It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 616: Another Pandora’s box is opened, the reality is even more magical than the movie!

Chapter 616 Another Pandora’s box is opened, reality is even more magical than the movie!

Inside the Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles.

As the third and final film in the "Iron Man" series, Marvel has high hopes for this movie.

The global box office of the first two films ultimately stopped at $9 million, so for the third film, Kevin Feige's goal is to reach $10 billion!
The sentiment has reached its peak and various promotional activities are also going smoothly. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve the goal.

"Fei, long time no see!"

At the entrance of the Dolby Theatre, as he looked at the crew of "Fast and Furious 6" approaching him, many memories that left him speechless suddenly emerged in Fade Chen's mind.

Especially the song "See you again", every time he thought of it, he felt so embarrassed that he wanted to dig his toes into the ground.

This is so fucking speechless!
The song that was supposed to be a tribute to Paul Walker actually appeared on his head, and he was pretending to be sick at the time and was not really shot!

It’s really depressing to think about it. This damn butterfly effect is at its maximum!

"You too, long time no see..."

Chen Fei raised his hand and greeted Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot and others, and chatted with them casually.

Fast & Furious 6 has been released for a week and the box office results are unexpectedly good!

The box office on the first day of its release was 4545 million US dollars, and the total box office in the first three days of the weekend was 1.24 million US dollars. There is a very good chance that the North American box office will reach 3 million US dollars.

The domestic release date of this film is scheduled for July 7, which is very close to the release date of "Equator" produced by Golden Harvest.

I don't know when it started, but every domestic film seems to have to go through the competition and baptism of imported films.

If the quality of the film is high enough, then it will naturally rise all the way!
But if the quality is extremely poor, then you can only expect to lose money.

Before entering the venue, Fade Chen and Gal Gadot walked together. He casually asked, "I heard that you joined Warner's Justice League?"

"Yes." Gal Gadot nodded slightly: "They asked me to play Wonder Woman."

"Okay, come on, I wish you success."

Although the two had had many in-depth exchanges, it was just a form of mutual comfort.

The role of Wonder Woman is not actually that good in Chen Fei's opinion, but for Gal Gadot, it is the best role she can get.

Chen Fei couldn't judge anything, so he could only wish her the best.

The senior executives at Warner have become more and more abstract in recent years, with all kinds of outrageous operations coming out one after another, which even Chen Fei can't understand.

A lot of people came to the premiere today, most of whom came because of Chen Fei, the new Palme d'Or director and Cannes Film Festival winner.

He can make both commercial films and art films, and has achieved both box office and award success. Such a person is a very rare and high-quality connection in the eyes of both production companies and actors.

Let me ask you, which star or actor in Hollywood doesn’t want to have something to do with him?

Especially those actresses who have had in-depth communication with Chen Fei, when they go out to visit other crews, they can usually avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After taking a seat in the front row, Fade Chen turned around and saw Leonardo chatting with Matt Damon and Matthew McConaughey.

He casually interjected: "Leon, how are you preparing? Are you confident about this year's Oscar for Best Actor?"

"Yes!" Leonardo raised his head high. "I am asking Matthew and Matt for advice on how to win an Oscar. This time, I will definitely win the little golden man!"

Leonardo actually does public relations every year, but the results are very poor.

This year, he plans to gather the strengths of all parties and combine the public relations experience of those male actors who have won Oscars.

After working so hard for so many years, he believes that he will definitely achieve something!

Oscar, he is determined to win!
His new Russian supermodel girlfriend sitting next to him looked at him with admiration, completely unaware that she was about to turn 25.


The premiere started quickly, and when Robert Downey Jr. came on stage wearing a suit of armor, there was warm cheers from the audience!

In recent years, superhero movies have emerged in large numbers.

But if we rank the popularity of these superheroes, "Iron Man" must be the one with the most fans worldwide!

Back then, Robert Downey Jr. was just a lonely and decadent middle-aged man, but after he got the role of "Iron Man", in just a few years, he has become one of the most commercially valuable male stars in the world!

His current net worth is almost at the same level as Leo, and with the upcoming release of "Iron Man 3", his net worth will inevitably rise to a higher level.

Although this popularity is limited, it is enough for him to make a fortune.

More than an hour later, the film ended and the audience burst into warm applause!
Unlike the original timeline, this "Iron Man 3" produced by Chen Fei does not have an international version and a mainland version.

The two Chinese faces, "Dr. Wu" and "Wu Jiaqi", were not deleted but retained throughout the process.

These two roles are played by Zhu Zhu and Zun Long respectively.

The English proficiency of the two is the best among all the artists in the Feiyinghuang agency, so the original voices were used in the filming and no special voice actors were hired.

In recent years, Chen Fei has been vigorously promoting Chinese-looking actors to go international. Whenever there is a suitable role or opportunity, he will always call people over from China.

Because of this, there are countless artists who want to join Feiyinghuang Entertainment Company, and the Human Resources Department receives a constant stream of resumes every day.

However, unlike Huayi and Chengtian, which accept everyone, Feiyinghuang’s review system is very strict.

What Chen Fei required was “quality of soldiers rather than quantity”.

For every actor who joins Feiyinghuang, he will draw up a rough development route for them in his spare time.

It is also because of this that those artists who are just filling in the numbers and want to come here to retire cannot stay here at all.


After the premiere of "Iron Man 3" officially ended, it was time for a banquet for socializing.

So far, Harvey Weinstein seems to be the subject of most discussion.

When chatting with Catherine, she suddenly said: "Although I don't know who is behind all this, all the actors in Hollywood and even people in other professions should thank him."

"Oh?" Chen Fei was a little surprised: "Why do you say that?"

"Although this incident cannot fundamentally change the industry's atmosphere, it will at least make the industry's ecological environment better." As a female director, Catherine has seen too much injustice: "After this incident, those actresses at the bottom should be less hurt."

She didn't know that the mastermind behind this was Chen Fei, but this did not affect her admiration for him.

Chen Fei smiled and said noncommittally: "Recently, the outside world is promoting women's rights. This should be good news for you."

"No." Catherine suddenly shook her head solemnly: "If it is just a normal women's rights movement, then it is indeed good for me, but I feel that this movement is like 'LGBT' and is moving towards a new extreme!
Many people are using the banner of protecting women and fighting for free speech and freedom of expression to satisfy their own selfish interests..."

Chen Fei suddenly fell silent.

He thought of a subway incident that happened in later generations.

Following LGBT, it seems that another Pandora's box has been opened ahead of time!

After the premiere of "Iron Man 3", the launch conference of "Now You See Me 2" was held.

At the end of a new day, after leaving the launch conference, Chen Fei returned to Voltaire and watched the finished film of "Nomadland" with Michael Mann.

The film has been decided to participate in the next Oscars, mainly competing for the Best Director award.

After watching it, Chen Fei went to Lucasfilm and watched the finished film of "Godzilla".

He then went to the DreamWorks studio to visit the filming of "Transformers 4".

The film is still directed by Michael Bay, and the main creative members include Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor and others.

Chen Fei's arrival was warmly welcomed by the entire "Transformers 4" crew!

Especially when Gulinaza came to the crew to make a guest appearance, the girl's eyes lit up when she saw him.

There are two relatively important Chinese characters in "Transformers 4". At that time, Chen Fei directly gave the actor list of Feiyinghuang Agency to Michael Bay and let him choose by himself.

Finally, he chose the combination of Wu Jing + Guli Nazha.

The former had a wonderful appearance in Pacific Rim, and she is also an action actor who dares to fight and is very suitable for a cameo. As for the latter, Michael Bay chose her purely because the image of the "Queen of Jingjue" was also a little popular in Hollywood.

"Director Chen, I didn't expect to meet you here. I'm so lucky!"

Guli Nazha came up and greeted them excitedly, looking like a little fangirl.

Wu Jing is still in China and has not officially joined the crew, so she is the only actor with a Chinese face in the entire crew.

"How is it? Are you adapting here?"

"Yeah, it's not bad. The others are very caring towards me."

Michael Bay had just finished filming a short scene at that time. When he saw Chen Fei appear on the set, he hurried over to greet him.

When talking about Gulinaza, he also praised her: "The girl is very good, very hardworking, and able to endure hardships. She does all the scenes herself and rarely uses a stand-in..."

Fade Chen nodded: "That's good, but you still have to pay attention to safety and try to avoid getting hurt."

Gulinaza was standing by and expressing his gratitude in fluent English, occasionally chiming in.

Chen Fei listened carefully, and what puzzled him was that he did not hear that kind of "Qiong Ha" tone.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart: "Hey? This girl's English is pretty good? Could it be that Wuliang Media edited the video maliciously?"


After leaving the studio at Lucasfilm, Chen Fei flew to New York.

He was not responsible for the preparation and filming of "Guardians of the Galaxy", but "Avengers: Age of Ultron" was his project.

After finishing filming "The Revenant" in the first half of next year, we will start filming "Age of Ultron".

While there is still time, he needs to check with Kevin Feige about the subsequent preparations and scene construction issues.

A work with an investment of more than 2 million US dollars cannot be shot just like that. Early preparation is of utmost importance.

If you want to achieve high box office, the details must be handled well.

After arriving in New York and meeting Kevin Fei and other leaders of the post-production team, Chen Fei directly convened a meeting.

"My idea is to build a huge Avengers Tower in the studio. Later, there will be earthquakes, mudslides, ice shelf ruptures, building collapses and building demolition shots. I hope to be able to present a messy but detailed effect in the shots..."

As the producer and director of the film, all Chen Fei needs to do is give orders and leave enough time for his subordinates to carry out the preliminary preparations.

Some details will naturally be reviewed by dedicated personnel, and there is no need for him to do it himself, which is one of the reasons why he likes the Hollywood film industry system.

After the meeting, it was already very late.

Chen Fei bought an apartment in New York a long time ago. This time he didn't go to the hotel, but moved directly into the apartment.

Every once in a while someone would come to clean the room and restock the room with daily necessities, so there was nothing missing.

After taking a shower, he called up his portable computer and started browsing the news on the website.

It has to be said that the development of the "Metoo" group is like riding a rocket, soaring into the sky in the blink of an eye.

It has only been less than half a month and even the organization's logo has appeared.

It was a collar badge of a fist with red nails, and the English logo "Me too" was rendered in big red font below.

Leaders of the women's rights movement, such as Jennifer Sebel and Celia Lee, all wear this badge on their collars whenever they attend events.

So far, there are 132 victims who have accused Harvey!
After the surge in victims some time ago, no one has come out in the past two days.

There seemed to be someone behind the incident, so much so that the trial date was set within just a few days.

According to the notice from the Los Angeles court, Harvey's trial will be broadcast live to the world, so that everyone can see the moment when Harvey is brought to justice!
Chen Fei originally planned to return to China after his trip to New York, but he changed his mind because the date of Harvey's trial was confirmed.

It doesn't matter if it's just one or two days, so why not wait until the trial is over before leaving?


On June 6, "Iron Man 6" officially started its global screening.

Marvel managed to secure 4500 theaters for the film to open in, so that the box office on the first day exceeded 8000 million US dollars!
The lMDb score is tentatively set at 8.6. Although it will definitely drop in the future, it at least proves the success of this film.

Chen Fei did not pay attention to netizens' comments on the movie because the day after the movie was released, the Los Angeles court publicly tried the crimes committed by Harvey Weinstein.

Although he arrived outside the court early in the morning, Chen Fei was still shocked by the huge crowds of people in front of him!
Looking around, the number of media reporters and various social organizations protesting alone is as high as hundreds.

There are also the families of the victims, who also make up a huge group.

Outside the court, there were more than a dozen TV broadcast vehicles from various news websites parked!

In order to meet the needs of the public and the media, wireless communication service providers even dispatched additional signal vehicles to avoid interruptions in broadcast signals.

Chen Fei walked into the court through the back door and went up to a reception room on the second floor. He watched the scene outside with Natasha, Bruce, Nicholson and others.

When it was nine o'clock in the morning, five buses stopped outside the court.

The next second, media reporters at the scene swarmed over and pointed their cameras at the car door.

Under everyone's attention, Jennifer Sibel and Silali, wearing "Me too" signs on their collars, got out of the car first and led more than 100 victims into the courtroom.

What surprised Chen Fei was that Harvey's younger brother Bob also came to the trial.

He did not choose to come in through the back door, but stood in front of the media openly: "I have indeed heard that Harvey has had relationships with some actresses, but I never thought that he would do such a wicked thing!

I believe that everyone must be held accountable for his or her own criminal behavior. Even though he is my brother, I unconditionally support the court's severe sentencing of him.

At the same time, I will make a promise to the public that under my leadership, Weinstein Company will never engage in such bad behavior in the future..."

Bob's ideas are very different from Harvey's. The latter focuses on winning the prize, but the former wants more brokerage benefits.

In comparison, the former will naturally be less controversial.

Later, Harvey's ex-wife Georgina Chapman also arrived at the scene.

But she didn't say anything. Facing the reporter's interview, she just lowered her head and walked into the court silently.

The incident has come to the final stage. The heavier the sentence Harvey gives, the more she can get!

In the current situation, keeping a low profile is the most important thing she should do.


With all the victims in place, the next person to appear is naturally the sinner Harvey Weinstein.

Soon, an ambulance drove slowly to the door of the court, and Harvey, with his head wrapped like a mummy, got out of the car with the help of the bailiff.

He kept his head down and said nothing. Facing questions from media reporters on both sides and insults from the victims' families, he pretended not to hear them all.

However, just as he walked to the middle of the crowd, a burst of very intense shouts suddenly sounded from both sides!
"Among the many victims violated by Harvey Weinstein, there is not a single black person. This shows that he is still a hateful discriminator. I ask the judge to sentence him severely!"

These shameless words immediately caused an uproar in the audience, and even Harvey looked at them in surprise.

Damn it, this whole thing can even be linked to him, is he really that despicable?

However, the next second, a voice from a loudspeaker suddenly came from his right: "Among the many victims of Harvey Weinstein, there is not a single transgender person. This shows that he also discriminates against people of the same sex. I would like to strongly protest!"

As these two voices rang out, the scene was suddenly filled with all kinds of "monster" sounds.

Environmentalists, vegetarians, animal rights activists...

In the box on the second floor, listening to the calls outside, Fade Chen felt that his three views were rapidly shattering.


Reality is even more magical than in the movies!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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