I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 38 Rushing to go to sea

Chapter 38 Rushing to go to sea
"Xinyue, our family must have a good relationship with Bailang in the future. No matter what kind of fishing nets or other hooks he needs to go to sea in the future, we will provide them all for free. As long as he says Just buy these things from our store.”

Chen Yunshan suddenly had such an idea in his mind, and he immediately spoke it out.

Chen Xinyue was a little dumbfounded, knowing what her father had in mind.

"We are not fools. It's okay to rely on luck once or twice. Others will definitely not believe it. Besides, the prodigal brother will not agree to such a thing."

Chen Yunshan rolled his eyes and asked with a strange expression on his face: "Honestly, what is your relationship now?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? What does it have to do with it?"

Chen Xinyue didn't understand what Chen Yunshan meant at all.

"Bai Lang, let me ask you what is your current relationship with that boy Bai Lang." Chen Yunshan asked further.

Only then did Chen Xinyue realize what her father meant by these words, and her face suddenly turned red.

"What kind of relationship can we have? Brother Langzi is from our Dalang Village. I haven't seen him for several years. He just came back a few days ago and happened to come to our store to buy a hook. That's it."

Seeing the strange expression on her father's face, she knew that he must be thinking wrongly.

"That's impossible. If it doesn't matter, how could I tell you about this opportunity to make money?"

Chen Yunshan didn't believe it.

In his opinion, if there was no connection, it would be impossible to say in front of everyone at the dock that the fishing nets were bought in their store, and yesterday they were asked to purchase the fishing nets in advance.

After all, this is a free money-making opportunity. If it has nothing to do with it, even ghosts won't believe it.

"There really is nothing else to do with it!"

Chen Xinyue was a little helpless, but she knew that there was no way to explain this kind of thing clearly.

In her opinion, Bailang was good at studying and good-looking before, and now he is making so much money. His achievements in the future will definitely not be small, and the gap between her and him will definitely become wider and wider.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether there is a relationship now or not, as long as there is a relationship in the future."

Chen Yunshan rolled his eyes a few more times and laughed in his heart.

He is also quite familiar with Bailang. Although he has not seen him for several years, he knows his character and temperament very well.

In his eyes, this is a very good young man, not to mention that he is now making a lot of money.

After the fishing nets in Chen Yunshan's store are sold out, those who want to go out to sea to catch large yellow croakers in a hurry can only go to other stores to buy various fishing nets.

Many people didn't even bother to eat or sleep, so they immediately drove fishing boats out to sea.

If it were normal times, the dock would be densely packed with boats, but now it is empty, with only one of the largest fishing boats still parked here.

"Brother Qiang, can we go to sea?"

Li Mo stood at the stern of the boat and held the rudder tightly. The other fishermen were now fishing for large yellow croakers, but Gao Qiang was still hesitant.

He knew that Gao Qiang was concerned about his face and worried that if he went to sea again this time, someone would gossip after he came back.

For example, he is not as good as Bailang and can only eat with Bailang.

In Li Mo's view, this idea is completely unnecessary, because everyone is the same. If they see someone catching a certain fish to make money, they will all flock to it.

As long as you can make money, face is not an issue. There is nothing more important in the world than making money.

"Go to sea! As long as you can make money, there is nothing to worry about!"

Gao Qiang took out a puff of smoke, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and made a decision.

He was a little scrupulous just now, but slowly he figured it out. As long as he could make money, it didn't matter even if his face was pressed to the ground.

Hearing what Gao Qiang said, Li Mo also laughed. Although he worked for Gao Qiang, if he could catch a large yellow croaker, he would also receive a very considerable dividend, which made him very motivated.

"It's a pity that we went too late and couldn't buy the kind of fishing nets used by Bailang from Lao Chen's fishing gear store."

Li Mo started the engine as he spoke, and then a roar sounded, and the propeller began to rotate faster and faster, stirring the water.

"Those people are really out of their minds. Bailang's ability to catch large yellow croakers has nothing to do with the fishing nets. The mesh is so big that even if they really encounter a school of fish, they won't be able to catch a few large yellow croakers."

Gao Qiang really felt that those people were crazy, insisting on buying fishing nets with such a large mesh just for such a small amount of luck.

Large yellow croakers are rare to find in ten years. Now all the big ones have been caught by Bailang. Even if there are still some, the remaining ones are all small. With a fishing net as big as the mesh, you will definitely not be able to catch even a hair.

The best way is to use a fishing net with a small mesh, so that you are more likely to catch those small and large yellow croakers.

Gao Qiang took a look and saw that several fishing nets with small meshes were neatly arranged on his deck.

In his opinion, every large yellow croaker is extremely precious. If he really encounters a school of large yellow croakers, he will definitely catch them all.Only a fool like Bailang would only catch fish weighing more than three kilograms.

Gao Qiang looked ahead again. Those who had gone out to sea first had already gone further. Everyone became crazy because Bailang had caught a large yellow croaker.

He knew without thinking that in the next few days, this sea area would be densely packed with fishing boats. Everyone would hear the news and come to track the big yellow croaker. Everyone firmly believed that they would be the luckiest one.

Big Wave Village.

In the evening, Bai Lang was woken up by the alarm clock on his cell phone.

After a nap, he got up and started working on dinner. When he returned to the village, he had already agreed with Dazhu that he would come to his place for dinner in the evening and called the village chief.

The dishes he prepared tonight included stir-fried pork with chili peppers, marinated duck in cubes, cold peanuts, and a steamed fish. It was just right for three people and four dishes.

There is nothing special about the place to eat in the evening. Tables and stools are placed directly in the yard.

"Come on, village chief, we are all family members. You are welcome. Let's take a sip first."

Bailang said as he filled the glasses for the two of them. They were both big men, so wine was definitely indispensable.

The village chief touched Bailang and Dazhu, took a sip of wine, and a smile appeared on his old face.

"Prodigal Son, I asked around and heard that you did make a lot of money after returning to the village. This is a good thing. It has been a long time since anyone in Dalang Village made money by fishing. Now you are the head of our village. So shameless!"

The village chief was indeed very happy.

A fishing village can still be called a fishing village if there is no one who can fish.

In recent years, most people in the village have gone out to work or go to work. Bailang is the only one who makes a lot of money by fishing.

He knew that as long as someone in the village could make money fishing, more and more people would continue to come back to fish.

In this way, the village will look like a village and the fishing village will look like a fishing village. This is what he hopes to see most.

"There are still fish in the sea. The key is to find where the fish are. If you are lucky, you can definitely make money."

Bai Lang took a sip of wine, and a burning ball of fire rushed into his stomach. A layer of sweat immediately appeared on his forehead. He took a chopstick of meat and stuffed it into his mouth to suppress the feeling of alcohol.

The money he has earned in the past few days is more than anyone else can earn in a lifetime, and he has gained the confidence to speak.

"So prodigal, what are your next plans?"

The village chief put down the wine bowl in his hand, picked up the dry pipe, lit it, and started smoking.

"We fishermen don't have any good plans. No, there is only one plan, and that is to catch more fish. In the next period of time, I plan to continue fishing, and when I reach a certain level, I will buy a larger fishing boat. , go further afield and continue fishing.”

Bailang's plans for the future are very simple and very clear at the same time.

That is to keep fishing, and keep buying boats. The more fish you catch, the bigger the boat you buy, and the farther you go.

This is actually the way of life that fishermen have lived for generations.

The difference is that he has a system that can find the location of fish schools at any time, and as the system is upgraded, the range of fish schools he can find will become larger and larger.

At that time, he can catch whatever fish he wants and as big a fish as he wants.

For others, fishing may be difficult, but for him, it is easy.

"Well, this is indeed the way we fishermen live and develop."

The village chief nodded. People who have fished here for generations have done this. There is nothing wrong with Bailang's choice of this method.

"In this case, you may need more manpower in the future, so you have to think about this in advance."

The village chief puffed out puff after puff of smoke.

Bailang smiled. He understood what the village chief meant.

He knew that old people like the village chief always had one thought in their hearts, that is, people in fishing villages must fish.

Now everyone in the village has gone out to work, and he really doesn't want to see this.

"Village Chief, I understand what you mean, but I have no say in this kind of thing. If the people in our village are willing to come back to fish, they are all good hands and have experience. Of course I am willing to invite them, but They have to come back voluntarily.”

"As long as you continue to fish, keep fishing like this, and when you buy back the big fishing boat, as long as you need people to go fishing in the ocean, people will naturally come back."

The village chief nodded very firmly, and while speaking, he turned to look at Dazhu, who was eating meat and drinking wine beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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