I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 69 The fishing boat missed something

Chapter 69 The fishing boat missed something

Not long after Bailang left, Chen Yunshan came back from the city.

In the past two days, he has been busy purchasing the things he needs on the Bailang ship, and now he just got everything back.

Seeing that her father was back, Chen Xinyue also told him the news about Bailang's visit just now.

"Hey, I've been very tired these past two days, but fortunately, I've got everything Bailang wants."

Chen Yunshan sat down and took a sip of tea.

"Dad, there is something we must pay attention to."

Chen Xinyue looked around and said cautiously.

This matter has been on her mind for several days, and she has never known what to do. But when she saw Bailang approaching just now, an idea suddenly came to her.

"What's going on? Why is it so mysterious?"

Chen Yunshan felt a little strange. He didn't know what his daughter wanted to tell him.

But he knew it must be something important, otherwise the business in the store was so good now that she would not be chatting with him here.

"Our store is developing so fast, and business is really good."

The expression on Chen Xinyue's face was a little serious, and this matter made her a little worried.

"Well, isn't that a good thing?"

Chen Yunshan was even more strange.

When you open a store and do business, don’t you just hope that the business will be better?

Now that the business in their store is so good, why does my daughter still look worried?

“It’s just because our store’s business is so good that I’m worried. Don’t forget, we’re not the only ones doing fishing gear business here in town.

If our business is not very good and so-so, then there will definitely be no problem.

But now we have suddenly emerged and our business is very good. People who originally went to other stores to buy fishing gear come to our store to buy it. This is the situation we are facing now.

Of course making money is a good thing, but I always feel that we will be in trouble next and we must find a way to solve it. "

The more Chen Xinyue talked, the more worried she became.

Making money is a good thing, but it also comes with a lot of trouble.

She always felt that many people looked at her strangely these days, which made her a little scared.

After hearing this, Chen Yunshan fell silent. He knew that his daughter was right.

Originally they just opened a small store, and even if the business was good, not many people cared.

But now their store is considered the largest fishing gear store in town, and its business is booming, taking away a lot of business from other stores.

In this case, other bosses will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, and may even cause trouble for them.

If Chen Xinyue was a grown man, this matter would be easier to deal with. At worst, we would just fight together.

But after all, she gave birth to a daughter, and she was alone in the store most of the time. If there was trouble, the clerk would definitely not fight to the death.

Thinking of this, Chen Yunshan suddenly became anxious, and now he must find a good solution.

Seemingly sensing her father's worries, Chen Xinyue said: "Originally, I was also very worried, but when the prodigal brother came just now, I suddenly thought of a way."

"What method? Is it related to Bailang?"

Chen Yunshan said with some confusion.

"The business in the store is very good now, but the key is that we have no backer. If someone really comes to make trouble, we will definitely have nothing to do, but if Brother Prodigal is willing to help us, then the problem will be easily solved."

Chen Xinyue knew Bailang's status in the town. If he was willing to help, all problems would be solved.

"Bai Lang has already helped us a lot, will he still help us?"

Chen Yunshan also knew that this method was good.

If Bailang could come forward, no one would dare to cause trouble for them.

The key to the problem is why Bailang wants to help them.

To put it bluntly, in fact, everyone is not related to each other. Now that their store has such a good business, Bailang has already helped a lot.

"Xinyue, you can't be." Just when Chen Yunshan was struggling with what method to use to get Bailang to help them, he seemed to have thought of something when he patted his head.

Then he looked around and found that the business in the store was relatively good and there were more people coming and going. It was difficult to speak directly, so he simply moved closer and spoke out what was in his mind.

After hearing this, Chen Xinyue's face turned red and she stamped her feet angrily.

"Dad, what are you thinking about? Don't you have some good ideas?"

"I think this idea is a good one, and it won't do you any harm. Besides, this is just false news now. I feel that even if I don't use this idea, it won't take long for similar gossip to happen. Spread the word.”

Chen Yunshan felt that his idea was definitely not a bad idea.

Bailang often comes to their store to buy things. He is also close to Chen Xinyue and often helps them.

The people in the town are not blind, anyone with sight can see that their relationship is unusual.

"No, you absolutely can't do this kind of thing, otherwise I feel like I won't be able to see the prodigal brother in the future."

Chen Xinyue shook her head and refused.

"Okay, forget it if you don't agree, then we'll just have to see what your solution is."

Chen Yunshan waved his hand.

His idea seemed unreliable, but in fact it was the most reliable. But after all, his daughter was thin-skinned, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Business in the store is very good now, and there must be many people watching or looking for trouble. We definitely can't do it by ourselves now.

My idea is that we can give some of the single shares in the store to the prodigal brother. In this case, he will have a relationship with our store. No matter what happens in the store, he will definitely lend a hand to help."

Chen Xinyue expressed her idea.

Chen Yunshan thought for a while and nodded.

If they give a certain amount of dry shares to Bailang, they will definitely make less profit, but they can get the normal operation of the store in exchange.

Moreover, a large part of the reason why their store's business is so good is also influenced by Bailang, so it is only natural to give a dry share to Bailang.

"I also agree with you. Without Bailang, our store would never be what it is today."

Chen Yunshan saw this matter very clearly, and it was true whether Bai Langcheng admitted it or not.

When Chen Xinyue saw that her father agreed with this matter, she decided to cut through the mess quickly and solve the problem immediately.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and called Bailang. After asking where he was, she rushed over immediately.

Chen Yunshan looked at his daughter's leaving figure, thought for a moment, and felt that this matter was not 100% safe.

Although he agreed with Chen Xinyue's approach, based on his understanding of Bailang, Bailang would probably not want the dry stocks in their store.

To put it bluntly, Bailang may not even take the money in their store seriously.

At this time, Bailang had already met Tang Dahai, and the two were talking about the inspection of the large ship.

"Boss Bai, the quality of this big ship is really good. If the last boss knew that his ten-year-old ship still had such quality, he would definitely not sell it to you at such a low price."

Although this large ship has not yet been completely inspected, a large part of it has been inspected.

Then they discovered that the quality of this big ship was much better than they imagined, which meant that the money spent on buying this ship was really worth it.

"The engineer who did the inspection just now also said that even if this ship is sold for 70 to [-] yuan, there are still people rushing to get it!"

Tang Dahai couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

This big ship was found by his contact at the time and then sold to Bailang.

Unexpectedly, not only was it not expensive, it was also much cheaper. If we use it in the antique collection industry, it is a mistake.

"Haha, if that's the case, that would be great. It might take a year and a half to sell it. Not only will you not lose money, but you can also make a small profit."

Bailang didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He originally planned to buy a suitable second-hand boat that could be used for a year or two, and then it would be fine even if it was scrapped directly.

As a result, after testing it now, I found that I seemed to have found a treasure.

Although he no longer takes this little money seriously, as long as he can make money or not lose money, it is always a pleasant thing.

(End of this chapter)

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