I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 68 Big upgrade of fishing tackle shop

Chapter 68 Big upgrade of fishing tackle shop
After Bailang and Dazhu walked around the town, they slowly arrived at the door of Chen Xinyue's fishing tackle shop. Bailang originally planned to go in and take a look.

But when I looked up, I found that the store door was closed.

"What's going on? Why is it closed?"

It was already morning. Under normal circumstances, Chen Xinyue would not have gotten up yet.

Bailang took a closer look and found that there was a piece of red paper stuck on the closed door, with a notice for renting clearly written on it.

"Could it be that their fishing tackle shop couldn't survive and closed down?"

He thought it was impossible. Business was going well a few days ago, and he had just received a big order from himself. How could he not be able to continue operating?

Bailang couldn't figure it out, so he simply took out his mobile phone and called Chen Xinyue.

After making the call, he found out what was going on. It turned out that it was not that their fishing gear shop could no longer be opened, but that it had moved to another location, just two or three hundred meters ahead.

Bailang continued to drive a distance and soon saw Chen Xinyue standing at the door of a shop, waving to him.

After he drove over and parked the car, he looked up and saw a huge "Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Shop" sign above.

And their current store is at least three times larger than the previous one.

"It seems that your business is really good. You have changed to such a big store so quickly."

Bailang said as he walked into the store, looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but nodded.

Now Chen Xinyue's fishing tackle shop is much more advanced than the previous one in terms of area and design.

Bailang took a general look and found that the area of ​​the shop was more than 200 square meters, and it was well organized. There were two main items, one was fishing nets, and the other was hooks.

The most important thing is that the business in the store is very good now, and many people are choosing fishing nets and fishing gear.

What surprised him even more was that their fishing tackle shop also hired two employees.

It can be seen from these two female employees who are also young that the business in their store is indeed very good now, and this is definitely making money.

Bailang hasn't been to their store since he bought the big boat a few days ago, so he doesn't even know that they have changed to a bigger store.

At this time, he was not only feeling a little emotional. During the time he returned to the village to fish, he not only changed himself, but also changed the people around him, such as Dazhu, Wang Jianguo, the village chief, and even Tang Dahai, including Chen Xinyue in front of him. .
"Brother Prodigal Son, these are all thanks to you. Without you, our store wouldn't be able to open at all, and the business wouldn't be so good."

Chen Xinyue led Bailang and Dazhu to sit down on the sofa and immediately boiled water for tea.

The business inside the store was very busy, and people kept coming in wanting to buy fishing nets or hooks.

But now that Bai Lang is here, no matter how busy her business is, she must entertain them well.

Not only do we all grow up in the same village, but without the support of Bailang, their fishing gear shop would not be able to achieve this level of business.

"What you say is too exaggerated."

Bailang also knew that part of the reason was his own, but it would be too exaggerated to say that he relied entirely on himself.

"It's no exaggeration at all. You can get very good results every time you go to sea. Many people say that you can track schools of fish and find their existence even in the vast sea.

In addition, a large number of people believe that the reason why you can catch so many fish is because the fishing nets and fishing gear bought in our store, the fishing nets and hooks in our store have a luck bonus, so you Every time I go to sea, I get such good results.

Only a small number of people believed this statement at first, but as you return home with a full load every time you go to sea, more and more people believe this statement.

In addition, the quality of the fishing nets and fishing gear in our store is better than that in ordinary stores, and the prices are not high, so more and more people come to our store to buy fishing gear.

It turned out that our store was too small, so my dad and I gritted our teeth and finally rented the store.

It seems that the business is very good so far, and I have already made a lot of money in just one day."

Chen Xinyue had nothing to hide in front of Bai Lang, and she told everything like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.Finally, she stretched out a finger and gestured.

At this time, Bai Lang was really surprised. It was definitely impossible for her finger to refer to 1000 yuan, so there was only one possibility, 1 yuan!

"Is it really so profitable to do fishing gear business?"

Bailang turned around and looked.

Now the business of Chen Xinyue's shop is indeed very good. People are coming and going. Besides Chen Xinyue, there are two people who are constantly greeting the customers.

"Brother Prodigal Son, to be honest, we didn't expect it."

Chen Xinyue was too excited to sleep last night.

The business in the store is now very good, and the money earned is definitely an amount she had never imagined before.

"Many fishing nets, including hooks, are consumables. If you catch fish at sea, they will most likely have to be replaced. If you have a fixed customer base, it is not surprising to have such a profit."

Bailang was indeed a little surprised at first.

But after careful consideration, he found that such a profit was relatively normal.

Ten or even 20 years ago, when fishermen went out to sea to fish, the nets they used were basically mended and repaired for three years, but now few people do this.

If the fishing net you use when fishing at sea is broken, you will most likely need to replace it and buy a new one.

The main reason is that today's fishing nets are relatively cheap. Rather than spending time repairing the broken areas, it is better to just replace them with new ones.

"Well, Brother Prodigal, you are right."

Because the quality is good and the price is right, Chen Xinyue's fishing tackle shop already has a stable number of customers.

The most important thing is that many fishermen still believe in luck.

Many customers who come to their store to buy fishing gear for the first time do so for this reason.

"Brother Prodigal Son, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, our fishing gear store would never have such a good business."

Chen Xinyue thanked him again.

Bailang really changed the fate of their family, and it was a complete change.

"Haha, your words are too polite. We are all from the same village. The most important thing is that you seized this opportunity."

The reason why Chen Xinyue was able to turn a small fishing gear shop into such a big one today was that although she borrowed his help, her own abilities were also indispensable.

Although she is still young, she has both courage and knowledge. Otherwise, she would not have been able to open her small fishing gear shop to such a big size in a short period of time.

After Bai Lang and Bai Lang sat for a while, Chen Xinyue offered to treat them both to dinner.

But Bailang still refused.

One is that the business in her store is very good now, and the other is that Bailang has made an appointment with Tang Dahai to take a look at the big ship that is being maintained later.

Before leaving, Bailang also told Chen Xinyue that they would go to sea in two days.

Ask her to prepare all the fishing nets and hooks she needs, and he will come to pick them up later.

Chen Xinyue immediately nodded and agreed. What Bailang needs must not be delayed and must be completed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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