It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 519 Hypoxic Crisis! Skydiving at an altitude of 4 meters? The wave of high-quality scripts i

Chapter 519 Hypoxic Crisis! Skydiving at an altitude of meters? Excellent script... This wave is stable!
Before taking on the snorkeling challenge, Chen Fei had checked the record of "the longest time a human has dived without oxygen equipment" on the Guinness World Records list.

Just at the beginning of this year, Danish breathing master "stig Severinsen" set a diving record of 22 minutes.

However, his recording was done statically.

In other words, after holding his breath, he sank directly into the bottom of the swimming pool more than three meters deep and conducted an "anaerobic diving" for 22 minutes!
This is the longest known human being able to hold his breath.

But Chen Fei's current state is very different from that of the Danish breathing master!
First of all, he is currently under the sea at a depth of 200 meters and is under pressure from the surrounding seawater.

Secondly, his state is not static, but in continuous motion.

Based on this, his breath-holding time will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Especially during high-speed exercise, the oxygen content in the body will inevitably disappear rapidly as the blood is pumped!

Before entering the sea, Chen Fei actually did an experiment.

In a still state, he can easily hold his breath for 35 minutes three meters underwater and still have some energy left.

But now he needs to swim at high speed and withstand seawater pressure, so this time will be lost by at least 10 to 20 minutes.

For safety reasons, he made a plan before going into the sea.

After holding his breath underwater for about 15 minutes, he will resurface for a complete breather.

Just like a blue whale, it floats up to breathe—holds its breath and dives—comes up and breathes…

Chen Fei will also repeat similar ventilation methods until the system task is completed!

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes have passed.

At this time, the audience in front of the screen could clearly see that at a depth of 200 meters, Chen Fei was swinging his flippers and swimming forward quickly like a swordfish!
He seems to be tireless and his speed is amazing!

On Weibo, Tieba, YouTube and other platforms, all kinds of comments poured out like a reservoir that has opened its gates:

"Awesome! So awesome!"

"Damn, he swims so fast. His speed is already comparable to those of professional Olympic athletes, right?"

"This Taima is 200 meters underwater. I believe you even if you say he is a fish!"

"Fuck! Have any of you noticed how long Director Chen has been underwater? I just took a quick look and it's already been 10 minutes!"

"Good guy? No wonder Red Bull specifically declared 'oxygen-free'. It turns out it's so oxygen-free!"

"I believe you all when you say he has an iron lung. He is worthy of being the spokesperson of Red Bull. This operation... is really reckless!"

As time passed by, more and more people in front of the screen paid attention to Chen Fei's diving time.

When it came to the 12th minute, many people felt that he was about to float up.

But he didn't, and was still swimming forward quickly.

13 minutes!

14 minutes!


15 minutes are up!

"Why doesn't he go up? Can he still hold his breath?"

Just when everyone was surprised by Chen Fei's diving time, suddenly, he moved!
As if it had reached a certain critical point, the figure that was swimming forward suddenly shifted a little, changing from "parallel" to a small "upward".

The swimming speed has not changed at all, but the angle has shifted.

At this moment, everyone reacted suddenly.

"Are you going up for air!?"

Before long, the offset angle became larger and larger, from the initial 15 degrees to 45 degrees, and then continued to 90 degrees!
Chen Fei was already ready to rush out!

Because he suddenly discovered that the strength required to float up was more than twice that of diving.

If he rushes out of the sea diagonally, the oxygen content in his body may be severely lacking before he can take a breather.

And between two points, a straight line is the shortest!

Therefore, the distance that needs to be covered to rush upward in a straight line is much shorter than that of rushing upward diagonally.

The swaying arc of the flippers is getting wider and wider. He is now getting rid of the influence of gravity on his body in order to increase his ascent speed.

200 meters…150 meters…100 meters…80 meters…

As he continued to rise, Chen Fei felt that his desire to breathe became stronger and stronger, and the burning sensation in his lungs slowly turned into a twitching of his diaphragm, which made him very uncomfortable.

But he didn't panic.

Because at this time, he was less than fifty meters away from the water.

He believes that he can successfully cross this distance. This is not a matter of luck, but a judgment based on physical fitness.

However, when he reached the last 30 meters, he found that his body had reached its most extreme state!
The "hypoxic" condition the dive trainer had spoken of before began to dawn on him.

At this time, his lungs had clearly expanded back to their original volume, and the buoyancy under the water began to help him return to the surface.

But the moment he raised his head out of the water, he suddenly found a white field in front of him, as if he had entered the legendary "tunnel feeling".

The whole person became very happy, relaxed and joyful at this moment, as if he was going to heaven.

This is due to hypoxia leading to hypoxia in the brain, which affects the normal function of the brain and causes disorders of consciousness.

In other words, at this moment, Chen Fei has entered a state that is borderline between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Two words suddenly jumped out of the remaining consciousness in his brain:

Perhaps his body had some kind of stress reaction. At this moment, he subconsciously contacted "Tongzi's father".

The next second, an ethereal voice sounded in his ears:

[Ding·Deduct 100000 reputation points and upgrade the physical attribute from 199 to 299! 】

The moment the prompt sounded, consciousness quickly returned!
Chen Fei subconsciously began to take a deep breath. The abundant oxygen in the air entered his lungs, instantly dispelling the hypoxic state he had just encountered.

At this moment, his stopped brain returned to high-speed operation again, and this also made him realize what he was currently doing.

After storing enough oxygen, he did not hesitate at all, and plunged directly into the water, entering the diving state again.

Soon, the audience in front of the screen discovered that Chen Fei once again dived to a depth of more than 200 meters in the sea at a very fast speed, and then swam quickly towards the invisible target!
The blessings brought by the improvement of "physical attributes" are all-round.

Chen Fei now even feels that he can easily continue diving for about 50 meters and break the deep-sea diving record from 200 meters to 250 meters.

But he didn't do that because he chose a way that was more beneficial to him.

The previous diving and breathing time was 15 minutes, but now, he directly increased this time to 22 minutes.

Although this is only a 7-minute improvement, the effect it brings is terrifying!
In these seven minutes, Chen Fei could swim forward at least nearly 1 kilometer!
Olympic champions, Guinness world records... they were all weak in front of him!
In front of the screen, the netizens who were watching this challenge were completely silent.

It took a while for comments to pour out online.

"I'm convinced. I'm really convinced when I ride a horse. This physical fitness is so good that it beats all the Olympic champions!"

"I can't even count how many Guinness World Records he has broken in this single dive?"

"Deep diving records, breath holding records, underwater diving speed records, diving time records per kilometer... countless, simply countless!"

"It's so strong!"


When the pattern is found, the next thing to do is to repeat every previous behavior.

I don't know how long it took, but a reminder from the Red Bull staff suddenly came from Chen Fei's headset: "Fei, you have completed this challenge!"

The voice in the headset was full of shock and unconcealable admiration.

Obviously, these staff who are often exposed to various extreme sports on weekdays are still very surprised by Chen Fei's current behavior!
Because he was underwater now, he couldn't give any response.

But, floating up is his best response!

After a few minutes, he successfully broke through the water again.

He was breathing heavily, like a thirsty fish returning to the water, acting extremely greedy.

The ship responsible for picking him up is slowly approaching, and the deep submersible below the water is also surfacing at this time, which means that this mission has officially ended!

The next second, the system's melodious prompt sounded in his mind very promptly.

[Ding. Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission (go to the Mariana Trench, dive to the maximum depth without wearing any oxygen equipment, and successfully swim from the Eurasian Plate to the Pacific Plate.)]

[A total of 2539 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】【Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[SS level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: a Chinese script gift pack and a foreign language script gift pack. 】

The reputation data was once again selectively ignored by Chen Fei.

No way, not many people can come to visit this challenge.

If it weren't for the support of Red Bull fans from all over the world and the local islanders who join in the fun, the reputation value provided to him by these Red Bull staff alone might not even exceed 500.

After ignoring the insignificant reputation value, Chen Fei's attention fell directly on the system rewards.

Two script gift packs!

He couldn't wait any longer!

Before the ship that came to pick him up approached, he simply lay on his back on the sea, drifting with the flow of the sea while commanding the system to open two script gift packages.

[Ding·Two script gift packages have been opened for you, please check them carefully. 】

Gift pack of Chinese scripts: "One Man's Martial Arts", "Big Fish and Begonia", "Dear", "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", "Heart of the Burning Sun".

Gift pack of foreign language scripts: "The Martian," "Dangal," "Godzilla," "Big Bucks" and "Dallas Buyers Club."

"It seems... pretty good?"

Chen Fei took a rough look at these scripts and found that most of them were familiar ones.

Most of them are the best among the best. Of course, there will also be one or two scripts that are slightly ordinary in comparison.

But overall, this reward was very popular with him.

Especially the one called "Dallas Buyers Club."

Looking at this script, Chen Fei suddenly remembered the scene on the night of the Oscars, when Harvey Weinstein brought his humbug to challenge himself.

Why not take it again!

However, just when he was ambitious and ready to charge at the 2013th Academy Awards in 85, the system notification sound suddenly came again.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for breaking through 200 points in physical attributes and successfully activating the fifth SSS-level mission! 】

[Challenge mission: Ride a helium balloon to 40000 meters, jump from the edge of the stratosphere and successfully land, complete a space jump), mission level "SSS"! 】

[Warm reminder: Complete it within one year, and there will be a certain chance of triggering double blind box rewards! 】



Looking at the newly released SSS-level challenge mission, Chen Fei couldn't help but be slightly startled, and felt an inexplicable and outrageous feeling.

He jumped from an altitude of 40000 meters, close to the edge of the stratosphere, and landed successfully.

Is this a task that a normal person can complete?
Do you want to be so cheating?

Just when Chen Fei was silently complaining about the system in his heart, the whistle of a ship was heard in the distance.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw that the ship that came to pick him up had arrived.

A kayak fell from the boat and paddled quickly toward him.

"Fei, are you okay?"

Chen Fei recognized the person. He was an assistant under Flory.

"Don't worry, I'm safe."

While responding, he climbed onto the kayak, picked up another oar, and rowed in the direction of the boat.

The moment he got on the boat, Flory, who was already waiting on the boat, rushed over and looked him up and down.

After confirming that he was not injured in any way and that his physical and mental state were in perfect condition, the fat white man with a slightly bloated body gave Chen Fei a big hug directly!

"Fei, you are so awesome. You have broken multiple Guinness World Records and created an amazing result!"

Chen Fei smiled at him and made an exasperated expression: "Brother, you don't have to be so excited. I told you a long time ago that these are nothing to me."

Flory clicked his tongue twice and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

The camera nearby recorded this scene completely, and then sent it to thousands of households through satellite signals.

The moment Chen Fei successfully boarded the ship, netizens and fans on major social platforms went completely crazy!
"Fei has completed another challenging task, which is so cool!"

"I finally discovered that Director Chen seems to have the gift of immortality. No matter what kind of difficulties or desperate situations, he feels like walking on flat ground in front of him."

"The spokesperson of Red Bull is so well-chosen. I used to think that the endorsement fee of 100 million US dollars was a bit too high, but today I discovered that even giving Director Chen 200 million US dollars is not too much!"

"When will the next challenge start? I can't wait!"

"According to the current frequency, it should be once a year. If you want to continue to see Director Chen commit suicide, I'm afraid it won't be until next year."

"Haha, I like the word 'seeking death'. Those who can't kill me will eventually make me stronger!"


The ship began to return, and the broadcast officially ended.

In the cabin, Chen Fei did not return to the room to rest. Instead, he found Flory who was doing data calculation and proposed his idea to him.

"What? You said you want to rise to an altitude of 40,000 meters and take on a space parachuting challenge?"

After hearing what Chen Fei said, Flory was stunned for a while before he recovered.

He subconsciously reached out and touched Chen Fei's head. After confirming that there was no fever, he asked seriously: "Fei, are you sure what you just said was not nonsense?"

Chen Fei shrugged and looked at him seriously: "You know, I never tell lies or make unreliable challenges."

At this moment, Flory was silent.

He began to imagine the feasibility of this challenge in his mind.

Rising to an altitude of 40,000 meters is easy to accomplish, and a large enough helium balloon can do it.

The key is, how can we land safely?
Jumping from an altitude of 4 meters is not much different from landing a manned spacecraft.

Challengers need to face various problems such as a sharp decrease in oxygen content, excessive body temperature due to friction with the atmosphere, and the quality of the parachute.

Suddenly, Flory asked with some confusion: "You still don't bring any equipment this time?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with a look that looked like a fool: "Do you think this is possible? Can I land alive without a parachute and protective clothing?"

"Definitely not."

Flory shook his head without thinking and quickly reacted.

If you use a full set of protective equipment, you may not be able to complete it successfully!
Thinking of this, he immediately replied: "Fei, I can't give you an accurate answer now. I need to make the most detailed plan after I go back to calculate whether I have the conditions to complete it."

"Ok." Chen Fei stretched out his right fist towards him: "Brother, what I lack most is time, but I hope you can help me get everything done.

If we can complete this challenge, both you and I will be famous all over the world! "

Flory's eyes lit up, and he clenched his fists and bumped against him gently without hesitation: "Fei, I will work hard! Just wait for my good news."


Back on the shore, as expected, Chen Fei once again received a warm welcome from fans.

After drinking five cans of Red Bull in a row, he successfully escaped from the crowd with the help of staff and security.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief until he returned to the hotel.

Rather than deal with these enthusiastic fans, he actually prefers to go to the Mariana Trench and swim hundreds of kilometers!

Dealing with nature is much easier than dealing with people.

After resting for a few hours, Chen Fei first asked the hotel staff to bring a dinner, and then he couldn't wait to turn on the computer.

The "Zhao Zhen Controversy" is already ripe!

It’s time to slaughter!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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