It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 526 Feng Dapao? Chen Dapao? Whose cannon is louder? This wave has taken the heat out of the

Chapter 526 Feng Dapao? Chen Dapao? Whose cannon is louder? This time, the fire is coming under the cauldron!

The media paparazzi’s sense of smell is far more sensitive than ordinary people!

Not long after Chen Feigang and Jia Zhangke separated, there was news on the Internet that the two met.

"Famous domestic directors Chen Fei and Jia Zhangke met in a teahouse, talked for several hours, and then said goodbye."

"The two had a very happy conversation and it is suspected that they will collaborate."

"Coming from a meeting between art film directors, the two are suspected of hitting the top three gold medals in Europe again..."

Many people in the industry paid attention to the meeting between Chen Fei and Jia Zhangke.

Especially those actors who are pursuing awards immediately began to use their interpersonal relationships and began to inquire whether the two had any new cooperation plans.

Let’s not mention whether he can win awards or not. Even if he can get nominated for major foreign awards, the impact on his salary and position will be huge!
It's a pity that no matter how many actors in the circle tried their best, they couldn't get any information.

After the two separated, they went about their own business and had no intention of starting a new drama at all.

"Ouch! Did Feng Dapao mean something? I'm quite curious, who have you been 'disrespectful' to before? Could it be a certain actress named Shu Mingqi?"

54 years old means that youth is completely over.

Chen Fei had no intention of confronting Feng Xiaogang, so he quickly switched to the tuba and watched the excitement with the crowd.

Even if it is just a small flame, if you throw a handful of hay on it, it will still ignite fiercely!

Opening a film school is not something Fade Chen is just talking about, he is really planning to do it.

After all, he is also a "big boss", and there are many people in the circle who support Feng Xiaogang.

And when he looked at the comments on Weibo, he suddenly discovered that Feng Xiaogang had been called a grandson!
"You are so disrespectful to me, how dare you say such a thing?"

"First of all, I wish director Feng Xiaogang a happy May 8.18th Youth Day in advance. By the way, I also wish you a happy Children's Day on June st, a happy Valentine's Day on Chinese Valentine's Day, and a happy Chinese Ghost Festival on ..."

People are like this. When they have enough money, they unconsciously start chasing "fame."

If I make any mistakes again in the future, it will definitely be 'disrespecting the elderly'..."

The reason why Jia Zhangke was chosen to be the first dean was not only because of his status and qualifications in the circle, but also because... Chen Fei despised the position of dean.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just like my new movie "Titanic", which is invested by multiple mainland parties and directed and produced by me, our target is the Hollywood blockbuster "Titanic". "

After nearly half a year, Feng Xiaogang's "1942" finally reached its final moment.

The essence of Lezi people is "copy + paste".

He directly aimed at the Sino-US film agreement, expressing his opinions while also including private information:
“In my opinion, facing the new Sino-US film agreement, there is only one way we can deal with it, and that is to invest in more co-productions between the Mainland and Hong Kong.


Chen Fei was stunned for a moment when he saw this Weibo.

So when you are 61 years old, doesn't it mean that your childhood is completely over?
Hey? Why are you getting younger as you live?

The comment area was full of chaos, and Feng Xiaogang was immediately criticized again.

After he gains enough strength and experience, he will definitely perform a wave of bigger and more sensational deeds next!


In addition to these two people, Xiang Huasheng, vice president of Huaxia Star, also expressed his opinion: "In my opinion, Xiangjiang is a huge creative base.

Of course, before that, he planned to learn from Feng Xiaogang and give the Hong Kong film industry a hard blow!
Those people are really disgusting!
At the Hong Kong International Film Festival held some time ago, when a group of "second devils" attended the closing ceremony, they talked about the future of Chinese films. By the way, they also commented in a rather sharp tone on a wave of mainland films and mainland films. Cinema market.

Wu Yu also expressed his opinion on this: "I think Ke Xin is right. The mainland film market is developing slowly and lacks qualified film producers. However, there happens to be a large number of professional talents in Hong Kong. We can completely complement each other.

Perhaps because he made a very careless movie, Feng Xiaogangpao Hushubao Gang could no longer suppress the deep emotion in his heart, and actually published a short essay on the day the movie was completed.

The purpose is actually very simple, one is to repay my hometown, and the other is to improve my reputation!

"I am 54 years old this year. May Fourth is a good number. It means that my youth is completely over. The successful completion of the movie is the best gift I have given myself.

Only in this way can we fight against Hollywood's imported blockbusters.

The third purpose of opening this film school is to accumulate experience.

The cannon roared directly at the netizens!

"What the hell are these two people doing?"

Especially the artists from Huayi, one after another, persuaded netizens to be sensible and respect Feng Xiaogang, the birthday boy, and the seniors...

He also has a more ambitious pursuit in his heart, which is far beyond what a provincial film school can satisfy.

The first person to die was Chen Kexin, who spent 7000 US dollars on a straw hat.

"Huh, young man? You, 'Hushu Bao', are you worthy of using such a word?"

Therefore, I suggest that mainland film companies can increase investment in the Hong Kong film market. Let’s work together to make more blockbusters! "

A wave of congratulations came down, and the people below were surprised to have caught up with the queue.

We can completely complement each other and share what we have. Hong Kong films and co-productions can be completely discarded and collectively referred to as Chinese films.

However, this not only did not stop the curiosity of the outside world, but more and more people began to pay attention to the conversation between Chen Fei and Jia Zhangke in the teahouse that afternoon.

Chen Fei was quite moved by what he saw, and quickly logged into his account and sent his blessings under Feng Xiaogang's Weibo.

Let me give you a simple example. It can be like "The Taiping Wheel". We in Xiangjiang will provide the creative ideas, be responsible for the actors, producers, post-production team and operation management, while the mainland will serve as the production base and target market.

I think this is a benign cooperation model. If you want Chinese-language films to reach that vast sky, Xiangjiang must be responsible for leading it! "

After the three people's words were published by the Hong Kong media, they immediately aroused huge repercussions in the Hong Kong film market.

Except for Golden Harvest, Media Asia, and Yinghuang, the other film companies responded with applause and suggested promoting it immediately.

The news spread back to the mainland and directly caused a huge sensation!

You've gone too far by conspiring to take us as the ones being taken advantage of, but now you don't even try to cover it up and just make a public statement.

What is this going to do?
Don't you even have the horse riding costume?
There was a lot of indignation in the circle. Unfortunately, because they had been oppressed for so long before, no one dared to respond directly, so they could only hold their anger in their hearts.

After kneeling for too long, their legs have become numb, and many people seem unable to even stand up.

There are even some people who don't want to stand at all and just want to kneel like this!

Of course, this group of people definitely does not include Chen Fei, whose character is mainly "young and energetic".

On the day when the internet was at its peak, Chen Fei published a short essay on his Weibo:

"Let me explain to you, what people like Chen Kexin and Wu Yu probably mean is to let us provide money and market, and then use their scripts, directors, actors, and by the way, hand over the authority to manage the crew, so that they can Wantonly making money and carrying private goods.

Okay then, I just want to ask here, are you really taking us for granted?
Do you still have the nerve to express your creativity while riding a horse? Haha, are they just those police and criminal themes and martial arts themes?
I just want to ask, "Warring States"? "Kuan"? "Martial Arts"? "Hongmen Banquet"? Which movie was successful?

Since "Infernal Affairs", what other works have you done that are worthy of praise?
Each and every one of them doesn’t even have a face, right? I ask you all to step on the horse and open your eyes and take a look. The current Xiangjiang Film Market is a horse and I’m holding on for it!

"October Siege", "The Overheard", "Guild Wars", "Cold War", "Anti-Corruption Storm", "Ip Man"... these works that have set box office records, the copyright and screenwriter are all mine!

Since you claim to be awesome, why don't you make a box office hit to open my eyes?

Let's first surpass "Heart Blossom Road" and "Gravity" and then brag about it, I will be ashamed of you even if I step on the horse..."

Once this short essay was published, it immediately caused a complete sensation in domestic and Hong Kong entertainment!
If this were an ordinary director, let alone publishing an article, even a live broadcast of scolding would not have any effect.

But Chen Fei is different.

His existence is clearly a benchmark in the mainland film industry!
But now that the "benchmark" has spoken, those in the mainland who have long been unable to bear it naturally choose to follow immediately. All the young directors applauded, and the media and netizens went crazy, beating the Hong Kong media back.

The big picture of the painting was torn into pieces, the bragging was exposed, and the posture was knocked down...

For a time, many people in the Hong Kong film industry immediately broke their guard.

However, even though they were furious, they didn't know how to respond to Chen Fei's remarks.

Especially Chen Kexin, because of the "straw hat incident", his reputation in the mainland was already very bad, and now he has become the target of criticism from netizens and the media.

"Are they still in sync with the production? We all invested money from the mainland and were tricked by you guys, right?"

"A straw hat costs 7000 U.S. dollars, and a villa can be purchased for filming a movie. Director Chen Kexin is so clever!"

"Wu Baige, please shut up. "Red Cliff" is a piece of shit! Wait until your "Tai Ping Wheel" box office exceeds "Gravity" before you come out to brag."


Mainland netizens were extremely aggressive, and under the leadership of Chen Fei, they fired crazily at the Hong Kong entertainment industry!
Inside Huayi Company, Feng Xiaogang looked envious.

Compared to Chen Fei, I am really inferior.

They are directly targeting the entire film and television industry in Hong Kong. Looking at myself, apart from exchanging a few words with netizens and anti-fans, the most I can do is criticize the organizers of the Golden Rooster Awards.

"No, I still have to keep working hard, my firepower is not enough..."

Feng Xiaogang secretly thought about how to improve his ability to fire, preferably one that could render his opponent speechless.

He also wanted to support Chen Fei, but after thinking about it, he still didn't take action.

It's not that I'm cowardly. The key is that the Hong Kong media directly labeled Chen Fei as "undermining unity."

The weather was too hot and he didn't want to wear a hat, so he might as well let someone with a "strong head" (Chen Fei) wear it.


"The film bureau has received a bunch of reports. The column for the person being reported is all your name. You should be prepared. This response is too rash..."

Han Sanping made a special call to give Chen Fei a tip-off, but the underlying message was to persuade him to delete Weibo quickly and reduce the popularity.

"Oh? Can you see it on the surveillance camera? Who submitted the report letter? Give me a copy of the list..."

Chen Fei has no intention of "repenting" at all. He is young and energetic, and he really can't bear it!
And he also wanted to see who would care about a young man like him?
"There are many older seniors in the bureau who are very unhappy, especially in the verification department. Many people are saying that you don't care about the overall situation at all. You are too straightforward! Too casual! Too reckless! Too much..."

After listening for a while, Chen Fei suddenly felt that something was not right.

Didn't Han Sanping come here to tell the truth? Why are you so excited while talking?
He was just about to ask a question, but when he thought that movies such as "Taiping Wheel", "Red Cliff", and "Martial Arts" had investments from China Film Group, he suddenly realized it!

No wonder the third master is so excited, he has been tricked!
Forcibly suppressing his laughter, Chen Fei said seriously: "If you like reporting so much, then let them report. Anyway, what I say is the truth, and I am not afraid of slanting shadows."

"I'm doing this for your own good. Those seniors in the literary and art circles like to be on the line. If you are slapped with another label, it will definitely be particularly troublesome for subsequent Feiyue Film and Television works to pass review. You don't want to be targeted, right?"

"Huh? Against me?" Chen Fei curled his lips: "If you want to make me anxious, I will..."

"Ahem!" Han Sanping suddenly coughed twice and interrupted very seriously: "Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity!"

After hearing this, Chen Fei finally understood that there was someone listening on the other end of the phone.

He continued calmly: "I will announce my withdrawal from the industry. At worst, I will not make movies anymore. I have made enough money anyway.

Marrying a wife and having a baby will definitely make me happy for the rest of my life. "

Han Sanping: "..."

"What are you talking about? I'm doing this for your own good, after all, those seniors..."

Chen Fei suddenly reacted.

This is the third time Han Sanping has mentioned the word "old senior", which obviously means something.

Although a new group of people will be replaced soon, it would be quite troublesome to think about being stabbed in the back by those old guys at the last moment.

"Okay, Director Han, please stop talking. I will handle this matter."

Chen Fei interrupted him directly, and then hung up the phone with a bang.

"Hey? This kid?!"

Han Sanping looked helpless. After putting down her phone, she looked up at the leader sitting opposite: "Tong Bureau, don't worry, he will definitely understand what I said."

"Well, that's good. You can persuade him properly. It's understandable that young people have bad tempers. The future of Chinese movies still needs young directors like him to lead. Don't make him feel wronged."

"Yes, I know."

Han Sanping nodded slightly, but what she was thinking about was the harsh words that Chen Fei didn't say just now.

If you really piss him off and let him run away, even if you bury the group of people in Hong Kong together, you won't be able to recover the damage.

"Huh, luckily this kid is sensible enough..."

Han Sanping secretly rejoiced.

In fact, just delete it on Weibo, it’s not a big deal.

What opinions can those in the Hong Kong community have? Isn't it just scolding them? After all, they are so old, so what will happen if they are scolded a few times?

The next morning, when she woke up, the first thing Han Sanping did was call her secretary to ask him about the follow-up situation.

"Chen Fei's Weibo was deleted?"

On the other end of the phone, the secretary's expression was quite complicated: "Director Han, how about... you should go online and take a look for yourself?"

Hearing this, Han Sanping immediately realized that something was wrong.

He didn't even eat breakfast, so he went directly to the study, turned on the computer, and logged into the film and television information network.

After a brief glance, he slapped his forehead with a helpless expression: "Oh, this kid... really knows how to find new ways!"

At this moment, there is a sensation on the film and television information network!
"Pan-Asia Cinemas has announced that from now on, it will reserve a screening room in each of its theaters to exclusively provide screenings of high-quality literary and artistic films."

"All literary and artistic films will be sold to the public at low ticket prices, and the losses will be made up by the theaters."

"After sharing the revenue with the producers, Pan-Asia Cinemas will use another part of the box office revenue to support the art film market."

"All box office revenue will be used to invest in literary films. We welcome directors, screenwriters, and producers in the industry to discuss cooperation."

"This plan will be named 'New Literary Film Recovery', led by Chen Fei, Jia Zhangke, Tian Zhuangzhuang, etc., and funded by Pan-Asia Cinemas."

"Director Chen Fei said: This plan aims to discover more lovers of literary and artistic films, shoot more outstanding literary and artistic films, and allow high-quality literary and artistic films that have been tarnished to return to theaters..."

"Literary and artistic dreams no longer need to go through hardships. The 'New Literary and Art Film Recovery' plan helps you chase the literary and artistic dreams in your heart!"

Wang Zha officially appeared!
As soon as the "New Literary Film Recovery" plan came out, the literary and art circles were the first to bear the brunt and directly suffered a huge impact!
Especially those old people who are aloof and superior, they directly experience what it means to "take the salary from the bottom of the cauldron".

With the "New Literary Film Recovery" plan, realizing literary and artistic dreams suddenly became much easier.

From now on, directors, screenwriters, and producers only need to ensure the quality of the film. The investment and release are all taken care of by Pan-Asia Cinemas, and there is no need to engage in a wine table culture with those old guys.

"Goodbye, gentlemen, we will no longer serve you!"

There are so many microphones under their hands that have lost their sound. With only a few old guys, where do they get the energy and influence?
As for the card review, that is even more nonsense!
You can get stuck with one or two scripts, but how can you get stuck with hundreds or thousands of them?
Forcibly suppressing the vitality of literary and artistic films, which is not conducive to unity, how can it be done openly?
Do you want to break the rules?
Then bring in someone who is willing to abide by the rules!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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