It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 615 Oscar changes the rules! Initial victory in the battle! A perfect plan!

Chapter 615 Oscar changes the rules! Initial victory in the battle! A perfect plan!

The domestic media has gone crazy, and it's completely crazy!
Back then, countless Chinese-language directors had sounded the charge for the Cannes Film Festival, but in the end, the outcomes were one worse than the other.

Just getting a nomination is something worth celebrating. If you are lucky enough to win an award for screenwriter, director, or jury, you can at least celebrate for three days and three nights after returning home!
But now, with Chen Fei winning the Palme d'Or twice, this mountain called "Cannes" seems to be no longer so unattainable.

Although he is currently in France, the domestic film and television industry has already started a carnival.

Looking around, almost all the stars and artists on Weibo reposted the news that Chen Fei won the Palme d'Or and Cannes Best Actor awards, and sent him congratulations.

Especially those artists from Feiyinghuang Agency, they inexplicably have a feeling of sharing honor and disgrace!

The boss is so awesome, they will have face when they go out in the future.

Looking around, who in the entire entertainment industry dares not give some face to Feiyue Film and Television and Feiyinghuang Agency?

Especially as Chen Fei's achievements became higher and higher, his status and influence became greater and greater, the mocking voices in the circle became almost non-existent.

Although there are still some people who tease him behind his back, when they really stand in front of him, they are all as obedient as quails.

In order to avoid being disturbed, Chen Fei turned off his mobile phone in advance.

However, many people know his private phone number.

As one of the investors of the film, Han Sanping can be said to be the most excited one!

"Into the Dust" won the Grand Jury Prize in Berlin, and "Under the Sun" took home the Palme d'Or. These can all be counted in his resume.

He really didn't expect that when he was about to retire, Chen Fei would give him such a big surprise!
"Good! Good boy! I admit that I underestimated you! You have won the Palme d'Or twice, and you are successful in both commercial and literary fields. Your talent is unprecedented!"

Fade Chen laughed: "It was just luck, just luck."

After chatting for a while, Han Sanping asked casually: "What's next? What are your plans? Continue to come back to make Chinese-language films? Or go abroad to make commercial films? Or should we make another co-production?"

“Maybe I’ll make a commercial film.”

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, Han Sanping immediately became interested: "What type of movie?"

"Action, war of resistance, anti-banditism, main theme."

Chen Fei gave a brief talk and did not go into detail. It was difficult to explain over the phone, so he would have to go back and talk to Han Sanping in person.

“How much money are you prepared to invest?”

Chen Fei knew that he was interested in big productions, so he answered in a persuasive tone: "At least 100 million. I am quite confident in this story. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be able to make 1 billion at the box office."

"Okay! This is good!"

Han Sanping's tone suddenly became much higher.

Chen Fei continued, "This project is a little complicated. We may need your support, Mr. Han..."

"No problem!" Han Sanping patted his chest and promised solemnly: "I will wait for you to come back at China Film. Remember, no matter how complicated it is, as long as it is a film project, there is nothing I can't handle!"

"Haha, okay, I feel relieved with your words."

Chen Fei finally dug a trap for him: "We must keep our word! I was the one who led you to play before, now it's your turn to lead me, no more empty talk."

"Don't worry, absolutely not!"

Han Sanping is about to retire, and he is also paving the way for the rest of his life. Joining forces with Chen Fei is also a goal he wants to achieve.

He secretly made up his mind that this matter must be done beautifully!
As long as Chen Fei doesn't make a Category III film, he will definitely help get the script approved even if there are some allusions and connotations in the script.

"Let the Bullets Fly" and "Love Has Next Life" can be filmed, so there is no reason why Chen Fei's script cannot be filmed!


After being invited to attend several banquets hosted by the Cannes Film Festival, Chen Fei finally got some free time.

After returning to the hotel, he immediately opened the web page and checked the relevant news and reports about Hollywood.

Not surprisingly, the Academy Awards have already responded.

While the awards ceremony was taking place in Cannes, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences held a press conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Sidney Ganis, the current president of the Academy, announced on behalf of the Academy: "The Academy Board of Governors has voted to immediately revoke Harvey Weinstein's membership in the Academy..."

This announcement caused a huge sensation in Hollywood!

You know, this is the first time such a situation has occurred in the nearly 100-year history of the Film Academy.

Harvey has set a precedent.

When the media reported the relevant content of this press conference, it attracted the attention of not only North America, but also all entertainment and film and television industry practitioners around the world.

No one expected that Harvey would do so many outrageous things, and even cause these old guys in the academic school to change the existing rules!

Chen Fei was reading the news, then he picked up his phone and called Nicholson.

Old Jack and Woody Allen put a lot of effort into lobbying that group of old white men, and they can be regarded as the heroes in this fight against Harvey.

"Haha." As soon as the call was connected, a hearty laugh came out of the receiver: "Fei, we won the battle."

"Can you tell me more about it?" Fade Chen asked with great interest.

"It's nothing, actually." Old Jack smoked a cigar and said slowly, "There is no one in Hollywood who doesn't have affairs behind the scenes. Warren Beatty even claims to have slept with no less than 1000 women.

But they are all willing to do this, and no one would do such a despicable thing as "forcing". We talked about it privately, and everyone despised Harvey's perverted behavior!
The most important thing is that these old guys all have daughters, granddaughters, and daughters-in-law. They can accept that their family members get into bed with directors and producers for roles, but they cannot accept being forced to be violated..."

After so many years in Hollywood, Chen Fei has a certain understanding of this quagmire.

Although Nicholson's words were a bit rough, his logic was sound.

It would be fine if this kind of scum has not been exposed, but if he is exposed, he will definitely be attacked by everyone!
After finishing the call with Nicholson, Fade Chen called Natasha again.

However, he heard bad news the next second.

"Harvey has left the police station."

"What?" Fade Chen frowned slightly. "Under the current circumstances, is there anyone who dares to bail him out?"

"No, it's not what you think." Natasha explained quickly: "He hit his head in the detention room and is currently being bandaged in a Los Angeles hospital."

"Hey, this guy is pretty cruel to himself."

Chen Fei sneered. No need to guess, he knew that this must be the way he came up with to escape from the predicament.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei called his assistant and asked her to contact a private jet, apply for a route, and prepare to go to Los Angeles.

Now that Harvey has found a way to leave the detention room, the next step is definitely the moment of the final struggle.

It just so happens that "Iron Man 3" is going to have its world premiere at the Dolby Theatre, so you can go and attend it.

He has already sent the script of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" to the Feiyue Film and Television editorial department via email, and can ask them to take it to the Film Bureau for review first.

As for the subsequent preparatory work, let's wait until he returns to arrange it. ...

At this time, in a Los Angeles hospital.

Looking at his tightly wrapped head in the mirror, Harvey suddenly recalled the scene at the Venice Film Festival last year.

After Chen Fei poured a bottle of wine on his head, he went to the hospital and the doctor bandaged him like this.

Not only that, because the angle of the collision was too close to the top, his hair was shaved completely.

In other words, the head wrapped in gauze had turned into a bald head!
The effect of the anesthetic had worn off, and in order to avoid affecting his brain, the doctor didn't even give him a pain pump.

The place where the stitches were done was burning with pain, but it was this pain that made him very conscious!

Just then, the door of the ward was pushed open and his newly hired lawyer walked in quickly.

Because the new lawyer doesn't know much about Harvey's past, he is only responsible for his current troubles.

Opening the folder as a matter of routine, the new lawyer spoke directly: "Mr. Weinstein, your wife Georgina Chapman has entrusted a lawyer to file a divorce lawsuit with the court..."

"Wait a minute!" Harvey interrupted with a frown, "We signed a prenuptial agreement. She and I are two different individuals. Where does the divorce lawsuit come from?"

The lawyer said in a deep voice: "The problem now is that she applied to the court to freeze your multiple bank accounts and fixed assets on the grounds that the common property of the couple is unclear."


Harvey couldn't help but burst into curse. He knew what that bitch was thinking. She just wanted to delay time to transfer those assets into her hands step by step!

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and quickly added: "I still have money. I have multiple private accounts. I can afford to hire a team of lawyers."

The new lawyer smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Weinstein, our law firm is the most professional."

Harvey felt relieved. "No matter how much it costs, I have only one request. I want to leave the police station safely and get rid of all the troubles I have..."

"Mr. Weinstein!" The lawyer suddenly raised his voice and interrupted again: "The number of women accusing you has now reached 121, and they all have solid evidence.

So, I suggest you don't have any good thoughts. All we can do now is to reduce your guilt."


Harvey suddenly couldn't hold it in any longer: "These damn bitches, they obviously climbed onto my bed willingly! I didn't ask them to do anything, they were the ones who took the initiative the whole time..."

The lawyer stopped interrupting him and just looked at him silently without saying a word.

Until the end, even Harvey, who was already extremely shameless, was too embarrassed to continue speaking.

He has come into contact with so many female celebrities that he has now formed a special threshold.

Especially in recent years, he has no interest in those women who take the initiative to throw themselves at him, but he shows great interest in other people's wives, or those actresses with strong tempers!

It is also because of this that the women who reported him for rape were able to hold something against him, because the evidence in these people’s hands is real!
When the ward was completely quiet, the lawyer continued, "Someone asked me to tell you something. It's best not to say anything that shouldn't be said. This way, you still have hope of a reduced sentence. Otherwise..."

The lawyer didn't continue speaking, but Harvey knew it very well.

If he could control his mouth, at most he would be charged with forced sexual assault and would be sentenced to a dozen or twenty years in prison. In his later years, he could still come out and see the world.

But if he can't control his mouth, then there is a high possibility that the news will have the headline "Committing suicide out of fear of crime".

Thinking of that extremely tragic ending, he immediately shut his mouth and dared not say any more.

However, at this moment, he felt inexplicably emotional.

When I was doing well, there were good people around me.

But now he stepped on empty air and fell into the pit. Not only did no one come to rescue him, but many people picked up shovels and started filling the pit with soil.

What’s particularly ironic is that those who were dancing with the shovels were the people closest to him!

After taking a deep breath, Harvey said in a deep voice: "Tell her that I can say nothing, but I ask that after the court verdict, I find a way to reduce my sentence. The maximum cannot exceed 8 years."

"Okay, I'll tell you."

The lawyer nodded, put away the folder, turned and left the ward.

Lying on the hospital bed, Harvey touched his tightly bandaged head and felt a sense of relief in his heart.

It's just a few years in jail. As long as you can save your life and make sure you can get out before you die, then everything will be fine.


After landing in Los Angeles, Fade Chen immediately saw Bruce who came to pick him up.

After getting in the car, he asked directly: "Another day has passed, how far has the situation developed now?"

Bruce turned the steering wheel and answered, "Harvey is still in the hospital, but the Los Angeles prosecutors have officially started the prosecution process. According to what I heard, he will probably be sentenced to about ten years in prison."

ten years? !
When he heard the deadline, Fade Chen immediately thought of many things.

Ten years later, Harvey was already an old man in his seventies. Even if he was released from prison, as time passed, it was impossible for him to continue to cause trouble.

Bruce suddenly asked, "Should we continue to add fuel to the fire and try to get him a longer sentence?"

"No, there's no need." Chen Fei shook his head. "In order to prevent Harvey from going overboard, Washington will not allow him to completely lose hope. We have to leave him some hope."

Chen Fei saw it very clearly. The old witch Xilali was dancing so happily recently, she must have some ulterior motive.

Although he never participated in America's political struggles, he knew about things like "being shot eight times in the back and the forensic examination determined it to be suicide", and I believe Harvey was also very clear about it.

Bruce muttered indignantly, "Only ten years, it's too easy for him! In my opinion, he should be sentenced to death!"

“I think this is pretty good, actually.”


Bruce turned his head in confusion. If he remembered correctly, the first person who wanted to completely destroy Harvey should be Chen Fei, right?
Now Harvey has only been sentenced to ten years, how can that be considered good?

At this time, Fade Chen suddenly said with a wicked smile: "Compared to killing him all at once, I would rather see him live a life worse than death!"

Bruce: "What's your plan?"

"After the verdict comes out, we can buy him a few more bars of soap. I think his body should be pretty strong.

After the court arranges a prison for him, you can contact the people inside and ask them to pick up soap three times from Monday to Friday, and double it on Saturday and Sunday, just treat it as welfare for him. "

Bruce couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

"Haha, Fei, your idea is really great. I will definitely help you achieve this goal."


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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