded quickly and said, "Yeah, I understand!"

Lu Zheng waved his hand: "If you're tired, just take a two-day rest. Anyway, the crew won't have a role for you for the time being. Just be careful not to be blocked by the media when you go out."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Lu for your concern!"

Jing Tian responded and suddenly thought of the Red Bull promotion content he saw online yesterday.

Chen Fei and Red Bull are launching a new challenge project tomorrow.

She just had enough time to stay in her room all day and watch the broadcast.


Two days before the challenge started, Chen Fei had turned off his mobile phone and computer.

He planned to save up the melons from the mainland for a few days before looking at them, and then eat them all at once.

On the morning of the 13th, he appeared at the port of the Mariana Islands on time, preparing to go to the starting point of the mission.

Before setting off, he took another look at the system's mission requirements.

[Challenge mission: (Go to the Mariana Trench, dive as deep as possible without wearing any oxygen equipment, and successfully swim from the Eurasian Plate to the Pacific Plate), difficulty level 9 stars, complete the mission to get SS Level reward blind box. 】

A simple summary is that he must first reach the Eurasian plate area and then conduct a deep dive.

After arriving at a certain location, dive forward towards the Pacific Plate to complete the "crossing of the Mariana Trench".

As the world's deepest trench, the Mariana Trench has an average width of 69 kilometers.

In other words, Chen Fei needs to swim across the 69 kilometers of sea!
The formation of the Mariana Trench was formed by the long-term continuous compression and collision of the two largest plates on the earth, the "Eurasian Plate" and the "Pacific Plate".

The Pacific Plate subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate, then continued to sink, forming a trench where the collision occurred.


Red Bull has prepared everything for him, including ships heading to the "Eurasian Plate" (the starting point).

Chen Fei didn't know anything about the terrain structure at all.

He actually didn't know which area of ​​the Mariana Trench belonged to the Eurasian plate and which area belonged to the Pacific plate.

But there is no need for him to understand these, because Red Bull has already arranged everything for him, including the road map.

The boat will take him to the "starting point" and indicate the "end point" for him, and all he needs to do is conquer these 69 kilometers!

After glancing at the Red Bull staff who were inspecting the ship, Chen Fei turned to look at Flory and asked, "How are you going to arrange this broadcast?"

The situation under the sea is complex and changeable, and most cameras are certainly unable to dive into the deep sea, so broadcasting will inevitably be a problem.

Flory smiled slightly and said confidently: "We have prepared many deep submersibles, and professional operators will accompany you into the sea. They will be responsible for broadcasting while ensuring your safety and pointing the direction for you."


Chen Fei secretly sighed, as expected of Red Bull, its professionalism in "sponsoring" extreme sports is not comparable to that of Mozhao.

After the exchange, Chen Fei walked towards the ship, ready to set off!
But just as he was approaching the port, a group of people wearing Red Bull logo jackets suddenly ran over not far away, yelling and yelling at him crazily!
"What the hell? The zombies are coming?"

Chen Fei was almost ready to take out his dick.

In order to deal with possible crises in the sea, he has some ruthless elements on his body.

But he soon realized that these people seemed to be his... fans?
When the crowd rushed closer, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

These are really his fans, and there are even some reporters carrying cameras among them.


Chen Fei raised his hand and greeted everyone.

A reporter carrying a camera quickly asked: "Fei? Are you leaving now?"

Chen Fei nodded slightly: "Yes, the ship is ready, I'm leaving now."

"You must pay attention to safety!"

"Fei, in the name of Red Bull, I wish you a safe return."

"Can we tag along?"

A group of fans were chirping, some were blessing him, and some even expressed their desire to go with him.

Chen Fei thanked the fans who wished him well, and then patiently persuaded those enthusiastic fans. Finally, with the help of the staff, he successfully left the scene and boarded the ship smoothly.

Standing at the bow of the boat, he opened a can of Red Bull and raised it toward the fans on the shore.


On the shore, fans also held up Red Bull and shouted at him: "Cheers!"

Media from all over the world recorded the scene in full and then sent it back to their respective countries as soon as possible.

After a while, the front page of the domestic film and television information network was directly occupied by a scene that happened at the port of the Mariana Islands.

"The latest report: Director Chen's new round of extreme challenges has officially started!"

"Mariana Trench Diving, the ultimate challenge to yourself!"

"At the sea port, hundreds of Red Bull fans rushed to the scene to wish Director Chen Fei a safe return."

At this moment, domestic melon-eating netizens reacted belatedly and opened the sports channel in unison.

Not surprisingly, the sports channel has already started the broadcast process.

In the picture, Chen Fei was standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the boundless sea in the distance, as if he was expecting something.

At this time, there were already heated discussions on Tieba, Weibo and other platforms:

"Damn it! I have been paying attention to Zhao Wenzhuo and Donnie Yen before, and I almost forgot about Director Chen. This is a major event!"

"Snorkeling in the Mariana Trench? Damn it, real men do it!"

"You're so awesome!"

"Look, director Chen Fei, who is also a martial arts instructor, has now begun to challenge dangerous and desperate situations all over the world. Look at the quarrel between Donnie Yen and Zhao Wenzhuo in China at the moment. Both sides are at odds with each other. Judgment!”

"I say that Director Chen's global influence is higher than that of Chen Long. Who agrees? Who opposes?"

"I agree……"

"Yes +1!"


At the bow of the ship, after Chen Fei briefly adapted to the slightly bumpy ship, he began to adjust his breathing and did some simple warm-up exercises.

Diving deep without any oxygen equipment is not an easy task!

He had specifically learned before that the current Guinness World Record for deep diving without oxygen equipment is 130 meters, a record set by a master of deep diving from Maozi. If nothing else, this is the maximum that humans can achieve.

But this time, Chen Fei naturally would not choose to stop at 130 meters.

After all, he was carrying the system and had it activated. At the very least, he couldn't challenge a wave of 150 meters, or even 200 meters?
With his physical fitness nearly ten times that of ordinary people, he felt that he should be able to challenge a 200-meter wave.

As for the deeper location, that is, the bottom of the Mariana Trench, it is still left to the challenge of steel machines.

He had checked the information before and found that the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is about 1100 standard atmospheres. This pressure is equivalent to a weight of about 1.7 tons per square meter of area!
To put it more vividly, an area the size of a fingernail bears about a ton of weight!

Chen Fei didn't think he could survive in that kind of environment with his physical body.

He just cheated, not transformed into Ultraman Tega or Super Saiyan. It was completely wishful thinking to survive in such an environment.


Time passed quickly, and the ship soon arrived at the "starting point".

Under the instructions of the staff, Chen Fei took a kayak and came to a reef.

After standing firm, he looked around.

On another ship, Red Bull staff were already operating the submersible and broadcast equipment.

He didn't pay too much attention, but withdrew his gaze and put on the diving suit and flippers that had been prepared one by one.

Then, under the focus of multiple cameras, he made preparations before going into the sea.

In the post bar, after seeing this scene, many friends started posting:

"Hey? What's going on? Didn't you say you want to go diving? Just wear a wetsuit and flippers? How many meters can you dive?"

"I guess it's only about ten meters, and it lasts for a few minutes at most, just to do a stunt or something."

"I guess so. How many meters can he dive without even bringing an oxygen tank?"

In most people's minds, a normal person can only hold his breath for about two minutes at most.

Even those who practice holding their breath for many years may only be able to hold their breath for about five to ten minutes at most, and they are still in a still state.

When diving, you must be constantly moving and must withstand the pressure brought by the water depth, which will undoubtedly shorten the breath holding time quickly.

Under such preconditions, this challenge will definitely not last long.

"It's boring. I thought there was going to be another big commotion. It only lasted for more than ten minutes. It's such a big battle. Is it necessary?"

"By the way, did you forget to bring your oxygen bottle?"

"Isn't it? Red Bull has made such a huge momentum, it shouldn't end hastily, right?"

Along with the discussion, Chen Fei jumped directly from the bow of the ship without any hesitation, and plunged into the sea with a sudden movement.

Upon seeing this, several surrounding submersibles with Red Bull logos on them immediately started their engines and followed his figure into the water.


After entering the sea water, the camera's line of sight is inevitably blocked to some extent.

But even so, the audience in front of the screen could still clearly see that Chen Fei was diving at an alarming speed!

The detector at Red Bull had already planned the diving route in advance. He only needed to follow the radar guide worn on his wrist to dive.

His diving speed was very fast, and the flippers behind him seemed to be shaken out of their afterimages.

When he first entered the water, the pressure in the water was not too great, and the impact of environmental factors was very small for him.

Under such circumstances, diving quickly is the best choice!

After all, he didn't carry any oxygen equipment with him, which also meant that the time he could stay in the water was very limited.

In this limited time, he must dive as deep as possible.

The system task is only to let him dive to the maximum extent, but it does not specify the specific depth of the dive?

And under such circumstances, if you want to make the rewards after completing the mission more abundant, there is no doubt that you must go as deep as possible!
In the post bar, the friends who were originally uninterested suddenly became interested one by one.

"Good guy! This speed is really fast!"

"Has he almost dived to 30 meters in a while? Why is he still going down? Can he still hold his breath?"

"Good guy, why do I feel that those deep submersibles are not as fast as him? He is indeed a god-like man! He is really awesome!"


As time passed by, the faces of those anti-fans who swore that Chen Fei would return to the sea in a very short time were slapped in the face.

Because according to the display of the broadcast equipment, in about 2 to 3 minutes, Chen Fei had reached a depth of meters underwater!
Not to mention the distance, the time it takes to hold one's breath is far beyond the limit of many people.

There are many netizens in front of the screen trying to hold their breath.

But they had even reached the second round of breathing, but on the other hand, Chen Fei was still in a relaxed and contented state, showing no sign of being unable to hold his breath at all.

On Tieba, Weibo, YouTube and other social platforms, netizens expressed their feelings one after another.

"Damn it! You're so awesome!"


The dive continues.

As the diving depth continued to increase, Chen Fei found that the surrounding environment was gradually becoming darker and darker.

But so far, the impact on sight has not been particularly significant.

The darkness did not hinder his progress, because several surrounding deep submersibles had turned on their searchlights in unison, illuminating the road ahead for him.

Fortunately, he has no so-called phobia of the deep sea.

Facing the darkness and oppression ahead, in addition to being a little depressed, he still wanted to challenge the unknown sea!
What really troubles him now is the influence of water pressure!

As the water pressure continued to increase, the volume of his chest had reduced to a quarter of its original size, and it gradually lost its buoyancy.

At the same time, at this time, he entered a new stage.

"Free fall!"

Many people have dreams when they are children, and they often dream of flying in the sky.

And this "free fall" is actually another meaning of soaring.

With the boundless darkness ahead, soaring freely inside the deep sea...

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly discovered that there was a particularly wonderful feeling in the deep sea!
The hazy perspective gave him a novel and dreamlike experience, as if he was watching a wonderful IMAX-3D underwater fantasy!

110 meters!
115 meters!
120 meters!
125 meters!
130 meters!
At this moment, the audience in front of the screen suddenly discovered that the Guinness World Record was easily broken by Chen Fei!
In an instant, all major social platforms erupted!
"What the hell?! Are you holding it in your mouth like this?"

"130 meters! Which Russian diving master spent a lot of effort to complete it, but he didn't expect it to be broken?!"

“Director Chen is awesome!!!”

"It's so strong! Without oxygen equipment, it easily broke through 130 meters. Another Guinness World Record has been obtained by us Chinese people."

"Look! He's still diving! How many meters will he challenge this time? Is it 150? Or deeper?"

At this time, Chen Fei could not see the outside world's reaction to him breaking the world record, and he had no extra energy to pay attention to other situations, because as he continued to dive, he found that his chest began to gradually feel the pressure.

His instinctive reaction is to resist!

Fight water pressure and reduce pressure from the outside world...

But the next second, he suddenly thought of the coach's instructions before leaving.

"Never fight the water pressure, because you can't beat the entire ocean. The best way is to accept it, cater to it, and then challenge the maximum limit you can bear!"

In the dark waters, Chen Fei's chest sank slightly.

He did not resist, but obediently accepted this oppression from the entire water!

140 meters!
150 meters!
"I seem... to be able to bear it!"

Chen Fei did not react at all, still enjoying the beauty of this free fall.

In front of the screen, many people swallowed subconsciously, and their hearts began to beat faster because of nervousness!

It was obvious that they were not the ones participating in the challenge, but for some reason, they still broke out in a cold sweat.

In the post forum, someone asked worriedly: "It's already 160 meters! Still diving? Couldn't he be knocked unconscious by the water pressure?"

There was a reply soon below: "Probably not. You can tell from the swing of his flippers that he is awake..."

170 meters!
180 meters!
190 meters!
195 meters!

at last!

When the data displayed on the screen was fixed at 200 meters, under everyone's gaze, Chen Fei suddenly moved!
With a sharp flick of his flippers, his body posture changed from "upright" to "horizontal".

A circle of ripples spread out behind his feet, and his whole body seemed to have transformed into a cannonball, shooting directly forward!

The first phase of the deep dive has been completed, with a final depth of 200 meters, 70 meters beyond the Guinness World Record, and a time of 3 minutes and 57 seconds.

At this point, the second stage of 69 kilometers of diving officially begins!
At the same time, Chen Fei also began to calculate the appropriate ventilation time...


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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