I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 39 Someone caught a big yellow croaker

Chapter 39 Someone caught a big yellow croaker
"Village Chief, no one can guarantee the future, but if I really buy a big boat and go fishing in the ocean in the future, as long as the people in the village are willing to follow me and are diligent enough, I will never treat them badly in terms of wages. "

Bailang said his promise.

The village chief also nodded and said nothing more about the matter.

Bailang said such words in front of him, this matter has actually been decided. In the future, as long as there are people in the village who are willing to come back to fish, Bailang will definitely give them priority.

As long as he has such a promise.

"By the way, there is another fish steaming inside. It's almost time. Dazhu goes to bring out the fish from the kitchen."

Dazhu stood up without saying a word, walked into the kitchen, and after a while brought out a plate and placed it on the table.

The village chief put down the cigarette rod in his hand, picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up a piece of fish. After he saw clearly what it was, his face couldn't help but change. The chopsticks in his hand shook, and he almost couldn't hold it.

"Prodigal son, you prodigal son, why didn't you just sell this kind of fish when you caught it? Instead, you took it back and ate it yourself?!"

His eyes were as wide as bells. He had been fishing for a lifetime. How could he not recognize the big yellow croaker in front of him?

This fish weighed more than three kilograms at first glance and was worth tens of thousands of yuan. It was steamed just like this!

"We were lucky last night. We encountered a school of large yellow croaker and caught a lot. The others were sold. Let's take this smaller one back and try it ourselves. We can't fish all our lives. What is a large yellow croaker? You don’t even know how it tastes.”

Bailang indeed thought so.

With his ability, he doesn't have to worry about catching fish, but if he doesn't enjoy it no matter how much money he makes, then what's the point.

"But you are too wasteful. This is worth tens of thousands of yuan."

The village chief has been fishing all his life and has never tasted any seafood, but he has never tasted this large yellow croaker.

Although large yellow croakers were very common in the sea in the past, that was six to seventy years ago.

He shook his head helplessly, realizing that he no longer knew what to say to Bai Lang.

"Don't think about this. Isn't this fish just for eating? Those rich people can eat it, but we can't eat it. Try it quickly. It won't taste good when it cools down!"

Bailang said as he picked up a large piece of fish and put it into the village chief's bowl.

As for Dazhu next to him, he had already picked up a large chopstick and stuffed it into his mouth without even having to greet him.

Bailang himself was not ambiguous. He tasted it and found that the precious things were indeed different.

Although this large yellow croaker is simply steamed and is still different from the chef's method, in terms of texture and taste, it is much more delicious than ordinary fish.

It seems that you get what you pay for, and it is expensive.

The three of them chatted while eating and drinking until about nine o'clock in the evening.

Bailang asked Dazhu to send the village chief home who was a little drunk, while he cleaned up the situation.

After cleaning up, he was not sleepy at all because he had just woken up in the afternoon.

Since he didn't drink much, he thought for a moment and simply went out for a walk.

At this time, in a big city, nightlife may have just begun, but in a fishing village it is already very late. Walking on the path in the village, except for the occasional room or two with lights on, everything else is pitch black.

Bailang walked around the village and felt a little bored, so he simply came to the small pier in the village.

There are no lights on the pier, but the water can be seen clearly with its white light.

Except for my own wooden boat, the other wooden boats here are so old that they can barely float on the water.

This kind of fishing boat is usually not maintained by anyone, and it may not be able to withstand larger waves.

There are really very few people who are willing to go out to sea to fish, and it is not easy for Dalang Village to prosper again.

However, Bailang knew that this situation was only temporary. As he caught more and more fish in the future and made more and more money, people in the village would definitely follow him to go fishing together.

After all, it’s not that many fishermen don’t want to fish, it’s that they can’t make any money or even make a living by fishing.

As long as this problem is solved, more and more people will naturally come back.

Shaking his head, Bailang stopped thinking so much for the time being. His only goal or mission now was to catch as many fish as possible.

In this way, his system can be quickly upgraded. After the upgrade, the area of ​​​​the sea area he can search will also be expanded. By then, it will be easy to find fish schools, and there will be no worries about catching fish.

However, if you want to catch more fish, you need a bigger fishing boat.

He only has a deposit of 200 million now. Although it looks like a lot, a big fishing boat is not a speedboat or the like. It can only be bought by several million or even tens of millions.

The little money he has now is obviously not enough.

So in the final analysis, his current mission is to catch as many fish as possible and make more money, so that he can flex his muscles in the future.

Just when Bai Lang was thinking this, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

He looked back and saw that it was Dazhu.

"Dazhu, why didn't you sleep and come here?"

"Haha, I can't sleep now. I want to come over and see if there is any untied place on the ship. I can do some work before I can sleep better."

Dazhu smiled honestly and scratched the back of his head.Bailang couldn't help but feel happy when he heard what he said. It seemed that his memory was really not very good. He had clearly cleaned up the boat before going back during the day.

But he won't say much, just let him do whatever he wants, so that he may feel more at ease.

Dazhu pulled the cable to the edge of the pier.

"What kind of fish does Dazhuqian think we should catch next?"

Bailang suddenly remembered what he was thinking about just now. He had no clue, so Dazhu came and simply asked.

"What kind of fish are you catching? I don't know much about this, but at this time in previous years, people in the village would go out to sea to catch bass."

Dazhu said as he jumped on the fishing boat and started working, using buckets to fetch water from the sea, and washing the deck and potentially dirty places of the fishing boat over and over again.

"Perch? How could I forget this?"

Bailang patted the back of his head. He was really a fan of the authorities.

The bass Dazhu mentioned should be sea bass to be precise.

This is indeed a very good fish with a good price. The most important thing is that it is very big. The average sea bass weighs four to five kilograms, and the big ones weigh more than ten kilograms.

For Bailang, this is indeed a very suitable object for him to capture now.

"Haha, Dazhu, you are absolutely right, let's go to the bass next."

He immediately made a decision. The two of them would have a good rest tonight, make preparations tomorrow, and then go out to sea to catch bass.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky slowly started to get brighter, and the dock in the town began to become lively again.

The fishing boats that rushed out to sea to chase the large yellow croaker yesterday came back one after another.

"Have you heard that Lao Zhao's boat caught two large yellow croakers? Although they are not as big as the ones Bailang caught, they still weigh two or three kilograms!"

"Ah? This is so lucky!"

"Who said it wasn't."

"In addition to Lao Zhao's boat, I heard that Ma Sanpao also caught a large yellow croaker, which was bigger than Lao Zhao's. It is said to be 4 pounds. This will definitely make a fortune."

The pier is getting more and more lively, and everyone is talking about yesterday's fishing trip to the sea for large yellow croaker.

Although no one encountered a school of large yellow croaker, there were a few people who actually caught large yellow croakers and sold them for very good prices.

This seemed to give everyone a shot of stimulant, and everyone's enthusiasm became even higher.

"I don't know if you have heard something. Regardless of Lao Zhao or Ma Sanpao, the fishing nets they use are all bought from Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Store!"

"This is impossible, how could such an evil thing happen?"

"Is it true that using the things bought at Lao Chen's fishing tackle store will lead to better luck?"

"Who knows, anyway, those who catch large yellow croakers now buy fishing nets from that store."

At some point, a rumor spread on the pier that those who caught large yellow croakers used fishing nets bought by Chen Xinyue's family.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the fishing nets in Lao Chen's fishing tackle shop are very popular now.

Some people who did not buy fishing nets yesterday took advantage of the cover of night and quickly ran towards Lao Chen's fishing gear store.

I would rather believe it or not. Since the people who caught the big yellow croaker bought the fishing net from that store, they must try it and try their luck.

Not long after, a large fishing boat slowly docked, quickly attracting the attention of many people.

"Boss Gao, I wonder if you have caught a big yellow croaker?"

"Both Ma Sanpao and Lao Zhao's family caught large yellow croakers and sold them for a lot of money. It's impossible for a master like you to return empty-handed, right?"

Gao Qiang didn't say anything, just pushed away the people who gathered around him and left the dock.

From noon yesterday to early this morning, I worked for more than ten hours and got nothing.

They searched almost all the nearby waters, but couldn't even see the giant yellow croaker.

If it was just that, forget it, but in order to catch the large yellow croaker and not waste time, they encountered several schools of fish during the search, but they never lowered the net.

The result now is that we haven't found any large yellow croakers, and we haven't caught any other fish. We have been busy for so long in vain, and we have also spent thousands of yuan in gas money.

Gao Qiang has never encountered such a loss in all his years of fishing.

The most important thing is that if everyone is the same and doesn't catch a big yellow croaker, it's fine. But when he heard that others had caught a fish just after he came back, he was in a bad mood and had no intention of paying attention to these people.

"Looking at Gao Qiang's appearance, he must have not caught a large yellow croaker."

"That's right, if he had gained something, he would definitely be very nervous now."

"It seems that although Gao Qiang is a little better at fishing than us, he is still not far behind Bailang."

When people here at the dock saw Gao Qiang leaving without saying a word, they immediately guessed that he hadn't caught the big yellow croaker either.

(End of this chapter)

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