It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 522 What? Does a great director have an illegitimate child? The Chinese version of Hollywood

Chapter 522 What? Does a great director have an illegitimate child? The Chinese version of Hollywood scripts is in progress...

"What did Yinghuang say?"

"I contacted one of their vice presidents, and they said they would completely suspend the Ip Man series and restart a new movie series."

"What about "Ip Man 3"?"

"Withdrawal indefinitely..."

In the crew of "Special Identity", Donnie Yen looked very ugly when he heard the news from his manager.

After the conflict with Zhao Wenzhuo broke out, he vowed on Weibo that no one would ever ask him to make a movie again!

But he never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

This is actually nothing. What makes him even more depressed is that his masterpiece "Ip Man 3" has been withdrawn!
You know, this was his work to restore blood, and it was just gone!
Since "Ip Man 2", none of the movies he starred in have been successful at the box office, which has had a huge impact on his popularity and reputation.

Originally, he was thinking about getting back everything that belonged to him through "Ip Man 3", but he didn't expect that such a change would suddenly happen.


Donnie Yen slammed the table and looked angry: "Why did they do this? They didn't even notify me, the leading actor, before withdrawing the film! This is a breach of contract. I want to find a lawyer to sue them..."

The agent sighed, shook his head and said, "You didn't even participate in a pre-release promotional event, and the contract you signed didn't specify when the movie must be released. We don't care."

Donnie Yen's expression stiffened, and his aura instantly weakened.

"Is there really no hope of being released?"

"At the very least, there is definitely no hope this year."

Listening to the manager's words, Zhen Zizhen felt unhappy.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of the conditions Xiang Huaqiang had promised him before, and some confidence emerged in his heart.

"Hmph! Anyway, I've already received my salary. If I don't get paid, I won't get paid. It's not me who's losing money, and there are better movie projects waiting for me. It's just an Ip Man movie. At worst, I'll abandon it..."

Donnie Yen's tone was full of disdain, as if he looked down on "Ip Man".

With Yongsheng's "strong return" behind him, he feels that his future is bright!

With the participation of several leading mainland film production companies, the "Zhao Zhen Controversy" has gradually come to an end.

While Zhao Wenzhuo was appealing, he began to prepare "One Man's Martial Arts".

And Donnie Yen also devoted himself wholeheartedly to the filming of "Special Identity" and completely ignored the voices from the outside world.

After this public opinion war, in addition to the two parties involved, the third party who chose to take sides has suffered a huge blow!
Over in Xiangjiang, all the dirty information about Shu Qi has been uncovered. In recent years, there is no chance of returning to the mainland.

On the mainland, Feng Xiaogang and Yao Chen have received the titles of "Hu Shu Bao" and "Yao Heartache" respectively. They have been keeping a low profile recently for fear of being attacked by netizens again.

It’s just that the entertainment industry has always been experiencing ups and downs!
When Chen Fei handed over the preparations for "Dallas Buyers Club" to Natasha and returned to the mainland, he suddenly discovered that a new round of "melon-eating feast" had started online!
Lao Mouzi was actually reported!
"What's going on?"

After returning to the company, Chen Fei immediately found Su Guohai and asked him about the specific situation.

Su Guohai looked confused. He didn't like eating these melons very much: "I don't pay much attention to this. How about... you go ask Director Ning?"


Chen Fei sighed and hurried to the studio of Beijing Film Studio.

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Wonderful Ancient City" is currently filming the scene under the tomb, and as a director, Ning Hao naturally cannot escape.

When it comes to "eating melons", this guy is also a professional!
"The person who reported Zhang Yimou was one of the four actresses who was fired from the crew of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". Her name was He Jun."

While talking, Ning Hao deliberately took out his mobile phone and turned to the report article.

Chen Fei leaned over and took a closer look.

The content of the article stated: "Zhang Yimou has already secretly remarried, and he still has three children from his second marriage, which is a serious excess!"

You know, Lao Mouzi now has an official status, and the current policy clearly stipulates that no more children are allowed.

As soon as this piece of news appeared, it immediately caused a wave of noise in the entertainment industry!
Many netizens and fans of Zhang Yimou are scolding He Jun, saying that she has no limits for hype and revenge, and suggest that the film and television industry jointly ban this person!

But anyway, this matter was exposed, and Zhang Yimou once again fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

"Strange, where did she, a young actor, get such news? Zhang Yimou's second marriage and birth were unknown even to the paparazzi and the media. How did she find out about it?"

Ning Hao was muttering to the side, his face full of doubts.

"Obviously!" Chen Fei glanced at him and reminded: "Other than Zhang Yimou's wife, who else has been closest to him over the years?"

"Damn it! It was this old boy Zhang Weiping who did it!"

Ning Hao's eyes suddenly widened with disbelief on his face.

Chen Fei shrugged and returned the phone to him. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Zhang Weiping wants to drag Lao Mouzi to death together!"

Suddenly, a voice came from his ear, interrupting his thoughts.

"Eh? Chen Fei, why are you back? Where is Sissi? Didn't she come back with you?"

Turning around, Chen Fei found that Shu Chang had come over at some point.

He shook his head and simply explained: "No, she is currently studying a new role. The next time she comes back will be the premiere of "Xiu Chun Dao 2"."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Shu Chang responded, but did not walk away. Instead, he wandered around next to him, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" Chen Fei looked at her curiously.

"It's nothing..." Shu Chang glanced to the left and right, moved closer, and whispered, "I just want to thank you. If it weren't for your help, I might still be blackmailed."

"Oh, you said that!" Chen Fei chuckled: "How about it? He hasn't asked you for money in the past six months, has he?"

Shu Chang shook his head: "No, not even once."

"That's good. Just pretend it never happened. From now on, just leave it as it is. I promise no one will bother you anymore."

"Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would do."

Shu Chang's face was full of gratitude, and he hurriedly added: "I don't know how to thank you. How about I treat you to dinner?"

"Hey, it's not a big deal." Chen Fei waved his hand casually: "When Liu Yifei comes back, you can go to the courtyard together and let's have barbecue."

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll buy the materials."

Shu Chang ran away with excitement on his face as if he had solved something big.

At this time, Ning Hao on the side suddenly said: "This girl is quite good, she can endure hardships, she is very dedicated, and her acting skills are also good. If you train her well, she will definitely be the seed of the first sister!"

Chen Fei laughed: "Then leave it to you, train her well."


After leaving the crew of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City", Chen Fei made a special trip to Nanjing to visit the crew of "Wolf Warrior".

Although Wang Shiliang directed a film for the first time, he arranged the entire crew in an orderly manner and did not mess up the crew like a new director.

Of course, this would not be possible without the help of Wu Jing and Shen Ao.

The three of them cooperated with each other and made the filming of the movie go smoothly.

After taking a look at the shooting schedule, Wang Shilianghui reported: "It will be completed in about a month."

"Okay, don't be in a hurry, take your time." Chen Fei reached out and patted his shoulder, comforting him: "Don't be nervous, there is a first time for everything.

Accumulate more experience in shooting military films like this. In the future, there will be many good scripts for you to shoot. You will win awards, make money, become famous, everything will be there. "

"Yes!" Wang Shiliang nodded heavily: "I will definitely live up to your expectations of me."

In the evening, in order to welcome Chen Fei, the crew of "Wolf Warrior" held a special welcome event.

Many people from the Nanjing Military Region participated in this event.

A leader with two bars and four stars chatted with Chen Fei for a long time, hoping that he could make more military-themed movies and vigorously promote the country's military power!
To this, he readily agreed.

On the second day, Chen Fei took advantage of the filming opportunity of the crew and took a general tour of the weapons and equipment in the entire military region.

Looking at those guns and cannons, he couldn't help but feel envious.

A real man has to carry a gun and go to the battlefield!

If there is a chance in the future, he would also like to try this kind of military theme.

Forget about directing and filming, it’s best if you can carry a mortar and blast him twice!

Feiyue Film and Television has not started filming many film projects this year, and it only has three movies that are full of success: "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", "Wolf Warrior", and "One Man's Martial Arts". After the second half of the year, the first two parts will reach completion.

There are currently many idle directors in the company. None of them, including Kang Honglei, Guo Fan, Li Yang and Yang Yu, have any upcoming film projects.

However, both Li Yang and Yang Yu are currently busy with promotional matters before the release of "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage", and they are simply too busy to touch the ground.

Only Kang Honglei and Guo Fan had nothing to do.

The latter even called me many times, saying that he was so idle that he was almost going to go moldy.

Therefore, as soon as Chen Fei returned to the company from Nanjing, he directly called him and called him to the company.

"Hey, Director Chen, good morning."

As soon as Guo Fan entered the door, he immediately greeted him cheerfully.

Because of "Gravity", he has become the No. 1 commercial film box office record in China. It is not too much to describe him as "successful and famous".

However, he did not become "arrogant" because of this, but became more humble.

Because he knows that all this is illusion. If Chen Fei hadn't given him this opportunity, I'm afraid he would still be working as an oddball in a certain TV series.

"Here, take a look at this script."

Chen Fei greeted him and handed him the script on the table.

Guo Fan stretched out his hands to take it, and first glanced at the name marked on the cover of the script.

"The Martian"

"Is this science fiction again?"

He was not in a hurry to open the script immediately, but looked up at Chen Fei with curiosity.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows: "What? Are you not interested in science fiction scripts anymore? Then bring it over and I'll change it to a literary drama script for you."

"of course not!"

Guo Fan quickly hugged the script in his arms and took a few steps back, fearing that Chen Fei would ask for the script back.

Chen Fei laughed: "You should take a look first and then talk."

"it is good."

Guo Fan nodded slightly and turned to the first page.


Looking at the dense English letters in the script, he was slightly startled at first, and then became immersed in the plot.

After all, he is also a law student at Hainan University, so reading an English script is not a problem.

The story of "The Martian" is much richer than that of "Gravity". It mainly tells the story of astronaut Mark Watney, who was accidentally stranded on Mars due to a Martian storm. With the help of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration), he finally returned to Earth smoothly.

This is very pure hard science fiction.

Compared with other films with the theme of space exploration, "The Martian" is completely different.

The story in the script does not deliberately create a mysterious atmosphere in outer space, nor does it overemphasize the absolute dominance of scientism in space exploration. At the same time, it does not imagine the conflict and confrontation between humans and alien life out of thin air. Instead, it focuses on In terms of shaping and portraying human individuals.

The emphasis on "people" gives this story a distinct "humanistic" color. Through the simple plot, it finally completes a popular story about "rescue".

To describe it in one sentence: "This story combines the wonders of the universe with the 'sublime' theme feeling, deepens the anthropological subjectivity in the narrative, and highlights the subject's self-awakening and self-affirmation."

After spending a full hour, Guo Fan finally finished reading the script.

After reading the last page, he closed the script and looked at Chen Fei curiously: "This seems to be a Hollywood science fiction movie?"

Chen Fei nodded lightly and asked again: "Let me test you first. What did you read from this script?"

Guo Fan was not stumped by this question. After organizing his language a little, he narrated: "The story revolves around the narrative core of "rescue", treating Mark's self-rescue and the earth's aid as two simultaneous development clues. Cross display.

The main selling point is that it presents the tense and anxious Martian rescue process in a relaxed and humorous way. In addition, Mark reduces his loneliness and fear through humor on Mars. It also allows the audience to see the hope of the protagonist being rescued and the exploration of Mars. of great significance. "

As he was speaking, he suddenly paused and continued to add:

“I think the subtlety of this story is that all scientific exploration and character actions revolve around the theme of ‘survival’.

It is more like placing the story of desert island survival in a space background, but its core is still the instinctive will of human beings to survive when faced with an environment beyond their control.

With this core premise, no matter how unfamiliar the scientific methods and computational experiments used in subsequent filming are to the audience, I think it will not make people feel boring, but will make the audience feel fresh and cool! "

"Clap clap clap!"

Chen Fei applauded him at the right time and praised him without hesitation: "Sure enough, your talent in science fiction movies far exceeds that of management."

Guo Fan scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "When I was very young, I especially liked "Terminator 2" directed by James Cameron.

At that time, I wanted to study at Nortel, but unfortunately there was no enrollment quota for the directing department there, so I missed it.

However, my passion for science fiction movies has never diminished! "

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction. Interest + talent can usually unleash great power!
He raised his hand and pointed directly at the script in Guo Fan's hand: "In that case, I will leave this script to you.

My request is that you adapt it to a Chinese background and then successfully film it.

How about it, do you have the confidence to do it? "


Guo Fan looked confident.

Needless to say, if he were to direct a Hollywood movie, it would be a mess.

Although he studied on the crew of "Pacific Rim" for more than four months, he is still in the ignorant stage about the Hollywood film industry, and he has not yet fully digested what he has learned.

If the background was placed in China and relying on what he learned from "Gravity", he believed that he would be able to make this movie.

"Okay, then I will leave this script to you. Then you can adapt it first and wait for my review before sending it to the film bureau."

Chen Fei warned very seriously: "Remember, it must be kept secret!"

"Okay, I understand."

Guo Fan nodded solemnly and left the company happily.

After graduation, he has been idle for a long time.

Now it's good, finally a big project is here!

You don’t need to guess, the investment in this movie will definitely not be small, at least more than 200 million yuan.

He was beginning to feel nervous now, but at the same time he felt an inexplicable sense of anticipation.

This is the first time to lead such a large project, so Chen Fei must not be disappointed!


After seeing Guo Fan off, Chen Fei was just about to call and continue shaking people off, but his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and took a look, only to see Huang Xiaoming's name clearly marked on the caller ID.

"Hello? Xiao Ming? What's the matter?"

After answering the call, he turned on the speakerphone, put the phone aside, and looked back at the script on the table.

"The one who pursues the murderer".

This script... Chen Fei is going to let Kang Honglei try it.

After filming so many military-themed TV series, he has now officially transitioned into the directing industry and also filmed "The Founding of the Party".

Chen Fei feels that there is no need for him to continue to delve into military themes for the time being, and perhaps he should try a more diverse style.

Just as he was thinking about it, Huang Xiaoming's voice rang on the phone: "Haha, Director Chen, I didn't disturb you, did I?

I called just to tell you that the movie "Piff" starring me will be released next month. If you have time, you can come to the premiere to be lively.

Zhang Yi from your agency also played the second male lead in this movie. It just so happens that you can comment on it. This movie and our acting skills are not recognized by you, a great director. "

Huang Xiaoming never puts on airs when speaking, and his attitude is always very low-key. This is why he is so popular in the industry.

Chen Fei agreed without much thought: "Okay, I'll definitely be there."


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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