It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 614: The Vicious Old Witch! Desperate Harvey! The Cannes Awards Ceremony Officially Begins!

Chapter 614: The Vicious Old Witch! Desperate Harvey! The Cannes Awards Ceremony Officially Begins!
A press conference stirred up public opinion across America!

Some media recorded the entire press conference held by Jennifer Sebel into a video and uploaded it to YouTube.

As expected, the number of views soared to over nine digits!

In just a few days, not only did the incident become known to everyone, but public opinion had already pushed Harvey Weinstein to the opposite side of the United States and even the entire civilized society!

Politicians and female parliamentarians, led by Silari, responded and shouted the slogan "Meetoo".

For a time, the popularity of the women's rights movement reached its peak!

In a meeting, Silali used the evidence she had collected to put pressure on the higher-ups: "Women's rights must be protected, Harvey Weinstein's actions must be punished, and we cannot allow such social scum to continue to go unpunished..."

Many members of parliament and politicians at the scene looked at Xilali's posture and secretly sighed in their hearts: "This old witch is really cruel!"

You know, Harvey Weinstein is a "gun" in the hands of her husband.

But at this critical moment, Xilali was able to resolutely abandon him. This is simply a typical power-hungry animal!

The tone has been set, and the direction of public opinion has been stabilized...

For a time, from traditional newspapers to television, to the Internet and new social media, everything was flooded with reports of Harvey Weinstein's various evil deeds.

Public opinion has completely stood against Harvey!

Although Chen Feiren was in Cannes, he could still see victims coming forward online and shouting "Meetoo", as well as a large number of netizens accusing Harvey.

"This is simply a devil!"

"Don't let me see him, or I'll shoot him!"

"I demand that Harvey be sentenced to death. We must not allow this cancer in the industry to continue to wreak havoc on civilized society!"

The netizens' calls were so intense that they scared Ben and Quentin, who were still running around for Harvey.

They had all covered up for Harvey and helped him threaten or force some women.

Now that things have escalated to such a point, it is very likely that they will be implicated and suffer the consequences.

Thinking of this, the two of them panicked on the spot, bought plane tickets overnight to leave this place of trouble, and prepared to hide away for a while.

The media's attention is currently focused on Harvey, and no one has the time to pay attention to the two of them, which also provided some "help" for the two to escape.

Inside the airport, Ben was panicking as he watched the news about Harvey on the big screen.

He was particularly afraid that this matter would involve him, causing him, who had already fallen into hell, to completely return to the arms of the devil.

Quentin beside him was very calm, and whispered about the next plan: "Let's go to Paris for a while to see how the incident develops, and then decide whether to return to Los Angeles..."

Big Benmo was a little sad: "Is it true that Harvey can't get out?"

It's not easy to survive in Hollywood on your own.

Before, they lived a very easy life under Harvey's protection, but now that the boss is gone, their bright future has completely vanished.

Quentin looked at David with a look as if he was looking at a fool, then raised his hand and pointed at the big screen in front of him: "What do you think?"

At this moment, the big screen was broadcasting the scene outside the Los Angeles Police Station in real time.

It can be clearly seen that there are at least hundreds of media gathered outside the police station, and the broadcast vehicles of the five major TV networks are parked on the side of the road not far away.

Everyone's camera at the scene was pointed at the intersection. From time to time, a woman would appear, shouting "Meetoo", walk into the police station and confess the crimes Harvey had committed against them.

There are many Hollywood actresses among them.

With the help of media and public opinion, these third-tier actresses can be promoted to the second-tier, which is even faster than making a movie.

Because of this, there are even many female stars and internet celebrities who have no connection with Harvey among those who came to report the case.

Someone was bold enough to brag that Harvey had assaulted her.

Some people were more timid and said that they were almost violated, and finally they managed to escape from his clutches bravely.

Soon, the number of victims quickly exceeded one hundred!
At this time, Harvey, who was in custody, not only knew nothing, but was even looking forward to his lawyer returning with good news.

But what he didn't know was that his most trusted lawyer had gotten together with his most trusted brother. Not only did the two of them sleep in the same bed, they were even plotting to deal with him, the big boss of the company.

There is always a difference between fantasy and reality.


Time passed quickly, and soon it was the 25th, which was also the 12th day of Harvey's imprisonment.

In the morning, as expected, Chen Fei received a call from the Cannes organizer, who specially invited him to attend tomorrow's awards ceremony.

Even Jia Zhangke came to news that he had received an invitation call from the organizer.

This means that the two Chinese-language films shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival this year will both win awards at tomorrow's awards ceremony.

Chen Fei immediately informed the other members of the "Burning Sun" crew of the news.

After a group of people celebrated happily, they hurried back to the room to contact their agents and brands. Tomorrow's red carpet event is even more important than the opening ceremony, and they must show their full spirit.

At the same time, the sexual assault incident involving Harvey Weinstein in North America has reached its peak!

A female senator said on CNN News Channel: "The federal and California judicial systems will thoroughly investigate this matter and must give justice to the women who have been violated."

Xilali came forward and officially announced that she would be the agent of this case and must defeat the devil completely!

Gavin, who has been promoted to Lieutenant Governor of California, made his first appearance and walked onto the press conference floor with his wife Jennifer Sebel.

Facing his wife's tears, he kissed her deeply, and then shouted in an angry tone:

"I will support my wife unreservedly and face the pain and difficulties with her. At the same time, I will unconditionally provide help to all victims of the Harvey incident, seek fairness and justice for them, and comfort their wounded hearts..."

This former playboy and cheating man has transformed himself into a good husband and a good man, showing an image of bravery, integrity, family-oriented and responsibility.

Jennifer Sibel was so moved that she raised her right hand again and shouted "Meetoo"!

A social movement sweeping across the United States has completely abandoned its original intention under the instigation of countless big hands.

On the surface, Harvey is the target of everyone's condemnation, but deeper beneath the surface, politicians are taking actions for their own interests.

Harvey merely lit a flame.

The development of the incident was even out of Chen Fei's control, but he didn't care because his goal had been achieved.

This time, Harvey will definitely be completely defeated by the surging "women's rights movement"!

This is much more satisfying than simply hiring a killer to kill him. If it were in ancient China, Harvey would be the one who would be infamous for all eternity!
In the countless years to come, whenever the name Harvey Weinstein appears, he will inevitably be met with countless people’s scorn and abuse.

Chen Fei was still watching, waiting for the federal judicial system to convict this guy.

The death penalty is probably impossible, but a long-term prison sentence is definitely unavoidable!

By that time, Fade Chen had a "bigger" gift for him.


On the 26th, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the th Cannes International Film Festival officially began.

Chen Fei had just changed into his dress and was about to take a car to the venue of the award ceremony, but suddenly he received a call from Natasha.

“The Weinstein Company held a press conference where Harvey’s brother Bob announced the latest board decision.

In light of Harvey’s actions, the board unanimously decided to remove him from the board and terminate all his positions at Weinstein Co.

The new chairman and CEO is Bob Weinstein! "

"Hahahahaha!" Fade Chen couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He really didn't expect that the first person to deal a fatal blow to Harvey would be his own brother Bob Weinstein.

But, when you think about it, it seems normal.

Who would want to be just a shadow?
How can there be a prince who lasts for 50 years in this world?
After thinking for a moment, Fade Chen ordered, "Find a way to let Harvey know what's happening in the outside world. If he has other means, make sure he uses them on his own brother."

"it is good."

Natasha nodded, hung up the phone, and immediately contacted a lawyer.

As time went by, Chen Fei had already walked onto the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, while Harvey in the detention room received newspapers delivered from the outside world.

When he saw nearly a hundred victims coming forward to accuse him, and even his wife taking him to court, as well as all the things his brother Bob, his lawyer Joe Daly, and his crony Shantali had done, no matter how strong Harvey's heart was, he completely lost his mind at this moment.

"No! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Why? Why would everyone betray me?"

He roared angrily, and his whole spirit collapsed, as if he had aged several decades in an instant.

"No, I want to go out. I must go out. There must be a way..."

After muttering to himself for a few words, Harvey's eyes suddenly fell on the iron door of the detention room.

At this point, there is only one way to escape!


A loud bang suddenly echoed in the detention room. The two police officers waiting outside the door ran in quickly, and then saw that Harvey's head was covered in blood and he fell to the ground limply.

"Quick! Contact an ambulance! Send him to the hospital!"

For a moment, the Los Angeles Police Department was in chaos.

To Chen Fei's surprise, the Cannes Film Festival also responded to Harvey's assault.

Gilles Jacob, president of the Cannes International Film Festival, took the stage as the awards ceremony was about to begin and said: "From now on, Cannes will not cooperate with any crew involved in Harvey Weinstein."

As soon as the news was announced, the ratings of the film festival broadcast soared to a new level!
Following closely behind were the jury members headed by Spielberg.

Several judges stood on the stage and loudly announced that they would no longer participate in any projects related to Harvey Weinstein.

Among these people, Li An's voice is the loudest!
Nicole Kidman was also among the crowd shouting, completely ignoring the fact that she had previously slept with Harvey.

She had even made a decision that once she returned to Los Angeles, she would go to the Los Angeles Police Department as soon as possible to accuse Harvey of forcing her to have sex with him.

It is always better to put yourself in the shoes of a victim than to become the mistress in someone else's marriage.

She was not afraid that Harvey would turn against her. After all, with so many victims, one more or one less would not make any difference.

The award ceremony started soon. During the ceremony, many people spoke French or some minority languages. Chen Fei was confused most of the time and started to think about the subsequent plans.

The voices of these actors alone are not enough. What he really wants to see is that the Academy announces that it will never work with Harvey, or even kick him off the voting list!

To this end, he has mobilized a lot of connections, and now he just has to wait for those people to take action.

Awards were handed out one after another, from the Un Certain Regard section to the main competition section, and no single film could win two awards.

The three major film festivals focus more on dividing the pie than the Oscars. Without strong public relations capabilities, it is a complete pipe dream to win two major awards!
Jia Zhangke is lucky. As one of only two Chinese-language films to enter the competition unit this year, he was lucky enough to win the Best Screenplay Award.

When he went on stage to receive the award, the audience gave him warm applause at the right time!

Soon, the Best Actress Award was successfully presented, and the winner was French actress Berenice Bejo.

This is the one who fell on the red carpet of the opening ceremony and turned himself into a little white sheep.

When she went on stage to receive the award, there was inevitably a heated discussion from the audience. This previously unknown actress has officially broken out of her circle.

If nothing unexpected happens, she will continue to do this after tasting the sweetness.

When Berenice Bejo was about to finish her acceptance speech on the stage, Matt Damon quietly stood up and turned to the backstage.

At the invitation of the organizers of the Cannes Film Festival, he will present this year's Best Actor award.

After he came on stage, he didn't say anything, but opened the envelope and took a look. Then his eyes fell accurately on Chen Fei, and he smiled and revealed the answer: "The winner of this year's Best Actor is FeiChen!"

Applause broke out from the audience. Fade Chen slowly stood up with a bright smile on his face, waving and greeting everyone around him.

After hugging the other people sitting next to him, he strode onto the podium.

After winning the Berlin Film Festival Best Actor award, he also successfully won the Cannes Film Festival Best Actor award. The only award left for him to complete the three major European film awards is the Venice Film Festival Best Actor award.

After Chen Fei came on stage, Matt Damon first handed him the Palme d'Or box containing the Best Actor award, and then handed him the certificate tied with red silk.

Fade Chen came over and bumped shoulders with him: "Matt, when we get back to Los Angeles, call Matthew and Leon, and we'll go out for a drink together."

"Haha, okay." Matt Damon laughed immediately.

Among the four people, Leon was the most unlucky. He never even touched the Oscar trophy from beginning to end.

There were many people in the audience who knew the inside story and there was an immediate burst of laughter.

As Matt Damon left the stage, Chen Fei came to the microphone and expressed his gratitude as usual: "I am very grateful to the organizing committee and the jury for their recognition of me. I also thank every member of the crew for their hard work..."

There was nothing special about his feeling about winning the award, and he just spoke words of thanks from beginning to end.

After all, he has won so many trophies, so he is not as moved as others who burst into tears.

After walking down from the stage, he distributed the trophies and certificates to other actors around him whose faces were filled with curiosity, and then continued to pay attention to the subsequent award presentations.

The Best Director Award was given to Mexican director Amat Escalante for his film "Haley."

The Grand Jury Prize was given to brothers Ethan and Joel Coen for their film Inside Llewyn Davis.

These two are not those unknown little directors. They have created many classic works including "Blood Simple", "The Man Who Wasn't There", and "No Country for Old Men".

The last award presented is naturally the biggest award of this year's Cannes Film Festival - the Palme d'Or.

The chairman of the jury, Spielberg, walked up to the podium in person. He did not hold an envelope in his hand, but only a Palme d'Or trophy and a certificate.

Under the gaze of the audience, he slowly said, "The winner of the Palme d'Or at this year's Cannes International Film Festival is 'Burning Sun'. Congratulations, Fei!"

Although he had been mentally prepared, Chen Fei still couldn't help but feel excited when he heard Spielberg read out his name.

Back then, the great poet Chen dominated the mainland film and television circles with his Palme d'Or trophy, and no one was convinced by him!

Later, Chen Fei himself won a Palme d'Or, which greatly dampened Chen Kai's arrogance.

But now, he is about to win his second Palme d'Or, as well as a Cannes Best Actor trophy.

At this point, the advantage of the great poet Chen has disappeared!

Not to mention in China, even looking around the world, there is not even one person who can achieve Chen Fei's current achievements!

Maybe there will be “comers” in the future, but there are no “ancients” ahead.

When he walked up to the podium again and received the trophy and certificate from Spielberg, there was a sudden and lasting applause from the audience!

Because of the live broadcast, when Chen Fei received the Palme d'Or trophy, the domestic media reported this important news immediately.

Weibo responded extremely quickly. Chen Fei's name was immediately posted on the homepage, with the suffix being -

"Congratulations to Director Chen Fei! He won the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival for the first time! He also won the Palme d'Or again!"


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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