It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 525 Youku? Potato? What kind of literary and artistic circles are you involved in? I am the

Chapter 525 Youku? Potato? What kind of literary and artistic circles are you involved in? I am the leader in the literary and art circles!
After having a meal with the third master in the China Film Canteen, Chen Fei walked out on his own, and at the same time took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Wang Changtian back.

Lao Wang called him while eating just now, but because people around him were too talkative, he didn't answer it and instead sent a text message back.

Now that there is no one around, there is naturally no need to taboo anything.

"Hello? Mr. Wang? What's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, you are quietly making a big splash!"

Wang Changtian's tone was quite bitter.

Both "The Palace of the Golden Phoenix" and "The Four 1" are scheduled to be released after the middle of this year, but what makes Guangguang depressed is that they don't know which release date to choose at all.

Looking around, almost all suitable schedules are occupied by movies from Feiyue Film and Television!

"Haha, why did Mr. Wang say this?" Chen Fei deliberately pretended to be confused.

"Alas!" Wang Changtian sighed again and said bluntly: "Mr. Chen, "Four Famous Catchers" starring Yang Mi and "Tongque Terrace" invested by Enlight are ready to be scheduled.

You are quite professional in this area. Can you give me some advice? "

Chen Fei pondered for a moment, stopped joking with him, and said bluntly: "July and September, these two months may be a little easier."

Hearing the sound, Wang Changtian's eyes lit up.

This call was made right!
He asked again tentatively: "Is "Pacific Rim" scheduled to be released in October?"

Chen Fei chuckled and said, "I can't decide on the timing of the co-production. The China Film Festival will issue a notice in two days, and Mr. Wang will know by then."

As soon as these words came out, it was almost obvious.

Wang Changtian was in a complicated mood. He wanted to complain about this mountain sculpture, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it: "Okay, let's leave it like this for now. If there's a place where we can get some light, feel free to speak up, Mr. Chen."

"it is good."

After ending the call, Chen Fei returned to the company by car.

On the other side, Wang Changtian quickly determined the official release time of the two movies he invested in without giving it much thought.

"Four Famous Catchers" will be released on July 7st, and "Tongquetai" will be released on September 1th.

As for the love movie starring Liu Shishi, he has already given up. Watching the finished movie simply made him angry!


A piece of news that Chen Fei had been waiting for for a long time appeared on the business news page.

"Youku acquires Tudou..."

This matter has not attracted much attention in the film and television industry, because more attention is focused on offline rather than online.

However, the appearance of this news immediately attracted Chen Fei's attention!
Speaking of which, is pretty miserable.

It should have been the industry leader, but now its founder’s divorce has frozen its equity, which directly led to the failure of its IPO at the best time.

Now, Tudou's biggest competitor Youku has completed its listing first, and turned around to annex the former in one fell swoop.

It can be seen that marriage is really a huge tomb!

The couple's divorce indirectly resulted in a loss of US$30 billion, and all their hard work was wasted.

Chen Fei didn't know whether the Tudou couple would regret it after this, and he didn't really want to know, because the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time finally came.

Acquire Youku!

At this time, Youku was not like it was later, with all kinds of pop-up ads flying all over the place.

After the success of the Nasdaq listing and the acquisition of Tudou, Youku is completely unique in terms of online video!
Chen Fei has been paying attention to Youku in the past few months. It can be clearly discovered that there are many self-media uploaders on the platform, and the quality of the videos is also high. There are all kinds of online dramas and Japanese comics. There is a clear trend of becoming China's Youtube!
By pocketing it in advance, you can achieve both online and offline profits.

Feiyue Films + Pan Asia Cinemas + Youku = closed loop of film and television industry chain!
"2012 happened to be a good opportunity."

Chen Fei murmured, but what he thought of was Mr. Ma.

Alibaba is like a bandit. No matter which industry it enters, it will always make a mess.

In the previous life, Youku was so brilliant after annexing Tudou, but after Alibaba messed around and changed coaches, it was completely destroyed.

Otherwise, how could iQiyi and Tencent catch up from behind?

Not to mention Mango TV, etc., it is full of slots!
Chen Fei is the kind of person who is very straightforward and action-oriented. Once he has an idea in his mind, he will implement it immediately.

He directly called Zhou Shouzi, the head of Longxiang Capital's China region, and arranged for him to lead the acquisition.

Zhou Shouzi, who is 29 years old this year, has an excellent resume. Chen Fei spent a lot of effort to recruit him from DST and serve as the head of the China region of Longxiang Capital.

It is worth mentioning that before joining DST, he also interned at Facebook for a period of time.

After joining Longxiang Capital, he led investments in many companies including Xiaomi,, Alibaba, Didi Dache, BYD, CATL, etc.

To be honest, Chen Fei doesn't even know how many companies he actually controls or indirectly controls now.

He can now proudly declare: "When I make friends, I never look at whether the other person has money, because they don't have as much money as me!"

When receiving a call from Chen Fei, Zhou Shouzi went to check some internal information.

Then, he directly gave Chen Fei a huge surprise!

"At the beginning of Youku's listing, Longxiang Capital has obtained 19% of Youku Tudou's shares through investments from various parties and operations in recent years."

When he got this answer, Chen Fei subconsciously sat up straight.

“How much will this help subsequent acquisitions?”

"Then it depends on what your purpose is, Mr. Chen? Holding a controlling stake? Or a wholly-owned acquisition?"

"Of course it's fully owned."

Just like the acquisition of Golden Harvest and Pan-Asia Cinemas, Chen Fei's first requirement is stability and avoiding any worries.

He can make wedding clothes for others.

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Shouzi thought for a moment and then replied: "Okay, I understand. Just wait for my good news."

"Well, it's up to you."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei simply put the matter behind him.

Professional people do professional things, and he believes that Zhou Shouzi will definitely bring him more surprises!

The next day, in the Youku building, Gu Yongjiang, who was busy integrating Tudou's resources, received a call from the company's shareholders.

"Antique, Director Ma from Alibaba and President Zhou from Longxiang Capital asked me to make an appointment with you."

"Ali? Longxiang Capital?"

Gu Yong's face was slightly startled, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "Okay, let's put the meeting place at Youku's side."


The light moves quickly.

On the third day after the phone call with Chen Fei, the release posters for "Four Famous Catchers" and "Tongque Terrace" were posted on the official website.

In the afternoon of the same day, not to be outdone, China Film directly released the first global release poster of "Pacific Rim" online.

Above the vast sea, among the dark clouds and lightning, there are several mecha giants standing, flying in the sky, or running like they are standing tall on the sky and the earth. At a glance, they are full of intimidation!

Especially the fiery red Chinese-style mecha at the front is so attractive that it makes people feel shocked!
The designers of China Film Group have put in a lot of effort. All the Chinese-style mechas correspond to Chinese historical or mythological figures. The main thing is to promote culture!
At the bottom of the poster, there is a slightly smaller line of text that clearly reads: "In order to fight against the giant beasts, we create giant warriors."

In addition, the producer and specific release time of the movie are also marked at the bottom of the poster.

There was no need for China Film Group to go out of its way to say hello. The media began to report:
"The co-production film "Pacific Rim" is officially scheduled to be released on October 10st!"

"Chinese mechas fight against behemoths, let's wait and see!"

"China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, Feiyue Pictures, Lucasfilm, Waltons Pictures, a masterpiece of ingenuity, science fiction will compete on the National Day again."

As soon as the news came out, all the major production companies in the industry started to curse.

Originally, the good schedule in the second half of the year was only two or three months, but now it is better. The National Day schedule that many companies are paying attention to has been snatched away by the co-production film "Pacific Rim"!
In addition to the Lunar New Year period, the only months left for them are July and November. Suddenly, many movies began to be scheduled or adjusted, and they flooded into the past two months.

Of course, there are still many production companies preparing to compete with Feiyue Film and Television.

"Xiu Chun Knife 2" is just a martial arts movie, "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" is a rare domestic animated movie, "Anti-Corruption Storm 2" is just a Hong Kong movie, and "Your Name" is a A love movie...

Is there anything to be afraid of?

Just rush and that’s it!

At the same time, as the only domestic actors to participate in the co-production project "Pacific Rim", Wu Jing and Jing Tian have once again become the focus of many people's attention.

The former was filming "Wolf Warrior" in the military area and had not shown up for the time being. The media naturally did not dare to disturb him because they were afraid of being arrested as a spy.

The latter has naturally received great attention because he is filming the controversial movie "Special Identity".

"I have already helped you get the heroine of "Macau Storm". "New Mom Love Me Again" will be released in September, and then "Pacific Rim" will be released in October, followed by "The Rescuers" in November. .

You will be the focus of the film market for at least three months this year!
Next year, the three movies "Special Identity", "New Police Story 2013" and "Macau" will continue to be popular for at least three months..."

After listening to Lu Zheng's words, Jing Tian nodded silently, feeling a little excited.

Two years, six movies, especially a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster like "Pacific Rim", the popularity will definitely last for a long time!
After the movie was finalized, the first promotional video quickly appeared online, attracting the attention of many people.

In the picture, Wu Jing and Jing Tian, ​​wearing red combat uniforms with a Chinese style, walked towards the huge mecha and entered the combat compartment through the elevator.

At this time, the camera zoomed out slightly and turned to a look-up angle, and the eyes of several mecha giants standing tall suddenly lit up, and they walked out of the door of the giant ship step by step, running towards the sea!

The background of the entire picture is already full of wind and rain, dense clouds, and lightning bursts from time to time in the sky.

The camera continued to zoom out, and suddenly there were waves of roars coming from the deep, silent ocean that contained great terror!
The next second, the sea surface suddenly rose in several places, forming huge whirlpools and wind waves!

The hundred-meter-tall giant beast broke through the sea, roared and roared towards several mechas, and rushed towards them like crazy...

画面最后则是一条通告:“《环太平洋》已定档2012年10月1号,将以2D、3D、 imax-3D版本登录各大影院,票房预售将于8月份正式启动,敬请期待!”

The two-minute promotional trailer, coupled with the final announcement, immediately attracted the attention of many viewers.

Especially the conspicuous Chinese-style mecha giant inside made many viewers excited.

"It has to be Director Chen! Let me tell you that his trip to Hollywood was not in vain. Now it's better. It's not just gringos who can save the earth. We Chinese can also save it!"

"What? Why did the box office pre-sale only start in August? I want to buy it now! imax-3D! It will be so exciting!"

"Don't worry, brothers. The main dishes are all in the back. Let's have dessert first. The box office pre-sales for "Xiu Chun Knife 2" and "Journey to the West: The Return of the Monkey King" have started. Please support us first!"

"I want to watch that domestic animated movie. The promotional video looks very good."

"Well, didn't Teacher Six say that this animated movie ruins the three views, ruins the classics, ruins the original work, etc.? Is it really good to watch?"

"What a guy! The brothers upstairs are so innocent, and they actually believe in Teacher Liu!"


The news on the Internet is mixed, but the film and television industry is actually in harmony.

The "Knife-inserting Cult" incident has faded away, the "Zhao Zhen Controversy" has been temporarily suspended, and the "Zhang Yimou Extraordinary Life" incident has also been temporarily suppressed...

The warm "melon" is gone, and good people and good deeds begin to appear.

Jia Zhangke is quite honest in what he does.

On this day, he suddenly announced on his personal Weibo that he would spend his own money to build an art cinema in the capital, specifically to play literary films.

At the same time, he also promised: "In the future, all artistic films that are not favored by theaters and have no chance to be seen by the audience can choose to be screened in this art theater he built."

Lao Jia is not the kind of artistic film director who is short of money. Even if he loses money and makes a profit, he has nothing to lose.

Regardless of what people in the industry think of him, his name has been raised!
After seeing this news, Chen Fei suddenly had an idea.

Why not cooperate with Lao Jia?
Everyone is from Shanxi Province and they all hang out in the same circle, so they naturally have the conditions for cooperation.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Jia Zhangke's number.

The two soon agreed to meet in a teahouse in the afternoon.

Lao Jia, 42 years old, graduated from the Department of Literature of Nortel and is one of the representatives of the sixth generation of Chinese directors.

Since his debut, he has directed and produced many excellent works. In 06, he won the Golden Lion Award at the rd Venice International Film Festival for "The Good Man".

In the literary and art circles, Jia Zhangke can be regarded as a banner.

Of course, even though his status in the circle is quite high, he still looks kind and cheerful in front of Chen Fei, without any intention of showing off.

Not to mention the Chinese film and television industry, even in Hollywood and even around the world, Chen Fei's performance in the field of literary and artistic films is enough to be called a "natural talent"!
The 28-year-old winner of three gold medals at the European Film Festival. With such achievements, no matter where he is placed, he will be regarded as a guest.

After the two met in the teahouse, they exchanged greetings and then got down to business.

"Since we want to build an art cinema, why not build a big one at once and directly cover the whole country and even the entire Asia."

Jia Zhangke was stunned by Chen Fei's first words!
He is indeed not short of money, but building an art theater in the capital is the best he can do within his capabilities.

As for covering the whole country, or even all of Asia, this is a complete fantasy for him!
Jia Zhangke was quite dumbfounded: "Director Chen, you think too highly of me."

"No, no, no!" Chen Fei shook his head and said seriously: "Director Jia, you may not understand what I mean. I just said us.

I will take care of the theater and release matters, and your main responsibility is to select suitable literary films and then leave them to me to arrange the release. "

Hearing this, Jia Zhangke frowned subconsciously.

He thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out Chen Fei's purpose.

It takes so much effort, manpower and material resources, and it is likely to be thankless in the end.

Jia Zhangke said tentatively: "Director Chen, I think I need to remind you that not all literary and artistic films can be like the films you make and be more popular than those commercial films."

"I know." Chen Fei smiled and said straight to the point: "You also know my situation. I am almost at the end of my career in the field of commercial films, but in terms of literary and artistic films, I am isolated from the entire circle. "

"Do you want to re-enter this circle?"

Jia Zhangke was quite surprised.

He secretly guessed that Chen Fei wanted to please the old guys in the literary and art circles and gain their approval?
Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. As a director who has won three European gold medals and Grand Slams, there is no need to please those old guys and give them money and prestige!

Chen Fei suddenly grinned: "No, I don't want to enter that circle, my idea is to re-establish a literary and artistic circle.

I hope we can form an alliance. You will be responsible for external work, and I will be mainly responsible for the rear.

You are a senior, and your prestige in the industry is higher than mine. I believe you can win over a group of directors of artistic films who are willing to get close to us. Let's build a new artistic circle with us as the leader. What do you think? "

Hearing this, Jia Zhangke's eyes suddenly lit up!
Being someone else's younger brother is not as cool as being the boss yourself!

"But..." A trace of worry flashed in his eyes: "Some important positions are still controlled by the 'old seniors' in the circle, and they will not let go so easily."


Chen Fei suddenly laughed and said slowly while shaking the tea cup: "The times have changed. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Those 'old seniors' will eventually be too old to move."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly drank all the tea in the cup.

The voice continued to sound, as if the devil's temptation lingered in Jia Zhangke's ears: "Actually, I have always wanted to make some contribution to my hometown, such as investing in the construction of a film school.

Just in time, I think you can serve as the first dean of this college. How about it? Are you interested in giving it a try? "

As the saying goes, if wealth does not return to its hometown, it will be like walking in brocade at night!
Jia Zhangke was already extremely agitated by the many conditions offered by Chen Fei, but now after hearing the words "the first president of the first film school in Shanxi Province", he immediately made up his mind.

He also drank all the tea in the cup in one gulp and stretched out his hand towards Chen Fei: "For art!"

"Haha, for art!"

Chen Fei stretched out his right hand and shook it tightly, but what he thought in his mind was that he was one step closer to his goal!
What's the point of being in other people's circles?
If you want to hang out, just hang out in the circle you created!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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