I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 61 Good news, the sea water has become clear!

Chapter 61 Good news, the sea water has become clear!
"Everyone, take a rest for a while. I'll probably be busy with some work later."

Bailang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Just now he was just standing nearby giving instructions, but due to his high mental stress, he kept staring at the information refreshed by the system. At the same time, he had to direct Wang Jianguo and two people to release the hook, so the consumption was equally huge.

"Hahaha, as long as you can catch fish, it doesn't matter how tired you are, you will have endless energy in your body!"

Wang Jianguo stood up and stretched his hands and feet.

He was indeed a little tired after setting more than 1 meters of row hooks in a row just now, but now he is very energetic and excited.

He had a hunch that there would definitely be a very good harvest today!
Because on the way to lower the hooks, he had noticed that some of the hooks that had just been lowered were immediately bitten by bass.

At this moment, he didn't even want to rest. He wanted to set up the hook immediately and pull up the bass that had already bitten the hook.

However, in order to have better strength later, he sat down to rest for a while and took a drink of water.

Dazhu didn't speak, just smiled honestly, but it was easy to see from the expression on his face that he was also very happy at the moment.

This is the case for people who go fishing at sea. No matter how hard or tiring it is, as long as they see a harvest, it will definitely feel like a shot of chicken blood.

On the contrary, if there is no harvest, it will become lifeless.

Because for fishermen, their catch is money, and no one is not excited when they see the money.

While they were resting, the village chief in charge of the helm had already turned the bow of the boat and started to drive in the direction where the first row of hooks was lowered.

Generally speaking, the effect will be better if you wait for a while after placing the row hooks.

But there is no need for it today, because today’s rows of hooks are placed directly inside the fish school.

And these bass are feeding, in other words, now is the time when these bass are hungry.

They lowered the hooks, and those live shrimps jumped in the sea, and the bass couldn't stand it at all.

Now go back and set up the hook, the time is completely enough.

The village chief also understood this truth, so he did not delay and sailed directly back to the place where the first row of hooks was placed.

However, after they returned to this place, it took them more than 20 minutes to find the first float.

This is actually not surprising at all. It has been two hours since the first row of hooks was put down.

During this time, the sea water was constantly flowing, so it was normal for it to take several 10 minutes to find the float.

"Prodigal son, come here quickly and take a look!"

Bailang was drinking water when he suddenly heard the village chief calling him slightly excitedly.

After hearing this, he immediately ran over and asked, "Village chief, what's wrong?"

"Hahaha, look, the sea water started to become clear at some point, and it's not muddy at all!"

The village chief said, pointing to the sea ahead.

Bailang looked in the direction he pointed and found that the sea surface had turned from dark yellow to blue at some point, and the water had become clear.

"What's going on? Why did the sea water suddenly become clear?"

Bailang scratched the back of his head, wondering why this happened.

They had been busy just now, and no one noticed this.

But no matter what, this is definitely great news!
Their hooks have been placed in the school of feeding bass. Even if the water is muddy, the probability of catching fish is very high.

If the sea water becomes clear now, the chance of catching fish will directly exceed [-]%, which is definitely much better than they expected just now.

"Haha, if this is the case, I can't even think of a good harvest today!"

The village chief was very excited.

He knew very well that in this case, the hooks Bailang put into the school of bass would have an astonishing fish-catching rate.

When he thought about the more than 1 meters of hooks being placed among the fish, he knew that the number of bass that would be pulled up in a while would definitely be an astonishing number.

There will even be more bass than the last time Bailang caught them!The village chief has been fishing all his life, but he has never caught so many bass at one time, or even seen them before.

Wang Jianguo and Dazhu had also noticed the changes in the sea water at this time.

The two were equally excited because they also knew that such conditions were also very conducive to bass fishing.

"Hahaha, I think those who didn't go to sea tonight will definitely bang their heads against the wall with regret after learning this news."

Wang Jianguo shouted excitedly.

Before going to sea, the sea water was very turbid. Seeing this situation, many fishermen chose not to go to sea.

But they didn't expect that the sea water would change so much at this time.

This is actually the wonder of the sea. You can never predict how the weather, wind, waves, or even the tide will change.

When the village chief heard what Wang Jianguo said, he couldn't help but laugh. It was indeed the case.

Unexpectedly, the sea water would change so quickly.

If those who have not gone to sea now know this news, they will definitely be ruined and their intestines will turn green.

When the tide is muddy, there are very few people going out to sea, which also means there are fewer people competing.

It used to be that ten people went out to sea and each of them could catch 10 fish. Now it may become a situation where one person goes out to sea and catches 100 fish.

This situation is naturally expected by every fisherman.

After a few people got excited, they began to prepare to set up the hook.

How much we can gain this time can only be known if we pull up all the row hooks.

The village chief drove the fishing boat steadily close to the first float.

Bailang couldn't help but admire this situation. He knew that even if he were to sail the boat, he wouldn't be able to do this.

This requires very rich experience in sailing.

Sometimes the difference is half a meter, and the skill inside is also very different. He may be able to do it reluctantly, but it is absolutely impossible to do it as skillfully and lightly as the village chief.

Dazhu used a big iron hook to pull up the rope on the float. The moment he took it, he knew that he must have caught a fish, because there was a lot of force pulling from below.

The most important thing is that the main line is constantly trembling, which is the result of the fish struggling after taking the bait.

"Here comes the fish!"

The big pillar pulled the main line, and when the first hook came out of the water, there was a large bass weighing more than five kilograms hanging on it.

Wang Jianguo had been prepared for a long time. He held a large fishing net in his hand. The moment the bass came out of the water, he skillfully copied the bass to the deck.

Because this big bass was so greedy, it swallowed the live shrimp hanging on the hook directly into its stomach, so it had to be cut off with scissors.

The big bass that had just landed was full of energy, jumping around and splashing, and the water directly hit Wang Jianguo and the other two's faces.

But they didn't care at all. Instead, they smiled. As long as there was a harvest, as long as a big fish took the bait, not to mention a little splash of sea water, it didn't matter even if they were soaked all over.

"Hahaha, just such a fish, I got more than 100 yuan!"

Wang Jianguo shouted excitedly.

The bass in front of me weighs about five pounds. The shipping price of wild bass is 30-35, and it should be more than 40 in the seafood market.

They are the first-hand source, so they are cheaper, but a fish like this is worth more than 100 yuan.

Wang Jianguo was so excited that he almost danced when he thought about how many large bass were waiting in the water below.

However, he restrained himself and continued to pull up the row hook in cooperation with Dazhu.

There are two of them, one pulls the main line, and the other is responsible for using the net to lift the bass onto the boat, and then removes the hook or directly cuts the sub-line.

Bailang is right next to him. Now he doesn't have to pull in the fish at all. The only thing he has to do is to put all the bass into the fish bin when they accumulate to a certain level, and then cover them with ice to keep them fresh.

(End of this chapter)

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