I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 60 Wave after wave of fish

Chapter 60 Wave after wave of fish
Wang Jianguo and Dazhu were both experienced in releasing hooks. They were already prepared without Bai Lang having to say anything.

The two people cooperated with each other and placed a basket of hooks in the middle. One person was responsible for picking up the hooks from the edge of the basket, and the other was responsible for taking the hooks and hanging shrimp bait, and then throwing them directly into the sea.

This kind of thing seems very simple, but it must be coordinated well to avoid mistakes.

The most important thing is that the person driving the boat and steering the boat also needs to be an experienced veteran.

If the three of them can cooperate well, then setting the hook will be as easy as eating and drinking.

But if several people don't cooperate well, and some people are fast and others are slow, it will be very uncomfortable.

The result is that the main line of the hook thrown into the sea cannot be straightened at all, and the sub-threads are also likely to become entangled.

Such a fishhook is very conspicuous in the sea, and the fish will definitely not eat it.

Therefore, releasing the hook seems simple on the surface, but it is definitely not an easy task to release it well and quickly. Many crew members even need a year or two of running-in to complete this process smoothly.

But for Bailang, he didn't have to worry at all.

Because both Wang Jianguo and Dazhu, as well as the village chief, are experienced veterans.

When several people work together, they can move smoothly and look very smooth.

Bailang stood on the deck and looked at the cooperation of several people, feeling very impressed in his heart.

If he were alone, or if it was just him and Dazhu, he would definitely be very busy at this time, and he would definitely be in a hurry.

Because if two people control a boat to release the hook, one of them must be at the helm to control the direction and speed of the fishing boat.

The other person must be responsible for picking up the hook from the basket, then hanging the bait and throwing it into the sea.

The program here seems to be just one more, but it is very complicated and the speed will definitely be greatly affected.

But now, he has enough manpower, and he can even stand and enjoy the sea breeze while watching the scenery.

Of course, this is just a joke.

Now that everyone is already busy, Bailang naturally can't sit back and watch leisurely by himself.

He also needs to take some precautions. For example, after placing a basket of hooks, he must move another basket next to him in time, or if he has run out of live bait, he must fish out some more from the live cabin.

"Uncle Jianguo, don't be in a hurry to release the hook. I'll ask you to release it later, and you can start again."

Bailang knew that the two of them were veterans, so he didn't have to worry about releasing the hook, but if he wanted to release the hook accurately, he had to rely on his judgment.

After hearing his instructions, the two of them nodded seriously.

Bailang has been paying attention to the fish information on the interface.

When he saw that the first school of fish was less than 100 meters away, he immediately waved his hand.

"Now, release the row hook!"

He yelled aloud.

Wang Jianguo and Dazhu had already been prepared. Now after hearing his order, they immediately threw the first hook with live bait into the sea.

The village chief controls the direction and speed of the big ship, and the three of them cooperate closely.

The speed was very fast, and within a few minutes, a whole basket of 1000-meter hooks was put down.

The first main line hook directly covered two or three waves of small bass fish.

"Stop first!"

Seeing that Dazhu and the others wanted to place the row of hooks for the second basket, Bailang immediately stopped them.

The next wave of fish is still several hundred meters away, so there is no need to put down the row of hooks now.Wang Jianguo didn't know why Bailang suddenly asked the two of them to stop. Under normal circumstances, if they found a school of fish, shouldn't they continue to release the hook?Keep all the hooks in place.

However, although he was confused, he also knew that there must be a reason for Bailang to do this.

Although they didn't understand, the two stopped.

Bailang ignored the puzzled looks from the two of them. He kept staring at the sea surface repeatedly. In fact, he was paying attention to the fish information on the interface.

"300 meters southeast, there are 221 sea bass, all weighing five pounds and three taels."

"880 meters to the southeast, there are 262 sea bass, all weighing four pounds and seven taels."

Watching them getting closer and closer to the next school of fish, when the distance was less than 100 meters, he asked the two of them to start setting the second basket of hooks.

When Wang Jianguo and Dazhu heard Bailang's orders, they immediately started placing the hooks for the second basket.

After they finished releasing the hooks on the second main line, Bailang asked them to stop again. When they were approaching the third wave of fish, he allowed them to continue releasing the hooks.

The village chief has been responsible for steering the boat and controlling the speed and direction of the fishing boat. For him, an old fisherman who has been fishing for decades, this is simply child's play.

So he was the most relaxed person on the boat at the moment. He had time to observe Wang Jianguo and Dazhu, and most importantly, to observe Bailang.

"I didn't expect that the prodigal son could really see or discover the location of the fish in the sea."

It didn't take him long to figure this out.

Not only did Bai Lang ask Dazhu to adjust the direction of the fishing boat just now, but the most important thing was the details of how he now ordered the two to release the hook.

At the beginning, he was a little confused as to why Bailang did this.

But as the fishing boat passed by, he understood what was going on.

The schools of fish in the sea come in waves, and not all of them gather together.

When Bailang asked Wang Jianguo and the others to stop, there were no fish in the sea. When Bailang asked them to continue releasing, they encountered another wave of fish.

This discovery shocked the village chief.

When fishermen go fishing at sea, they can track the location of fish schools. This is indeed a very incredible skill, because it means that this person can make a lot of money no matter where he fishes.

"The future is terrifying!"

The village chief knows his stuff very well.

When it comes to fishing in the nearby waters, there are few people who are better than him.

But he is so good mainly because of his decades of experience and a little bit of talent in this area.

But even he, who is the best fisherman within a radius of dozens of kilometers, would never be able to accurately find fish schools and accurately place the hooks into the fish nests like Bai Lang.

The village chief believes that if he finds a school of fish, he can only lower the row of hooks within a general range, and he will never be as precise as Bailang.

Bailang kept staring closely at the interface, paying attention to the location of the bass fish found on it.

He knew that his ability might shock the village chief and others, or even find them incredible, but he was not worried at all.

Although his ability to find schools of fish is extraordinary, it is not beyond the imagination of fishermen.

Therefore, Bai Lang is not worried about being exposed at all.

This time they brought a total of 15 baskets of hooks, which added up to 5000 meters and [-] hooks.

In just over an hour, all these rows of hooks had been put down.

(End of this chapter)

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