It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 524: Kneel down and lick the boy band and girl band, so you can have a sumptuous table of &q

Chapter 524 Kneel down and lick...the boy team and the girl team, what a sumptuous table of "cuisine", completed in the later stage!

"Chen Fei, Chang Tian, ​​come over here!"

In the front row, Han Sanping stood up and waved to Chen Fei and Wang Changtian who were standing at the door, telling them to hurry over.

This shout attracted the attention of many people, especially the bosses of the six major brokerage companies. They all turned to look at Fade Chen, their eyes widening unconsciously.

This person... is a "god"-like existence in South Korea!

When ShowBox, CJ, SBS and other companies saw him, they wanted to kneel down and lick him.

This horse riding is the confidence and reputation gained by holding countless resources!
In fact, the six major agencies in South Korea initially contacted Feiyinghuang Agency, but unfortunately they were rejected. As a last resort, they had no choice but to choose Huayi.

The reason for rejection is simple.

Chen Fei does not lack these three melons and two dates at all, and he does not want to be called a "two devils" by the media in the future.

Although it is profitable to bring these idol artists into the country, the disadvantages are also obvious.

Once domestic dissatisfaction is triggered, Huayi will definitely bear the brunt and suffer the most!



As soon as he walked to the front row and glanced at the familiar people around him, Chen Fei immediately jokingly said, "Huh? Director Han is sitting so far forward? This is the best viewing position."


Wang Changtian suddenly laughed, and Ye Ning, Ren Zhonglun, Lu Zheng and others also laughed.

This is the tacit understanding that only exists between men.

Han Sanping was a shameless person. She waved her hand and acted like I was serious: "Tasting, this is called close-up tasting, do you understand?"

In an instant, everyone around them laughed louder.

From time to time, people would come up to say hello, but they would leave after a while.

This circle is not one that can be easily integrated into. Looking at it, who is not a big shot?
Chen Fei also saw an acquaintance, Zhu Zhihui, one of the directors of the SM agency.

In addition to being an agent, this woman is also the mother-in-law of a certain club. She has at least a hundred artists under her that can "make a debut".

Chen Fei remembered that it was through her that he met Li Zhien when he went to South Korea for the first time.

As the guests entered one by one, the event began quickly.

The conspicuous Wang Zhonglei came on stage and talked a lot of nonsense, and then people from South Korea also came on stage and drew a big picture of "win-win cooperation".

The event officially begins!
The men's team took the lead.

The only one Chen Fei was familiar with was EXO, especially the one with blonde hair. He was so impressed!
In his previous life, he was still riding a sewing machine.

After several feminine performances, the scene that excited the male audience finally appeared.

Pairs of long white legs just appeared on the stage. It was so eye-catching that many people couldn't even bear to blink!
Chen Fei judged it with a very professional eye, and finally found that Girls' Generation's performance was better.

Especially Lin Yoona, who serves as the lead dancer, has a very high professional level. Her long legs that have been carefully maintained seem to glow under the light!

"Tsk, tsk." Wang Changtian suddenly sighed: "Comparing these idol artists in South Korea, the ones here are completely inadequate."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Several people around him cast curious glances.

"Look at these shorts and skirts, it's not too much to call them 'fashion-leading'!"

"Ha ha!"

A group of old perverts all showed knowing smiles.

While they were joking, everyone couldn't help but start to consider the subsequent impact.

After today's event, these idol artists on the stage will officially enter the domestic entertainment industry, which will inevitably have a huge impact on the domestic market.

Even the big guys like them can't escape and must find a way to deal with it.

"Next is f(x), let us welcome Song Qian and her group members..."

Hearing this familiar name, Chen Fei subconsciously raised his eyes.

To be able to become the leader of an idol trainee group in a place like South Korea, this person is also a real person.

Soon, as the girl groups finished their performances one after another, Chen Fei saw the last show.

Lee Ji-eun (IU)'s solo performance!
"A song "Every End of the Day" for everyone!"

In the audience, Chen Fei gave him encouraging applause at the right time.

The girl on the stage seemed to be aware of it. After glancing in his direction, she winked very playfully.

This small gesture triggered cheers from many people at the scene, and the applause from a group of old perverts became even more enthusiastic.

On the other side, Wang Zhonglei, who was sitting in the first row with his legs crossed, was also struck by this expression.

As a double plug, he had many targets at today's event.

Sitting next to him was Zhu Zhihui, a famous pimp in the South Korean entertainment industry.

The two of them can be regarded as a pair of bastards and mung beans, and they just happen to have eyes for each other.

Zhu Zhihui agreed without hesitation to several "targets" selected by Wang Zhonglei during the show and promised to send them to the hotel within the next few days.

"This IU looks pretty good to me, is that okay?"

Wang Zhonglei pointed his finger casually, assuming a gesture of pointing out the country.

Those who don’t know better think that he has become the emperor and is currently choosing a concubine!
However, the next second, Zhu Zhihui's answer made his expression slightly stiff: "Mr. Wang, this won't work either. We can't afford to offend the people behind her."

This is the third time Wang Zhonglei has been rejected today.

The first time was Lin Yoona, the second time was Song Qian, and Li Zhien happened to be the third and last one.

"Oh? Then I'm quite curious. How awesome is the person behind her? Is he more awesome than your six major agencies plus Huayi?"

Zhu Zhihui really thought about it carefully.

China has Feiyue Film and Television, Neon has Tsuburaya Co., Ltd., South Korea has ShowBox, CJ, SBS, plus India, Britain, Germany, France, and the giant Walt Disney Studios. Industry.

Add these together, plus Chen Fei's current identity and status, as well as his achievements...

She nodded heavily and replied: "I'm afraid the whole of South Korea combined is not as good as him! Even including Huayi!"

Hearing this, Wang Zhonglei immediately fell silent, and his little thoughts did not dare to spread anymore.

Can't afford it!
This kind of sincerity cannot be offended!
He didn't want Hua Yi to suffer a big fall because of his lower body.


After Li Zhien's performance, today's event was officially over.

Naturally, the follow-up was the ever-changing cocktail party.

The heads of major brokerage companies led their idol artists and began to toast frequently at the scene, hoping to become familiar with them.

"Oppa, long time no see!"

Li Zhien walked quickly in front, followed by her manager.

Seeing his artist entering the most jealous group of big guys in China, he just didn't dare to follow him and huddled aside like a quail to watch.

"Haha, I heard that you have been very popular in Neon recently? And you even released a Japanese album?"

"Hehe, no, little fire, just a little fire."

After chatting for a while, Chen Fei introduced the big bosses around him: "This is Director Wang from Guangguang Channel, as well as Wang Ke, the deputy director of Mango Channel, and Mr. Ye from Wanda..."

In this situation, Li Zhien was naturally very polite and greeted everyone present one by one.

"Mr. you...know me?" Wang Changtian raised his eyebrows with a surprised look on his face.

Chen Fei nodded and didn't hide anything from him: "I have a lot of dealings with companies such as ShowBox, CJ, and SBS. IU is currently affiliated with CJ."

After hearing this sentence, everyone at the scene understood it instantly!

Han Sanping clicked her tongue twice, and said in a tone that sounded like you're hiding a lot, "I'm just telling you, no wonder there's no scandal at all about you, it turns out they're all outside."


Chen Fei smiled and did not deny it.

The eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother. In fact, everyone is the same.

The most typical example is Bona's Yu Dong. When he came to participate in the event today, the peacock princess stayed with him, and the two behaved extremely intimately.


After the event, everyone dispersed. Chen Fei had already opened the hotel in advance, and the two "little sheep" Lin Yuner and Li Zhien did not keep him waiting. After a while, they personally walked to the door and threw themselves into the mouth of his "hungry wolf".

This night is destined to be uneventful.

1VS2, Chen Fei is not timid at all.

When he got up at noon the next day, he immediately saw the specific news about yesterday's event on the film and television information website.

"With the help of Huayi, from now on, South Korea's major popular groups, idol artists, girl groups, boy groups, etc. will fully enter the mainland entertainment market."

"It is reported that many idol groups have signed large performance contracts, and major TV stations in the mainland have offered extremely generous packages."

"Mango Channel has announced that it will provide a performing arts platform for South Korean artists. Cooperation projects include but are not limited to film and television, singing and dancing, large-scale performances, etc."

"At this point, China and South Korea will officially carry out in-depth cooperation through cultural exchanges, taking the best and discarding the dross, and achieving win-win cooperation!"

"F(X), EXO and other groups have received a lot of attention. Among them, mainland artists led by Song Qian, Lu Han, Huang Zitao, etc. have shown an extremely urgent desire to return to China!"

Looking around, netizens are pursuing it, the media is boasting, and official support...

Obviously, this matter is a done deal!
The decision above has been made, and the people below have no choice but to cooperate.

Feiyue Film and Television has not been greatly affected. As a producer, they are the provider of resources and are the serious father of Party A.

But it's different at Feiyinghuang's agency.

With so many job seekers suddenly arriving overnight, the competition will definitely become more and more intense in the future, and good resources will also decrease accordingly. Actors and celebrities will almost bear the brunt!
"Hollywood blockbusters made a strong entrance at the beginning of the year, and South Korean artists entered the game in the middle of the year... Haha, it's getting more and more interesting."

Chen Fei stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel, overlooking the South Korean artists coming in and out of the Huayi Building opposite, with a bit of disdain on his face.

"You two devils, retribution is coming soon..."

He still had a lot of Huayi stocks in his hands, and Chen Fei decided to find a suitable time to sell them all.

You have to find a taker first!

After separating from Lin Yuner and Li Zhien, Chen Fei returned to the company.

As expected, the "salesman" has already come to the door.

Su Guohai came to him immediately, then raised his hand and handed over a booklet, and explained: "This is the booklet handed over by UAM. It contains various information about actors, entertainers, idol stars, and Specialized performance style, etc.

They said it was up to us to choose. "

“Professional enough!”

Chen Fei took the booklet, opened it and glanced at it.

Height, weight, and three-dimensional data are all placed at the front, and there are many portrait photos attached at the back. Without exception, all of them are dressed very coolly.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Fei did not see the information of Lin Yuner and Li Zhien in it.

Obviously, those two are not on this "menu".

"It's quite interesting..."

Chen Fei thought silently for a moment, raised his hand and pointed, and finally landed on "Song Qian" on the list.

"You contact UAM. We want this person. If there are any less important supporting roles in the future, we can let her show up."

Inviting the South Korean entertainment industry to come in is a big policy from above, and the film and television production companies below can only cooperate.

Regardless of whether you like it in your heart or not, you must first be able to live up to your reputation.

The demeanor of a great nation must not be lost.

Lin Yoona, Li Zhien, plus Song Qian, who is also from China, this is the attitude of Chen Fei and Feiyue Film and Television.

As for other South Korean actors and entertainers... have anything to do with him?

There are still a lot of people waiting for support at Feiyinghuang's agency, so how can there be so many resources for Bangzi to share.

Isn’t Huayi willing to be a springboard? Then let them carry the sedan chair.

Taking advantage of the above, it is impossible not to bleed. Even if these two brothers are sitting on a rocket, they cannot escape from the palm of the real big shot!

In a blink of an eye, April is here.

Good news came from Industrial Light and Magic on time.

With the efforts of a special effects team of hundreds of people and more than four months, the special effects shots of "Pacific Rim" were finally completed.

After receiving the news, Han Sanping couldn't wait to announce this hot news!

"The US$1.6 million Sino-US science fiction blockbuster "Pacific Rim" has officially completed all special effects and post-production on April 4."

As soon as the news was announced, many production companies in the industry were immediately attracted.

Hard science fiction, co-productions, a huge investment of US$1.6 million... Many conditions have been added, and it is already destined that this movie will enter the domestic market.

What industry peers are most concerned about is the specific time when this movie will be released in China.

If this kind of "Big Mac" is introduced, a large number of domestic films will surely be unlucky because of it!


But now that "Pacific Rim" has come out, it's time to get on top of it again!


Inside the China Film Office Building.

Several investors of "Pacific Rim" have gathered together again.

Han Sanping looked directly at Chen Fei and said straight to the point: "What's your idea? Which schedule do you think is more suitable?"

"National Day stalls."

Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all. He always felt that this time slot was reserved for science fiction films.

If the post-production of "Interstellar" hadn't taken a long time, he would definitely have tried to have the film screened during the National Day holiday in China.

"Oh?" Han Sanping raised her eyebrows and felt relieved: "I thought you would ask to go to the New Year stall."

He was still thinking before that if Chen Fei asked "Pacific Rim" to be registered in the "Lunar New Year" slot as soon as he opened his mouth, what kind of reason would he find to convince him.

This behemoth is too scary. If it is included in the Lunar New Year slot, many domestic movies will definitely have strong opinions.

Even if China Film had a certain investment share in this movie, he would not dare to do this.

The situation this year is too special. With 34 Hollywood blockbusters entering the show, domestic films are already hard to resist.

If "Pacific Rim" is put on the Lunar New Year schedule again, it will really cause public outrage!

But the next second, the smile that had just appeared on Han Sanping's face suddenly froze, because Chen Fei immediately added: "I plan to put "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City" into the Lunar New Year file."



Ren Zhonglun and Ye Ning, who were sitting on the chairs on the other side, also had their eyes widened with horror at this moment!
I don't know, I was surprised!
It’s really going to take the entire second half of the year!
Looking at the surprised expressions of the three people in front of him, Chen Fei shrugged with an indifferent expression: "Aren't there people in the industry always shouting that domestic movies can't compete with Hollywood blockbusters?
If they don't dare to go up, then let me do it. I'm not afraid.

By the way, save the Spring Festival movie for me in January next year. The filming of "Wolf Warrior" is almost finished, so it can be released in the Spring Festival movie. "

At this moment, Han Sanping suddenly fell into deep thought.

Most of these films have participation from China Film Group.

If they can all succeed and suppress the momentum of Hollywood blockbusters, this will be a political achievement for him!

Compared with those opposing voices, his political achievements are naturally more important.

The higher the box office performance of the movie, the more stable the position under his butt will be, and the objections will naturally have no impact on him...

This horse riding is a complete "dead cycle"!
"Okay, it's settled."

Han Sanping slammed the table: "I will take care of the scheduling, so you don't have to worry about it. China Film Group will also be responsible for the promotion."

Ren Zhonglun's eyes suddenly widened: "Hey! Director Han! I didn't let you play like this! You eat meat, so why don't you share the soup with me!"

Han Sanping glared at him and said reluctantly: "You three, I seven, I will take care of the north side, and I will bear the pressure of arranging the films, and you will be responsible for the south side. That should be okay, right?"

"Then... let's do it."

Ren Zhonglun thought for a while and finally agreed.

It's pretty good to be able to fish something out of this Pixiu's mouth.

Three makes three percent, it’s better than nothing.


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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