Chapter 613 Meetoo!

While paying attention to Harvey's movements, Chen Fei did not forget the mainland film and television industry.

In the cinema market, "A Man's Martial Arts" is still leading the trend, far ahead of "So Young".

Although the latter is catching up frantically, it is almost a pipe dream to catch up with the former due to its slow growth.

The lawsuit with Zhen Zixuan was going very smoothly, and victory was inevitable. If we could still lose under such circumstances, it would be too ironic!

In addition, the two TV series "The Journey of Flower" and "Day and Night Chase" have already started filming.

The film "Fireworks in the Daytime" has now entered the formal casting stage. Chen Guofu and Wang Shiliang will be fully responsible, so Chen Fei does not need to pay too much attention to it.

The filming of "Dear" is going on smoothly. Liu Yifei is a very competent producer. She has been staying in the crew to supervise since the filming started.

The second part of the "Ghost Blows Out the Light" series is currently being set up. According to Ning Hao's plan, the official start time will be around August.

Ying Huang also acted very quickly.

Since Wang Baoqiang arrived in Cannes, Zhao Wenzhuo's publicity effect alone was not very good, so he has now rushed to Hong Kong and officially joined the "Ip Man 3" crew.

According to Yang Shoucheng's description, the "remastered version" is expected to be officially launched in June, with the goal of completing filming within one month.

At the same time, a feedback letter came from Golden Harvest in Hong Kong.

Following the release of the movie "Drug War", "Equator" has been confirmed to compete in the summer vacation schedule, and the specific release date is scheduled for late July.

In addition, there was another piece of news that attracted Chen Fei's attention.

Guangguang had quietly launched a "new director plan", and the first person signed was Deng Chao!
This also means that Deng Chao will officially switch from an actor to a director, fulfilling the industry's unwritten rule of "good actors can become directors".

It is obvious that Zhao Yanzi's success has stimulated many artists in the circle who were originally actors.

Perhaps it had been prepared a long time ago, and the film project was announced as soon as the signing news was finalized.

Comedy film: "Breakup Master"!
The film will be fully financed by Guangxian, and the amount is not large, which can be regarded as a test for Deng Chao.

If the box office makes money, then the transformation will naturally be successful.

But if the box office fails, then the topic of transformation can officially come to an end.

In addition to this information, the films that will kick off the summer vacation have also been put on the agenda one by one.

The "The Mystery Detective" invested by Guangxian has been very popular recently. The lineup of Li Lianjie and his emblem sounds very powerful!

Tangren finally calmed down this time. Even though Liu Shishi played a role in the film, Cai Yinong had no intention of promoting her.

People are leaving, why waste so many resources?

During this period, Cai Yinong deliberately arranged many business activities for Liu Shishi in order to squeeze out the last bit of value from her. She had absolutely no bottom line.

Of course, so far, apart from "The Mystic Nine" and "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain", the one that has attracted the most attention in the circle is "Tiny Times".

As an adaptation of a best-selling book, although "So Young" is not as popular as "A Man's Martial Arts", its box office has now exceeded 4 million.

Zhao Yanzi can definitely be said to be the No. 2 female director in the circle.

Guo Jingming is not only good at plagiarism, but also knows how to ride on various popularity. He specially sent a Weibo to congratulate "So Young" and also mentioned "Tiny Times".

"Congratulations to Director Zhao. I also hope that Tiny Times can learn from the strengths of So Young and achieve good box office results."

Yang Mi quickly liked the post and forwarded it.

She hopes that this movie will be a big success more than anyone else. After all, this is the first film project she has taken on after setting up her studio. A good first prize is so important to her now!

After temporarily shifting his attention away from the mainland film and television circles, Chen Fei began to pay attention to the developments of foreign films.

The filming of "Dangal" has already passed the halfway point and is expected to be officially wrapped up in August.

"Ralph Breaks the Internet" has been completed and is currently in post-production.

The production of "Frozen" and "Big Hero 9" is underway, and the finished films are expected to be officially released in September.

The filming of the fourth season of "Game of Thrones" has already exceeded the halfway point, and the new season of "Shameless" will officially meet the global audience in June.

"Iron Man 3" will officially enter the global theater market in less than half a month.

"Thor 2" and "Captain America 2" have already been scheduled, the former in August and the latter in October, all of which will be released in North America first and then globally.

Kevin Feige is already preparing for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1", and it is expected to be released in the second half of 2014.

Catherine's "Now You See Me 2" has completed the early preparations and will officially start filming in June.

"Godzilla" was finally scheduled to be released in November, and Lucasfilm seems to want to take advantage of the year-end traffic.

"Nomadland" directed by Michael Mann has been completed not long ago and is currently in post-production. It will compete for next year's Oscar for Best Director.

Wen Ziren has almost finished drawing the storyboards for the last film in the "Hunger Games" series, and the crew has already started the early preparations.

However, because "Fast & Furious 6" is currently being promoted, Wan Ziren will find it difficult to spare the time recently, and can only wait until the screening of "Fast & Furious 6" is over before filming "The Hunger Games".

According to Chen Fei's early plan, he was actually planning to go to Hollywood to shoot "The Revenant" after attending the Cannes Film Festival.

Leo has been coveting the Oscar statuette for too long, it's time to help him.

However, because "Dallas Buyers Club" just helped Matthew McConaughey win the Oscar for Best Actor this year, according to the industry's unwritten rules, Chen Fei cannot win the big prize at the next Academy Awards ceremony.

No matter who it is, no one can continue to win the Oscar trophy. This is not in line with the "dividing the cake" strategy.

Therefore, if he wants to continue to win Oscars, or help others win awards, he must wait at least a year.

Restricted by this unspoken rule, the filming of "The Revenant" can only be postponed to 2014.

Leo is not in a hurry for one or two years. After all, he is still starring in a movie called "The Great Gatsby". His immediate goal is to try to win an Oscar with this movie.

In addition, he has also taken on a movie called "The Wolf of Wall Street", which is currently being filmed, and he has no free time to take on other projects.

Chen Fei has already agreed with him that he will shoot another "The Revenant" in the first half of next year, so that he can go for awards in the second half of the year.

At the same time, after searching through the script library, Chen Fei finally decided to make his next film a Chinese-language film.

He has even decided which script to film.

After Cannes is over, he will personally visit the General Administration and China Film.

There should be no problem with the script passing the review. The key is to convince Han Sanping. After all, that role is really too "exciting". I wonder if San Ye will go crazy on the spot after hearing his ideas?


The award selection and film premiere activities of the Cannes Film Festival are going on smoothly. "The Burning Sun" has received more and more praise, and Chen Fei's acting skills have been recognized by many professional film critics.

At the same time, in the detention room of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Harvey was walking back and forth in the empty room, exuding an anxious aura all over his body, and he was in a panic!
As things have evolved to this point, he can of course see that someone is behind this and is trying to frame him.

But what made him depressed was that he was in a difficult situation and had no idea about the development of events in the outside world!
He wanted to change the status quo, he wanted to save himself, but he had no chance to do so!
Normally, detention should not exceed 24 hours, but as more and more victims reported him, his detention time continued to increase.

If the current number of cases is taken into account, his detention period could even be extended to two months!
This is something Harvey could never accept.

Two months, what's the difference between this and jail time?

But now he is detained in the police station and is completely powerless. He can only put his hopes on his lawyer and his brother Bob.

Suddenly, the iron gate slowly opened, and Harvey's long-awaited lawyer walked in, accompanied by two police officers. After instructing them on some rules and visiting hours, the two officers walked out, leaving them alone.

Harvey said impatiently, "Quick! Give me the phone! I want to make a call!"

"Sorry." The lawyer shook his head with some regret. "You are not allowed to bring any communication equipment in. According to their rules, you can only tell me the message you want to convey to the outside world, and then I will make the contact."

Harvey frowned and quickly accepted this cruel fact.

He quickly calmed down and asked in a deep voice: "I want to know what the situation is outside?"

"It's terrible." The lawyer showed some pity in his eyes: "The five major TV networks, more than 300 online media, Google, YouTube, Twitter and other platforms have all reported your news..."

Although Harvey was mentally prepared, he still felt a little weak in the knees after hearing these words.

He himself is very good at using public opinion attacks, so he knows very well that facing this overwhelming attack, he will most likely not be able to escape this time.

"Where's Bob? You didn't contact him? Ask him to put pressure on those media! Why let the news spread?"

"I can't contact him." The lawyer has been with Harvey for many years and is naturally familiar with some of his situations: "Harvey, Washington is already standing against you."

As soon as the second half of the sentence appeared, Harvey's face changed suddenly!

Perhaps he couldn't bear the tremendous pressure, he sat down on the ground and didn't recover for a long time.

If Los Angeles is his home, then Washington is his backer.

Now that his backers have turned against him, is there any possibility for him to survive?

For a moment, his expression kept changing, as if he had thought of something but couldn't make up his mind.

At this moment, the lawyer suddenly said, "Harvey, do you have any cards left? If you can, use them as soon as possible. We don't have much time left."

Hearing this, Harvey seemed to have made up his mind. He struggled to get up from the ground with a very ferocious expression.

"Haoer, you have worked for me for nine years, and I have never owed you a penny. Now I am in big trouble, and you are the only one who can help me."

Haoer Dali nodded slightly: "Boss, please give me your orders."

Harvey lowered his voice and spoke very quickly: "I have a property in New York with a safe. There is a file bag in the second-floor compartment. I want you to find it and send it to Washington..."

Ten minutes later, the conversation between the two sides ended.

Haoer Daly walked out of the detention room, straightened his suit a little, and then took the mobile phone that was temporarily confiscated by the police.

He walked out of the police station quickly and got into the passenger seat of a Mercedes-Benz parked on the side of the road.

The moment the door closed, a head suddenly popped out from the driver's seat. If you look closely, you can see that this person is Harvey's younger brother Bob!

The two kissed passionately for ten minutes. Bob slowly raised his head and looked at Haoer Daly lovingly: "How is it? Is it going well?"

"Very smooth."

Howl Daly acted a little shy and didn't even dare to look Bob in the eye. He just lowered his head and whispered what Harvey had just said to him.

After hearing this, Bob burst into laughter: "Haha, good, great, Haoer, you did a great job!"

"So...where's my reward?"

"Come on, let's go to the apartment now. I want to reward you, my dear who can't even stand up."

"Oh, you're making fun of me again. I've decided to go to Thailand after I'm done with this."

"I'll go with you then?"


"of course."

"Bob! I love you! I'm so happy!"

The Mercedes Benz roared away, and the laughter of the two people could be heard from the car from time to time, leaving only Harvey in the detention room who was still looking forward to leaving as soon as possible.


The next morning, after getting up, Bob went straight to New York and soon found the property that Harvey mentioned.

After successfully opening the safe, he took out a file bag from the interlayer.

He did not leave in a hurry, but sat down and began to look through the relevant documents in the file bag.

From it, he even saw the numerous crimes that Harvey had committed in his career that lasted for more than thirty years!
After doing business for so many years, he has cheated too many people, not just in North America, but this scope can even be extended to Europe, Asia and other places!
"I never thought that my good brother actually has the habit of writing a diary. Who would write a diary if they were serious?"

Bob muttered to himself, quickly scanning the words Harvey had written down.

These include countless crimes such as forced buying and selling, imprisonment of producers from other countries, schemes to defraud directors from other countries, malicious competition, etc.!

Until the end, the documents even included a list of women he had forced and a list of senior American officials and congressmen who had accepted bribes from him.

From Bob's perspective, this is almost equivalent to a confession!

But from Harvey's point of view, this is the "achievement" he has created over the years!
"Hahahahahaha!" Bob suddenly couldn't help laughing.

After being Harvey's shadow and cleaning up his mess for so many years, I finally found the opportunity to replace him!

Even if it was his own brother who was imprisoned, so what?
The Jewish spirit is selfishness and extreme egoism. He does this just to spread the Jewish spirit.

After gathering all the documents and some videotapes, storage disks and other items together, Bob quickly left the property that would soon belong to him.

After returning to Los Angeles, he sorted out these files and video storage disks.

After sorting out the parts that contained coercion but did not involve sensitive people, he anonymously sent all of the evidence that could put his good brother to death to major media outlets!

He was very clear-headed. If he couldn't kill Harvey in one go, he would be in endless trouble.

Therefore, he is now even more anxious than Chen Fei!


The American media are now in a very excited state. Therefore, after receiving the anonymous emails from Bob, they pounced on them like hungry mad dogs.

When these materials written by Harvey himself and the videos he recorded were released, all of North America was once again plunged into condemnation of him!

Public opinion has completely exploded at this time, and the overwhelming trend is coming like a flood, which is difficult to suppress!
As the most powerful person in the victim group, Jennifer Sebel stepped forward and held a media meeting.

Under her organization, there were at least 50 victims present that day!
These people come from all walks of life and from all over the world, and they don’t know each other.

But they all have one thing in common: they were all sexually assaulted by Harvey many years ago and had no way to seek redress.

Facing the microphones held out to her by the media and reporters, Jennifer Sibel shouted loudly:
"I consider myself a very strong person, but when I think back to the time when Harvey raped me many years ago, I still tremble uncontrollably and have nightmares.

I have never dared to speak out about this because I was afraid that he would ruin my career. But as more and more victims emerged, I felt that I could no longer be so weak!
Our concession will not stop him from committing crimes, but will instead encourage him and make him even more unscrupulous!

Therefore, I resolutely chose to stand up and accuse him of his crimes. At the same time, I also hope that other women who have been persecuted by that demon can bravely stand up, shout out "Meetoo" loudly, and declare war on that shameless and despicable guy!"

As soon as Jennifer Sibel finished speaking, the other women behind her raised their right hands and echoed loudly:

"Meetoo! Meetoo! Meetoo!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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