It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 617 The verdict is finalized, and we will go to the anorectal department overnight!

Chapter 617 The verdict is finalized, and we will go to the anorectal department overnight!

Accompanied by the shouts of demons and monsters, Harvey was brought into the courtroom.

Under the attention of many media reporters at the scene and audiences in front of the screen, Harvey sat in the defendant's seat, without saying a word, silently paying attention to the more than one hundred "victims" in the plaintiff's seat.

At this moment, he inexplicably felt like he was feeding meat to wolves.

Thinking back to the beginning, it was clearly these people who took the initiative to seduce him, but now it has evolved into him being the one who violates them.


How ridiculous!

Under the guidance of the judge, witnesses came forward one after another and accused Harvey of his crimes.

In the box upstairs, Fade Chen listened to the women's descriptions and gained a new understanding of Harvey's degree of perversion.

This guy has come up with new ideas for things in bed. He uses all kinds of incredible positions and props, which is really eye-opening!

Woody Allen suddenly said, "If this guy goes to the Sacred Valley as a producer, he will definitely be able to take the sales and popularity of restricted films to a higher level."

"Indeed." Chen Fei nodded in agreement. "Especially those viewers with special hobbies will definitely buy and collect them on a large scale."


During the entire trial, in addition to the victims, Harvey's younger brother Bob and senior executives of Weinstein Films all appeared to accuse Harvey of many evil deeds!
Even Quentin and Ben Affleck, who had fled abroad, were "invited" to come and point out some of Harvey's crimes.

As Harvey's two right-hand men, these two people know much more information than ordinary people!
The two originally planned to stay in France for a while and keep a low profile, and then find a way to return to Los Angeles after the storm has passed.

However, Silari had the upper hand over them and demanded that they return to the country to accuse Harvey.

If they don't do so, then the foundation that the two have worked hard to build in Los Angeles for many years will be completely wasted.

Under pressure, the two had to appear on the witness list.

In the dock, Harvey listened to the brothers who used to follow him recounting the crimes he had committed. He felt as if a knife was stabbed in his heart, and it hurt so much!
He wanted to protest several times, but finally chose to accept it silently.

As long as there is still hope of getting out alive, he can grit his teeth and endure all the other things. After all, surviving is the most important thing.

The trial lasted for three days, and it was not until the afternoon of the third day that the court pronounced the verdict in court.

In the dock, Harvey stood up at the request of the bailiff and listened to the final verdict.

He still had his head slightly lowered, but his hands were tightly grasping the table to ensure that his body would not fall down due to the weight.

During his decades of work, he has stood in the dock many times and listened to the judge's verdict.

But even if all the previous experiences were added together, they would not be as terrible as this time!
At this moment, he had already made up his mind that if he was sentenced to life imprisonment, he would definitely drag all the bastards down with him!

He was certain that those politicians and congressmen definitely did not want to see this happen, so he must still see hope!
At this time, after taking a glance at Harvey's expression and gestures, the judge slowly said: "The jury has unanimously ruled that the defendant Harvey Weinstein is guilty of all charges. The following verdict is now made..."

At this moment, everyone in the courtroom focused their eyes on the judge, ready to hear the final verdict.

However, the media's cameras were all pointed at Harvey Weinstein, ready to record his expression and demeanor the moment the verdict was handed down.

"15 years in prison with no chance of parole for the first ten years!"

The courtroom, where one could hear a pin drop, suddenly erupted in enthusiastic cheers.

Fifteen years later, Harvey has become a 75-year-old old man. Even if he comes out, what kind of trouble can he cause?

At this moment, although Harvey had already prepared himself mentally in front of the camera, he still collapsed after hearing the bad news and completely collapsed in the dock.

Although it is not life imprisonment, 15 years is not easy to endure.

Hope does exist, but it is so far away!
What's even worse is that his wife is now going to take away half of his assets, and the victims are also asking for financial compensation, plus the cost of hiring a lawyer...

When all these are added together, it is enough to empty his pockets!
In other words, when he is released in 15, he will most likely have to live on the streets and become the "vagrant" he hates the most.

But even so, he kept his mouth shut, showing no intention of fighting to the death.

After all, he didn't want to be "shot in the back and die by suicide" on the way back to the hospital.

Watching Harvey being led away by the bailiff, Silarie nodded in satisfaction in the dock: "He is a smart man. He hasn't completely lost his mind."

At this time, the other victims were already talking about it.

The criminals have received the punishment they deserve, so the next step is civil litigation for compensation. I believe the lawyers will definitely help them get compensation.

In the box upstairs, Fade Chen slowly turned his head and looked at Bruce.

Bruce understood and smiled back, "Don't worry, I've arranged everything."

"Don't let anyone know it was you who did this."

"Of course, I never put myself in danger."

Natasha, who was listening to the conversation between the two, felt like she was listening to a foreign language.

She looked confused and asked curiously: "Fei? Bruce? What are you two talking about?"

The two guys, who were full of bad ideas, looked at each other and responded in unison: "We are going to send Harvey to see the anorectal department."


The verdict was officially concluded, and congratulatory letters were sent from all over the world. There was even a protest group that organized a large-scale march for this verdict!
At the same time, the lawsuit between Chen Fei and Harvey was finally over.

With no money to pay for the lawyer, Harvey unsurprisingly lost the case, and the pain of being hit on the head by the wine bottle was suffered in vain.

Although the attention of all sectors of society was focused on Harvey, this did not affect the success of "Iron Man 3".

After the box office exceeded 8000 million US dollars on the first day, the North American box office soared to 1.5 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend!
Judging from the current box office growth trend, there should be no problem for the North American box office to break 3 million.

In order to give back to the audience's love, the film company simultaneously released the ultimate documentary "Iron Man World Tour" and launched a global tour, in which the lead actor Robert Downey Jr. will participate throughout.

The event plan had been announced in advance, so Chen Fei even saw many fans on Weibo discussing wearing Iron Man masks to welcome Downey's arrival!
The superhero media is vividly displayed in "Iron Man".

Because the first stop of the event was the capital of China, the main creators of the crew simply boarded Chen Fei's private plane and prepared to return to China together.

Chen Fei did not refuse them. He just let these people draw fire for him, and then he could take the opportunity to slip away.

...At the same time, when Chen Fei and the crew of "Iron Man 3" flew to China, a new inmate arrived in the California State Prison.

Harvey had originally planned to use the opportunity of a broken head to delay for a few more days, but after the forensic doctor's assessment, he was very sure that he was fine, and contacted the bailiff to send him directly to prison.

At the same time, when he was going through the prison admission procedures, Sheldon, who was imprisoned for the "0 yuan purchase of violent assault incident", was meeting his friends in the prison's visiting room.

"Sheldon, don't worry. Your family has moved to an upscale community, your sister has entered a private college, and your wife has entered a hospital..."

Hearing the voice coming from the other side, Sheldon's face broke into a bright smile.

3 years in prison, this might be the best news he has ever heard!
However, the next second, the person opposite suddenly changed the subject: "I asked someone to send you the soap. Have you received it?"

"Yeah." Sheldon nodded and added, "It smells good. I like it very much."

"That's good." The man smiled and reminded her, "Your target has already entered the game. Remember our agreement. Three times a day. Double the amount on Saturdays and Sundays!"

"Don't worry." Sheldon curled his lips, revealing a mouthful of blackened teeth from chewing betel nut. "I've seen his trial process on the news. He's a very playful guy. My brothers and I will definitely teach him a lesson."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

The man stood up without hesitation and quickly left the visiting room.

Sheldon put down the phone, stood up and walked out the door, and returned to the cell under the guidance of the prison guard.

After the iron door was locked, he took out a few bars of soap from under his bed, then called a group of younger brothers over and distributed the soap to them, two people at a time.

One of the younger brothers asked curiously, "Boss! What flavor of soap is this? It smells so good!"

Sheldon grinned: "Butter is added to it. It is not only fragrant, but also has a very good lubricating effect."

An old man who was glowing black suddenly laughed evilly: "Then I have to try its effect."

Another person added, "I heard that a fat white guy came today. His skin is soft and smooth, and he has a big butt. You don't have to worry about pelvic pain when you bump into him."

"Haha, okay, let's try it out with him. It will be a good opportunity to teach the newcomers about the rules here."

Several people were talking at the same time, and they had already set their goals without even waiting for Sheldon to assign tasks.

After a long silence, Sheldon suddenly felt that he didn't need to give any special instructions. These guys holding soap would definitely complete the task successfully.


After all the formalities were completed, Harvey was successfully admitted to the California State Prison.

The prison guard gave him toiletries, including a towel and a basin, but there was no shower gel.

Harvey's adaptability was pretty good. He quickly accepted his current situation and began to familiarize himself with the environment.

After making my bed, it was already evening.

There were prison guards outside shouting for everyone to take a shower and get ready for bedtime.

Harvey was sweating a lot, so he took a towel and followed a group of people to the shower area on the first floor of the prison.

After entering the open bathing area, he felt somewhat uncomfortable, so he deliberately chose a secluded corner, prepared to take a quick shower and leave.

Then, shortly after the faucet was turned on, a group of black people suddenly appeared in the vacant seat next to him.

This group of people were chatting loudly, and some were even comparing sizes. The scale of the things made Harvey's heart beat fast!

After a while, he suddenly smelled a familiar scent.

After turning his head subconsciously, he actually saw the group of black people washing their bodies with soap. The fresh and fragrant smell made him envious.

He made up his mind that if he had the chance, he must ask these people where they bought the soap.

I didn't feel anything when I just rinsed it with water, I still had to apply some soap to wash it clean.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a "pop" sound beside his ear, as if something fell at his feet.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw a piece of soap lying quietly beside his feet. The slippery feeling was very obvious.

"Hey? Brother! Can you help me pick up the soap?"

A sturdy old black man walked towards him with a bright smile on his face and looked very friendly.

Harvey didn't think much about it, perhaps with the idea of ​​making friends, so he silently bent down and reached out for the soap.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a coolness coming from behind, as if something was sliding past.

Before he could react, a tingling sensation suddenly swept through his whole body!
He was just about to shout for help, but a black shadow appeared in front of him, and the next second, his mouth was stuffed full.

Because his lower jaw was pinched, he couldn't even bite. He could only wail weakly and look forward to the moment of end.

That evening, an ambulance drove into the California State Prison, pulled Harvey, who was collapsed in the shower area, out of the prison and rushed him straight to the hospital.

The paparazzi in America are just as dedicated as those in Hong Kong. Soon, the news of Harvey lying on a stretcher and being pushed into the anorectal department appeared on major news websites in North America.

When Chen Fei received the call from Bruce, he had not even returned to the capital and was still flying in the sky.

"My goodness, are those black guys so fierce? They pushed him directly into the anorectal department?"

Bruce couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect them to play so crazy. But from what I know, Harvey's body type is indeed the most popular type there."

"Find someone to tell them to take it easy. They finally got a nice toy, but if it's ruined after two days of playing with it, where are they going to find something like it in the future?"

"Haha, okay, I'll contact the person right away."

After hanging up the phone, Fade Chen began to calculate silently.

A total of 15 years in prison, with no parole allowed for the first ten years, means Harvey will have to spend at least 3650 days in prison.

At a frequency of at least three times a day, he would have to endure at least 10950 impacts!
"Haha." Fade Chen was calculating and suddenly laughed out loud: "Compared to death, a life worse than death is the gift I give you! Harvey, take it! Let's see how long you can bear it!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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