It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 521: Stand up! Do you know what a mainland leader is? "Dallas Buyers Club" officia

Chapter 521: Stand up! Do you know what a mainland leader is? "Dallas Buyers Club" officially cast!
"Mr. Chen? Why is this?"

In the Yang Yu Building, in the chairman's office, Yang Sheng was completely confused when he heard Chen Fei's voice on the other end of the phone!
"Ip Man 3" is scheduled to be released on July 7st, which was agreed upon by both parties two months ago.

Although after the film was successfully scheduled, Donnie Yen was not very willing to cooperate with the promotion because he had too many film projects in hand, but Yang Sheng still gritted his teeth and endured it.

Yang Entertainment lost money on several movies last year, and now it's waiting to make a comeback with "Ip Man."

If something goes wrong with this movie, the financial report at the end of today will be negative!

Because of this, in the face of various unreasonable demands put forward by Donnie Yen's agency, Yang Yu still gritted his teeth and agreed.

But today, Chen Fei suddenly said that he would withdraw "Ip Man 3". Doesn't that mean that Yang Yu's investment in publicity in the past two months has been in vain?
Yang Sheng felt that his heart was starting to twitch, and he was almost ready to call someone to deliver Jiuxin Jiuxin Pills.

But the next second, Chen Fei's words suddenly made his eyes light up again!
"Don't worry, I will make up for your losses in this area later. I still have many scripts suitable for filming in Hong Kong. Our cooperation will not be completely severed because of Ip Man's withdrawal."

Chen Fei has made up his mind to suspend the Ip Man series indefinitely.

The butt determines the head.

Since my butt is already crooked, I can just remove the chair here.

Opposite him, Yang Sheng burst into laughter after hearing what he said.

If you lose one "Ip Man 3" in exchange for more scripts, then just throw it away.

It just so happened that he was already very annoyed with Zhen Zizhen.

This person can't be popular. Once he becomes popular, he will even forget where he put his head.

Just take the opportunity to teach him a lesson!
Are you still putting on airs in front of Yang Yu?

It was really the peaceful times that gave him the confidence!

If this happened in the past, how dare you not cooperate? Not to mention you, Donnie Yen, even people like Liu Dehua, Zhou Xingchi, and Chen Long have to cooperate obediently when faced with a black hole of gunfire!
After briefly chatting about this matter, Yang Sheng probably guessed some of the inside story.

Yongsheng has been very successful in Xiangjiang during this period, which has had a lot of impact on Yang Yu's business. He can just take this opportunity to eliminate this opponent.

The market in Xiangjiang is just that big, and it is enough for Yang Entertainment, Jiahe, and Media Asia to stand as a three-legged trio, and there is no room for other companies.

How can you allow others to sleep peacefully on the side of the couch?
He immediately said: "Mr. Chen, what do you think we should do next? I will listen to you. Yang Yu will definitely be your most loyal partner."

"I will send you the script later, and Su Guohai will go there in person to discuss the details of cooperation with you."

"Okay, I will definitely entertain Mr. Su well."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Sheng suppressed his excitement and walked back and forth in the office.

He was very fortunate that after the "Zhao Zhen Controversy" began, Yang Yu never took sides.

What Chen Fei means is that Feiyue Film and Television will choose to stand behind Zhao Wenzhuo next.

As for Donnie Yen...

The moment he chose to take sides, he was abandoned.

Chen Fei has no shortage of "Ip Man 3". To him, it doesn't matter whether he has it or not.

But for Donnie Yen, this is an important opportunity for him to make a comeback!
Unfortunately, he has been completely blinded by the current popularity and popularity, and cannot see clearly who gave him all this.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly the email message rang.

Yang Sheng quickly returned to his desk and couldn't wait to open the newly received mailbox message.

"One Man's Martial Arts", "Macau Storm 1, 2, 3"


Looking at the four scripts that appeared in his mailbox one after another, he was secretly frightened!

"A big deal, really a big deal!"

He has great confidence in Chen Fei. With these four scripts, he can at least guarantee that Yang Yu will continue to maintain its glory for four full years!

He casually clicked on the project content of the script "One Man's Martial Arts".

Looking around, in the column of male protagonists, the two names Wang Baoqiang and Zhao Wenzhuo are extremely conspicuous!

As people get better with age, almost in an instant, he had already thought of what Chen Fei would do next.

However, just as he was thinking about how Yang Yu could cooperate and maximize his interests, the phone suddenly rang.

He didn't check the caller ID and pressed the connect button directly.

The next second, a voice came from the receiver that made him frown: "Yang Sheng, the current public opinion on the Internet is very unfavorable to our Xiangjiang entertainment industry. As the leader, it is time for Yang Yu to come to an end. If we wait any longer, , I’m afraid there’s going to be a big problem…”

Yang Sheng recognized who was on the other side.

The boss of Donnie Yen's agency, a veteran in the Hong Kong industry, and a veteran agent!
"Then what? What does this have to do with me? What does it have to do with Yang Yu?"

The person on the other side was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect Yang Sheng to give such a reply.

After a moment, the voice from the other side sounded again: "However, if Donnie Yen is affected by this incident, it may have an adverse impact on the release of "Ip Man 3"..."

Before the words were finished, Yang Sheng hung up the phone without hesitation.


He gets angry when he thinks about it!
Because of Donnie Yen's various tricks, the release of "Ip Man 3" was postponed.

Now there is another "Zhao Zhen Controversy". As expected, he will not be able to continue to develop in the mainland in recent years.

"You're still playing "Ip Man 3", what the hell..."

Yang Sheng complained nonchalantly, but did not take his eyes away from the scripts.

Compared with "One Man's Martial Arts", he still prefers purely commercial films like "Macau Storm".

Just reading the script is already very exciting. If this is filmed, it will definitely hit the box office!
"Jingle Bell!"

The phone suddenly rang again.

"Is it over?" Yang Sheng's face darkened and he was about to hang up the phone, but after taking a look at the caller ID, he immediately smiled.

He quickly pressed the connect button: "Hello? Mr. Su?"

On the other side of the phone, Su Guohai said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yang, I have arrived at the Capital Airport now, shall we meet in the afternoon?"

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to pick you up at the airport."

Yang Sheng responded with emotion in his heart.

The script has just been sent and the negotiators are about to arrive!

Look at their efficiency, they are so impressive!

Ever since the term "Hu Shu Bao" came out, there has been absolutely no movement from Feng Xiaogang's side.

This word is so poisonous that it can be said that the small steel cannon was defeated and unable to withstand.

Let alone responding to the controversy on the Internet, he can't even get rid of the media and reporters surrounding the "1942" crew.

The banner appeared so brightly outside the crew, which made him angry and had a headache, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He even called the police twice, but to no avail.

They just pulled up a banner outside the crew, but it didn't interfere with your normal filming.

Moreover, the words "Hu Shu Bao" did not refer to you by name, Feng Xiaogang, so how can you care about this?
There is nothing the official can do, let alone Feng Xiaogang.

Seeing that we had no fun watching it for the time being, Chen Fei withdrew his gaze and focused all his attention on the script "Dallas Buyers Club".

Matthew had returned to Los Angeles from Florida and showed up at his office just in time.

Chen Fei directly handed over the script in his hand.

"Dallas Buyers Club" is actually a biographical script.

Its content is adapted from real events that happened in the life of Ron Woodruff. It mainly tells the story of Ron, an electrician living in Texas, USA, in the 19s. After he was suddenly informed that he had late-stage AIDS and his time was running out, he Qiang Qiang worked hard to search for various drugs and treatments, and with the help of transgender gay AIDS patient Ruiyang, he established the Dallas Buyers Club, bringing the gospel story to thousands of AIDS patients.

This story is destined to not be a commercial movie.

Therefore, as soon as he read the script, Matthew McConaughey couldn't wait to ask: "Fei, you... are you preparing to launch another charge at the Oscars?"

Matthew read a lot of connotations from the content of the script!

The male protagonist Ron is a stubborn and powerful person who has experienced unexpected changes in his life but never gives in.

He is not a big hero, he is just a small person, but he shows how marginalized groups can achieve themselves through struggle and mediation, and promote the progress of law and society!

And the most important thing is that the content of the script pays special attention to several social phenomena and groups, including human rights, life, American cowboy culture, homosexuality, transvestism, etc.

This story is so Oscar-worthy!

Looking at the inexplicably excited Matthew McConaughey in front of him, Chen Fei nodded gently: "How is it? Do you think this story is very good?" Matthew exclaimed very exaggeratedly: "Oh! It's simply great! I never There is a hero that is completely different from the usual superheroes!”

Ron in the script story is not a real hero, and even deviates from the characteristics of a standard hero at first.

He is ugly, lazy, cunning, and deceptive...

But such a little person suddenly grew up from the moment he learned that he was suffering from AIDS and would die soon!
His sense of responsibility can be said to be vivid, and he has even become a real hero in the eyes of some groups!

Chen Fei smiled and continued: "Matthew, I appreciate you very much, because I admire your seriousness in performing.

Now I formally extend an invitation to you, hoping that you can play the role of 'Ron'.

Let’s charge towards the next Oscars together! I wonder what you think? "

Matthew McConaughey could no longer contain his excitement at this time.

He quickly stood up, stretched out his hands towards Chen Fei, and shook hands with him: "Fei, thank you very much for giving me such an opportunity, I will never let you down!"

Afterwards, the two discussed the content of the script.

Chen Fei looked at Matthew McConaughey's body shape with slightly complicated eyes: "Matthew, you don't look like an AIDS patient now."

"I know." Matthew nodded slightly and said seriously: "Fei, give me a month, and I will let you see the real Ron!"

"I look forward to your performance."

After sending away Matthew McConaughey, Chen Fei began to select candidates for the remaining roles.

In addition to the male protagonist Ron, there are several very impressive characters in "Dallas Buyers Club".

For example, the transsexual "Ray Yang" who has a hobby of cross-dressing, the medical elite "Eve", the despicable and greedy "Dr. Seward", and Ron's former "cowboy friend TJ".

Chen Fei has already made preliminary choices for candidates for these roles.

Regarding the role of "Rayon", he is more inclined to Jared Leto, who lost 28 pounds for the play in "Requiem for a Dream" and became an addict.

This guy is considered an "actor with a thousand faces" in Hollywood!

In addition to "Requiem for a Dream", what Chen Fei admires a lot is that when he participated in director Oliver Stone's movie "Alexander the Great" in 2004, he became a bodybuilding fighter through weight gain and fitness. And interpreted the same-sex partner of Colin Farrell's character with charming and tender eyes.

Because of these acting experiences, Chen Fei believes that he can definitely interpret the feeling of "transgender homosexuality".

The remaining three characters of "Eve", "Dr. Seward", and "Cowboy Friend TJ" are easier to solve.

Liu Yifei, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon.

It can be said that the original cast of "Interstellar" is back again!
In the next few days, Chen Fei contacted the actors he had booked.

Needless to say, Liu Yifei is completely dominated by Chen Fei now.

No matter what he says, she will definitely do it!

The role of "Eve" does not require very high acting skills from the actor. Chen Fei mainly wanted her to continue learning and hoped that she could establish her own style in acting.

Liu Yifei's goal has always been to become the second Emperor Gong in China, and achieving this goal is no less difficult than Leonardo DiCaprio's pursuit of the Oscar winner.

On the other hand, when Matt Damon heard that he was needed to make a cameo, he agreed without hesitation.

A Venice Best Actor, plus an Oscar Best Actor, have completely tied him to Chen Fei's battleship.

If it weren't for other projects in hand, he would even want to compete for the role of "Ron".

As for Jack Nicholson, he is the most professional in all of Hollywood when it comes to playing villains.

The original "Joker" won praise from audiences across the United States!
This old man was already in the stage of retirement, but who made him still owe Chen Fei a favor.

After playing this cameo role, it was just enough to repay the favor.

DiCaprio's call followed closely: "Fei?! I heard that you have written another very exciting script? Are you ready to continue your fight for the Oscar?"

"Hey? You are very well-informed!"

Chen Fei didn't satisfy him, so he immediately agreed.

"Oh, my God! Why don't you wait for me! I think I can be your leading man!"

If you want to talk about the entire Hollywood, who has the deepest obsession with Oscar-winning actor? Then Leona can definitely be ranked first.

He has been running with me for many years and has failed many times. It is simply pitiful and pitiful.

"The role of Ron is not suitable for you. The male protagonist needs to lose weight."

When Leonardo heard the word "weight loss", he was silent for a moment.

In order to prevent his handsomeness from becoming a flaw in competing for Oscars, Leo has completely given up on body management in recent years.

If he were allowed to lose weight and become the "Jack" he once was, then all his years of hard work would be completely in vain.

"Oh! What a pity."

Leonardo sighed and had no choice but to give up.

But he is not too sad, because in the next two years, "The Great Gatsby" and "The Wolf of Wall Street" starring him will be released one after another.

He didn't believe it. Couldn't these two movies help him win an Oscar for Best Actor?



At the same time, just as Chen Fei started preparing for "Dallas Buyers Club", there was new news in China.

"One Man's Martial Arts" passed the review!

When the film's registration information was released by the Film Bureau, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

And when many insiders and netizens saw the cast, they were so shocked that they were speechless for a long time!
Movie: "One Man's Martial Arts".

Produced by: Feiyue Film and Television, Yangyu Films.

Producers: Su Guohai, Yang Sheng.

Director: Lu Yang.

Screenwriter: Chen Fei.

Male protagonists: Wang Baoqiang and Zhao Wenzhuo (double male protagonists).

Heroine: Bai Li.

Regarding the selection of the heroine, Yang Sheng personally called and hoped that Bai Zhi could be cast.

Chen Fei didn't have any objections to this, because the heroine was just a role in this movie, as long as her acting skills weren't too bad.

At the same time, as the "One Man's Martial Arts" movie project was announced, Feiyue Pictures and Yang Entertainment issued an announcement at the same time:

"Due to some internal reasons, "Ip Man 3" will be withdrawn from the shelves in July. We will continue to consider a new release schedule after re-evaluation..."

As soon as these two pieces of news were announced, many companies, celebrities, and artists in the mainland and Hong Kong circles took a breath!
The project "One Man's Martial Arts" was announced, with Zhao Wenzhuo as the leading actor.

"Ip Man 3" starring Donnie Yen has been withdrawn from release.

The emergence of these two incidents is undoubtedly not an announcement to the outside world. Both Feiyue Film and Television and Yang Yu have chosen to side with Zhao Wenzhuo!

Donnie Yen was abandoned!
Suddenly, there was a big shock in the circle!
The media that were still besieging Feng Xiaogang all gathered downstairs at Feiyue Film and Television, and a large number of messages appeared under Chen Fei's Weibo.

In response to this, Chen Fei simply forwarded the announcement from the official Weibo account as a response and support.

Zhao Wenzhuo was quite excited. While forwarding the announcement, he also thanked Chen Fei for his recognition, as well as Feiyue Film and Television and Yang Yu for their support...

With Feiyue Film and Television officially siding with the company, partners such as China Film, Shanghai Film, Enlight, and Wanda naturally chose to support it.

And when the mainland is completely united, Hong Kong media and Hong Kong entertainment will naturally become grasshoppers after the fall, unable to survive for a few days.

There was a lot of applause on the Internet:

"Two male protagonists, an action movie... eh? Is this going to compete with that movie "Special Identity"?"

"I didn't expect that Director Chen was so successful that he even canceled "Ip Man 3". This is so cool!"

"Fuck, this is the real killer move!"

"I admire it! I really admire it! If you compare it to the 'Hu Shu Bao', Director Chen is the real leader in Mainland China!"

"Alas, Lao Mouzi is also dead, Feng Xiaogang is like this again, let alone Brother Chen Kai. I found that in recent years, in addition to Chen Fei and Ning Hao, there are also a few directors under Feiyue Film and Television in the mainland film market. No one else can beat him!"

"you do not say……"


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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