It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 618: Is this how movie promotion can be done?

Chapter 618: Is this how movie promotion can be done?

When we landed in the capital, as expected, the entire airport was surrounded by Iron Man fans!
Chen Fei stood in the VIP lounge on the second floor and looked down. He could clearly see that the fans below were all wearing Iron Man helmets or posters and other materials, giving the crew members the most sincere and warm welcome.

At this time in 13, only wealthy families could afford this kind of thing, and none of them were stingy when it came to spending.

Robert Downey Jr. alone received more than ten bouquets of flowers.

Because Chen Fei had revised the script before filming, all the scenes that insulted China in Iron Man 3 had been deleted.
In the absence of controversy, the movie box office will naturally not be affected.

After its domestic release, the box office on the first day reached 1.35 million yuan, and soared to 3.2 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend!
The power of imported films is really too scary!

Only after watching the "Iron Man" crew leave did Chen Fei put on his mask and sunglasses and left the airport through the VIP channel in a very low-key manner.

Liu Yifei volunteered to pick him up today and parked the car outside the airport.

After going out, Chen Fei was stunned when he saw the bright red Ferrari.

After confirming the license plate information again and again, he walked over and opened the car door.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Liu Yifei was wearing a pair of sunglasses on her face, a belly-baring short-sleeved shirt and shorts, looking like an urban girl.

"Isn't your car a little too conspicuous?"

Chen Fei was a little amused and helpless. He really didn't expect that Liu Yifei would have such a side of her.

The good girl turned into a sexy young lady, the contrast is huge!
Miss Liu giggled and said, "Hurry up and get in the car. Be careful of paparazzi taking pictures."

"it is good."

Fade Chen nodded and sat in the passenger seat.

As usual, the two went to the private restaurant first and planned to go back after eating.

But just after entering the box, Zhou Xun called Liu Yifei: "I was wondering where you were. You didn't come to the crew this morning. It turns out you went to pick up Director Chen."


Hearing this, Liu Yifei and Chen Fei were stunned.

"You two are so careless. You were photographed by paparazzi when you left the airport. You must keep it a secret next time you go on a date..."

Listening to Zhou Xun's teasing, Chen Fei silently opened Weibo.

Sure enough, the latest report is out!

"Director Chen Fei returned to China in a low-key manner. Liu Yifei showed up at the airport to greet him. The two had a pleasant conversation in the car."

"Liu Yifei looks youthful and beautiful today, showing her fashionable style."

"Director Chen's assistant got into the car and left alone, carrying a suitcase that was suspected to contain the Palme d'Or trophy..."

The return of the Palme d'Or director and Cannes Film Festival winner is no less popular than the arrival of the "Iron Man 3" crew in China for global promotion!

When Chen Fei and Liu Yifei finished their meal and were about to leave, many reporters appeared at the door of the private restaurant.

In other words, the restaurant does not allow outsiders to enter at will, otherwise there will be no business today!
"I won't drive this car next time. It's too conspicuous. I'll be spotted wherever I go."

Liu Yifei muttered softly, and got into a business car with Chen Fei under the protection of the bodyguards who arrived.

As for the Ferrari, someone would naturally help her drive it back.

"What are your plans next? Are you going abroad again in a few days? Or..."

The saying that a short separation is better than a new marriage is absolutely true. If they were not afraid of being discovered, the two would have already kissed each other by now.

After thinking for a while, Fade Chen replied, "I probably won't be leaving for the next few months. I plan to continue shooting a Chinese-language commercial film and adjust the company's future development path."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yifei's eyes suddenly lit up!
"Then remember to call me when you are free. My guest appearance has ended and there is no more work for me in Dear."

It was her first time falling in love, and she wanted to stick to Chen Fei every day.

As for the crew, Zhou Xun and Huang Bo are looking after them, so nothing will go wrong even without her.

Chen Fei knew what she meant, and immediately invited her with a smile: "I'm going to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center tomorrow, so why don't you come with me?"

"Okay!" Liu Yifei nodded quickly: "After sending you to the company, I will go back to pack my luggage."

She didn't specifically ask Chen Fei what he was doing at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Anyway, as long as she could be with him, she would go anywhere.


After saying goodbye to Liu Yifei, Chen Fei went to Feiyue Film and Television first.

As soon as he entered the company's gate, he saw the very conspicuous large LED screen.

At this moment, a line of words was slowly floating across the center of the screen.

"Congratulations to the movie "One Man's Martial Arts" for reaching a box office of 6.88 million RMB!"

When he saw this line of words, Fade Chen suddenly realized.

The May season is over!

He returned to his office amid the greetings from the company's employees.

Following the official withdrawal of "A Man's Martial Arts", the film "So Young" directed by Zhao Yanzi has also come to an end.

In just one month, the total box office revenue reached 5.92 million!
If we only look at the ratio of subject matter and box office performance, then the box office performance of this movie is undoubtedly very good.

However, before the film was released, Zhao Yanzi boasted that she would become the number one female director in China, but her current achievement is still a long way from her goal!

Based on this, many people on the Internet laughed at her for overestimating her own abilities.

"What's there to brag about for a movie that succeeds by selling feelings and marketing?"

"Haha, I just laughed. You became the first female director in China? You are not even a little bit worse than Director Xue Xiaolu."

“If there are three Zhao Yanzis between So Young and Love in Seattle, then there are at least 3 Zhao Yanzis between So Young and Burning Heart.”

"Oh my god, brother upstairs, you are just looking down on me, Director Chen. At least there should be 100 Zhao Yanzis between you and me, okay?"

"No, I'm a little dizzy. Are these two people comparable? Zhao Yanzi, don't try to trick me!"

Unknowingly, as netizens continued to make fun of her, Zhao Yanzi actually became a unit of measurement in the director circle, and was teased by netizens one after another.

This person is also a smart person. He did not get angry because of the netizens' ridicule. Instead, he took the opportunity to do a lot of publicity for himself.

Many media outlets have reported that she and her husband Huang Youlong jointly invested in her brother's company, Tangde Film and Television.

What shocked people in the industry was that the company was already preparing for an IPO.

Once the listing is successful, Zhao Yanzi will be transformed into one of the actresses worth over 100 million yuan, and embark on a capital path similar to Huang Xiaoming.

This can be considered a novel way of "changing one's fate".

After learning that Chen Fei had returned to the company, Su Guohai went to his door immediately.

"Director Chen, there is something I need to report to you."

Fade Chen closed his computer and asked casually, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"About youth-themed movies." Su Guohai explained in detail: "According to the information I received, in the month when "So Young" was released, the Film Bureau alone registered more than 30 youth-themed movies, and this number is still increasing.

The screenwriter department specifically asked me if we would also like to enter the youth-themed category in the future? If we are sure to enter, we will organize relevant personnel to conduct research. "

This type of movie has low investment costs, simple stories, and can easily evoke the audience's emotions, making it a great box office jackpot!

Under the current circumstances, everyone will naturally flock in.

If things go as expected, there will definitely be a large number of youth films in theaters in the next two to three years!
However, after listening to Su Guohai's words, Chen Fei rejected it without hesitation: "You should tell the screenwriter department. There is no need to waste time and energy. This kind of movie can certainly improve the company's efficiency in the short term, but in the long run, it will lower the level of Feiyue Film and Television, and may even destroy our brand of high-quality products.

It is clearly an unequal plan to sacrifice the company's reputation for a small profit."

Su Guohai nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand, I will go and inform them now."

In fact, in Chen Fei's view, not making movies about youth themes does not mean losing anything.

Think about it, when others are selling feelings, the movies produced by Feiyue Films all maintain a high-quality standard, which is also a kind of success!
After shifting his focus away from youth-themed movies, Chen Fei began to communicate with the Space Administration.

This time, he is going to use a unique method to promote the movie.

The space agency gave him a lot of face and readily agreed to his request without much consideration.

Since the filming of "Gravity", the two sides have entered a honeymoon period.

During the filming of "The Martian", the relationship between the two was so good that they were almost wearing the same pants!

What the domestic space program needs most now is large-scale and wide-ranging publicity, in order to prove to the outside world that we are not afraid at all in the face of Western blockades, sanctions and strategic threats!
Making it into a movie is undoubtedly an excellent means of publicity.


Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, also known as Dongfeng Space City, was built on October 1958, 10. It is one of the launch and test bases for China's scientific satellites, technical test satellites and launch vehicles.

The launch center is located on the edge of the Badain Jaran Desert in northwest China, more than 260 kilometers away from JQ City.

The region has a desert climate, little rain throughout the year, and long daytime. There are about 300 days a year for launch tests, mainly responsible for launching scientific experimental satellites, recoverable satellites, and manned spaceflight in low, medium, and high-inclination orbits...

It was already noon on June 6th when we arrived at the Jiuquan Launch Center.

As soon as they got off the car, the receptionist sent by the Space Administration led Chen Fei and Liu Yifei to the restaurant.

During the meal, some staff members inevitably came over to ask for photos or autographs, and both of them gladly accepted their requests.

After dinner, under the guidance of the reception staff, the two came to the rocket launch area.

Here are some experts to explain:
"Shenzhou-10 is the tenth spacecraft launched by our manned space program, and is used to carry out the fifth manned space flight mission and the first application flight mission of the earth-to-space round-trip transportation system of China's manned space program.

The spacecraft is about 9 meters high, weighs about 8 tons, has a maximum diameter of 2.8 meters, and adopts a three-cabin structure layout, consisting of an orbital cabin, a return cabin, and a propulsion cabin..."

The visiting time passed very quickly and in the blink of an eye it was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

For safety reasons, all outsiders are not allowed to approach the launch pad and can only stand in the observation room to watch the launch.

Looking around, I saw the towering rocket standing quietly on the launch pad, like a warrior about to go into battle, wearing silver-white armor and shining brightly.

From a distance, Chen Fei also saw the three astronauts who would complete the space mission along with the Shenzhou 3.

Nie Huansheng, Zhang Xiaoguang, and Wang Yaping.

"There are female astronauts?" Liu Yifei exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes." Chen Fei patiently explained to her: "Last June, when Shenzhou 9 carried out a manned flight mission, there were already female astronauts."

"Wow! They are so brave!"

Hearing Liu Yifei's exclamation, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Being an astronaut is probably a rare job that upholds the principles of "fairness and justice" and "ability above all else".

The time soon came to 17:38 in the afternoon, and Chen Fei, Liu Yifei and other visitors shouted along with the countdown.

“10!9!8…3! 2!1!”

When the word "launch" sounded over the loudspeaker, a blazing flame suddenly spurted out from the tail of the rocket, like a fire dragon tumbling in the air.

The flames lit up the entire sky and pushed the rocket into the boundless universe.

As the rocket took off, people in the observation room could clearly see its flashing lights drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

This was the first time that Chen Fei observed a rocket launch up close. The whole process was full of power and beauty.

Every vibration of the flame can make people feel the powerful force, and the trajectory of the rocket is like an elegant line, outlining a magnificent picture in the air.

This combination of power and beauty made him feel sincere admiration for human wisdom and courage!
In addition to domestic media, there were also many media and organizations from abroad at the scene.

At this moment, everyone was holding up cameras to shoot. The rocket launch was not only a display of technology, but also an exploration and challenge of the unknown. It was also a means of demonstrating the strength of a great power.

It carries the dreams and hopes of mankind and heads towards the distant universe.

In this process, it has become an important link between the earth and the universe, expanding human vision to the vast universe, allowing people to feel the charm of science and technology and human courage, while also inspiring people's curiosity and spirit of exploration about the unknown world.

Chen Fei didn't know how other people felt, but he was extremely excited.

A rocket weighing 8 tons was actually pushed into the universe. It is shocking just to think about it, let alone observe it in person.

Time was still passing, and after the initial cheers, everyone at the scene turned their attention to a large screen.

A successful launch does not mean the end of the mission. Only accurate entry into orbit can be considered a true success!
Night fell quickly, and under the attention of everyone on the scene, Shenzhou 10 was finally successfully launched by the Long March 2F carrier rocket and accurately entered orbit.

When the voices of the three astronauts came back from the loudspeaker, the scene erupted in warm cheers again!
The fireworks outside have already exploded, and all kinds of streamers and colored ribbons inside have rushed up to the roof. Everyone is using this way of expression to express their inner excitement and joy!
The media began to interview the audience.

As the only two stars in the crowd, Chen Fei and Liu Yifei naturally became the targets of the media's "focused fire".

"Director Chen, Yifei, what do you think about the successful launch of Shenzhou 10?"

Chen Fei took the initiative to step forward and responded: "I am really excited to see that our country's aerospace industry is getting better and better and stronger. I also hope that one day we can see our country's space station officially take shape."

Liu Yifei also stood up and responded with emotion: "When I was filming Interstellar, I experienced the feeling of wearing a space suit.

Even the costumes used for filming are very heavy. It is hard to imagine that there are really female astronauts who take on the responsibility of space flight. I admire them very much!"

After a brief Q&A session, a reporter curiously asked, "Director Chen, is your next new film plan related to space?"

Generally speaking, the entertainment industry and aerospace should be on a parallel line. It is precisely because of this that Chen Fei's appearance at the Jiuquan Launch Center inevitably aroused everyone's curiosity.

After thinking for a moment, Fade Chen did not deny it, but he also did not admit it.

He smiled at the cameras of the various media outlets in front of him and left a message: "Just wait and see the news, there will be a surprise!"


As expected, the news about the successful launch of Shenzhou 10 has become the focus of recent social attention.

Similarly, Chen Fei’s interview was mentioned from time to time by the media, and netizens were very curious about what the “surprise” he mentioned was.
Time passed quickly and it was already the 13th. Under the attention of the national audience, the three astronauts flying in the sky did something when they were resting at night.

They turned on the projection equipment, took out the copy disc, and watched a movie at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The name of this movie is-

"The Martian"!
At the same time, Feiyue Film and Television, China Film, Wanda, and Shanghai Film announced that "The Martian" will be released during the Spring Festival.

Before that, the film will hold preview screenings from time to time.

The first preview event will be held in the Shenzhou 10 living module tens of thousands of meters above the sky. The three astronauts will be the first audience to officially meet the finished film.

Even the evening news reported the news.

For a time, the entire Internet was a hot topic!
The film and television industry is completely confused at this moment.

Holy shit, is it ok to promote a movie like this?


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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