I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 62: Hitting the wall with regret

Chapter 62: Hitting the wall with regret

Dazhu and Wang Jianguo cooperated very quickly. They pulled up the hooks on the first main line one by one, and the deck was filled with big bass one after another.

Bailang didn't know how long he had been busy.

He kept working hard, constantly moving the fish piled on the deck into the fish warehouse.

When he finished the last fish, he realized that his back was so sore that he couldn't even straighten his waist for a while.

I looked at the time and saw that four hours had passed since the first row of hooks.

The sky has also changed from dim and bright at first to bright and sunny now.

He took a look and found that the three of them, including himself, were covered in sweat, but everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

Although I had been working extremely hard for four hours just now, the reward was absolutely worth it.

Because there were so many bass hooked that almost half of the fish bin was filled, Bailang poured a layer of ice on them to keep them as fresh as possible.

Fortunately, they are not very far from the pier, and it doesn't take too long to get back, so these fish will not be greatly affected.

After taking a rest, Bai Lang took out his mobile phone and called Tang Dahai to ask him to prepare in advance.

"Come on, let's go back and sell fish!"

Bai Lang waved his hand.

The village chief turned the bow of the boat and rode the wind and waves towards the town's pier.

Wang Jianguo and Dazhu were very excited. They sat on the deck and drank water.

After several hours of high-intensity work, although both of them were very strong, they were almost exhausted.

But as long as they think of the fish warehouse filled with all kinds of big bass, they can't suppress the smiles on their faces.

"Prodigal Son, it seems that the bass we caught this time out at sea should not be less than [-] kilograms!"

Wang Jianguo said, giving Bailang a thumbs up.

As a very good fisherman himself, he knows very well what it means for Bailang to catch more than 1 kilograms of bass in one go.

In this coastal area, it is really rare to catch so many fish, and in the current marine resource environment.

The only thing that can be done may be to chase the fish school.

But people with such ability are definitely rare.

Bailang has such ability. Needless to say, he is definitely one of the most powerful fishermen now.

Wang Jianguo has been fishing for so long before, and he has never seen anyone nearby who has such skill in fishing.

"If we had used a trawl net today, not a single bass in the sea would be able to escape. I really can't imagine how many bass we could catch if that were the case?"

Wang Jianguo thought that today these bass were all caught with hooks.

He couldn't help but imagine that if a large trawl net was used, very few of those bass would escape in the end.

Maybe they can catch [-] kilograms or even [-] kilograms of bass this time!

Dazhu listened silently, but kept smiling.

Obviously he had the same idea as Wang Jianguo.

If trawling was used today, not many of these bass would have escaped.

"Haha, Uncle Jianguo, you are right. If you use a large trawl net, you can indeed catch more bass, but the big boat we have now cannot use such a trawl net at all.

Also, for other people it may be better to use a trawl, but for me it is not very good.

The reason is very simple, that is, the trawl net is not very flexible and is not as convenient as rowing hooks.

And facts have proven that even if we release the hook, we can still achieve huge harvests, so there is no need to use a trawl net. "

Bai Lang shook his head, although Wang Jianguo was right.

In this case, especially for someone like him who can find schools of fish, it is indeed possible to catch all these bass if he uses a trawl net.

But again, using a trawl is inflexible.

Also, if you use a trawl net to fish, the damage to the fish will be relatively large, and it is easy to catch the fish to extinction, but this will not happen with a row hook.

This sea is their home and a place to feed them. It is more meaningful to retain certain fish species and allow them to continue to thrive.Wang Jianguo thought for a while and felt that what Bai Lang said made sense.

Because Bailang is different from others, he can find the location of the fish school, which means he can catch a lot of fish every time he releases the hook. There is no need to use a trawl net.

The village chief drove the boat, while Bailang and the others chatted, and drove towards the town.

What they don't know is that there is now a turmoil at the town dock.

"What's going on? Why did the tide suddenly become clear?"

"Yes, it usually takes a day or two for the tide to clear up. How come it's only been like this for a few hours today?"

"What a big loss. If I had known this, I should have gone to sea. Now I have missed a good opportunity!"

"There are not many people going to sea in our town tonight, but Bai Lang seems to be going out to sea in his newly bought big boat."

"Does Bailang even know that the tide will clear? If that's the case, then he is so powerful."

A lot of people gathered at the pier in the morning.

Many people planned to go out to sea last night, but chose to give up because of the turbid tide.

They woke up early in the morning and originally wanted to find some breakfast, but suddenly found that the tide had turned clear at some point.

At this time, the sea water here at the pier is already crystal clear, which is obviously very suitable for fishing.

The most important thing is that because the tide was relatively turbid before, few people went out to sea to fish. This means that if someone did go out to sea last night, they might have made a lot of money by now.

The people on the dock looked left and right and found that most of them were familiar people, and none of them had gone to sea.

The only thing that is certain is that Bailang really sailed out to sea last night.

"That guy from Bailang is really good at fishing, but now he's the only one out to sea. Doesn't that mean he can catch all the fish in the sea?"

"I guess Bailang's big boat must have a lot of fish on it now."

"Hey, if I had known this, I should have gritted my teeth and gone to sea with Bailang."

Gao Qiang was also standing at the dock at this time.

He originally planned to go to sea in the early morning, but like others, he did not choose to go to sea this time because of the tide.

But he saw Bailang going out to sea with his own eyes last night.

He came here early this morning just to see if Bailang could still catch fish at such a tide.

But seeing that the tide has become clear at some point, it goes without saying that with Bailang's ability, he will definitely make a lot of money again.

"We should have insisted on going to sea."

Li Mo stood beside him.

Looking at the clear sea water, he felt extremely regretful at this moment.

Although it was great to have a good night's sleep last night, it wouldn't feel good at all if I didn't make any money.

If no one can make any money, it doesn't matter, just treat it as a day off.

But now there is a person who has made money, and it is very likely that he has made a lot of money. Especially if this person is Bai Lang, it will make people even more unhappy.

"It's too late to say anything now."

Gao Qiang sighed.

There is no point in saying this now, time will not go back.

At this time, he discovered that not only was his fishing ability inferior to Bailang's, but his courage and courage were also inferior.

"I wonder how many bass that guy from Bailang can catch?"

"I guess he must have come back with a full load. Last time he caught [-] kilograms of bass. This time no one can compete with him, so he will definitely catch more!"

"Bailang has now changed to a big ship. If it is full, it will be terrible."

"Hey, it seems we can never compare with Bailang."

(End of this chapter)

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