It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 619 The worst blockbuster in film history!

Chapter 619 The worst blockbuster in film history!

In order to improve its reputation, Huayi organized a lot of promotional activities and strategies for Feng Xiaogang's new film "Private Tailor".

From the initial casting, to the subsequent film opening ceremony, and finally the grand wrap-up dinner...

In order to keep the popularity going, they even spent a high price to buy a trending search on the day the film was completed.

"Director Feng Xiaogang's film "Personal Tailor" has been successfully completed today. Huayi will ensure that the film will be successfully released during the Lunar New Year holiday and win the No. 1 spot in the movie box office rankings!"

As expected, this hot search topped the list and attracted many people to watch.

Counting from the time the filming started, the shooting period of this movie was only more than two months, which is much faster than that of ordinary movies.

Moreover, right after the filming was completed, the target was set for the Lunar New Year holiday, which shows how much confidence Feng Xiaogang has in his new movie!

After seeing the news, some producers and crews who also had their sights set on the Lunar New Year holiday immediately fell into deep thought.

With their opponents so strong, they have to be cautious for the sake of future box office performance.

In addition to the Lunar New Year period, the Spring Festival period is also worth considering. After all, based on past experience, the Spring Festival period is also a very good period.

But what no one expected was that "The Martian" actually had a "space preview" and "landed in the Spring Festival"!

When they saw the three astronauts in the Shenzhou 10 start to play the finished film of "The Martian", the bosses of the production companies in the film and television industry felt their scalps tingling.

This operation is simply a dimensionality reduction attack!
Sending movies into space, isn't this just taking off from the spot?

Seeing that "The Martian" dominated the top spot on the Weibo hot search list, Wang Zhonglei was almost in tears.

So much money was spent on publicity, but as soon as the first sign of success appeared, it was suppressed.

Where the hell is this going to make sense?
It was not until this time that a group of people in the film and television industry suddenly realized the power of the statement that the Film Bureau had repeatedly reiterated that it would "provide assistance for the promotion of domestic science fiction blockbusters."

The movie was sent directly into space and even appeared on the evening news. What kind of publicity scale is this?

Some experts conducted an analysis afterwards and finally came to an extremely shocking conclusion.

“If the publicity for The Martian is converted into publicity and promotion funds, it would cost at least nine figures, and it’s not something that can be achieved simply by spending money!”

For a time, the entire film and television industry fell silent again.

Before this, many people thought that Feiyue Film and Television and Huayi were at the same level, and because the latter was a listed company, its status was vaguely higher than the former.

But when "The Martian" appeared in space, everyone suddenly realized that the two companies were no longer in the same dimension.

When it comes to revenue, it is no exaggeration to say that five Huayi companies combined would barely be able to catch up with Feiyue Films.

A highly productive film company that pursues the boutique route, its value is simply terrifying!
On the other side, Zhang Yimou secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Recently, the media's attention has been focused on the incident in which he was fined for having more children than allowed, which made him very annoyed. Coincidentally, "The Martian" came out at this time and attracted some attention, which can be regarded as attracting a wave of fire.

It's quite unfair to him actually. Netizens actually calculated his income over the years based on the amount of the fine.

When seeing that number, many people even felt sorry for him!
Such a big director has not earned as much as other TV drama directors in recent years, which is quite unique in the circle.

At the same time, Liu Dehua, who was far away in Hong Kong, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since the release of "The Secret: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", he has been under tremendous pressure!
In order to maintain the secrecy, the damn film producers kept the film's publicity to the outside world confidential from the start of the project to the release.

Apart from a few eye-catching movie posters, no other information about the film has been leaked.

Coupled with the large-scale "global media conference", the fans' expectations were raised to an extremely high level!

Moreover, during the press conference, director Sun Jianjun made a public appeal in front of the media and audience, hoping to get Chen Fei's corrections.

When the media exposed the details of the press conference, it immediately sparked heated discussions online.

Many uninformed viewers thought that this movie must be incredibly awesome, otherwise how could Sun Jianjun dare to publicly call out Chen Fei?

Although Chen Fei did not make any response at the time, the film's public opinion and publicity effects were maximized.

In the eyes of many people, this is a challenge launched by Sun Jianjun against Chen Fei, intending to use the movie box office to prove who is the best science fiction director!
At that time, several producers including China Film, Movie Channel, Media Asia, and Phoenix TV all gave recognition and support on their official websites.

With the support of these multiple factors, the film's attention once reached a peak!

Many people feel that the upcoming summer season will definitely be the time for "The Secret: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" to shine, and director Sun Jianjun will also take this opportunity to join the ranks of first-line directors.

When the film’s first-day box office results were announced, many uninformed netizens thought the film was a success when they saw the number “5368 million.”

However, when those netizens who had not yet gone to the cinema to watch the movie logged onto Douban to check out the relevant film reviews, they discovered that this was simply a huge bad movie!

"This is fucking awful! This isn't just inserting ads into a movie, this is inserting a movie into an ad. This is even more outrageous than what Feng Xiaogang did!"

"The plot is so bad that it doesn't make any sense. It's a waste of the public and the actors! For a businessman to be a director and screenwriter is really overestimating his ability.

Although there are some thriller and sensual elements in the film, it is just a mess! It will become a comedy in the end! Damn, it is really amazing! "

"Perhaps the best part of this movie is the Audi commercial! It shows how Audi can drive smoothly even in the desert."

"Honestly, no matter how good the special effects are, they can't cover up the paleness and absurdity of the content. I went to watch it in the middle of the night and I really regret it! I almost fell asleep! Fuck!"

"Two points for Lin Chiling's ever-changing fashion show, one point for Tong Dawei's foreign language, and one point for the many beauties selling their bodies."

"For a moment I didn't know how to describe how bad this movie was. The worst words I could think of were not enough to express my feelings."

“I used to think that The Promise and The Banquet were the worst of the blockbuster movies, but when The Secret: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains came out, I realized that there are always better ones among the best!”

With the emergence of countless negative reviews, not only the crew was affected, but even the actors involved in it suffered unprovoked disaster.

Especially Liu Dehua, who lost millions of followers overnight. The mocking voices were everywhere under his Weibo account, and he was almost broken by the scolding!
Even though he accepted the criticism from fans in front of the media and chose to apologize sincerely, he still couldn't suppress the anger and indignation in the hearts of fans.

As a last resort, he could only choose to withdraw from the promotion and return to Hong Kong, preparing to temporarily avoid the limelight. But the fucking thing is that Sun Jianjun, who adheres to the attribute of "businessmen do things for profit", actually launched a wave of reverse marketing.

He bought a large number of press releases and actively promoted this as the worst "blockbuster" in film history, even worse than "The Legend of White Snake".

This wave of operations indeed attracted a lot of attention, so much so that the box office actually saw a surge!
However, those fans who watched the movie did not give positive reviews. Instead, they went to major social media platforms and began to frantically criticize every detail of the movie!

As the leading actor, Liu Dehua was the first to be watched and questioned by a large number of fans.

Originally, this was just a work to repay a favor, but I didn't expect it to end up in this situation. I can't even describe how depressed I am.

Liu Dehua didn’t even dare to check Weibo during this period. After analysis, his team concluded that it would take at least three years to eliminate the impact of "The Secret: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains"!

Thanks to the big news made by "The Martian", otherwise he wouldn't even dare to go out.

His agent had been living with him for a while. He was watching the news online and suddenly said, "Brother Hua, I heard that Feiyue Films has approved another script. It seems that Director Chen Fei will be in charge of it. How about you give them a call to find out more?"

The best way to forget a relationship is to start a new one.

Similarly, the best way to eliminate the impact of making a bad movie is to make a high-quality film or TV show that sells well at the box office.

Looking around the industry, perhaps Chen Fei is the only director who has never made a bad movie since his debut.

Not only has he never made a bad movie, but even the scripts he wrote are all top-notch and have never flopped.

If there is anyone who can help Liu Dehua quickly escape from the whirlpool of public opinion, it may only be Chen Fei.

Liu Dehua was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Director Chen's new film "The Burning Sun" has been shortlisted for this year's Shanghai International Film Festival. He should be there in person. I'll talk to him in detail when we meet."

"Okay, then I'll arrange for someone to book the flight first."

The agent stood up and quickly left the room.


On the sofa in the living room, Liu Dehua was deeply sunken in the soft embrace of the sofa, his cloudy eyes full of regret.

If he had known the current situation, he would never have taken this role!

There are still more than two days until the opening ceremony of the Shanghai International Film Festival. Since it is in China, Chen Fei is not in a hurry to go.

In his spare time, he would handle some company work and draw storyboards for "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy".

The script has been reviewed and the team responsible for the early preparations is being set up.

While going to Shanghai to attend the award ceremony, Chen Fei also wanted to complete the casting work for the film at the same time.

There were just enough people attending the film festival, which was a good opportunity, saving him the trouble of making special phone calls to contacts.

On the day of departure, he asked the driver to take a detour to the "Dear" crew and pick up Liu Yifei by the way.

Although she was not nominated, the film festival invited her to be the award presenter.

If it was before this, Liu Yifei would naturally have no interest. Running so far just to be an award presenter, do you really think she has nothing to do?

But when she learned that Chen Fei would also attend the award ceremony and had a great chance of winning, she immediately took on the task.

I'm happy just thinking about giving an award to someone I like.

However, when Chen Fei met Liu Yifei outside the "Dear" crew, he keenly discovered that she did not seem to be in a very good mood.

"What happened? Is there an emergency on the set? Do you need my help?"

"No." Liu Yifei shook her head and explained in a muffled voice: "Uncle Chen is planning to open another film and television company and wants me to invest in it. He also asked me to invite you to invest as well, but I didn't agree to it. He turned around and went to find my mother, and the two of them had a fight because of this..."

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but feel speechless at Mr. Chen's shamelessness.

Hongxingwu initially suffered losses due to poor management.

When Mr. Chen realized that there was no money to be made in the film and television industry, he simply withdrew his shares, and Zhang Da Huzi and others also gave up their status as shareholders of Red Star Wood.

Liu Xiaoli didn't say much, but spent money to buy back the shares in the hands of these people and turned Hongxingwu into Liu Yifei's personal artist studio.

Then Chen Fei dragged Liu Yifei to Hollywood, and they soared all the way until they became one of the hottest female stars in China!

Hongxingwu was still in a relatively unknown state a few years ago, but with the box office of "Your Name", in which Liu Yifei served as producer and investor, exceeding 10 billion, the company immediately became a hot film and television production company in the circle!

And now, Hongxingwu has participated in the investment of "Dear".

If nothing unexpected happens, this will be another movie that can generate huge profits.

Seeing that Liu Yifei and her daughter were getting along better and better, Mr. Chen couldn't sit still anymore and thought about coming back to continue to invest.

Of course Liu Xiaoli would not agree, so she made an excuse to reject him.

But this person was still selfish and even proposed to open a new film and television company. He asked Liu Yifei to participate in the investment and asked her to try her best to invite Chen Fei to invest as well.

How could anyone who can survive in this circle be a fool?
Mr. Chen's purpose was obvious. He wanted Liu Yifei to give back to the newly established company and use her name to solicit projects from outside.

"He also brought me a script, saying that he wanted to make it into a co-production, and wanted Feiyue Films to take the lead, with me as the lead actor, and he himself would participate in the film investment in the name of the new company."

While speaking, Liu Yifei opened her handbag and took out a project book.

Chen Fei took it and looked at it. He saw ten big characters written on the cover:

The Legend of White Ghost: Escape


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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